Tar Sand Oil Pipeline Ruptures in Arkansas.


Can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

It's a minor thing and quite rare actually.

Yeah..rare and minor..

This week marks the two-year anniversary of the massive Kalamazoo River pipeline spill. The event looks very different now than it did in 2010, when authorities openly worried that the Michigan mess would ooze tar sands oil into the Great Lakes. While there is still work underway to sop up the spill, it already stands as the longest and costliest pipeline cleanup in American history. And the ongoing investigations have given us a clearer and more frustrating view of the disaster, making it clear to anyone looking that our growing affinity for Canada’s bottom-of-the-barrel unconventional tar sands oil is unsafe on a variety of levels.

In Michigan, the EPA has spent the last two years “writing the book” on what a tar sands cleanup looks like in an American river. While the disaster was unfolding, the CEO of Enbridge was on-hand, but did not bother to tell authorities that they should consider some alternative cleanup techniques to deal with the heavier-than-water bitumen slurping out of his busted pipe. As a result, the cleanup was largely focused on skimming oil off the surface initially. Later, officials realized that a wide swath of the river bottom was mucked with tar sands oil globules, as were sensitive wetlands along the waterway. The cleanup has focused on those areas since and recent press reports imply that even though most of the oil is gone, some of those submerged globules are continuing to spread.
Henry Henderson: Kalamazoo River Spill: Two Years Later and the Tar Sands Mess in Michigan Still Looks Ugly


You had to go back 3 years didn't you?

Yea, three years later and it's still there. How do you explain that?
Pleasure in human suffering caused by stupid humans doing stupid things they were warned against????? Most definitely...it's called "schadenfraude".

Don't leave your home.

Something probably will happen to you outside.

If it does, then remember I warned you and only blame your own stupidity.

Your post transcends any stupidity on my part. LOL

Sorry I was late with your neg.
My years of experience with pipelines make it clear no accidents at all NEED to occur. Every accident on record is 100% due to cutting corners on executive orders.

Bull shit. if you had years of pipeline experience you would know what you say is BULL SHIT.
So Americans continue their single-minded crusade to turn their Homeland into a wasteland of filth from sea to shining sea.

Meanwhile, the countries of northern Europe, which possess some tincture of civilisation and sanity, are continuing to progress toward Clean Energy and a livable society.

If I went from the gulf coast to Houston I wouldn't go anywhere near the state of Arkansas, and neither does the pipeline that ruptured. Just saying.

Update on the pipeline spill in Arkansas which is where the pipeline Too Tall tells us isn't in Arkansas.

Exxon cleans up Arkansas oil spill; Keystone plan assailed - Yahoo! Finance

For the functionally illiterate, I commented on the fact that the pipeline that burst in Arkansas was not carrying tar sands from the gulf coast to Houston as was stated in the original article.

The burst pipe is part of the Pegasus pipeline network, which connects tar sands along the Gulf coast to refineries in Houston.

From your link:

Exxon's Pegasus pipeline, which can carry more than 90,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude from Patoka, Illinois to Nederland, Texas, was shut after the leak was discovered late Friday afternoon in a subdivision near the town of Mayflower. The leak forced the evacuation of 22 homes.
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So Americans continue their single-minded crusade to turn their Homeland into a wasteland of filth from sea to shining sea.

Meanwhile, the countries of northern Europe, which possess some tincture of civilisation and sanity, are continuing to progress toward Clean Energy and a livable society.

Not Americans, Republicans.

Voter suppression

Abolish the "job killing" EPA

Apology to BP

They are like pigs. They want to drag the country down into the mud, and the pig likes it.
So Americans continue their single-minded crusade to turn their Homeland into a wasteland of filth from sea to shining sea.

Meanwhile, the countries of northern Europe, which possess some tincture of civilisation and sanity, are continuing to progress toward Clean Energy and a livable society.

You might want to check out this chart.

The Most Polluted Cities On All Seven Continents [CHART]

Read more: Most Polluted Cities By Continent Chart - Business Insider

Alternative energy is looking better and better.

You should just unplug your computer and go light some candles then because at the moment there are no viable alternative energy sources to run to.

If you really can't stand oil or coal, you should stop using it. Nice and simple.
Gotta love it.

Arkansas residents evacuate as Exxon-Mobil tar sands pipeline ruptures | The Raw Story

An Exxon-Mobil oil pipeline ruptured Friday afternoon in the town of Mayflower, Arkansas, forcing the evacuation of 20 homes and shutting down sections of interstate highway. According to Little Rock’s KATV, a hazardous materials team from the Office of Emergency Management has contained the spill and is currently attempting a cleanup.

The burst pipe is part of the Pegasus pipeline network, which connects tar sands along the Gulf coast to refineries in Houston. Thousands of gallons of crude oil erupted from the breach around 3:00 p.m. on Friday, spilling through a housing subdivision and into the town’s storm drainage system, fouling drainage ditches and shutting down Highway 365 and Interstate 40.

Residents were evacuated to avoid health hazards from crude oil fumes and to keep stray sparks from igniting the standing oil. Emergency workers contained the spill by hastily constructing earthen dams.

So? They fix the leak and clean up the mess.
What's your point? That accidents happen? Gee thanks for pointing out the painfully obvious.
It's a minor thing and quite rare actually.

Not if it happens in your back yard.

And it's people like you( NIMBY'S) that are the reason nothing gets done.
I bet you drive a car or use mass transit, don't you?
Do you use synthetic fabrics? Plastics? Latex or acrylic paint? Fertilizers for your lawn?
All of which have some kind of petroleum or petro-chemical origin.
You will continue to use these products as long as the shit doesn't go through your backyard, now won't you?
Hypocrites. All of you anti fossil fuel people.
You willingly use the products, but curse where those products come from.
Liberals: Wanting to have everything both ways is your motto.
It's a minor thing and quite rare actually.

Not if it happens in your back yard.

And it's people like you( NIMBY'S) that are the reason nothing gets done.
I bet you drive a car or use mass transit, don't you?
Do you use synthetic fabrics? Plastics? Latex or acrylic paint? Fertilizers for your lawn?
All of which have some kind of petroleum or petro-chemical origin.
You will continue to use these products as long as the shit doesn't go through your backyard, now won't you?
Hypocrites. All of you anti fossil fuel people.
You willingly use the products, but curse where those products come from.
Liberals: Wanting to have everything both ways is your motto.

I myself just love the hypocrisy of enviro weenies in the north with me, who can't live without their alfalfa sprouts encased in so much plastic it's like Fort Knox to break in. AND their alfalfa sprouts have to be shipped in from California.


Ah the carbon footprint left by their alfalfa sprout addiction. Evil sprout eaters. Killing the environment daily.

Man you folks are something else.

I seriously hope you don't work in a field where disaster recovery is a key part of the job.

Mountains out of molehills is all you have.

It's not a "molehill".

July 25 marks the second anniversary of the nation’s most costly oil pipeline accident—a rupture that dumped more than 1.1 million gallons of heavy crude into Michigan’s Kalamazoo River, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The spill drove 150 families permanently from their homes. The U.S. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration proposed $3.7 million in civil fines for Enbridge on July 2. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recently cited the company for failing to properly maintain the pipeline and chastised the pipeline safety agency for weak federal regulations.

The spill happened in Marshall, a community of 7,400 in southwestern Michigan. More than 1.1 million gallons of oil blackened two miles of Talmadge Creek and almost 36 miles of the Kalamazoo River, according to the EPA’s most recent Situation Report (pdf). The EPA’s estimate of the amount of oil that has been collected exceeds Enbridge’s estimate of 843,444 gallons by 15 percent. Enbridge spokeswoman Terri Larson told InsideClimate News that the company stands by that number as accurate.

Oil is still showing up two years later, as the cleanup continues. About 150 families have been permanently relocated and most of the tainted stretch of river between Marshall and Kalamazoo remained closed to the public until June 21.

The accident was triggered by a six-and-a-half foot tear in Line 6B, a 30- inch carbon steel pipeline operated by Enbridge Energy Partners LP, a U.S. affiliate of Enbridge Inc., Canada's largest transporter of crude oil. With Enbridge's costs already totaling more than $765 million, it is the most expensive oil pipeline spill since the U.S. government began keeping records in 1968.

"This investigation identified a complete breakdown of safety at Enbridge. Their employees performed like Keystone Kops and failed to recognize their pipeline had ruptured and continued to pump crude into the environment," said NTSB Chairman Deborah A.P. Hersman in a July 10 press release. "Despite multiple alarms and a loss of pressure in the pipeline, for more than 17 hours and through three shifts they failed to follow their own shutdown procedures." Enbridge restarted the pipeline twice in that 17-hour period, pumping through oil that would account for 81 percent of the total spill, the NTSB said.

Despite the scope of the damage, the Enbridge spill didn’t attract much national attention, perhaps because it occurred just 10 days after oil stopped spewing from BP Plc's Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico, which ruptured three months earlier. Early reports about the Enbridge spill also downplayed its seriousness. Just about everybody, including the EPA officials who rushed to Marshall in July 2010, expected the mess to be cleaned up in a couple of months.
'Keystone Kops' Bungling Led to Costliest U.S. Pipeline Spill - Bloomberg

Every time one of these things happen, it's an ecological nightmare. It's also extremely expensive.

Not it is not a nightmare. Your story admitted the EPA had no idea as to how to clean up the mess. THAT is why it took two years. Government fuck up.

The gulf oil spill would have been cleaned up MUCH sooner had the Obama admin waived that STUPID Jones Act.
But Obama caved to the fucking unions and the situation lingered much longer.
So the environmental damage is OBAMA'S fault.

Swallow..you really opened a can of worms here..
Maybe you should bail from the thread before you get flamed so many times, you will experience spontaneous combustion.
Gotta love it.

Arkansas residents evacuate as Exxon-Mobil tar sands pipeline ruptures | The Raw Story

An Exxon-Mobil oil pipeline ruptured Friday afternoon in the town of Mayflower, Arkansas, forcing the evacuation of 20 homes and shutting down sections of interstate highway. According to Little Rock’s KATV, a hazardous materials team from the Office of Emergency Management has contained the spill and is currently attempting a cleanup.

The burst pipe is part of the Pegasus pipeline network, which connects tar sands along the Gulf coast to refineries in Houston. Thousands of gallons of crude oil erupted from the breach around 3:00 p.m. on Friday, spilling through a housing subdivision and into the town’s storm drainage system, fouling drainage ditches and shutting down Highway 365 and Interstate 40.

Residents were evacuated to avoid health hazards from crude oil fumes and to keep stray sparks from igniting the standing oil. Emergency workers contained the spill by hastily constructing earthen dams.

Oh my God......

Let's totally shut down all use of fossil-fuels in America till we get to the bottom of this tragedy.

Everyone, turn in your car keys to the authorities.
There are tens of thousands of miles of pipelines used by every poster on this board everyday,ether shut off your gas meter and stop buying ANYTHING, made from a petroleum product or stop blubbering like little children, about how you get it.

Obviously "how we get it" involves construction and maintenance.

Given that 100% of these "accidents" are the result of cut-corner construction and/or cut-corner maintenance, how should these "accidents" be punished?

And you know this how?
Here's a deal for you...Next time you do something which causes an "accident" let us know. So we can make up a punishment for YOU.
As a matter of fact, let's throw out the Constitution's protections against unreasonable searches and seizures, cruel and unusual punishment, due process, double jeopardy, etc..
Oh, we will reserve this only for people and things YOU don't like. So you libs can finally reach your goal of being "more equal"...
How's that?
Your assertion that every accident involving the fossil fuel industry is actually negligence is at best disingenuous. At worst, it is hysterical knee jerk hyperbole...
In other words, you don't know shit.

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