Target loses $9 billion due to backlash from trans kids clothing

On this Internet forum There’s may be a few people here who have some far right views. But there’s over 300 million people in America and all of the issues are pretty much coming from the far left whether it’s BLM infiltrating sports, the BLM riots, the far left wing riots in 2020 and recently related to race and abortion, or men playing on women sports teams or going into women’s bathrooms are among some of the issues that the democrats have brought us.

Joe Biden is our president right now and prices are much much higher today. Almost across the board compared to 2019. Inflation is at a 50 year high. What makes things all the more worse as we seemingly have a current president and political government that supports cancel culture.
Most folks are not far left or far right.
I’ve been to 7 graduation open houses so far, several hosted by more liberal parents. Not a single Bud Lite at any of them so far.
So these people who are graduating from high school are 21 years old or more? Why am I not surprised? :abgg2q.jpg:
I’ve been to 7 graduation open houses so far, several hosted by more liberal parents. Not a single Bud Lite at any of them so far.

So you are saying these people actually have good taste when it comes to beer?
They reported weaker earnings a week ago, as did Wal-Mart.

You fuckers are gonna run out of places to shop if you keep this shit up. Fine by me.
By what ratios?

Targets dropped rapidly.. I doubt it’s comparable to Walmart. So you can try to peddle a technicality, but at the end of the day you just appear to be mad that people are making decisions on where they want to shop.. mainly Conservatives because they don’t want to support businesses that hate them..

Conservatives don’t want businesses to promote radical right wing virtues, we just want businesses to sell their services and STFU about their politics. Nobody likes the lecturing activist, on either side.

And we know this is political activism/social engineering because from a capitalist perspective, promoting woke ideas doesn’t work. This has been seen and known for years. I could disagree with but understand these moves if it were profitable, but it’s not. The play here is to harm your business by going woke, then claim victimhood and blame the people who stop buying from you while tie MSM jacks you off, and you martyr yourself.

Again, just STFU and act like a business
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This is the last thing those on the right want. They have proven this time and time again.

If they attempt to appeal to anyone but them they will be targeted (forgive the pun) and punished for daring to think of anyone but the white right wing nuts.
There is no other way to describe the schism except to say that it is mental illness.
Please tell us what page in the DSM-5 that can be found.
We'll wait.
Conservatives need someone to bully and dominate. That is really at the heart of their worldview. They prefer hierarchy to equity. They prefer caste to competition and meritocracy. They live in a world of hierarchy, and they believe that they, as members of the right race/religion, believe they are at the apex of that hierarchy. They need people to bully and dominate. Immigrants. Minorities. Women. Gays. Liberals. The poor.
^^^^ lefty irony.
Are you still angry because the FBI broke up a plot to kidnap the governor of Michigan? That`s their job, doofus.
This claim is as accurate as a "stolen election" in 2020.

Watching people make this claim only exposes their ignorance on how the stock market functions. Did Target "beat the street" in their earnings in the last quarter? Did it show a $9 billion dollar loss that was attributed to "tuck friendly" swimwear?

"Correlation is not causation" means that just because two things correlate does not necessarily mean that one causes the other. As a seasonal example, just because people in the UK tend to spend more in the shops when it's cold and less when it's hot doesn't mean cold weather causes frenzied high-street spending"

We're not talking about a slight seasonal correction here, we're talking the bottom dropping out. In this case correlation is causation. My Lord, I do hope you have a professional handling your financial affairs.
Does designing 0.1% of their product towards a group equal "catering to" that group in your eyes?

If a BBQ joint adds a vegan dish but keeps all the other dishes they already had, are they catering to vegans?

I'm lactose intolerant. Doing some research the claim is over 30% of consumers are also lactose intolerant. One would think with that many people who are, stores and industry would cater to such a large group, but they really don't.

I can find lactose free milk but outside of that, not much else at my grocers or drug store. Ice cream? You can find it but very few choices; usually less than five flavors and no lactose free ice cream bars or ice cream sandwiches. Just ice cream in a container and that's it.

Point is with industry, it takes a large consumer base to make it worth their money to carry such products. If they are catering to tiny groups of people, without a doubt they are doing so for reasons outside of normal business standards, in this case purely political.
I would like for there to be a backlash against advertisements featuring a successful black man and his beautiful wife girlfriend or wife.

Those advertisements are insults to white working class men. I am sure black women don't like them.

The first time that was tried was for one advertisement during a Super Bowl. That advertisement got so much negative feedback that the youtube video of it removed the comment section. Nevertheless, the advertisements continue.
When you think of the miniscule profits they would have made in selling tranny shit, losing 9B's should be something for them to take notice of.
Not necessarily.. the CEO of target doubled down talking about how the decision is “good for society”… so, I guess they’ll accept their losses and play martyr. As long as we make them pay for it, they can perform all the dramatics they want. There’s no virtue in their actions, no matter how much they narcissistically masterbate to their own virtue so they feel warm and fuzzy inside.
If Target wants to be a store for queers, trannies and stupid weak minded Moon Bats then fine.

Their company, their rules.

They are going to have to suffer the consequences of decent people not wanting to shop there.

It will hit them hard in the pocketbook.

Go woke, go broke.
They didn't lose $9 billion

Not one of those sources is reputable, in fact, EVERY source in a Google search comes from a rightwing website.

You folks will believe anything.

They reported weaker earnings a week ago, as did Wal-Mart.

You fuckers are gonna run out of places to shop if you keep this shit up. Fine by me.

Walmart is only down $4 a share this past week, which is a little under 3%. The Home Depot is down slightly over half a percent this past week. Target is down 12% from a short term high on 5/16. The news about this clothing first broke a few days prior to that. I think you're fooling yourselves to believe this hasn't had an impact.
It's all blown out of proportion in America and that makes this just another instance of Americans fighting each other in their rush to destroy themselves and their own country's economy.

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