Target loses $9 billion due to backlash from trans kids clothing

I used to be fool enough to believe that.

They don't want tolerance and acceptance....They demand that you and I celebrate them, for something that they claim to have no control over, no matter what outrageous and revolting form that "celebration" may take.

Fuck those overbearing, narcissistic degenerates.
All we heard forever was that they wanted to be left alone. So we left the money alone. But being the attention whores that they are, they couldn’t stand not being the center of attention. So they demand to do disgusting things in public in front of kids. And they wonder why people are lining up against them.
Maybe they think Bud Light is, and always was, shit beer. I know plenty of liberals and come to think of it, I can't remember the last time I saw one drink a can of Bud Light when there were so many other better-tasting alcoholic beverages on the market.

Literally the last time I saw anyone drink Bud Light was in college or maybe in my 20s when I regularly went out for happy hours after work and Saturday night live music. That was before craft beer. Before ciders and other mixed shit that are taking over the adult beverage market.

You can masturbate at the thought of AB going bankrupt all you want, but in the end, it's just that: a fantasy.

God you made me laugh with that silly twipe. 😂😂

Dude, it was the number one selling beer in the country.

Geez, you are lame.
Conservatives need someone to bully and dominate. That is really at the heart of their worldview. They prefer hierarchy to equity. They prefer caste to competition and meritocracy. They live in a world of hierarchy, and they believe that they, as members of the right race/religion, believe they are at the apex of that hierarchy. They need people to bully and dominate. Immigrants. Minorities. Women. Gays. Liberals. The poor.

I never tire of Democrats accusing others of being who THEY are and of doing things THEY do / have done...

So who ever claimed victim hood?

Not that expensive. Stores don't make most of their own products, they buy them from companies where they're already made. It's just a choice of whether they will include those products in their inventory.

The point you missed is that there is no new consumer base for weirdos. They sell very few of those products so their effort is political and not business. We on the right have been sick of politics getting into everything these past couple of years. It's not that it's not our particular politics but politics in general. It's like Laura's book Shut Up And Sing. The title tells it all.
True. Dollar tree is currently stocking their shelves with a crap ton of Pride overstock from the big box stores that can’t sell it.
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No, actually, you do care. That's why I keep seeing "Go woke, go broke" threads started by MAGAs.

MAGAs aren't satisfied with quietly switching beers. They want to be shit disturbers and tell others what they should and shouldn't drink or buy, and will harass people if they do.

So when did any of those events happen? To my knowledge, people just quit buying the beer is all. No protests, no riots, no telling anybody else what they can or can't drink.
Target stock took a major dip a year ago and hasn't recovered. Since then they've remained within a certain range and they go up and down, but they are still way better off today then they were 4 years ago. This latest dip in the stock has got nothing to do with people not happy with trans kids clothes. However I will say, the phenomenon of shoving anything trans down people's throats is a curious move.
Wow.. I saw the Target stock is dropping, and there’s a major sales decline.

Think companies are going to continue to try to force wokeness into their customers?

***Mod Edit: Link to one source Target loses $9B in week following boycott calls over LGBTQ-friendly kids clothing

The value of a stock rising or falling has nothing directly to do with the company "losing money". Target did not lose money, only its stock price dropped.

They are not the same thing at all.

Earlier this year Tesla stock lost over $700 billion in value. That is not the same thing as saying Tesla lost $700 billion.

One really needs to actually read articles and see what kind of bias the writers are injecting into them.
Congrats.. You’re the most immature person in the thread, and that’s saying something

That would place him pretty high up in the running for most immature world wide ...

The value of a stock rising or falling has nothing directly to do with the company "losing money". Target did not lose money, only its stock price dropped.

Companies, particularly publicly traded companies, are a lot more than their cash flow.

The value of company (it's worth) is a combination of inventory and facilities, tangible and intangible profits, brand name intrinsic value, intellectual property, and market capitalization.

The value of outstanding stock is the major value of a publicly traded company overall. If a companies stock price falls precipitously, the company itself has lost market capitalization and the intrinsic value of the name brand suffers, so overall the company has lost value.
Target stock took a major dip a year ago and hasn't recovered. Since then they've remained within a certain range and they go up and down, but they are still way better off today then they were 4 years ago. This latest dip in the stock has got nothing to do with people not happy with trans kids clothes. However I will say, the phenomenon of shoving anything trans down people's throats is a curious move.

Funny, I went to Target a week or two ago and don't recall security forcing me to buy anything gay or trans before checking out and leaving the store. It was the same old limited in-store selection of moderately expensive shit that it's always been.

I like Target over Wal-Mart because usually, the consumers aren't the dregs of society. I like Wal-Mart (or used to) because I can buy more shit on the cheap. I hate both because they force you to use their self-check out, which I despise on several levels.
Ya’ll can dish it out ,but cry like babies when you get it back. Very amusing.

Listen, I hate it when the left pulls their cancel culture shit, too. I hate it period. I admit that I sometimes roll my eyes at the constant virtue signaling on inclusion, like when they do all the extended tributes before the Super Bowl or whatever. Not that I mind it in small doses but they tend to over do it.

But the backlash against Bud Light, Target, etc is insane. Sometimes, in a few select instances, a boycott may be necessary to force a company or even a government to behave. Most of the time, just public pressure to apologize and do better is enough.

But these anti-gay/trans boycotts aren't moral boycotts; they're intended to force discrimination against a group of people. They're the exact opposite of the Birmingham bus protests in the 1950s. They're the civil rights movement in reverse.

Maybe you all can't see that you're acting like Nazis, but that's what you're doing if you support these kinds of in-your-face boycotts.
Maybe you all can't see that you're acting like Nazis, but that's what you're doing if you support these kinds of in-your-face boycotts.

There is nothing fascist about a boycott. Boycotts are individuals choosing where and how to spend their own personal money. No one is suggesting for a moment that Target, or Anheuser-Busch, or any other company not be allowed to choose to whom they market.

Just as no one should be forced to spend their money with a company whose values they find offensive.

Right now, many companies are testing the waters of an untapped market (perpetually offended LGBT spenders) to see if marketing directly to that market produces a net loss or a net gain.

Buy buying, or not buying product from those companies, consumers are helping those companies decide where best to spend their future marketing budgets.

Adam Smith's "Invisible Hand of the Market" is the ultimate arbiter of which consumer demographic has the most purchasing power.

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