Target loses $9 billion due to backlash from trans kids clothing

BTW - the only way back for Bud Light is to sincerely make a widespread apology tour.
And actually apologize. Specifically, and admit they fucked up.
But they don't have the balls to do that. And because of that, they will never get what they lost back.
Won't happen.

Yeah, well, if you're waiting for an apology tour, you'll be waiting for a while. They're not going to alienate every other demographic just to appease a bunch of raging bigoted dipshits. Their sales will recover. Maybe some damage to the Bud Light brand for a while, but this will be a forgotten controversy in a year or so.
I never tire of Democrats accusing others of being who THEY are and of doing things THEY do / have done...


No doubt, the LGBTQ demographic is a comparatively small one, but that's what makes the outrage over it so ridiculous. It was one . fucking . can. And you guys lost your shit like you just came down with a bad case of Montezuma's Revenge.

Are these companies virtue signaling? Maybe, but roll your eyes and move on. These companies aren't pushing a gay agenda. They're not forcing you to buy gay products.

I get they're not offensive to you and that these logos/images have been around forever. I honestly didn't think much of it either, and I've bought Uncle Ben's and Aunt Jemima since forever. But do you understand why Black Americans may find these images offensive?
Dylan is being pushed by corporate America. Probably because his followers are kids and immature wierdos in their early twenties. Even the Biden Administration endorsed him. Dylan’s rise to fame is not organic…it’s being pushed for an agenda.

BTW the minority on logos were not even offensive to the minorities in question’s families. Only racist wokesters had a problem with them.
Yeah, well, if you're waiting for an apology tour, you'll be waiting for a while. They're not going to alienate every other demographic just to appease a bunch of raging bigoted dipshits. Their sales will recover. Maybe some damage to the Bud Light brand for a while, but this will be a forgotten controversy in a year or so.
I remember you, and what I remember is you refuse to listen.
Bud Light sales has plummeted ALL OVER THE U.S. and wait for it.... CANADA also.
Even the most liberal areas in the most liberal cities - sales have dropped like a lead balloon.

Pay attention.
Considering they are even pissing off a good portion of the Gay community…you are wrong on that. Not all LGBT folks are on board with sexualizing kids.

Tammy Bruce, a well admitted lesbian was on last night voicing the same concern. In her opinion this does nothing but hurt the gay/lesbian community.
I remember you, and what I remember is you refuse to listen.
Bud Light sales has plummeted ALL OVER THE U.S. and wait for it.... CANADA also.
Even the most liberal areas in the most liberal cities - sales have dropped like a lead balloon.

Pay attention.

You're the one who's not paying attention. Again, I'm not denying that Bud Light has an image problem -- in the present.

My point is, this will blow over. It's temporary. AB-InBev, which has a long history of figuring out how to respond to existential crises far bigger than this eon, will figure this mini-crisis out.

They will almost surely need to do some re-branding, but if that's what it takes, then that is what they will do. Their bottom line isn't wokeness on one end or MAGA on the other; it's $, and they don't care who they get it from or how they get it. They know their core business better than you or anyone on this forum. They'll figure it out.
I have a pretty good suspicion that the vast majority of "protesters" aren't even, and probably never were, Target/Bud Light/Disney customers. They're just looking for attention and a reason to foam at the mouth.
Yeah, that’s why Bud Lite sales are down dramatically. Because people who never bought it before stoped buying it.

Man, you should get a job in AB marketing department. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yeah, that’s why Bud Lite sales are down dramatically. Because people who never bought it before stoped buying it.

Man, you should get a job in AB marketing department. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I meant that the vast majority of people who are noisily protesting aren't customers. Non-customers can impact customers' purchasing decision in various ways.

Bud Light's true customers might be avoiding it because they're being intimidated into avoiding the controversy, particularly at the wholesale level. It's just easier for a concert venue, a baseball club, or a bar to pull the plug on Bud Light until things calm down. Those decisions will inevitably impact sales, but you still have no way of knowing whether or not those are Bud Light's drinkers.

A better indicator might be supermarket and convenience store sales, but even with that, maybe college frat boys are ditching Bud Light because they're trying to maintain a macho image and the Bud Light controversy is scaring them off for the moment. They can, and very likely will, return.

Companies make decisions that backfire or cause controversy all the time. They recover.
Companies, particularly publicly traded companies, are a lot more than their cash flow.

The value of company (it's worth) is a combination of inventory and facilities, tangible and intangible profits, brand name intrinsic value, intellectual property, and market capitalization.

The value of outstanding stock is the major value of a publicly traded company overall. If a companies stock price falls precipitously, the company itself has lost market capitalization and the intrinsic value of the name brand suffers, so overall the company has lost value.

I know that. However, what the headline implies and what actually happened are two very different things. And the author trying to confuse the readers is typical of highly biased reporting that is more about pushing an agenda than passing information.

But the headline is wrong, Target did not "lose $9 billion", and there can be a great many reasons for that.

Hell, a lot of times when a company reaches record peaks in profits, stocks will drop. That is often the "profit takers" cashing out after the good news, which causes the price to drop. That is something that is very well known, as are people trying to use things like that to manipulate values.
Funny, I went to Target a week or two ago and don't recall security forcing me to buy anything gay or trans before checking out and leaving the store. It was the same old limited in-store selection of moderately expensive shit that it's always been.

I like Target over Wal-Mart because usually, the consumers aren't the dregs of society. I like Wal-Mart (or used to) because I can buy more shit on the cheap. I hate both because they force you to use their self-check out, which I despise on several levels.

I'm talking about the entirety of the market going out of their way to promote this stuff, not just target. But if we're going to talk specifically about Target then I'm not sure there's a move obvious move of shoving a political agenda down people's throats then selling trans and gay wear for babies and children.
I'm talking about the entirety of the market going out of their way to promote this stuff, not just target. But if we're going to talk specifically about Target then I'm not sure there's a move obvious move of shoving a political agenda down people's throats then selling trans and gay wear for babies and children.

They're not shoving anything down anyone's throats. I shop at target can't recall a single time when I saw anything related to PRIDE. Ditto Bud Light/AB. I've seen a bunch of pants-shitting on the Internet over it.

I think the real issue is that these companies are mainstreaming previously-marginalized groups of people and social conservatives don't like it, probably because they've always thought that being gay is gross.

Being gay or trans is only 'gross' if you allow your mind to go there and think about things that maybe you shouldn't think about.
No doubt, the LGBTQ demographic is a comparatively small one, but that's what makes the outrage over it so ridiculous. It was one . fucking . can. And you guys lost your shit like you just came down with a bad case of Montezuma's Revenge.

Are these companies virtue signaling? Maybe, but roll your eyes and move on. These companies aren't pushing a gay agenda. They're not forcing you to buy gay products.

I get they're not offensive to you and that these logos/images have been around forever. I honestly didn't think much of it either, and I've bought Uncle Ben's and Aunt Jemima since forever. But do you understand why Black Americans may find these images offensive?

It's actually hilarious if it wasn't so downright terrifying. If one can of beer can unite so many mentally challenged right wingers how easy would it be to manipulate them to do something dangerous, like storm a capitol in an effort to perform a clown coup de tate. Oh wait, that's already happened.
They're not shoving anything down anyone's throats. I shop at target can't recall a single time when I saw anything related to PRIDE. Ditto Bud Light/AB. I've seen a bunch of pants-shitting on the Internet over it.

I think the real issue is that these companies are mainstreaming previously-marginalized groups of people and social conservatives don't like it, probably because they've always thought that being gay is gross.

Being gay or trans is only 'gross' if you allow your mind to go there and think about things that maybe you shouldn't think about.

But they kind of are because what is the point of marketing anything to .0003% of the country, unless you want to throw it in people's faces? Unless every company is purely doing this to up their ESG rating like Bud light was.
And more and more companies are doing it. I can't figure out that business strategy either.
That's because it isn't an actual business strategy - al least short term.

It IS very much part of the great reset strategy, however, which is the long term end game.
They just love to mess with our kids, don't they? I don't care what they do if it's adults, but they cross a line when it's children.
The Slippery Slope Slipped by Unnoticed

You should have cared what they do as as adults. That initial tolerance and indifference was a green light for the Gayists to progress step-by-step to grooming.
Conservatives need someone to bully and dominate. That is really at the heart of their worldview. They prefer hierarchy to equity. They prefer caste to competition and meritocracy. They live in a world of hierarchy, and they believe that they, as members of the right race/religion, believe they are at the apex of that hierarchy. They need people to bully and dominate. Immigrants. Minorities. Women. Gays. Liberals. The poor.
Politics Is a Spitball Fight at a Prep School

The Liberals, who are from the same birth-class, have the same attitude but have different targets of their bipartisan class's "Born to Rule" megalomania.

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