Target loses $9 billion due to backlash from trans kids clothing

Wow.. I saw the Target stock is dropping, and there’s a major sales decline.

Think companies are going to continue to try to force wokeness into their customers?

***Mod Edit: Link to one source Target loses $9B in week following boycott calls over LGBTQ-friendly kids clothing
The Marxist 'woke' activists have infiltrated big business just as they have most of government, MSM, education, entertainment industry, scientific institutions and many religious groups. They don't seem to mind losing trust, audience, students, attendees as they force social engineering or an almost alternate universe culture on people who mostly don't want that. I think they expect to recoup their losses and prestige when they have destroyed all opposition and can completely rule the roost.

But we'll see how big business copes with loss of customers who don't give a flying fig about any business's sociopolitical ideology. But all but the most indoctrinated 'woke' will push back hard against aggressive, in your face social engineering marketing that not only insults intelligence, but is offensive and unacceptable to people who a) don't agree with that kind of indoctrination, and b) just want places to spend money on products they are looking for.
They didn't lose $9 billion

Not one of those sources is reputable, in fact, EVERY source in a Google search comes from a rightwing website.

You folks will believe anything.
Target stock tanked 9 billion ya retard ...the stock mARKET wears maga hats and carried bleach

God leftist are fucking stupid

No one shops at target besides women and teenage girls ...thiers twitter moms poping up going wtf
Targets been doing the fag shit forever now ....I think the satanic shirts and tucking may of went a little to far

Wow.. I saw the Target stock is dropping, and there’s a major sales decline.

Think companies are going to continue to try to force wokeness into their customers?

***Mod Edit: Link to one source Target loses $9B in week following boycott calls over LGBTQ-friendly kids clothing

As we go into THIS June, just a few years after Obergefell, we are talking about:

--Men "tucking" their entire genitalia inside their bodies so they can wear women's swimwear AND
--Men taking over women's sports AND
--Men demanding to be in women's spaces AND
--Children being put on puberty blockers AND
--Children and teens having "top surgery" after "binding"

Isn't that just lovely?

Aren't we all "proud"?
View attachment 788749

I think companies are going to try to appeal to the broadest spectrum of consumers.

Good news for Americans, bad news for conservatives.

I think companies are going to try to appeal to the broadest spectrum of consumers.

This is the last thing those on the right want. They have proven this time and time again.

If they attempt to appeal to anyone but them they will be targeted (forgive the pun) and punished for daring to think of anyone but the white right wing nuts.
This is the last thing those on the right want. They have proven this time and time again.

If they attempt to appeal to anyone but them they will be targeted (forgive the pun) and punished for daring to think of anyone but the white right wing nuts.
There is no other way to describe the schism except to say that it is mental illness.
Sure there is. Pure unadulterated hate for anyone and anything not just like them.

Conservatives need someone to bully and dominate. That is really at the heart of their worldview. They prefer hierarchy to equity. They prefer caste to competition and meritocracy. They live in a world of hierarchy, and they believe that they, as members of the right race/religion, believe they are at the apex of that hierarchy. They need people to bully and dominate. Immigrants. Minorities. Women. Gays. Liberals. The poor.

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