Tar Sand Oil Pipeline Ruptures in Arkansas.


Can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

It's a minor thing and quite rare actually.

Not nearly as rare as you think.

[ame=http://youtu.be/u30m8U6VP3E]Exxon Pipeline Breaks in Arkansas - YouTube[/ame]
Yes..Typical namby pamby liberalism....You people are so risk averse, you'd prefer living in a plastic bubble.
Another helicopter parent trait.

First of all, I am not completely against oil pipelines. I just realize that they come with substantial risk and it is understandable that many people are against the pipelines, especially if they run through their property. The problem with many like yourself is that you are pro big energy companies regardless of any possible hazards they might create.

We know what big companies do when government doesn't watch over them closely. By the early 70's, much of our water was completely contaminated by companies dumping anything and everything into our fresh water resources. Lake Erie was so bad, you couldn't even swim in it. I just think it's important to understand both sides of the story especially when it comes to our environment.
Meanwhile Barb still drives a car and uses electricity.
STFU you silly person.

Meanwhile, there are better ways of delivering both. I'd call you a ****, but you lack the warmth and the depth. :blahblah:

I can talk the talk and walk the walk. Spare me a moment.

In Ontario I went primal. Wood for fire heat and cooking. I pumped my water. I did that to test myself. I can really do primal. I hunt. I fish. And yes I'm a girl who can do this.

Most others of you can't. So what do you want to do?

I'm good to go out here in Manitoba now You can tell me for the millionth time that we have to get off "fossil" fuels.

I've heard that shit since Ed Sullivan days.

We're running out. OMG we are running out of fossil fuels.

Barb tell me different. Are we running out or aren't we?

Are we killing for them? Is our foreign policy geared towards the control of them to the detriment of other people? Answer honestly, if you can.

And you don't have to go primal. There is sun, wind, and hydro. We could have been frontrunners in ALL of that as far back as Carter (BOO!). WE could have been #1 in the development of all those things. Reagan ripped the solar panels off the WH roof on DAY ONE.

The Fuck? Ignorance of this sort is CELEBRATED in this county, and it costs us ALL. I'm not supposed to be pissed off? Too bad.
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Why do you love it?? it takes some kind of twisted to find pleasure in this.

the left feeds on disaster and tragedy

Actually, it is sarcasm, but you seem to not understand, it is the ironic pleasure of watching humans destroy their own world and then defending it by saying "it's good for the economy now. Fuck the future condition of the earth we leave for our posterity. Lets do this because liberals are assholes. 'Merica!" At some point, all you can do is laugh at how ridiculous we are. Inside your really crying, but what good does that do?
Meanwhile, there are better ways of delivering both. I'd call you a ****, but you lack the warmth and the depth. :blahblah:

I can talk the talk and walk the walk. Spare me a moment.

In Ontario I went primal. Wood for fire heat and cooking. I pumped my water. I did that to test myself. I can really do primal. I hunt. I fish. And yes I'm a girl who can do this.

Most others of you can't. So what do you want to do?

I'm good to go out here in Manitoba now You can tell me for the millionth time that we have to get off "fossil" fuels.

I've heard that shit since Ed Sullivan days.

We're running out. OMG we are running out of fossil fuels.

Barb tell me different. Are we running out or aren't we?

Are we killing for them? Is our foreign policy geared towards the control of them to the detriment of other people? Answer honestly, if you can.

And you don't have to go primal. There is sun, wind, and hydro. We could have been frontrunners in ALL of that as far back as Carter (BOO!). WE could have been #1 in the development of all those things. Reagan ripped the solar panels off the WH roof on DAY ONE.

The Fuck? Ignorance of this sort is CELEBRATED in this county, and it costs us ALL. I'm not supposed to be pissed off? Too bad.

Self portrait in your avatar?
Yes..Typical namby pamby liberalism....You people are so risk averse, you'd prefer living in a plastic bubble.
Another helicopter parent trait.

First of all, I am not completely against oil pipelines. I just realize that they come with substantial risk and it is understandable that many people are against the pipelines, especially if they run through their property. The problem with many like yourself is that you are pro big energy companies regardless of any possible hazards they might create.

We know what big companies do when government doesn't watch over them closely. By the early 70's, much of our water was completely contaminated by companies dumping anything and everything into our fresh water resources. Lake Erie was so bad, you couldn't even swim in it. I just think it's important to understand both sides of the story especially when it comes to our environment.

I have a question...Why in Sam Hill was a subdivision approved for this area in the first place?
Were the potential buyers alerted to the presence of an oil transmission pipeline beneath the neighborhood?
Or did the buyers see the homes as too good of a deal to pass up?
I am not necessarily pro big energy companies..I am for US Energy independence and inexpensive fuel.
I believe with some common friggin sense we here in the States can strike a balance between our energy requirements and our environment.
but the "costs" are paid by the communities, and the "rewards" are reaped by the corporations that underwrite their "risks" by limiting their liability. Meanwhile, elsewhere in Arkansas:

Federal Inspectors Investigate Fatal Accident at Arkansas Nuclear Plant | 4-Traders

Meanwhile Barb still drives a car and uses electricity.
STFU you silly person.

Meanwhile, there are better ways of delivering both. I'd call you a ****, but you lack the warmth and the depth. :blahblah:
Meanwhile barb still drives a car and uses electricity.
Yes..Typical namby pamby liberalism....You people are so risk averse, you'd prefer living in a plastic bubble.
Another helicopter parent trait.

First of all, I am not completely against oil pipelines. I just realize that they come with substantial risk and it is understandable that many people are against the pipelines, especially if they run through their property. The problem with many like yourself is that you are pro big energy companies regardless of any possible hazards they might create.

We know what big companies do when government doesn't watch over them closely. By the early 70's, much of our water was completely contaminated by companies dumping anything and everything into our fresh water resources. Lake Erie was so bad, you couldn't even swim in it. I just think it's important to understand both sides of the story especially when it comes to our environment.

I have a question...Why in Sam Hill was a subdivision approved for this area in the first place?
Were the potential buyers alerted to the presence of an oil transmission pipeline beneath the neighborhood?
Or did the buyers see the homes as too good of a deal to pass up?
I am not necessarily pro big energy companies..I am for US Energy independence and inexpensive fuel.
I believe with some common friggin sense we here in the States can strike a balance between our energy requirements and our environment.

I lived near an ammonia pipeline for 15 years. That was a little disconcerting.

The subterranean infrastructure in this country is mind-boggling. Accidents are extremely rare, and certainly don't constitute vilifying an entire industry.

And I know I keep harping on this, but both the media and public are eerily silent regarding the wholesale degradation of our environment by the agriculture industry. It doesn't make sense.
Every time one of these things happen, it's an ecological nightmare. It's also extremely expensive.

Government, Scientist & Activist have done far greater damage to the climate & ecology than oil companies. They have also killed far more people & animals than oil companies.
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First of all, I am not completely against oil pipelines. I just realize that they come with substantial risk and it is understandable that many people are against the pipelines, especially if they run through their property. The problem with many like yourself is that you are pro big energy companies regardless of any possible hazards they might create.

We know what big companies do when government doesn't watch over them closely. By the early 70's, much of our water was completely contaminated by companies dumping anything and everything into our fresh water resources. Lake Erie was so bad, you couldn't even swim in it. I just think it's important to understand both sides of the story especially when it comes to our environment.

I have a question...Why in Sam Hill was a subdivision approved for this area in the first place?
Were the potential buyers alerted to the presence of an oil transmission pipeline beneath the neighborhood?
Or did the buyers see the homes as too good of a deal to pass up?
I am not necessarily pro big energy companies..I am for US Energy independence and inexpensive fuel.
I believe with some common friggin sense we here in the States can strike a balance between our energy requirements and our environment.

I lived near an ammonia pipeline for 15 years. That was a little disconcerting.

The subterranean infrastructure in this country is mind-boggling. Accidents are extremely rare, and certainly don't constitute vilifying an entire industry.

And I know I keep harping on this, but both the media and public are eerily silent regarding the wholesale degradation of our environment by the agriculture industry. It doesn't make sense.

Can you provide a link that the agriculture industry is degrading our environment?

Not being snarky, just never heard of it, and would like some links to investigate further.
Every time one of these things happen, it's an ecological nightmare. It's also extremely expensive.

Government, Scientist & Activist have done far greater damage to the climate & ecology than oil companies. They have also killed far more people & animals than oil companies.

You, of course, have a link to evidence supporting your view.
Then do it hippie. And stop using anything in your daily life related to petroleum. The wiring in your house, clothes, shoes, car, tv..oh and the computer you typed that post on you fucking hypocrite.
Then do it hippie. And stop using anything in your daily life related to petroleum. The wiring in your house, clothes, shoes, car, tv..oh and the computer you typed that post on you fucking hypocrite.

Actually..................I do a lot to reduce my carbon footprint. I ride a bicycle almost everywhere I go, and I even go to the grocer to get my food with it. And I've done it for over 10 years.

What have you done?

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