Target loses $9 billion due to backlash from trans kids clothing

According to leftists, whoever is boycotting Target is now terrorist.

You WILL shop at Target.
You WILL buy satanic transgender merchandise for your child.
Or maybe it's time for a trip to GITMO so you can be reeducated.

No, just a bigoted dumbass, that's all.
Being afraid of masks and vaccines isn`t enough for rightwing losers. Now they`re afraid of clothes.

You got it backwards, moron.

You were wearing a mask (probably still do) and took a jab because you were told to be afraid of the virus.
How stupid you must feel knowing that neither mask or job helped you against it?
As we go into THIS June, just a few years after Obergefell, we are talking about:

--Men "tucking" their entire genitalia inside their bodies so they can wear women's swimwear AND
--Men taking over women's sports AND
--Men demanding to be in women's spaces AND
--Children being put on puberty blockers AND
--Children and teens having "top surgery" after "binding"

Isn't that just lovely?

Aren't we all "proud"?

Leftist are. Anything for progress, right?
I have a MAGA acquaintance that belongs to a social club where women are not allowed to sit at the bar. Ya, places like this exist. This guy carried a smart phone for 2 or 3 years before he learned what Google is. He`s a retired high school teacher! His former students should be demanding reparations.

This guy... yeah.

Dumb fucks think that Google is a cradle of all knowledge.
This claim is as accurate as a "stolen election" in 2020.

Watching people make this claim only exposes their ignorance on how the stock market functions. Did Target "beat the street" in their earnings in the last quarter? Did it show a $9 billion dollar loss that was attributed to "tuck friendly" swimwear?

"Correlation is not causation" means that just because two things correlate does not necessarily mean that one causes the other. As a seasonal example, just because people in the UK tend to spend more in the shops when it's cold and less when it's hot doesn't mean cold weather causes frenzied high-street spending"

Just because tens of thousands of kids got myocarditis after taking a jab, doesn't mean jab caused it.
You mean like have the FBI spy on political opponents? Have the IRS squash investigations on political favorites?

That's how it started...

This is where we are now:
Complaining at school boards is domestic terrorism.
Boycotting stores is economic terrorism.

This is where we're headed:
Being white is racial terrorism.
Being heterosexual is sexual terrorism.
Growing your own vegetables is agricultural terrorism.

Just wait until the DOJ and FBI starts rounding up people for not buying from LGBTQXYZABC+×÷ friendly corporations.
The list has to be in the hundreds by now. I bet you slip up all the time if you do not have an App to help you out.

You lefties should show your support for Target, and celebrate your deviated disorders by joining mindlike in "Target day of dilation" on June 16.
Bring your own dilators and show support for trans community by dilating in the isles of Target. #TakePride
If a stock goes down, is it the company that issued the stock, or the people that own the stock that lose money (if they sell it while it is down)?

That is true, but simpleton such yourself wouldn't know it's bit more than that.
With baking crisis unraveling, it costs more to borrow money, especially for companies whose loses draining their cash reserves.
Their cash reserves are right now around 60% lower than year ago, and 30% lower that year before that, and they keep falling, all that in economy you lefties claim it's booming.
Yeah, everything you lefties touch goes to dump. As it should.
Hey, if Bud Light put Trump on the can and donated to his campaign.. would you tell all the leftists who would boycott it the same thing?

No, I don’t think you would.

I don’t get why people like you are so angry at what beer people choose or what store they shop at.

But one thing is for certain… you’re very angry and triggered. I don’t get why you’re so angry

You lefties literally boycotted every business that showed support for Trump or conservative principles. Most of them backfired, because they were based, like everything else that leftists does, on lies.
Nice angry temper tantrum. Name-calling gets you nowhere

You can’t prove small businesses are going under at all. Bars will just sell more of other beer and not Bud Light. You’re making up doomsday scenarios that dont exist to try to support yourself. You’re desperate here.. and still clearly triggered that I’m not buying Bud Light or shopping at Target.

Except, small businesses are currently in big troubles due to banking crisis.
Funny, I went to Target a week or two ago and don't recall security forcing me to buy anything gay or trans before checking out and leaving the store. It was the same old limited in-store selection of moderately expensive shit that it's always been.

I like Target over Wal-Mart because usually, the consumers aren't the dregs of society. I like Wal-Mart (or used to) because I can buy more shit on the cheap. I hate both because they force you to use their self-check out, which I despise on several levels.

They didn't have to force you, since you were buying it willingly, to prove to yourself you're not a bigot. Yet, you still failed.
I'm not partial to sexual perversion. If that makes me a bigot, it makes you a dumbass.

Oh but I think you are, and you're just projecting it on everyone else. A tee shirt with a rainbow on it isn't a sex act, and yet that's the first place your sick-fuck mind goes whenever you see one. You're like a fucked up version of Pavlov's dog, always triggered to froth at the mouth whenever you see the color pink or a rainbow or a dude wearing lipstick

Get over your fucked up self already.
Conservatives ask the bartender for a different beer, shop at another store, and will buy Wrangler jeans instead ... they're not violent, tantrum-throwing domestic terrorists like BLM & Antifa.

Nothing says 'Justice For George Floyd' like walking out of a broken storefront window with a new 50" flatscreen, though, right?

Trannies literally threaten to bombs stores that don't bow to them. DOJ/FBI does nothing.
Regular everyday people finally stand up and stop giving their money to businesses grooming children. DOJ/FBI: "THEY ARE TERRORISTS AND ACTION MUST BE TAKEN"
Oh but I think you are, and you're just projecting it on everyone else. A tee shirt with a rainbow on it isn't a sex act, and yet that's the first place your sick-fuck mind goes whenever you see one. You're like a fucked up version of Pavlov's dog, always triggered to froth at the mouth whenever you see the color pink or a rainbow or a dude wearing lipstick

Get over your fucked up self already.
Sick fuck. You sperm gurglers crack me up.

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