Target loses $9 billion due to backlash from trans kids clothing

No one is smashing the windows of a Target, or dragging the owners out into street to beat or kill them.

Not everyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi -- however convenient and comforting it is to label them thus.

Americans are simply making a personal choice not to buy a product or shop at a store.

They aren't engaging in 'mostly peaceful protests' the way liberals / snowflakes do...



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Conservatives ask the bartender for a different beer, shop at another store, and will buy Wrangler jeans instead ... they're not violent, tantrum-throwing domestic terrorists like BLM & Antifa.

Nothing says 'Justice For George Floyd' like walking out of a broken storefront window with a new 50" flatscreen, though, right?
The worst part is that the dipshits in charge at Target, Budweiser and Levis actually think this is a good idea. Our education system today is piss poor on math, science, literature and history but they have no problem mass producing these mentally unstable wokesters.
The worst part is that the dipshits in charge at Target, Budweiser and Levis actually think this is a good idea. Our education system today is piss poor on math, science, literature and history but they have no problem mass producing these mentally unstable wokesters.

It is a good idea. These businesses will survive. MAGAs have had their Pickett's Charge moment. People will grow tired of this bullshit and start tuning the MAGAs out.
It is a good idea. These businesses will survive. MAGAs have had their Pickett's Charge moment. People will grow tired of this bullshit and start tuning the MAGAs out.
People too dumb to look out for their own good have already turned against making America great again. The loco Democrat leadership has managed to bamboozle their low information constituents into turning on themselves. Those nincompoops fall for it every time.
It is a good idea. These businesses will survive. MAGAs have had their Pickett's Charge moment. People will grow tired of this bullshit and start tuning the MAGAs out.
Yeah, that's why CNN shared a poll showing 2/3rds of the country supports the on-going 'vote with your wallet' freedom of choice trend and less than a third support the attempt to normalize transgender, LGBTQ, etc... bullshit.
The worst part is that the dipshits in charge at Target, Budweiser and Levis actually think this is a good idea. Our education system today is piss poor on math, science, literature and history but they have no problem mass producing these mentally unstable wokesters.
They apparently think antagonizing their customers is a good business model. They are wrong.
No one is smashing the windows of a Target, or dragging the owners out into street to beat or kill them.

Not everyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi -- however convenient and comforting it is to label them thus.

Yeah, peaceful, lawful "protest" that includes bomb threats.

They apparently think antagonizing their customers is a good business model. They are wrong.

I have a pretty good suspicion that the vast majority of "protesters" aren't even, and probably never were, Target/Bud Light/Disney customers. They're just looking for attention and a reason to foam at the mouth.
Yeah, that's why CNN shared a poll showing 2/3rds of the country supports the on-going 'vote with your wallet' freedom of choice trend and less than a third support the attempt to normalize transgender, LGBTQ, etc... bullshit.

Polls are full of shit. We'll see where things stand in a year when this manufactured "controversy" is a distant memory.
Yesterday I saw a report stating that Target marketing execs were "begging" the media/news outlets to stop saying/writing Target in the same sentence as Bud Light.
So I looked... sure enough... everywhere you hear/read about the news of Target, it is in the same sentence is Bud Light.
Which, in the minds of everyone, Target and Bud Light are synonymous.
I have a pretty good suspicion that the vast majority of "protesters" aren't even, and probably never were, Target/Bud Light/Disney customers. They're just looking for attention and a reason to foam at the mouth.
Then you haven't paid any attention to what is happening.
Sales of Bud Light is in staggering losses ALL OVER THE COUNTRY.
In the most liberal cities in America it is down the same.
If the "vast majority" of protesters were not customers, then how the hell do you explain such losses???
I have a pretty good suspicion that the vast majority of "protesters" aren't even, and probably never were, Target/Bud Light/Disney customers. They're just looking for attention and a reason to foam at the mouth.
I would imagine the same could be said for the woksters pushing this stuff via Disney,BudLight,Target etc. As well as the idiots that pressured companies to take minority images off of Uncle Ben’s,Land O Lakes and Aunt Jemima packaging.
Then you haven't paid any attention to what is happening.
Sales of Bud Light is in staggering losses ALL OVER THE COUNTRY.

Not denying that; I'm saying it's a temporary phenomenon. People will move on. There's only so much energy for so much outrage. AB-InBev is a massive global corporation. AB survived a decade of total prohibition on alcohol and the Great Depression that followed it. I think they can handle a ridiculous redneck shit-fit over a single girly-man can. AB's suffering blowback from one marketing decision. All companies the size of AB-InBev eventually deal with stupid shit like this, and the vast majority survive it. Sorry, but you're not bringing down AB or Bud Light. No matter how important you all think you are.
Not denying that; I'm saying it's a temporary phenomenon. People will move on. There's only so much energy for so much outrage. AB-InBev is a massive global corporation. AB survived a decade of total prohibition on alcohol and the Great Depression that followed it. I think they can handle a ridiculous redneck shit-fit over a single girly-man can. AB's suffering blowback from one marketing decision. All companies the size of AB-InBev eventually deal with stupid shit like this, and the vast majority survive it. Sorry, but you're not bringing down AB or Bud Light. No matter how important you all think you are.
It is different. This is long term. Nothing like this has ever happened before.
Brands forgot their place.
There is no reason to buy Bud Light. None. Other than habit. It is not really any different than the others.
They are all watered down pretend beer. Therefore switching to another brand is easy. it doesn't hurt. So what? I'll just drink Coors or Miller lite. No big deal. And once they develop the habit for that -what real reason is there to switch back?
I would imagine the same could be said for the woksters pushing this stuff via Disney,BudLight,Target etc.

No doubt, the LGBTQ demographic is a comparatively small one, but that's what makes the outrage over it so ridiculous. It was one . fucking . can. And you guys lost your shit like you just came down with a bad case of Montezuma's Revenge.

Are these companies virtue signaling? Maybe, but roll your eyes and move on. These companies aren't pushing a gay agenda. They're not forcing you to buy gay products.

As well as the idiots that pressured companies to take minority images off of Uncle Ben’s,Land O Lakes and Aunt Jemima packaging.

I get they're not offensive to you and that these logos/images have been around forever. I honestly didn't think much of it either, and I've bought Uncle Ben's and Aunt Jemima since forever. But do you understand why Black Americans may find these images offensive?
BTW - the only way back for Bud Light is to sincerely make a widespread apology tour.
And actually apologize. Specifically, and admit they fucked up.
But they don't have the balls to do that. And because of that, they will never get what they lost back.
Won't happen.

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