Target is banning books. Time for the Bud Light treatment.

Another thing you're sure you're right about... :)

I guess what you do is a kind of skill, like belching the alphabet.

But yeah, conservatives want to cancel those who don't think and act as they do.

Oh well - the movement will be gone by mid-century, and thanks to folks like you.
We are not the ones whose focus of personality cult worship campaigned on "hype and fundamental change" to Amerika.
Nor do we engage in mass civil insurrection and destruction as seen by AntiFa and BLM during Summer of 2020.
More specifically that was "Gay and Trans Pride products" for children, babies to pre-adolescent, whom do not need to be programmed and indoctrinated towards deviant and mutant sexual orientation and behavior. There are enough "Adult"(sex) shops around where this sort of very narrow market demographic can get their focused merchandise.

Target lost me as a customer before their gay&trans marketing folly. The Levin book issue is just icing on the cake so to speak.

So to teach them a lesson you are going to avoid shopping at a store you already avoid.

Well by that metric. I was boycotting Football before the whole kneeling episode and BLM. Does that make me more Patriotic than you? Or less? Or is it irrelevant what I don’t do?

Some boycotts work. For example. Bud Lights primary customer base was redneck RW types. And by offending them the company is suffering. Which is hilarious to me by the way. A vast majority of the money donated to political parties and PAC’s went to support Republicans. So by hurting the company the RW are in fact shooting themselves in the foot.

I buy what I like and don’t care what others think. I shop where I want and wish all the others well.

You are all free to do so as well. But don’t give yourselves outsized importance. Yes you can destroy the companies that support you. But doing so does more harm to yourself and those like you than it does to your enemies.

Target doesn’t seem to care that you aren’t shopping there. Good for them. Apparently they know that small minded RW types aren’t their customer base. Now Walmart probably worries about upsetting you all. But apparently Target doesn’t.
A reminder to the dis-informationists posting here, in the OP, within the copy-paste of the twitter from Levin, he stated this was the reason for Target to decline to carry his book;
"It claims that certain customers might be offended by the title."

Seems Target is willing to offend certain customer demographics in order not to offend others.

Fair enough that it may be their "right" to do so.

Also fair enough for one to point out such and remind those whom may want to know about such and encourage they respond as they might wish, such as just don't do business with the store/chain.
Possibly, but the theory is quite sound.

And amply demostrated on this very thread.

But yeah, Target hain't banned nuffin.
Not exactly correct. They advised Levin’s publisher that they wouldn’t be stocking his new book. They have since back-tracked.

Making stupid business decisions shouldn’t become too habitual for them. They could end up as damaged as Bud Light.
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So to teach them a lesson you are going to avoid shopping at a store you already avoid.

Well by that metric. I was boycotting Football before the whole kneeling episode and BLM. Does that make me more Patriotic than you? Or less? Or is it irrelevant what I don’t do?

Some boycotts work. For example. Bud Lights primary customer base was redneck RW types. And by offending them the company is suffering. Which is hilarious to me by the way. A vast majority of the money donated to political parties and PAC’s went to support Republicans. So by hurting the company the RW are in fact shooting themselves in the foot.

I buy what I like and don’t care what others think. I shop where I want and wish all the others well.

You are all free to do so as well. But don’t give yourselves outsized importance. Yes you can destroy the companies that support you. But doing so does more harm to yourself and those like you than it does to your enemies.

Target doesn’t seem to care that you aren’t shopping there. Good for them. Apparently they know that small minded RW types aren’t their customer base. Now Walmart probably worries about upsetting you all. But apparently Target doesn’t.
I could care less about Target and teaching them a lesson.
More a matter of my personal principles and being true to them.

As for Bud Light, there are other cheap, crappy beers I can use for slug trap bait. Not to mention I was never fond of Budweiser beer anyway, so they never "had me" to begin with.

"redneck RW types" are just the Cosmos' counterpoint to "commie LW types" such as yourself.
Here's what I have. Target has been on the list for a long time.

Star Wars
Mirage Beer
Best Buy
Coca Cola
Delta Airlines
Girl Scout cookies
Blue Cross Blue Shield
American Express
Goldman Sachs
JP Morgan Chase
United Airlines
Ben and Jerry's
DC Comics
Match Group
Warner Bros
Conde Nast
Dick’s Sporting Goods
Alaska Airlines
Cracker Barrell
Garth Brooks

They're a delicate bunch. Very easily triggered.
Hesitate to burn more server space with a quote~reply, but some of this list are things the Left boycotts also.
Sure it is. I don't have a Twitter account, and I have no problem seeing tweets, either here in the forum or on the Twitter website.

You just don't know what you're doing, and you want the world to change to accommodate your stupidity. Not going to happen.

Elon Musk continues to destroy Twitter.

No you cannot just read Twitter posts without logging in anymore. Musk isn’t paying his server bills.

Just started this week.
My answer wasn't your question, no.

I'm glad you understand this.

My answer - again - is this:

Not if they're being selective in terms of whom they serve, no.

You can't refuse to serve someone because they're Black or Christian or gay or all three of those things for instance.

Did you really not know this?

It's been the law for decades now.

Got it? :)
This: "You can't refuse to serve someone because they're Black or Christian or gay or all three of those things for instance." may be law of sorts, or more correctly Supreme Court interpretation; but when pre-payment and no refunds are part of the terms for business, would you really want to force someone do deal with you when that could be a cake with too much salt, or ugly looking, or your burger comes with a loogie as part of the fixins ???

Pushing this compelled business from someone reluctant can backfire.
^ Boiled it down nicely.

(It'll do the OP no good, but concisely expressed.)
Nonsense. If I shop at Target (for any reason) to buy my books. And Target refuses to even carry a particular book for shitty political reasons, Target has banned me from buying that book at their stores.

They are free to do so. In return, I’m free to withdraw my customer business from them.
Hesitate to burn more server space with a quote~reply, but some of this list are things the Left boycotts also.
I don’t know about that. For claiming to be against cancel culture, you guys sure are a bunch of delicate snowflakes offended by everything.
I didn't realize the OP was playing a game of bait and imaginary gotcha or I wouldn't have brought it up.
I don’t see the “word game.”

If you’re simply contending that “ban” is an incorrect word choice, that doesn’t amount to the OP playing any “word games.”

You probably realize that nobody else is obligated to agree with your preference in word choice.
I could care less about Target and teaching them a lesson.
More a matter of my personal principles and being true to them.

As for Bud Light, there are other cheap, crappy beers I can use for slug trap bait. Not to mention I was never fond of Budweiser beer anyway, so they never "had me" to begin with.

"redneck RW types" are just the Cosmos' counterpoint to "commie LW types" such as yourself.

Actually I’m right of center, barely, moderate. But truth is another thing you don’t care about.
Classic libturd pouting. Anything that doesn't agree with your degenerate ideology is "hate speech".
That gate swings both ways, if you want to play that game.
Which is why Levin's book has the title it does, because it is the truth.

Why is it when right wingers are insulting others it’s always “the truth”. There’s an old expression that says “When you point your fingers at someone else, there are four pointing back at you”.

Republicans would do well to look at what the problems are in their own party, without continually blaming Democrats for their own failures in governing.

Why aren’t members of the Republican party talking about their policies, their agenda, and their plans for the nation?
Everything in target can be found on Amazon and I don't have to go into the public. It's a win for everyone.

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