Target loses $9 billion due to backlash from trans kids clothing

BTW - the only way back for Bud Light is to sincerely make a widespread apology tour.
And actually apologize. Specifically, and admit they fucked up.
But they don't have the balls to do that. And because of that, they will never get what they lost back.
Won't happen.

I think they would love to apologize.
But they can't. They're too afraid of the violent left scare tactics, being called bigots, racists, etc.
Therefore they wont.

Search for HRC lobby woke scoring scale.
According to leftists, whoever is boycotting Target is now terrorist.

You WILL shop at Target.
You WILL buy satanic transgender merchandise for your child.
Or maybe it's time for a trip to GITMO so you can be reeducated.

/——/ Meanwhile, down the street at Bud…
Wow.. I saw the Target stock is dropping, and there’s a major sales decline.

Think companies are going to continue to try to force wokeness into their customers?

***Mod Edit: Link to one source Target loses $9B in week following boycott calls over LGBTQ-friendly kids clothing
Are you sufficiently outraged by this? I'm asking even though I know you're not. This is a shit post underhandedly cheerleading your political tribe, because reasons. :dunno: Our political landscape is nothing more than a football game to magaturd 'true believers'.
/---/ When debating Libtards with no economic sense, you have to be specific, in simplistic terms. Try: Target lost $9 billion in market value.
The number of shares of Target Outstanding is 461.55M That means 461,551,000 shares of stock are owned by individuals and institutions.

On May 17, the share price was $161.62 per share, it closed this past Friday at $138.93 That is a loss of 15% or $22.69 per share in 8 trading days.

Do the math on those numbers, 461 million shares x $22.69 and that equals a $10 billion loss. This is higher than the $9 billion, because I didn't use the same time frame as the other websites reported and I rounded off the number of outstanding shares.

If you libtards are still confused, your special ed teacher can explain in in terms you can understand.

This is why the restrictions on short selling need to be removed; it could have been driven down a lot further if the market was free.
Ahhh ... ain't that just grand!? Well ... several grand, actually. Hahahahaha. Get woke -- go broke!
Damn straight,this is the best damn news I have heard about our corrupt government in a long time,something finally not going their way. :yes_text12: Cheers to the American People for boycotting them.:thankusmile: Just wish they were that smart when it comes to professional sports.
Oh look, another conservative whose mind is working overtime imaging all the perverted, kinky shit that people do in their bedrooms. :rolleyes:

You mean what faggots do in grade schools. Drag Queens doing suggestive dances for kids is beyond kinky, and they certainly aren't doing it in their bedrooms, unless you also think schoolrooms and libraries are bedrooms. You're just another pot, kettle, black sociopath, is all.
You mean what faggots do in grade schools. Drag Queens doing suggestive dances for kids is beyond kinky, and they certainly aren't doing it in their bedrooms, unless you also think schoolrooms and libraries are bedrooms. You're just another pot, kettle, black sociopath, is all.
For multi, just about any place he can comfortably bend over is a potential love nest for himself and his boy.
Are you sufficiently outraged by this? I'm asking even though I know you're not. This is a shit post underhandedly cheerleading your political tribe, because reasons. :dunno: Our political landscape is nothing more than a football game to magaturd 'true believers'.

lol who started with the boycotts of businesses, over sexual fetishism, dumbass? You reap what you degenerate freak shows sow, is all. Enjoy.
You mean what faggots do in grade schools. Drag Queens doing suggestive dances for kids is beyond kinky, and they certainly aren't doing it in their bedrooms, unless you also think schoolrooms and libraries are bedrooms. You're just another pot, kettle, black sociopath, is all.

Nah, you imagine that shit. Your mind goes there. Admit it, you fucken creep. We well-adjusted normal folk see a rainbow tee-shirt and think, 'It's a rainbow tee-shirt'. You, OTOH, imagine gay-train-butt-sex, because that's all you can think about. You can't stop thinking about it. You have been brainwashed to think that the human body and sexual intercourse is nasty and that the only reason people should even fuck at all is to procreate. The rest of us don't see sex when we see rainbows or earrings. We don't see two men or two women holding hands and think about all the graphic shit they do in private. That's y'all. Admit it, creepo.
Are you sufficiently outraged by this? I'm asking even though I know you're not. This is a shit post underhandedly cheerleading your political tribe, because reasons. :dunno: Our political landscape is nothing more than a football game to magaturd 'true believers'.
You're a sore loser. No one likes a sore loser....well...maybe I do.
Nah, you imagine that shit. Your mind goes there. Admit it, you fucken creep. We well-adjusted normal folk see a rainbow tee-shirt and think, 'It's a rainbow tee-shirt'. You, OTOH, imagine gay-train-butt-sex, because that's all you can think about. You can't stop thinking about it. You have been brainwashed to think that the human body and sexual intercourse is nasty and that the only reason people should even fuck at all is to procreate. The rest of us don't see sex when we see rainbows or earrings. We don't see two men or two women holding hands and think about all the graphic shit they do in private. That's y'all. Admit it, creepo.
Your conscience is seared. That’s why you can't distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil.
For multi, just about any place he can comfortably bend over is a potential love nest for himself and his boy.

Weird, because I've posted absolutely nothing to that effect but your vivid imagination goes there.

I think you're revealing a lot about yourself, pedo.

p.s. Mods, he called me a pedo first, so it's only fair to return the favor. Sanction me not.
Weird, because I've posted absolutely nothing to that effect but your vivid imagination goes there.

I think you're revealing a lot about yourself, pedo.

p.s. Mods, he called me a pedo first, so it's only fair to return the favor. Sanction me not.
Whiney little piss head.

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