Tar Sand Oil Pipeline Ruptures in Arkansas.

B. Ever hear of x-rays? Ever hear of scheduled maintenance? Or are you lost in the world of halfwit apologists who fix shit after it blights everything around it? Bottom line: You are making it up, Prunella

I work in and around the industry,pipelines, storage terminals and the control and alarm systems that protect them and I am here to tell you pipeline and terminal people are as anal as they come,yep I have heard of x rays and not just reading about them ,now if anyone is making shit up its most likely you.
Why do I even bother?

You don't. That's what I tried to point out. I posited my argument and your reply was "Poppycock". I merely sunk to your level to point out your inability to form a cogent rebuttal.

Cogent rebuttal??? LMAO. You have to bring some to get some. LOL

Remember this comment you made a while back? "Yup! It's about discrinating against "whitey" so Democrats can keep black votes. You are an asshole; in a class somewhat below Truthmatters."
Destroys any semblance of "cogent rebuttal" you had or may have had. You're a dishonest poster, and incapable of objectivity.

You had no rebuttal for that either except to call names.
Look! We disagree on practically everything. The difference is, I can tell you why. You can call me dishonest.
I haven't told anyone anything, except that I think it's a "bad ide". But here is someone more eloquent than I:
Six reasons to oppose Keystone pipeline » peoplesworld

Quite the unbiased source. What's the non-Marxist opinion?

No opinion. The proof is in the reality. The pipeline "ruptured", causing havoc. As was predicted.

Cars crash. Causing Havoc

Airplanes crash.Causing Havoc

Houses burn down.Causing Havoc

Pipeline ruptured. Causing Havoc

*****yawn***** shall I continue, chicken little?

My original post admitted pipelines are essential because of their efficiency and safety. Then you objected to penalizing criminal pipeline operators with a lot of nutball shit. Here is where we left it when the thread disappeared into "more below"...

A. sabotage and theft are not being discussed here. Please refrain from adding liar to fool.

B. Ever hear of x-rays? Ever hear of scheduled maintenance? Or are you lost in the world of halfwit apologists who fix shit after it blights everything around it? Bottom line: You are making it up, Prunella.

C. Fact: Proper pipeline maintenance eliminates 100% of internal pipeline fails.

Now, are you ready to discuss adequate penalties for cut-price building and/ or cut-price maintenance, or like most nutball fools are you determined to treat criminal neglect as God's will?

And thank your girlfriend Ernestine S for negging me for posting facts. That is high integrity stuff.

For the third time!!! If fraud has been committed then there should be prosecutions.

I have plainly stated this twice before what is so hard ?? Not every leak is the result of some nefarious money making scam.

Okay. At last you admit the need for prosecutions - the sole original topic without diverting into a lot of off topic, irrelevant - and false - nonsense or bringing Ernestine in from the side.

Now, maybe you can list what you believe are reasonable penalties for cut-price building and cut-price maintenance, the sole causes of internal pipeline failures?

LOL death slow hows that,what do you believe should be penalties,an area that I couldn't make an informed opinion on,I am not a prosecutor.

I am not admitting anything, the only thing you have convinced me of is your lack of real knowledge and an adversarial position in regard too the oil and gas industry. Something that you depend on from one moment to the next,but nether have the will or the ability to state.
No opinion. The proof is in the reality. The pipeline "ruptured", causing havoc. As was predicted.

History tells me the mess will get cleaned up just like other always have. Better enforcement of safety standards should be demanded but that isn't possible when any calls for that are drowned out by opponents that are all batshit crazy hypocrites.

Cleaned up? When an ounce of prevention is worth a whole pound of "cure"???? Talk about backwards thinking. Now that's some wasteful spending....while we cut social programs which empower and assist children and the elderly. Batshit crazy, indeed.

Taxes pay for the social programs. Commerce provides revenue for taxes. Commerce requires energy.
To recap: 100% of internal pipeline "accidents" are DIRECTLY CONNECTED to either cut-price construction or cut-price maintenance. There are zero exceptions to that absolute fact. A fact rarely connected to fraud against the public although frequently connected to theft and fraud against stockholders, an entirely different crime that is almost impossible to prove UNTIL AN ACCIDENT OCCURS.

Instead of making up shit you are clueless about and that I have thousands of miles of pipeline experience with, why not answer the question?

I did ,I clearly stated that if fraud was committed then they should be prosecuted, READ

and no 100% is not true and you can't prove it. Age is a factor in many spills and leaks,also sabotage and theft attempts,but if you have thousands of miles of experience you would know that.

To Chik and your Greek Chorus, Ernie S:

1. sabotage and theft are not "internal" pipeline accidents
2. age is covered/ mooted by proper maintenance
3. the issue is proper punishment, not horsehit

Next kick at the can, please?
Seeing you don't allow private contact with anyone other than sycophants:
No sir. I negged you for implying that I am parroting chikenwing. Perhaps you can point out where?
So we're up to "most likely" are we, Chik?

Bottom line: Properly constructed and properly maintained pipelines don't fail. 100% of internal failures on record in the lower 48 states - there are ZERO exceptions - track back to cut-price construction or cut-price maintenance. Around the world some have tracked back to earthquakes, etc., but in all of those cases where the pipeline survived the earthquake intact, proper maintenance would have prevented later failures. Which takes us back to proper maintenance can and does protect public health and safety.

Moving on...

In my opinion penalties for shortcutting public health and safety should be severe, perhaps draconian, specifically penetrating the corporate veil to punish executives who encourage cut-price practices.

Chik seems to be unable to address the punishment issue directly. Anyone else believe endangering public health and safety should be punished harshly?
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so Harshly is the punishment?? how harsh,I suggested slow death,so your just with harsh LOL

I am going to use the all magical link stand.

prove that 100% of failures are due to purposeful negligent and corner cutting,until you can and you won't your full of shit.
Gotta love it.

Arkansas residents evacuate as Exxon-Mobil tar sands pipeline ruptures | The Raw Story

An Exxon-Mobil oil pipeline ruptured Friday afternoon in the town of Mayflower, Arkansas, forcing the evacuation of 20 homes and shutting down sections of interstate highway. According to Little Rock’s KATV, a hazardous materials team from the Office of Emergency Management has contained the spill and is currently attempting a cleanup.

The burst pipe is part of the Pegasus pipeline network, which connects tar sands along the Gulf coast to refineries in Houston. Thousands of gallons of crude oil erupted from the breach around 3:00 p.m. on Friday, spilling through a housing subdivision and into the town’s storm drainage system, fouling drainage ditches and shutting down Highway 365 and Interstate 40.

Residents were evacuated to avoid health hazards from crude oil fumes and to keep stray sparks from igniting the standing oil. Emergency workers contained the spill by hastily constructing earthen dams.

So what do you propose we do about it? Stop driving? Stop flying? Shut down the entire world?
Why you would try to make this political is beyond me. And unless you're ready to move into a mud hut and stop using power of any kind you need to STFU.
The issue isn't whether additional pipelines are needed. Of course they are.

The issues are about appropriate punishments for rogue corporations whose failure to properly build and maintain pipelines put quality of life at risk.

When corporate executives are imprisoned and senior executive's personal assets are seized to pay damages, then these accidents will cease. My years of experience with pipelines make it clear no accidents at all NEED to occur. Every accident on record is 100% due to cutting corners on executive orders.

Given the need for energy and the efficiency of pipelines, solutions for preventing environmental disasters are clear, basic, and do not involve legions of government halfwits getting in the way. Whether the lemming people in congress can escape the grasp of corporate ownership long enough to bumble into draconian punishment as the cheapest most effective solution to corporate criminality is the only unresolved question.

Without "government halfwits" and government regulations profit will generally supersede caution in commerce. Laissez-Faire ideology may be fine in theory, but not when when the ideologues family suffers or property is damaged by the greed of others.
Gotta love it.

Arkansas residents evacuate as Exxon-Mobil tar sands pipeline ruptures | The Raw Story

An Exxon-Mobil oil pipeline ruptured Friday afternoon in the town of Mayflower, Arkansas, forcing the evacuation of 20 homes and shutting down sections of interstate highway. According to Little Rock’s KATV, a hazardous materials team from the Office of Emergency Management has contained the spill and is currently attempting a cleanup.

The burst pipe is part of the Pegasus pipeline network, which connects tar sands along the Gulf coast to refineries in Houston. Thousands of gallons of crude oil erupted from the breach around 3:00 p.m. on Friday, spilling through a housing subdivision and into the town’s storm drainage system, fouling drainage ditches and shutting down Highway 365 and Interstate 40.

Residents were evacuated to avoid health hazards from crude oil fumes and to keep stray sparks from igniting the standing oil. Emergency workers contained the spill by hastily constructing earthen dams.
but, but this wasn't supposed to happen :eek: according to the pols (mostly rw) and their lobbyists!!! :doubt: :eusa_hand:
so Harshly is the punishment?? how harsh,I suggested slow death,so your just with harsh LOL

I am going to use the all magical link stand.

prove that 100% of failures are due to purposeful negligent and corner cutting,until you can and you won't your full of shit.

The sole reason for me running you to earth like this is to prove you have nothing worthwhile to say on the subject. While we both agree that pipelines are essential because of efficiency and safety, you are either too ignorant from lack of knowledge or too dishonest because of overt nutballism to discuss penalties for endangering public health and safety.

Thank you for admitting that. A part of me feels bad about this, but it was your choice.

We are done here.
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So what do you propose we do about it? Stop driving? Stop flying? Shut down the entire world?
Why you would try to make this political is beyond me. And unless you're ready to move into a mud hut and stop using power of any kind you need to STFU.

Raw Story, like the rest of the media, doesn't make money from readers that have any brains.

Don't you feel sorry for the babies that were evacuated?

What about the puppies?
but, but this wasn't supposed to happen :eek: according to the pols (mostly rw) and their lobbyists!!! :doubt: :eusa_hand:

Only the most dimwittted partisan would use every accident to promote a political agenda

ac·ci·dent/ˈæksɪdənt/ Show Spelled [ak-si-duhnt] Show IPA
1. an undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, or loss; casualty; mishap: automobile accidents.
2. Law. such a happening resulting in injury that is in no way the fault of the injured person for which compensation or indemnity is legally sought.
3. any event that happens unexpectedly, without a deliberate plan or cause.
4. chance; fortune; luck: I was there by accident.
5. a fortuitous circumstance, quality, or characteristic: an accident of birth.
so Harshly is the punishment?? how harsh,I suggested slow death,so your just with harsh LOL

I am going to use the all magical link stand.

prove that 100% of failures are due to purposeful negligent and corner cutting,until you can and you won't your full of shit.

The sole reason for me running you to earth like this is to prove you have nothing worthwhile to say on the subject. While we both agree that pipelines are essential because of efficiency and safety, you are either too ignorant from lack of knowledge or too dishonest because of overt nutballism to discuss penalties for endangering public health and safety.

Thank you for admitting that. A part of me feels bad about this, but it was your choice.

We are done here.

thanks you were getting boring.
So what do you propose we do about it? Stop driving? Stop flying? Shut down the entire world?
Why you would try to make this political is beyond me. And unless you're ready to move into a mud hut and stop using power of any kind you need to STFU.

Raw Story, like the rest of the media, doesn't make money from readers that have any brains.

Don't you feel sorry for the babies that were evacuated?

What about the puppies?

I'm a heartless bastard......
but, but this wasn't supposed to happen :eek: according to the pols (mostly rw) and their lobbyists!!! :doubt: :eusa_hand:

Only the most dimwittted partisan would use every accident to promote a political agenda

ac·ci·dent/ˈæksɪdənt/ Show Spelled [ak-si-duhnt] Show IPA
1. an undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, or loss; casualty; mishap: automobile accidents.
2. Law. such a happening resulting in injury that is in no way the fault of the injured person for which compensation or indemnity is legally sought.
3. any event that happens unexpectedly, without a deliberate plan or cause.
4. chance; fortune; luck: I was there by accident.
5. a fortuitous circumstance, quality, or characteristic: an accident of birth.

you think it was an accident :lol: Everyone who ISN'T a rw'er knew it was going to happen. :eusa_eh: It wasn't t a matter of "if" but "when" con boi.
You don't. That's what I tried to point out. I posited my argument and your reply was "Poppycock". I merely sunk to your level to point out your inability to form a cogent rebuttal.

Cogent rebuttal??? LMAO. You have to bring some to get some. LOL

Remember this comment you made a while back? "Yup! It's about discrinating against "whitey" so Democrats can keep black votes. You are an asshole; in a class somewhat below Truthmatters."
Destroys any semblance of "cogent rebuttal" you had or may have had. You're a dishonest poster, and incapable of objectivity.

You had no rebuttal for that either except to call names.
Look! We disagree on practically everything. The difference is, I can tell you why. You can call me dishonest.

I only respond "in kind". I don't care why. Hello?
Gotta love it.

Arkansas residents evacuate as Exxon-Mobil tar sands pipeline ruptures | The Raw Story

An Exxon-Mobil oil pipeline ruptured Friday afternoon in the town of Mayflower, Arkansas, forcing the evacuation of 20 homes and shutting down sections of interstate highway. According to Little Rock’s KATV, a hazardous materials team from the Office of Emergency Management has contained the spill and is currently attempting a cleanup.

The burst pipe is part of the Pegasus pipeline network, which connects tar sands along the Gulf coast to refineries in Houston. Thousands of gallons of crude oil erupted from the breach around 3:00 p.m. on Friday, spilling through a housing subdivision and into the town’s storm drainage system, fouling drainage ditches and shutting down Highway 365 and Interstate 40.

Residents were evacuated to avoid health hazards from crude oil fumes and to keep stray sparks from igniting the standing oil. Emergency workers contained the spill by hastily constructing earthen dams.

So suffering and misery of your fellows Americans is something you love.

Is the nature being killed off just another plus, or is the human suffering enough for you?
Gotta love it.

Arkansas residents evacuate as Exxon-Mobil tar sands pipeline ruptures | The Raw Story

An Exxon-Mobil oil pipeline ruptured Friday afternoon in the town of Mayflower, Arkansas, forcing the evacuation of 20 homes and shutting down sections of interstate highway. According to Little Rock’s KATV, a hazardous materials team from the Office of Emergency Management has contained the spill and is currently attempting a cleanup.

The burst pipe is part of the Pegasus pipeline network, which connects tar sands along the Gulf coast to refineries in Houston. Thousands of gallons of crude oil erupted from the breach around 3:00 p.m. on Friday, spilling through a housing subdivision and into the town’s storm drainage system, fouling drainage ditches and shutting down Highway 365 and Interstate 40.

Residents were evacuated to avoid health hazards from crude oil fumes and to keep stray sparks from igniting the standing oil. Emergency workers contained the spill by hastily constructing earthen dams.

Why do you love it?? it takes some kind of twisted to find pleasure in this.

b/c you're a demented low life that takes pleasure in humans suffering.

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