Target loses $9 billion due to backlash from trans kids clothing

But organizing a boycott, harassing company workers, exhibiting demonstrably violent ideation by taking an AR-15 and blasting the shit out of their products to make some sort of statement...that's pretty 1930s Europe stuff right there.

Not all boycotts are moral. Judenboycott was really the first of many atrocities committed by the Nazi regime, eventually culminating in Kristallnacht and trains to Auschwitz. These anti-LGBTQ protests are closer to Nuremberg than they are to Selma.
^^The Godwin Is Strong in This One
Not necessarily.. the CEO of target doubled down talking about how the decision is “good for society”… so, I guess they’ll accept their losses and play martyr. As long as we make them pay for it, they can perform all the dramatics they want. There’s no virtue in their actions, no matter how much they narcissistically masturbate to their own virtue so they feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Twisted Private Lives of Superficially Stable Businessmen

Just like Ted Turner and Bill Gates, they got tired of being called "greedy Capitalists who care nothing about social injustice" in social interactions with their own birth-class. That shaming influenced them to prove they weren't that way to the only people they really care about.

Also, their children come home from college with the same degenerate moral perspective. Shaming parents is a Preppy prerogative and, to pushover parents, it is addictively effective. Saying "No" to the precious darlings is a no-no.
But they kind of are because what is the point of marketing anything to .0003% of the country, unless you want to throw it in people's faces?

Many people appreciate a company that shows tolerance for others. The backlash in this case is the opposite of that - it's intolerance.

It's pretty clear why MAGAs are boycotting Bud Light. They want LGBT shoved back into the closet, where they think they belong. Has nothing to do with protecting kids or whatever the fuck else you guys are on about.
True. A falling stock often triggers the expulsion of executives that are believed responsible for the decline. Go woke, go broke.
Whirling in a World of Their Own

Notice that the Ivy League snob canned at Transheuser-Busch referred to previous unWoke ads as "fratty," meaning that they were directed towards Preppy fraternity drunks. More proof that all these upper-class elitists pay attention to is their own class, since the Animal House kids are a tiny minority in the population of male beer-drinkers who like to see some T&A in their beer commercials.
They're not shoving anything down anyone's throats. I shop at target can't recall a single time when I saw anything related to PRIDE. Ditto Bud Light/AB. I've seen a bunch of pants-shitting on the Internet over it.

I think the real issue is that these companies are mainstreaming previously-marginalized groups of people and social conservatives don't like it, probably because they've always thought that being gay is gross.

Being gay or trans is only 'gross' if you allow your mind to go there and think about things that maybe you shouldn't think about.
No, it’s gross regardless if you let your mind go there or not.
I get they're not offensive to you and that these logos/images have been around forever. I honestly didn't think much of it either, and I've bought Uncle Ben's and Aunt Jemima since forever. But do you understand why Black Americans may find these images offensive?
Aframs Following Orders From Their Sponsors: "Pretend They Offend"
Many people appreciate a company that shows tolerance for others. The backlash in this case is the opposite of that - it's intolerance.

It's pretty clear why MAGAs are boycotting Bud Light. They want LGBT shoved back into the closet, where they think they belong. Has nothing to do with protecting kids or whatever the fuck else you guys are on about.
This is not an either or though. One does not have to have either the closet or parades and “months”. There is, as with all things, an acceptable middle ground.

For example, we all know that urination fetishes exist, no one cares, adults can do whatever they want. But a parade celebrating it, or a national urine fetish month, is a bridge too far.
This is not an either or though. One does not have to have either the closet or parades and “months”. There is, as with all things, an acceptable middle ground.

For example, we all know that urination fetishes exist, no one cares, adults can do whatever they want. But a parade celebrating it, or a national urine fetish month, is a bridge too far.

See, there again, you're fixated on the sex part of gay identity and relationships. In reality being gay, just like being hetero or something in between, is complex. There's a sexual component to relationships and an individual's desire for intimacy but then there's everything else that has nothing to do with sex. But being gay or trans in a world that is predominately not gay means being noticeably different. And some people just hate others because they are, and because they don't somehow fit in. Some are even willing to kill to show how much they hate.

When companies, institutions, or even individual people offer friendship to members of the LGBT community, they aren't promoting gay sex or trans sex practices. It's just an overture promoting tolerance and acceptance of everything else about them.

The issue isn't that gay/trans is being shoved down your throats; it's that people don't want to accept that these people exist and that they are treated normally like everyone else.
See, there again, you're fixated on the sex part of gay identity and relationships. In reality being gay, just like being hetero or something in between, is complex. There's a sexual component to relationships and an individual's desire for intimacy but then there's everything else that has nothing to do with sex. But being gay or trans in a world that is predominately not gay means being noticeably different. And some people just hate others because they are, and because they don't somehow fit in. Some are even willing to kill to show how much they hate.

When companies, institutions, or even individual people offer friendship to members of the LGBT community, they aren't promoting gay sex or trans sex practices. It's just an overture promoting tolerance and acceptance of everything else about them.

The issue isn't that gay/trans is being shoved down your throats; it's that people don't want to accept that these people exist and that they are treated normally like everyone else.

Lol, so those other fetishes, and that is exactly what gay and transgender is, should have a month long celebration and parades?

You can’t make this shit up.

Keep dancing dude, it ain’t helping.
You're the one who's not paying attention. Again, I'm not denying that Bud Light has an image problem -- in the present.

My point is, this will blow over. It's temporary. AB-InBev, which has a long history of figuring out how to respond to existential crises far bigger than this eon, will figure this mini-crisis out.

They will almost surely need to do some re-branding, but if that's what it takes, then that is what they will do. Their bottom line isn't wokeness on one end or MAGA on the other; it's $, and they don't care who they get it from or how they get it. They know their core business better than you or anyone on this forum. They'll figure it out.
"mini-crises" :rolleyes:
What an idiot

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