Tar Sand Oil Pipeline Ruptures in Arkansas.

Why do you love it?? it takes some kind of twisted to find pleasure in this.

b/c you're a demented low life that takes pleasure in humans suffering.

Pleasure in human suffering caused by stupid humans doing stupid things they were warned against????? Most definitely...it's called "schadenfreude".
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Cogent rebuttal??? LMAO. You have to bring some to get some. LOL

Remember this comment you made a while back? "Yup! It's about discrinating against "whitey" so Democrats can keep black votes. You are an asshole; in a class somewhat below Truthmatters."
Destroys any semblance of "cogent rebuttal" you had or may have had. You're a dishonest poster, and incapable of objectivity.

You had no rebuttal for that either except to call names.
Look! We disagree on practically everything. The difference is, I can tell you why. You can call me dishonest.

I only respond "in kind". I don't care why. Hello?

Proud of your ignorance, then.
but, but this wasn't supposed to happen :eek: according to the pols (mostly rw) and their lobbyists!!! :doubt: :eusa_hand:

Only the most dimwittted partisan would use every accident to promote a political agenda

ac·ci·dent/ˈæksɪdənt/ Show Spelled [ak-si-duhnt] Show IPA
1. an undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, or loss; casualty; mishap: automobile accidents.
2. Law. such a happening resulting in injury that is in no way the fault of the injured person for which compensation or indemnity is legally sought.
3. any event that happens unexpectedly, without a deliberate plan or cause.
4. chance; fortune; luck: I was there by accident.
5. a fortuitous circumstance, quality, or characteristic: an accident of birth.

you think it was an accident :lol: Everyone who ISN'T a rw'er knew it was going to happen. :eusa_eh: It wasn't t a matter of "if" but "when" con boi.


The stupid make the internets entertaining.

Why do you love it?? it takes some kind of twisted to find pleasure in this.

b/c you're a demented low life that takes pleasure in humans suffering.

Pleasure in human suffering caused by stupid humans doing stupid things they were warned against????? Most definitely...it's called "schadenfraude".

Don't leave your home.

Something probably will happen to you outside.

If it does, then remember I warned you and only blame your own stupidity.
The issue isn't whether additional pipelines are needed. Of course they are.

The issues are about appropriate punishments for rogue corporations whose failure to properly build and maintain pipelines put quality of life at risk.

When corporate executives are imprisoned and senior executive's personal assets are seized to pay damages, then these accidents will cease. My years of experience with pipelines make it clear no accidents at all NEED to occur. Every accident on record is 100% due to cutting corners on executive orders.

Given the need for energy and the efficiency of pipelines, solutions for preventing environmental disasters are clear, basic, and do not involve legions of government halfwits getting in the way. Whether the lemming people in congress can escape the grasp of corporate ownership long enough to bumble into draconian punishment as the cheapest most effective solution to corporate criminality is the only unresolved question.

Without "government halfwits" and government regulations profit will generally supersede caution in commerce. Laissez-Faire ideology may be fine in theory, but not when when the ideologues family suffers or property is damaged by the greed of others.

With far more respect for your impulse than for the pure nattering nabob of negativism here, draconian penalties work a lot better than inspectors. In my years building pipelines (undersea mostly) the profit motive and the costs of repair ensured high quality builds. If there was ever a government inspector on one of those jobs, I sure never met that person.

In the absence of deep sea penalties for failure, legal penalties are clearly far superior to inspectors.

Obviously you disagree. Think about the meat inspecting business. It really doesn't work and worse, it insulates wrongdoers from corporation-killing penalties. In every criminal AND CIVIL case on record where meat processors killed people by cut-corner production, inspectors were cited as a mitigating factor. We're just going to have to disagree on this.
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b/c you're a demented low life that takes pleasure in humans suffering.

Pleasure in human suffering caused by stupid humans doing stupid things they were warned against????? Most definitely...it's called "schadenfraude".

Don't leave your home.

Something probably will happen to you outside.

If it does, then remember I warned you and only blame your own stupidity.

Your post transcends any stupidity on my part. LOL
Pleasure in human suffering caused by stupid humans doing stupid things they were warned against????? Most definitely...it's called "schadenfraude".

Don't leave your home.

Something probably will happen to you outside.

If it does, then remember I warned you and only blame your own stupidity.

Your post transcends any stupidity on my part. LOL

You haven't gone outside yet.

I only respond "in kind". I don't care why. Hello?

Proud of your ignorance, then.

To listen to you tell it. Are you proud of yours?

So then, you are.

I am not proud of a lot of things. Ignorance is not among them.

If presented with alternative opinion, I do a bit of research. I don't self righteously reject ideas I disagree with.

You are an incredibly proud man with damned little justification.
The issue isn't whether additional pipelines are needed. Of course they are.

The issues are about appropriate punishments for rogue corporations whose failure to properly build and maintain pipelines put quality of life at risk.

When corporate executives are imprisoned and senior executive's personal assets are seized to pay damages, then these accidents will cease. My years of experience with pipelines make it clear no accidents at all NEED to occur. Every accident on record is 100% due to cutting corners on executive orders.

Given the need for energy and the efficiency of pipelines, solutions for preventing environmental disasters are clear, basic, and do not involve legions of government halfwits getting in the way. Whether the lemming people in congress can escape the grasp of corporate ownership long enough to bumble into draconian punishment as the cheapest most effective solution to corporate criminality is the only unresolved question.

Well yes and no.

Short term we need to shore up our resources.

Long term we need to find better ways to generate energy.

It hasn't changed in 200 years.

That's pretty incredible.

We burn material.

Gotta love it.

Arkansas residents evacuate as Exxon-Mobil tar sands pipeline ruptures | The Raw Story

An Exxon-Mobil oil pipeline ruptured Friday afternoon in the town of Mayflower, Arkansas, forcing the evacuation of 20 homes and shutting down sections of interstate highway. According to Little Rock’s KATV, a hazardous materials team from the Office of Emergency Management has contained the spill and is currently attempting a cleanup.

The burst pipe is part of the Pegasus pipeline network, which connects tar sands along the Gulf coast to refineries in Houston. Thousands of gallons of crude oil erupted from the breach around 3:00 p.m. on Friday, spilling through a housing subdivision and into the town’s storm drainage system, fouling drainage ditches and shutting down Highway 365 and Interstate 40.

Residents were evacuated to avoid health hazards from crude oil fumes and to keep stray sparks from igniting the standing oil. Emergency workers contained the spill by hastily constructing earthen dams.

So suffering and misery of your fellows Americans is something you love.

Is the nature being killed off just another plus, or is the human suffering enough for you?

It's not about me..lackey boy.
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Pleasure in human suffering caused by stupid humans doing stupid things they were warned against????? Most definitely...it's called "schadenfraude".

Don't leave your home.

Something probably will happen to you outside.

If it does, then remember I warned you and only blame your own stupidity.

Your post transcends any stupidity on my part. LOL

Gotta love it.

Arkansas residents evacuate as Exxon-Mobil tar sands pipeline ruptures | The Raw Story

An Exxon-Mobil oil pipeline ruptured Friday afternoon in the town of Mayflower, Arkansas, forcing the evacuation of 20 homes and shutting down sections of interstate highway. According to Little Rock’s KATV, a hazardous materials team from the Office of Emergency Management has contained the spill and is currently attempting a cleanup.

The burst pipe is part of the Pegasus pipeline network, which connects tar sands along the Gulf coast to refineries in Houston. Thousands of gallons of crude oil erupted from the breach around 3:00 p.m. on Friday, spilling through a housing subdivision and into the town’s storm drainage system, fouling drainage ditches and shutting down Highway 365 and Interstate 40.

Residents were evacuated to avoid health hazards from crude oil fumes and to keep stray sparks from igniting the standing oil. Emergency workers contained the spill by hastily constructing earthen dams.

If I went from the gulf coast to Houston I wouldn't go anywhere near the state of Arkansas, and neither does the pipeline that ruptured. Just saying.
Gotta love it.

Arkansas residents evacuate as Exxon-Mobil tar sands pipeline ruptures | The Raw Story

An Exxon-Mobil oil pipeline ruptured Friday afternoon in the town of Mayflower, Arkansas, forcing the evacuation of 20 homes and shutting down sections of interstate highway. According to Little Rock’s KATV, a hazardous materials team from the Office of Emergency Management has contained the spill and is currently attempting a cleanup.

The burst pipe is part of the Pegasus pipeline network, which connects tar sands along the Gulf coast to refineries in Houston. Thousands of gallons of crude oil erupted from the breach around 3:00 p.m. on Friday, spilling through a housing subdivision and into the town’s storm drainage system, fouling drainage ditches and shutting down Highway 365 and Interstate 40.

Residents were evacuated to avoid health hazards from crude oil fumes and to keep stray sparks from igniting the standing oil. Emergency workers contained the spill by hastily constructing earthen dams.

If I went from the gulf coast to Houston I wouldn't go anywhere near the state of Arkansas, and neither does the pipeline that ruptured. Just saying.

Update on the pipeline spill in Arkansas which is where the pipeline Too Tall tells us isn't in Arkansas.

Exxon cleans up Arkansas oil spill; Keystone plan assailed - Yahoo! Finance
The number of rail oil tanker spills is on the rise. 112 in two years. Latest one was in Minnesota last week. Accidents happen. I don't know what solutions are out there. Tougher financial penalties?

On Wednesday, a train carrying Canadian crude derailed in Minnesota, spilling 15,000 gallons of oil.

Exxon pipeline leaks thousands of barrels of Canadian oil in Arkansas | World | News | Toronto Sun

15000 gallons of oil huh?

What % of the total amount of oil transported does that amout to?
The number of rail oil tanker spills is on the rise. 112 in two years. Latest one was in Minnesota last week. Accidents happen. I don't know what solutions are out there. Tougher financial penalties?

On Wednesday, a train carrying Canadian crude derailed in Minnesota, spilling 15,000 gallons of oil.

Exxon pipeline leaks thousands of barrels of Canadian oil in Arkansas | World | News | Toronto Sun

15000 gallons of oil huh?

What % of the total amount of oil transported does that amout to?

If your sewerline backed up and shit from your neighborhood filled your bathtub and kitchen sink would you care what percentage of shit in all the toilets in your town ended up in your house?
The number of rail oil tanker spills is on the rise. 112 in two years. Latest one was in Minnesota last week. Accidents happen. I don't know what solutions are out there. Tougher financial penalties?

On Wednesday, a train carrying Canadian crude derailed in Minnesota, spilling 15,000 gallons of oil.

Exxon pipeline leaks thousands of barrels of Canadian oil in Arkansas | World | News | Toronto Sun

15000 gallons of oil huh?

What % of the total amount of oil transported does that amout to?

Probably something in the hundredths of thousandths of a pct. Not the point, however. The point is o% is attainable from "internal" quality issues.

The reason there are any spills from cut-price construction and maintenance is repairs are cheaper than penalties. Inspectors mitigate damage and so double or triple costs of small spills to taxpayers.

The obvious solution is severe penalties for leaks above some reasonable minimum. Once the costs of spills from internal quality fails are unsupportable, spills of that nature of any size will stop.
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