Tara Reade blasts Hillary Clinton after Biden endorsement: She's 'enabling a sexual predator'

Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
That's all you know from the last 35 years, the last honeymoon a president ever got and total GOP obstruction ever since. That is the giveaway to the rich you know, of course if the Democrats get in the rich will
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
If the Democrats get in the rich will be taxed more and the middle class will get a pass at least. people don't even know what the Democrats want to do any more, all they know is the phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracies.

It is definitely time to stop screwing around and go nuclear passing what we actually want. A living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and a tax cut for everyone else. Then we'll see how much of that we can do.....

What is a living wage, define what it is. As with the healthcare, the Obama Administration gave big business an added year for Obamacare kicked in, however he still required the middle class pay into it. Clinton screamed of Wall St. and today we have two more candidates working for the rich and if it is your guy, that somehow makes it better. To me both parties need cleaned.

You're nuts. The right wing Republican Party screamed, "SOCIALISM!", to build an artificial grass roots movement supported by Wall Street and the Medical Insurance / Pharmaceutical Complex which hated to see their golden goose disappear.

The GOP dreaded allowing people with cancer and other serious illnesses be able to buy affordable health insurance, or put limits on the expectorant costs of long term care for serious illnesses and surgeries.

I have no clue as to what the GOP wants or doesn't want, they are just like Democrats and supporting the rich. I have no use for either party.

Obama had the middle class paying for their healthcare before businesses did, that is a fact.
Your last sentence is gibberish. Obamacare is the best thing to happen to the non-rich since LBJ. Look at their policies the two parties diverge totally. All the GOP cares about is screwing over the non Rich and giving it to the rich. and distracting the dupes with their garbage propaganda phony scandals and conspiracies. Poor America.

BS, that is all you have. Just your partisan BS. Try cracking a book or two and do some reading. I’m non-rich and Obamacare raised my premiums. Had to get a new doctor, new insurance. So it wasn’t the best for everyone. The rest of your post is the same old stupid dupe nonsense you have barfed out for years. Maybe if you keep spouting your partisan BS, maybe the will get you a big fat sucker on the day you die. Hater dupe!
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
That's all you know from the last 35 years, the last honeymoon a president ever got and total GOP obstruction ever since. That is the giveaway to the rich you know, of course if the Democrats get in the rich will
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
If the Democrats get in the rich will be taxed more and the middle class will get a pass at least. people don't even know what the Democrats want to do any more, all they know is the phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracies.

It is definitely time to stop screwing around and go nuclear passing what we actually want. A living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and a tax cut for everyone else. Then we'll see how much of that we can do.....

The Middle Class never gets a pass with Democrat tax plans. Under Trump and Republicans, Middle Class is keeping more of its paycheck. That said, you want to raise taxes on the rich, define rich with income brackets and let’s also talk about spending cuts.
Screw spending cuts that's how we got the worst inequality and upward mobility. We used to have cheap training and public universities until Reagan screwed that up. We have shity infrastructure now. All to save the rich. Great job GOP. Everybody should know that flat taxes don't work. And that's
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
That's all you know from the last 35 years, the last honeymoon a president ever got and total GOP obstruction ever since. That is the giveaway to the rich you know, of course if the Democrats get in the rich will
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
If the Democrats get in the rich will be taxed more and the middle class will get a pass at least. people don't even know what the Democrats want to do any more, all they know is the phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracies.

It is definitely time to stop screwing around and go nuclear passing what we actually want. A living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and a tax cut for everyone else. Then we'll see how much of that we can do.....

What is a living wage, define what it is. As with the healthcare, the Obama Administration gave big business an added year for Obamacare kicked in, however he still required the middle class pay into it. Clinton screamed of Wall St. and today we have two more candidates working for the rich and if it is your guy, that somehow makes it better. To me both parties need cleaned.

You're nuts. The right wing Republican Party screamed, "SOCIALISM!", to build an artificial grass roots movement supported by Wall Street and the Medical Insurance / Pharmaceutical Complex which hated to see their golden goose disappear.

The GOP dreaded allowing people with cancer and other serious illnesses be able to buy affordable health insurance, or put limits on the expectorant costs of long term care for serious illnesses and surgeries.

I have no clue as to what the GOP wants or doesn't want, they are just like Democrats and supporting the rich. I have no use for either party.

Obama had the middle class paying for their healthcare before businesses did, that is a fact.
Your last sentence is gibberish. Obamacare is the best thing to happen to the non-rich since LBJ. Look at their policies the two parties diverge totally. All the GOP cares about is screwing over the non Rich and giving it to the rich. and distracting the dupes with their garbage propaganda phony scandals and conspiracies. Poor America.

BS, that is all you have. Just your partisan BS. Try cracking a book or two and do some reading. I’m non-rich and Obamacare raised my premiums. Had to get a new doctor, new insurance. So it wasn’t the best for everyone. The rest of your post is the same old stupid dupe nonsense you have barfed out for years. Maybe if you keep spouting your partisan BS, maybe the will get you a big fat sucker on the day you die. Hater dupe!
Of course guaranteed healthcare costs more than a GOP big health scam that will cut you off if you get really sick. And if you lose your job you get Medicaid unless you live in a scumbag red-state. Try figuring it out. I have a masters in history oh, you have a masters in way out there right wing stuff.... Obamacare is a basic framework we have to fix. The GOP is the swamp. And a bunch of lyers and bought off assholes at that.... And the dupes of course
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
That's all you know from the last 35 years, the last honeymoon a president ever got and total GOP obstruction ever since. That is the giveaway to the rich you know, of course if the Democrats get in the rich will
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
If the Democrats get in the rich will be taxed more and the middle class will get a pass at least. people don't even know what the Democrats want to do any more, all they know is the phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracies.

It is definitely time to stop screwing around and go nuclear passing what we actually want. A living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and a tax cut for everyone else. Then we'll see how much of that we can do.....

The Middle Class never gets a pass with Democrat tax plans. Under Trump and Republicans, Middle Class is keeping more of its paycheck. That said, you want to raise taxes on the rich, define rich with income brackets and let’s also talk about spending cuts.
Screw spending cuts that's how we got the worst inequality and upward mobility. We used to have cheap training and public universities until Reagan screwed that up. We have shity infrastructure now. All to save the rich. Great job GOP. Everybody should know that flat taxes don't work. And that's
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
That's all you know from the last 35 years, the last honeymoon a president ever got and total GOP obstruction ever since. That is the giveaway to the rich you know, of course if the Democrats get in the rich will
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
If the Democrats get in the rich will be taxed more and the middle class will get a pass at least. people don't even know what the Democrats want to do any more, all they know is the phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracies.

It is definitely time to stop screwing around and go nuclear passing what we actually want. A living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and a tax cut for everyone else. Then we'll see how much of that we can do.....

What is a living wage, define what it is. As with the healthcare, the Obama Administration gave big business an added year for Obamacare kicked in, however he still required the middle class pay into it. Clinton screamed of Wall St. and today we have two more candidates working for the rich and if it is your guy, that somehow makes it better. To me both parties need cleaned.

You're nuts. The right wing Republican Party screamed, "SOCIALISM!", to build an artificial grass roots movement supported by Wall Street and the Medical Insurance / Pharmaceutical Complex which hated to see their golden goose disappear.

The GOP dreaded allowing people with cancer and other serious illnesses be able to buy affordable health insurance, or put limits on the expectorant costs of long term care for serious illnesses and surgeries.

I have no clue as to what the GOP wants or doesn't want, they are just like Democrats and supporting the rich. I have no use for either party.

Obama had the middle class paying for their healthcare before businesses did, that is a fact.
Your last sentence is gibberish. Obamacare is the best thing to happen to the non-rich since LBJ. Look at their policies the two parties diverge totally. All the GOP cares about is screwing over the non Rich and giving it to the rich. and distracting the dupes with their garbage propaganda phony scandals and conspiracies. Poor America.

BS, that is all you have. Just your partisan BS. Try cracking a book or two and do some reading. I’m non-rich and Obamacare raised my premiums. Had to get a new doctor, new insurance. So it wasn’t the best for everyone. The rest of your post is the same old stupid dupe nonsense you have barfed out for years. Maybe if you keep spouting your partisan BS, maybe the will get you a big fat sucker on the day you die. Hater dupe!
Of course guaranteed healthcare costs more than a GOP big health scam that will cut you off if you get really sick. And if you lose your job you get Medicaid unless you live in a scumbag red-state. Try figuring it out. I have a masters in history oh, you have a masters in way out there right wing stuff.... Obamacare is a basic framework we have to fix. The GOP is the swamp. And a bunch of lyers and bought off assholes at that.... And the dupes of course

How does cutting spending contribute to wealth inequality? Further, arguing to close the gap between wealth with policies rooted in class envy is a failure. Your blind hatred of the GOP is left you little in the understanding of how to sustain a healthy thriving economy.
So the general consensus is that Pedo Joe shit the bed this morning..... and turned.... what.... 5 states red?


Tough day to be an America-hater...... hmm?
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
That's all you know from the last 35 years, the last honeymoon a president ever got and total GOP obstruction ever since. That is the giveaway to the rich you know, of course if the Democrats get in the rich will
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
If the Democrats get in the rich will be taxed more and the middle class will get a pass at least. people don't even know what the Democrats want to do any more, all they know is the phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracies.

It is definitely time to stop screwing around and go nuclear passing what we actually want. A living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and a tax cut for everyone else. Then we'll see how much of that we can do.....

The Middle Class never gets a pass with Democrat tax plans. Under Trump and Republicans, Middle Class is keeping more of its paycheck. That said, you want to raise taxes on the rich, define rich with income brackets and let’s also talk about spending cuts.
Screw spending cuts that's how we got the worst inequality and upward mobility. We used to have cheap training and public universities until Reagan screwed that up. We have shity infrastructure now. All to save the rich. Great job GOP. Everybody should know that flat taxes don't work. And that's
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
That's all you know from the last 35 years, the last honeymoon a president ever got and total GOP obstruction ever since. That is the giveaway to the rich you know, of course if the Democrats get in the rich will
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
If the Democrats get in the rich will be taxed more and the middle class will get a pass at least. people don't even know what the Democrats want to do any more, all they know is the phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracies.

It is definitely time to stop screwing around and go nuclear passing what we actually want. A living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and a tax cut for everyone else. Then we'll see how much of that we can do.....

What is a living wage, define what it is. As with the healthcare, the Obama Administration gave big business an added year for Obamacare kicked in, however he still required the middle class pay into it. Clinton screamed of Wall St. and today we have two more candidates working for the rich and if it is your guy, that somehow makes it better. To me both parties need cleaned.

You're nuts. The right wing Republican Party screamed, "SOCIALISM!", to build an artificial grass roots movement supported by Wall Street and the Medical Insurance / Pharmaceutical Complex which hated to see their golden goose disappear.

The GOP dreaded allowing people with cancer and other serious illnesses be able to buy affordable health insurance, or put limits on the expectorant costs of long term care for serious illnesses and surgeries.

I have no clue as to what the GOP wants or doesn't want, they are just like Democrats and supporting the rich. I have no use for either party.

Obama had the middle class paying for their healthcare before businesses did, that is a fact.
Your last sentence is gibberish. Obamacare is the best thing to happen to the non-rich since LBJ. Look at their policies the two parties diverge totally. All the GOP cares about is screwing over the non Rich and giving it to the rich. and distracting the dupes with their garbage propaganda phony scandals and conspiracies. Poor America.

BS, that is all you have. Just your partisan BS. Try cracking a book or two and do some reading. I’m non-rich and Obamacare raised my premiums. Had to get a new doctor, new insurance. So it wasn’t the best for everyone. The rest of your post is the same old stupid dupe nonsense you have barfed out for years. Maybe if you keep spouting your partisan BS, maybe the will get you a big fat sucker on the day you die. Hater dupe!
Of course guaranteed healthcare costs more than a GOP big health scam that will cut you off if you get really sick. And if you lose your job you get Medicaid unless you live in a scumbag red-state. Try figuring it out. I have a masters in history oh, you have a masters in way out there right wing stuff.... Obamacare is a basic framework we have to fix. The GOP is the swamp. And a bunch of lyers and bought off assholes at that.... And the dupes of course
Lol! You have a BS in everything. You are a bigoted hater dupe, that claims to have a masters and he can’t spell liars, hell you even had two letters wrong.

The master you have is in BS.
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
That's all you know from the last 35 years, the last honeymoon a president ever got and total GOP obstruction ever since. That is the giveaway to the rich you know, of course if the Democrats get in the rich will
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
If the Democrats get in the rich will be taxed more and the middle class will get a pass at least. people don't even know what the Democrats want to do any more, all they know is the phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracies.

It is definitely time to stop screwing around and go nuclear passing what we actually want. A living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and a tax cut for everyone else. Then we'll see how much of that we can do.....

The Middle Class never gets a pass with Democrat tax plans. Under Trump and Republicans, Middle Class is keeping more of its paycheck. That said, you want to raise taxes on the rich, define rich with income brackets and let’s also talk about spending cuts.
Screw spending cuts that's how we got the worst inequality and upward mobility. We used to have cheap training and public universities until Reagan screwed that up. We have shity infrastructure now. All to save the rich. Great job GOP. Everybody should know that flat taxes don't work. And that's
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
That's all you know from the last 35 years, the last honeymoon a president ever got and total GOP obstruction ever since. That is the giveaway to the rich you know, of course if the Democrats get in the rich will
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
If the Democrats get in the rich will be taxed more and the middle class will get a pass at least. people don't even know what the Democrats want to do any more, all they know is the phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracies.

It is definitely time to stop screwing around and go nuclear passing what we actually want. A living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and a tax cut for everyone else. Then we'll see how much of that we can do.....

What is a living wage, define what it is. As with the healthcare, the Obama Administration gave big business an added year for Obamacare kicked in, however he still required the middle class pay into it. Clinton screamed of Wall St. and today we have two more candidates working for the rich and if it is your guy, that somehow makes it better. To me both parties need cleaned.

You're nuts. The right wing Republican Party screamed, "SOCIALISM!", to build an artificial grass roots movement supported by Wall Street and the Medical Insurance / Pharmaceutical Complex which hated to see their golden goose disappear.

The GOP dreaded allowing people with cancer and other serious illnesses be able to buy affordable health insurance, or put limits on the expectorant costs of long term care for serious illnesses and surgeries.

I have no clue as to what the GOP wants or doesn't want, they are just like Democrats and supporting the rich. I have no use for either party.

Obama had the middle class paying for their healthcare before businesses did, that is a fact.
Your last sentence is gibberish. Obamacare is the best thing to happen to the non-rich since LBJ. Look at their policies the two parties diverge totally. All the GOP cares about is screwing over the non Rich and giving it to the rich. and distracting the dupes with their garbage propaganda phony scandals and conspiracies. Poor America.

BS, that is all you have. Just your partisan BS. Try cracking a book or two and do some reading. I’m non-rich and Obamacare raised my premiums. Had to get a new doctor, new insurance. So it wasn’t the best for everyone. The rest of your post is the same old stupid dupe nonsense you have barfed out for years. Maybe if you keep spouting your partisan BS, maybe the will get you a big fat sucker on the day you die. Hater dupe!
Of course guaranteed healthcare costs more than a GOP big health scam that will cut you off if you get really sick. And if you lose your job you get Medicaid unless you live in a scumbag red-state. Try figuring it out. I have a masters in history oh, you have a masters in way out there right wing stuff.... Obamacare is a basic framework we have to fix. The GOP is the swamp. And a bunch of lyers and bought off assholes at that.... And the dupes of course

How does cutting spending contribute to wealth inequality? Further, arguing to close the gap between wealth with policies rooted in class envy is a failure. Your blind hatred of the GOP is left you little in the understanding of how to sustain a healthy thriving economy.
We need to spend more money on cheap education and training and on infrastructure. For 30 years we haven't. I am speaking into a smartphone. It makes mistakes. Get used to it.
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
That's all you know from the last 35 years, the last honeymoon a president ever got and total GOP obstruction ever since. That is the giveaway to the rich you know, of course if the Democrats get in the rich will
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
If the Democrats get in the rich will be taxed more and the middle class will get a pass at least. people don't even know what the Democrats want to do any more, all they know is the phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracies.

It is definitely time to stop screwing around and go nuclear passing what we actually want. A living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and a tax cut for everyone else. Then we'll see how much of that we can do.....

The Middle Class never gets a pass with Democrat tax plans. Under Trump and Republicans, Middle Class is keeping more of its paycheck. That said, you want to raise taxes on the rich, define rich with income brackets and let’s also talk about spending cuts.
Screw spending cuts that's how we got the worst inequality and upward mobility. We used to have cheap training and public universities until Reagan screwed that up. We have shity infrastructure now. All to save the rich. Great job GOP. Everybody should know that flat taxes don't work. And that's
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
That's all you know from the last 35 years, the last honeymoon a president ever got and total GOP obstruction ever since. That is the giveaway to the rich you know, of course if the Democrats get in the rich will
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
If the Democrats get in the rich will be taxed more and the middle class will get a pass at least. people don't even know what the Democrats want to do any more, all they know is the phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracies.

It is definitely time to stop screwing around and go nuclear passing what we actually want. A living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and a tax cut for everyone else. Then we'll see how much of that we can do.....

What is a living wage, define what it is. As with the healthcare, the Obama Administration gave big business an added year for Obamacare kicked in, however he still required the middle class pay into it. Clinton screamed of Wall St. and today we have two more candidates working for the rich and if it is your guy, that somehow makes it better. To me both parties need cleaned.

You're nuts. The right wing Republican Party screamed, "SOCIALISM!", to build an artificial grass roots movement supported by Wall Street and the Medical Insurance / Pharmaceutical Complex which hated to see their golden goose disappear.

The GOP dreaded allowing people with cancer and other serious illnesses be able to buy affordable health insurance, or put limits on the expectorant costs of long term care for serious illnesses and surgeries.

I have no clue as to what the GOP wants or doesn't want, they are just like Democrats and supporting the rich. I have no use for either party.

Obama had the middle class paying for their healthcare before businesses did, that is a fact.
Your last sentence is gibberish. Obamacare is the best thing to happen to the non-rich since LBJ. Look at their policies the two parties diverge totally. All the GOP cares about is screwing over the non Rich and giving it to the rich. and distracting the dupes with their garbage propaganda phony scandals and conspiracies. Poor America.

BS, that is all you have. Just your partisan BS. Try cracking a book or two and do some reading. I’m non-rich and Obamacare raised my premiums. Had to get a new doctor, new insurance. So it wasn’t the best for everyone. The rest of your post is the same old stupid dupe nonsense you have barfed out for years. Maybe if you keep spouting your partisan BS, maybe the will get you a big fat sucker on the day you die. Hater dupe!
Of course guaranteed healthcare costs more than a GOP big health scam that will cut you off if you get really sick. And if you lose your job you get Medicaid unless you live in a scumbag red-state. Try figuring it out. I have a masters in history oh, you have a masters in way out there right wing stuff.... Obamacare is a basic framework we have to fix. The GOP is the swamp. And a bunch of lyers and bought off assholes at that.... And the dupes of course
Lol! You have a BS in everything. You are a bigoted hater dupe, that claims to have a masters and he can’t spell liars, hell you even had two letters wrong.

The master you have is in BS.
this shit ain't going away

Creepy Joe is done

the Bernie camp is about to make a big push

many dems want, or wanted to see Cuomo, but his order to force Chinese Bat Flu patients into nursing homes probably sinks him

could Hillary actually get the nod?

at this point, I think they are playing for a brokered convention

"I voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016. I voted for her in the primary. I'm a lifelong Democrat. But yet, what I see now is someone enabling a sexual predator and it was my former boss, Joe Biden, who raped me," Reade told Fox News. "Hillary Clinton has a history of enabling powerful men to cover up their sexual predatory behaviors and their inappropriate sexual misconduct. We don't need that for this country. We don't need that for our new generation coming up that wants institutional rape culture to change."

I don’t think you want to go this way. There are currently 25 women that accused Trump sexual misconduct.
He is currently being sued for rape by Jean Carroll.
I detest Joe Biden.

But this hag Reade needs to come up with some evidence to back up her claims or she should be charged with election tampering, because that's all this is...
Ok. Now tell us your thoughts on Blaisey Fords accusations.

Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.

Blasey-Ford: ??
So? They are her friends. What do you expect? ALL or most of Trump complaints has dates and locations too. Just wondering Why didn’t she came up when Joe was running for VP?

Again I don’t think you want to discuss this but have it your way.
Last edited:
We can talk about Biden after Trump is held accountable.

Like most of your fellow libs, the point here goes right over your head.
It's not that Trump supporters necessarily believe or care about an accusation from years ago. This is ALL about the incredible hypocrisy of the left.

If it's someone on the right, it's an all out war from your side, #MeToo, The Women's March, the MSM. Suddenly, all of you have circled the wagons now that it's one of your own. HYPOCRITES !
Hypocrites? Are you forgetting something? 25 women are accusing Trump of sexual misconduct.
He is currently being sued for rape by Jean Carroll.
And you purposely ignored that? Talking about hypocrisy.
Funny, unwelcome diddling didn't hurt Donnie none. :rolleyes:

It's cute watching trumpanzees pretend to care about women now.

You leftists had several women to choose from to be president. Instead you chose the one who assaults them against their wishes.

Oh please. Biden accuser one women VSTrump 25 women. Trump is winning. Biden better catch up 24 points behind.

Well there are lots of far and well qualified republicans presidential candidates in 2016 election.
You guys pick Trump. A total clown, amateur , inept, dishonest, corrupt, ignorant POTUS ever. Made this country a laughing stock, dumb and ignorant bully around the world.

The sad part of that is you Trump supporter are dragging us with you with all these chaos and stupidity.
I don’t think you want to go this way. There are currently 25 women that accused Trump sexual misconduct.
happy to go this way; the charges I saw that got attention were fallacious and most were debunked altogether

not one of them had the credibility and supporting corroboration that Ms Reade has

Trump has already been tried in the court of public opinion and was elected to be President

I have stated numerous times that Ms Reade's account has holes in it, at least insofar as the sensational rape/penetration allegations

sexual harassment? the evidence is overwhelming & it does look like Biden is guilty

but either way, the big story here is the outing of the corrupt and dishonest media, hypocritical leftists and Democrats in power

based on how they treated Kavanaugh, with ZERO evidence nor any credible witnesses (Ford was a known Dem operative and actually lied under questioning); they should be forcing Joe out right now

but they have double standards for everything
Last edited:
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
That's all you know from the last 35 years, the last honeymoon a president ever got and total GOP obstruction ever since. That is the giveaway to the rich you know, of course if the Democrats get in the rich will
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
If the Democrats get in the rich will be taxed more and the middle class will get a pass at least. people don't even know what the Democrats want to do any more, all they know is the phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracies.

It is definitely time to stop screwing around and go nuclear passing what we actually want. A living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and a tax cut for everyone else. Then we'll see how much of that we can do.....

The Middle Class never gets a pass with Democrat tax plans. Under Trump and Republicans, Middle Class is keeping more of its paycheck. That said, you want to raise taxes on the rich, define rich with income brackets and let’s also talk about spending cuts.
Screw spending cuts that's how we got the worst inequality and upward mobility. We used to have cheap training and public universities until Reagan screwed that up. We have shity infrastructure now. All to save the rich. Great job GOP. Everybody should know that flat taxes don't work. And that's
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
That's all you know from the last 35 years, the last honeymoon a president ever got and total GOP obstruction ever since. That is the giveaway to the rich you know, of course if the Democrats get in the rich will
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
If the Democrats get in the rich will be taxed more and the middle class will get a pass at least. people don't even know what the Democrats want to do any more, all they know is the phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracies.

It is definitely time to stop screwing around and go nuclear passing what we actually want. A living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and a tax cut for everyone else. Then we'll see how much of that we can do.....

What is a living wage, define what it is. As with the healthcare, the Obama Administration gave big business an added year for Obamacare kicked in, however he still required the middle class pay into it. Clinton screamed of Wall St. and today we have two more candidates working for the rich and if it is your guy, that somehow makes it better. To me both parties need cleaned.

You're nuts. The right wing Republican Party screamed, "SOCIALISM!", to build an artificial grass roots movement supported by Wall Street and the Medical Insurance / Pharmaceutical Complex which hated to see their golden goose disappear.

The GOP dreaded allowing people with cancer and other serious illnesses be able to buy affordable health insurance, or put limits on the expectorant costs of long term care for serious illnesses and surgeries.

I have no clue as to what the GOP wants or doesn't want, they are just like Democrats and supporting the rich. I have no use for either party.

Obama had the middle class paying for their healthcare before businesses did, that is a fact.
Your last sentence is gibberish. Obamacare is the best thing to happen to the non-rich since LBJ. Look at their policies the two parties diverge totally. All the GOP cares about is screwing over the non Rich and giving it to the rich. and distracting the dupes with their garbage propaganda phony scandals and conspiracies. Poor America.

BS, that is all you have. Just your partisan BS. Try cracking a book or two and do some reading. I’m non-rich and Obamacare raised my premiums. Had to get a new doctor, new insurance. So it wasn’t the best for everyone. The rest of your post is the same old stupid dupe nonsense you have barfed out for years. Maybe if you keep spouting your partisan BS, maybe the will get you a big fat sucker on the day you die. Hater dupe!
Of course guaranteed healthcare costs more than a GOP big health scam that will cut you off if you get really sick. And if you lose your job you get Medicaid unless you live in a scumbag red-state. Try figuring it out. I have a masters in history oh, you have a masters in way out there right wing stuff.... Obamacare is a basic framework we have to fix. The GOP is the swamp. And a bunch of lyers and bought off assholes at that.... And the dupes of course

How does cutting spending contribute to wealth inequality? Further, arguing to close the gap between wealth with policies rooted in class envy is a failure. Your blind hatred of the GOP is left you little in the understanding of how to sustain a healthy thriving economy.
We need to spend more money on cheap education and training and on infrastructure. For 30 years we haven't. I am speaking into a smartphone. It makes mistakes. Get used to it.
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
That's all you know from the last 35 years, the last honeymoon a president ever got and total GOP obstruction ever since. That is the giveaway to the rich you know, of course if the Democrats get in the rich will
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
If the Democrats get in the rich will be taxed more and the middle class will get a pass at least. people don't even know what the Democrats want to do any more, all they know is the phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracies.

It is definitely time to stop screwing around and go nuclear passing what we actually want. A living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and a tax cut for everyone else. Then we'll see how much of that we can do.....

The Middle Class never gets a pass with Democrat tax plans. Under Trump and Republicans, Middle Class is keeping more of its paycheck. That said, you want to raise taxes on the rich, define rich with income brackets and let’s also talk about spending cuts.
Screw spending cuts that's how we got the worst inequality and upward mobility. We used to have cheap training and public universities until Reagan screwed that up. We have shity infrastructure now. All to save the rich. Great job GOP. Everybody should know that flat taxes don't work. And that's
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
That's all you know from the last 35 years, the last honeymoon a president ever got and total GOP obstruction ever since. That is the giveaway to the rich you know, of course if the Democrats get in the rich will
Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.



So now her allegations are that it happened multiple times? I'd heard of one instance.

And she has no witnesses to the assault...
The new darling of foxie news, tara reade, is probably voting for trump...a sexual predator.

The major parties have ruined whole election process has turned into a joke. No sane person will run for office and just like last election, this election will look no different. We have a choice this fall we can vote for dumber or dumber. Disgusting what the two major parties have done to our country.
Biden will be a great president despite all your crap propaganda and this idiot woman. The only woman who has ever made sexual allegations against Biden and over 50 years of politics

Nothing in this election tells me Biden will be great, his arguments and speeches don’t seem to indicate anything but another loser President that will suck up to Wall St., however he is a hell of a lot smarter than you. He and Trump don’t make the next four years look better.
[/QUOTE/] Biden is for a living wage healthcare for all cheap community colleges at least and training, better infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Not much good is going to happen until we do.

Yeah, been hearing that BS for decades, and yet the Dems can’t seem to know how to do that, they got the talk and that is it. Living wage? Hell, no one can define it. Cheap Community Colleges? Ours are cheap, so I see no issue. Better infrastructure? Like Obama and his TARP that got us nothing. Tax the rich, your answer for everything. Seems I have heard the whole record of the Democratic Party and we are deeper in debt. I have heard the gap between rich and poor is widening, it’s been that way since the 50’s. Democrats have change a thing neither has the GOP. Wall St. owns the two parties and no one has proved this wrong. Third party that will change is the answer not electing the lesser of two evils. I’m against evil.

Tax the Rich is a bullshit shell game Democrats and Liberals play. The Rich and “wealth” are never taxed. It’s the income that is taxed. The people this hits the most are the Middle Class. Somehow every “Tax the Rich” scam from Democrats necessarily creeps into Middle Class brackets. This is why Obama and his team lost their shit when Joe the Plumber presented him with a classic small business, Middle Class scenario that would get hurt by Obama’s Plan. (Smear Joe the Plumber all you want but it was the scenario that Obama got exposed on).
If the Democrats get in the rich will be taxed more and the middle class will get a pass at least. people don't even know what the Democrats want to do any more, all they know is the phony scandals and ridiculous conspiracies.

It is definitely time to stop screwing around and go nuclear passing what we actually want. A living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich and a tax cut for everyone else. Then we'll see how much of that we can do.....

What is a living wage, define what it is. As with the healthcare, the Obama Administration gave big business an added year for Obamacare kicked in, however he still required the middle class pay into it. Clinton screamed of Wall St. and today we have two more candidates working for the rich and if it is your guy, that somehow makes it better. To me both parties need cleaned.

You're nuts. The right wing Republican Party screamed, "SOCIALISM!", to build an artificial grass roots movement supported by Wall Street and the Medical Insurance / Pharmaceutical Complex which hated to see their golden goose disappear.

The GOP dreaded allowing people with cancer and other serious illnesses be able to buy affordable health insurance, or put limits on the expectorant costs of long term care for serious illnesses and surgeries.

I have no clue as to what the GOP wants or doesn't want, they are just like Democrats and supporting the rich. I have no use for either party.

Obama had the middle class paying for their healthcare before businesses did, that is a fact.
Your last sentence is gibberish. Obamacare is the best thing to happen to the non-rich since LBJ. Look at their policies the two parties diverge totally. All the GOP cares about is screwing over the non Rich and giving it to the rich. and distracting the dupes with their garbage propaganda phony scandals and conspiracies. Poor America.

BS, that is all you have. Just your partisan BS. Try cracking a book or two and do some reading. I’m non-rich and Obamacare raised my premiums. Had to get a new doctor, new insurance. So it wasn’t the best for everyone. The rest of your post is the same old stupid dupe nonsense you have barfed out for years. Maybe if you keep spouting your partisan BS, maybe the will get you a big fat sucker on the day you die. Hater dupe!
Of course guaranteed healthcare costs more than a GOP big health scam that will cut you off if you get really sick. And if you lose your job you get Medicaid unless you live in a scumbag red-state. Try figuring it out. I have a masters in history oh, you have a masters in way out there right wing stuff.... Obamacare is a basic framework we have to fix. The GOP is the swamp. And a bunch of lyers and bought off assholes at that.... And the dupes of course
Lol! You have a BS in everything. You are a bigoted hater dupe, that claims to have a masters and he can’t spell liars, hell you even had two letters wrong.

The master you have is in BS.
Yeah, that is what happens you get your ass beat and concede. Thanks for trying loser.
I don’t think you want to go this way. There are currently 25 women that accused Trump sexual misconduct.
happy to go this way; the charges I saw that got attention were fallacious and most were debunked altogether

not one of them had the credibility and supporting corroboration that Ms Reade has

Trump has already been tried in the court of public opinion and was elected to be President

I have stated numerous times that Ms Reade's account has holes in it, at least insofar as the sensational rape/penetration allegations

sexual harassment? the evidence is overwhelming & it does look like Biden is guilty

but either way, the big story here is the outing of the corrupt and dishonest media, hypocritical leftists and Democrats in power

based on how they treated Kavanaugh, with ZERO evidence nor any credible witnesses (Ford was a known Dem operative and actually lied under questioning); they should be forcing Joe out right now

but they have double standards for everything

Actually I welcomed this kind of attack of Biden because we can bring out all those pussy grabbing video back + will line up 5 or more of those Trump accusers all at one time. That will be fine. Hannity has been trying to get Tara to his show.

Be very careful what you wish for.
Here is the latest about Tara Reade.

Reade had spoken highly of Biden, the former boss who employed her as a staff assistant from late 1992 to August 1993, and never mentioned assault or harassment, Wrye recalls. But what Wrye remembers most is that by the time Reade left their property and moved on, Wrye felt burned.

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