Tar Sand Oil Pipeline Ruptures in Arkansas.

Where exactly did I say I condone their actions? Like I said..if you've ever seen how this stuff works you would never believe it could have happened. And when you add the BOP failure. Astronomical odds. Should have never happened.But it did.
Hope they learned something from it.
Oh....The claims of destruction are highly inflated as far as damage from the spill goes.

Really? Post links to credible sources for that statement. And, yes, if there was a problem that they knew about concerning that hydraulic system, they have every reason to believe that something like that could happen. I happen to work of hydraulic systems, up to 4000 psi systems, and you don't take chances with such systems.

Yeah and I can build a hydraulic ram,pump and manifold from a raw hunk of metal. Hydraulics are a simple concept and are easy to manufacture and work on. Any chump can do it.

4k isn't that high a working pressure,sure it will hurt you.

I'll give the standard response when a bewildered customer ask why a piece of equipment breaks down.

Funny how things break when you use them.
Did I stutter? Your callous dismissal of reality is disturbing.

No..It's YOUR dismissal of reality which is typical of people on your side.

All they have are buzz words.

You don't see these whackos who are so against "fossil fuels" leaving the cities in wagon trains ready to take up the pioneer lifestyle.

They think they are environmentally friendly because they put their pizza box in the paper recycling bin.

I hear their weed comes up from Central America on Donkeys.

That's why they eat so much pizza.
Obviously "how we get it" involves construction and maintenance.

Given that 100% of these "accidents" are the result of cut-corner construction and/or cut-corner maintenance, how should these "accidents" be punished?

And you know this how?
Here's a deal for you...Next time you do something which causes an "accident" let us know. So we can make up a punishment for YOU.
As a matter of fact, let's throw out the Constitution's protections against unreasonable searches and seizures, cruel and unusual punishment, due process, double jeopardy, etc..
Oh, we will reserve this only for people and things YOU don't like. So you libs can finally reach your goal of being "more equal"...
How's that?
Your assertion that every accident involving the fossil fuel industry is actually negligence is at best disingenuous. At worst, it is hysterical knee jerk hyperbole...
In other words, you don't know shit.

Actually, the Deep Water Horizon was caused because of cutting corners.

Instead of using 21 blowout preventers like they should have, they used only 6.

And..................most of the blowout prevention devices were faulty because they weren't tested thoroughly. Look it up.

Your point?..BP paid dearly for their negligence.
In fact many people not affected by the spill were paid off due to mismanagement of settlement money.
The whole thing, from the explosion itself to the way the Obama admin prosecuted the event through the distribution of the settlement fund bordered on the criminal.
Just collateral damage then?

It's the cost of doing business so to speak.

If the risk was greater than the reward we wouldn't be transporting petroleum. So get over it.

It'll get cleaned up and everyone will move on except you molehill watchers who will just wait for the next "disaster"

but the "costs" are paid by the communities, and the "rewards" are reaped by the corporations that underwrite their "risks" by limiting their liability. Meanwhile, elsewhere in Arkansas:

Federal Inspectors Investigate Fatal Accident at Arkansas Nuclear Plant | 4-Traders

The accident at the Arkansas plant, which was built in the 1970s, follows a string of troubles at other aging U.S. nuclear plants.

The San Onofre nuclear power plant in California has been shut for more than a year, after a pipe carrying radioactive steam ruptured due to equipment problems. The plant's operator, Southern California Edison, has been working to resolve the problem and obtain approval from federal regulators to restart part of the plant.

In February, Duke Energy (>> Duke Energy Corp) said it planned to permanently shut the 35-year-old Crystal River nuclear power plant in Florida. Duke inherited the plant from Progress Energy through the companies' merger. Progress had shut the plant in 2009, after discovering damage to the concrete and steel building that surrounds the reactor.

Both reactors at Entergy's Arkansas Nuclear One plant, located about 76 miles from Little Rock, were shut down Monday. The plant's Unit 1 reactor had been shut for maintenance at the time of the accident, Entergy said. The plant's Unit 2 reactor automatically shut down Sunday following the accident, Entergy said.

Meanwhile Barb still drives a car and uses electricity.
STFU you silly person.
Actually, the Deep Water Horizon was caused because of cutting corners.

Instead of using 21 blowout preventers like they should have, they used only 6.

And..................most of the blowout prevention devices were faulty because they weren't tested thoroughly. Look it up.

Uhhh...No. They use one BOP at the well head. You're referring to the fins that align the pipe in the casing so it's centered when they poor in the concrete. Those aren't BOPs they are nothing more then tabs of metal welded to a pipe. An actual BOP is the size of a one car garage.
Thats what caused the leak in the first place. Then the BOP failed to cleanly sever the pipe due to a hydraulics problem.
Big bad Haliburton was there to oversee the use of their products and told BP they should wait for the extra fins to be installed before plugging the well. BP didnt listen an the results were what we got.

Did BP cut some corners? Yeah they did. But I can see why they did it. If you've ever seen how these things work you would have never thought what actually happened would be possible. But like they say, Shit happens.

It is not a "shit happens" matter. We have no idea yet of the total damage done on that blowout. When you are dealing with the technologies and pressures that exist in that kind of deep water drilling, cutting any corner is simply unacceptable. If they cannot afford the proper equipment and precautions, they should not be there in the first place.

Oh dry up...You people piss your pants every time somebody enters a forest with a chain saw.
Actually, the Deep Water Horizon was caused because of cutting corners.

Instead of using 21 blowout preventers like they should have, they used only 6.

And..................most of the blowout prevention devices were faulty because they weren't tested thoroughly. Look it up.

I wonder who the Chief Executive over regulating such things was?

As I recall, the EPA regulators working for the Obama Administration were watching internet porn at the time.

My guess is that they were transferred to Arkansas to oversee interstate pipeline integrity.

Of course, A. Obama cannot be held responible, because, well, it's Obama.

And B. this will give rise to the need for more departmental funding, because, as we all know, every failure of government must have roots in not enough funding.
Nobody wants to shut down the wheels of progress.

But none of us want to be run over by them either.

Who does?? Its to bad there are so many that look at the oil and gas industries like they are some evil group of heartless bastards. They are people just like you,and if you think they don't do what they can to prevent spills and fires you once again are wrong. If the anti oil people got their way,there would be mass hysteria. Ever watch people in a long gas line during shortages?? multiply that by millions. We live a kings lifestyle on the backs of the energy industries.

Not the people at the top.

They are pretty heartless. Most of them are sociopaths.

They were handing out disaster recovery plans that listed "Walruses" as indigenous Gulf wildlife.
Nobody wants to shut down the wheels of progress.

But none of us want to be run over by them either.

Who does?? Its to bad there are so many that look at the oil and gas industries like they are some evil group of heartless bastards. They are people just like you,and if you think they don't do what they can to prevent spills and fires you once again are wrong. If the anti oil people got their way,there would be mass hysteria. Ever watch people in a long gas line during shortages?? multiply that by millions. We live a kings lifestyle on the backs of the energy industries.

Not the people at the top.

They are pretty heartless. Most of them are sociopaths.

They were handing out disaster recovery plans that listed "Walruses" as indigenous Gulf wildlife.


Is your opinion based on anything more than your study of paperback fictions?
Nobody wants to shut down the wheels of progress.

But none of us want to be run over by them either.

Who does?? Its to bad there are so many that look at the oil and gas industries like they are some evil group of heartless bastards. They are people just like you,and if you think they don't do what they can to prevent spills and fires you once again are wrong. If the anti oil people got their way,there would be mass hysteria. Ever watch people in a long gas line during shortages?? multiply that by millions. We live a kings lifestyle on the backs of the energy industries.

OK. They are people like you and me. And where I work, if I fail to lock out a machine I am working on, I get fired. No questions asked. Pick up your tools, and you are escorted out the gate. So, when a major corperation pulls the shit BP did, why not make sure the CEO is escorted out the gate, and blackballed from ever holding a job with that kind of responsibility again? After all, they are people just like you and me.

And if someone gets injured or killed as a result of your negligence, then you will probably get prison time.
Who does?? Its to bad there are so many that look at the oil and gas industries like they are some evil group of heartless bastards. They are people just like you,and if you think they don't do what they can to prevent spills and fires you once again are wrong. If the anti oil people got their way,there would be mass hysteria. Ever watch people in a long gas line during shortages?? multiply that by millions. We live a kings lifestyle on the backs of the energy industries.

OK. They are people like you and me. And where I work, if I fail to lock out a machine I am working on, I get fired. No questions asked. Pick up your tools, and you are escorted out the gate. So, when a major corperation pulls the shit BP did, why not make sure the CEO is escorted out the gate, and blackballed from ever holding a job with that kind of responsibility again? After all, they are people just like you and me.

And if someone gets injured or killed as a result of your negligence, then you will probably get prison time.
No...That is not criminal. It's a civil matter.
So Americans continue their single-minded crusade to turn their Homeland into a wasteland of filth from sea to shining sea.

Meanwhile, the countries of northern Europe, which possess some tincture of civilisation and sanity, are continuing to progress toward Clean Energy and a livable society.

You might want to check out this chart.

The Most Polluted Cities On All Seven Continents [CHART]

Read more: Most Polluted Cities By Continent Chart - Business Insider


Republicans see China as the "goal".
Anyone see that blonde on Fox saying that oil companies should run national parks because companies do everything better?
Gotta love it.

Arkansas residents evacuate as Exxon-Mobil tar sands pipeline ruptures | The Raw Story

An Exxon-Mobil oil pipeline ruptured Friday afternoon in the town of Mayflower, Arkansas, forcing the evacuation of 20 homes and shutting down sections of interstate highway. According to Little Rock’s KATV, a hazardous materials team from the Office of Emergency Management has contained the spill and is currently attempting a cleanup.

The burst pipe is part of the Pegasus pipeline network, which connects tar sands along the Gulf coast to refineries in Houston. Thousands of gallons of crude oil erupted from the breach around 3:00 p.m. on Friday, spilling through a housing subdivision and into the town’s storm drainage system, fouling drainage ditches and shutting down Highway 365 and Interstate 40.

Residents were evacuated to avoid health hazards from crude oil fumes and to keep stray sparks from igniting the standing oil. Emergency workers contained the spill by hastily constructing earthen dams.


Can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

It's a minor thing and quite rare actually.

Not nearly as rare as you think.

[ame=http://youtu.be/u30m8U6VP3E]Exxon Pipeline Breaks in Arkansas - YouTube[/ame]
RIGZONE - Arkansas Attorney General Opens Investigation Into Pipeline Spill

The Arkansas Attorney General's office is opening an investigation into the causes of an ExxonMobil Corp. pipeline rupture that spilled thousands of gallons of oil into a small town neighborhood last week and forced the evacuation of more than 20 homes.

In a letter to Exxon, Attorney General Dustin McDaniel said the probe will determine whether the oil giant may be liable for the consequences of the spill under the Arkansas Water and Air Pollution Act and other laws.


Can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

It's a minor thing and quite rare actually.

Not nearly as rare as you think.

[ame=http://youtu.be/u30m8U6VP3E]Exxon Pipeline Breaks in Arkansas - YouTube[/ame]
Yes..Typical namby pamby liberalism....You people are so risk averse, you'd prefer living in a plastic bubble.
Another helicopter parent trait.
It's the cost of doing business so to speak.

If the risk was greater than the reward we wouldn't be transporting petroleum. So get over it.

It'll get cleaned up and everyone will move on except you molehill watchers who will just wait for the next "disaster"

but the "costs" are paid by the communities, and the "rewards" are reaped by the corporations that underwrite their "risks" by limiting their liability. Meanwhile, elsewhere in Arkansas:

Federal Inspectors Investigate Fatal Accident at Arkansas Nuclear Plant | 4-Traders

The accident at the Arkansas plant, which was built in the 1970s, follows a string of troubles at other aging U.S. nuclear plants.

The San Onofre nuclear power plant in California has been shut for more than a year, after a pipe carrying radioactive steam ruptured due to equipment problems. The plant's operator, Southern California Edison, has been working to resolve the problem and obtain approval from federal regulators to restart part of the plant.

In February, Duke Energy (>> Duke Energy Corp) said it planned to permanently shut the 35-year-old Crystal River nuclear power plant in Florida. Duke inherited the plant from Progress Energy through the companies' merger. Progress had shut the plant in 2009, after discovering damage to the concrete and steel building that surrounds the reactor.

Both reactors at Entergy's Arkansas Nuclear One plant, located about 76 miles from Little Rock, were shut down Monday. The plant's Unit 1 reactor had been shut for maintenance at the time of the accident, Entergy said. The plant's Unit 2 reactor automatically shut down Sunday following the accident, Entergy said.

Meanwhile Barb still drives a car and uses electricity.
STFU you silly person.

Meanwhile, there are better ways of delivering both. I'd call you a ****, but you lack the warmth and the depth. :blahblah:
but the "costs" are paid by the communities, and the "rewards" are reaped by the corporations that underwrite their "risks" by limiting their liability. Meanwhile, elsewhere in Arkansas:

Federal Inspectors Investigate Fatal Accident at Arkansas Nuclear Plant | 4-Traders

Meanwhile Barb still drives a car and uses electricity.
STFU you silly person.

Meanwhile, there are better ways of delivering both. I'd call you a ****, but you lack the warmth and the depth. :blahblah:

I can talk the talk and walk the walk. Spare me a moment.

In Ontario I went primal. Wood for fire heat and cooking. I pumped my water. I did that to test myself. I can really do primal. I hunt. I fish. And yes I'm a girl who can do this.

Most others of you can't. So what do you want to do?

I'm good to go out here in Manitoba now You can tell me for the millionth time that we have to get off "fossil" fuels.

I've heard that shit since Ed Sullivan days.

We're running out. OMG we are running out of fossil fuels.

Barb tell me different. Are we running out or aren't we?

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