Target security guard slugs female shopper in the face after she demanded her $1,000 bill be paid by 'reparations'

No. He should be charged with assault. She was exhibiting aggressive behavior but she hadn’t hit him. He had no right hit her. That isn’t self defense.

Of course it is. When somebody you are in conflict with approaches you aggressively, you have every reason to believe a physical assault is about to happen and have the right to defend yourself. Would you be saying the same thing if the suspect was a male and went after this officer? Plus, we have no audio as to what she was saying to him as she approached him.
Self defense. She was arrested as she should have been.
Legally speaking, she was the aggressor and her verbal and physical actions were threatening. She was screaming and kept advancing and the guy was defending himself. She got what she was asking for.

I'm just saying he was a wuss. I just think a real man would have handled it better.
Of course it is. When somebody you are in conflict with approaches you aggressively, you have every reason to believe a physical assault is about to happen and have the right to defend yourself. Would you be saying the same thing if the suspect was a male and went after this officer? Plus, we have no audio as to what she was saying to him as she approached him.
I would not. If a male was doing this, physically responding would be acceptable. Not acceptable if female.
Legally speaking, she was the aggressor and her verbal and physical actions were threatening. She was screaming and kept advancing and the guy was defending himself. She got what she was asking for.

I'm just saying he was a wuss. I just think a real man would have handled it better.

We have no idea what she was saying to him.

I will not judge him.
And this guy was a weak, insecure person.

He was just keeping the peace.
Hope she bled from both nostrils, saw stars, and couldn't see for a few minutes.

She wanted ludicrous reparations and actually received EQUITY!

Violence begets violence so this interaction was totally EQUITABLE!!

The average, well adjusted realist calls this JUSTICE!!!
Legally speaking, she was the aggressor and her verbal and physical actions were threatening. She was screaming and kept advancing and the guy was defending himself. She got what she was asking for.

I'm just saying he was a wuss. I just think a real man would have handled it better.

How would you know?? :rofl:
How do you know she was going to assault him?
Assessing threat level is a dynamic that varies by the second, but, unless she had a weapon like a gun or a meat cleaver or maybe a knife, I can't imagine having to punch her without the attempt to de escalate the situation.
Legally speaking, she was the aggressor and her verbal and physical actions were threatening. She was screaming and kept advancing and the guy was defending himself. She got what she was asking for.

I'm just saying he was a wuss. I just think a real man would have handled it better.
Absolutely right.

Do we have a bunch of racists here or pussy men, who support this sucker puncher?
Assessing threat level is a dynamic that varies by the second, but, unless she had a weapon like a gun or a meat cleaver or maybe a knife, I can't imagine having to punch her without the attempt to de escalate the situation.
If she had hit the guy, he could respond in kind. Not sucker punch her like a fucking pussy.

Why are there so many pussies here?

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