Target is banning books. Time for the Bud Light treatment.

Are you logged in to Twitter?

I don't have a Twitter account, retard. That's what I've been saying.

Here's the entire tweet, on, with a button to log in or create an account. You morons don't know how to use your internet browser, which isn't my problem.

The fascists at Target have reversed course and will in fact sell Levin's book.

It works, guys, let's keep the pressure on these woke corporations. Don't let them get away with bigotry, discrimination, and censorship!

Well great. Now you don’t have anything to whine about. One question. Who is going to read the book?
Target doesn't sell every type of cereal, but that they do not stock cereal is not being banned.

Target is not a bookstore, it is a store that sells some books. Retail shelf space comes at a high price. Until I see the letter from Target saying that they fear the title may offend, I'll believe the biggest reason for their decision is simply that the tome lacks broad appeal and is far more likely to take up valuable shelf space,

Barnes & Noble is a bookstore, they sell books primarily and some shittery on the side. I am certain that the ever fragile Mr. Levin's book will be sold by Barnes & Noble. He need not worry about bilking his adoring fans of their hard earned dollars.

On edit:

Well, it seems I should have read the entire thread to the end.

I did find this a tad ironic:

It works, guys, let's keep the pressure on these woke corporations. Don't let them get away with bigotry, discrimination, and censorship!
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So, lets get this straight....the same people that cheer when the Govt bans books is now pissed when a private company will not sell a book?

Holy fuck

They’re banning books to protect the children (from free speech), not to keep from offending their customers.

They’ve cheered everything Elon Musk did to Twitter and now it doesn’t work properly. Accounts are being spoofed, and it’s glitchy as hell.

it can’t be trusted nobody is using it, except the crazies.

Yep, we've noticed how quickly.

MAGA Republicans aren’t “half of the country”. They’re not even half of the Republican Party.
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Nonsense. If I shop at Target (for any reason) to buy my books. And Target refuses to even carry a particular book for shitty political reasons, Target has banned me from buying that book at their stores.
That is a VERY broad - too broad - definition of what banning means.
They are free to do so. In return, I’m free to withdraw my customer business from them.
Right, and I think they factored that in.

I think Levin's a kook, and I understand their initial decision - they have enough on their plates without further antagonizing various groups.

But it seems like everyone's gone crazy, so maybe they should just stop worrying.
I don’t see the “word game.”

If you’re simply contending that “ban” is an incorrect word choice, that doesn’t amount to the OP playing any “word games.”

You probably realize that nobody else is obligated to agree with your preference in word choice.
Game; I didn't say word game - you introduced that.

He was setting up bait so that he could swoop in with his "What about the baker?" argument.

Basically, trolling.

But a kind of interesting discussion; you generally bring thoughtful discourse to the table, so that's appreciated. :)
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So, lets get this straight....the same people that cheer when the Govt bans books is now pissed when a private company will not sell a book?

Holy fuck
Well, it's also a bait thread for the OP's "What about the baker???" obsession, so there's that too.

I don't have a Twitter account, retard. That's what I've been saying.

Here's the entire tweet, on, with a button to log in or create an account. You morons don't know how to use your internet browser, which isn't my problem.

View attachment 802343
Here's a thought:

When creating an OP, provide the information you wish to discuss in readily readable form in the OP.

This way, the (apparently numerous) "morons" here don't have to go searching for it.


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