Target security guard slugs female shopper in the face after she demanded her $1,000 bill be paid by 'reparations'

Uh..OK. If it comforts you to find refuge in some 'leftist' conspiracy. However, I note with amusement-that FOX, Gateway Pundit and Breitbart were leading the charge.
Hardly Leftist sources..but hey, I guess you could argue that that is the beauty of the conspiracy?
I suspect that the story had no 'legs' until the graphic video was released a few days ago.

I imagine that it's a better spin for you..than musing on the ugly truth of MAGA revealed by the multiple, egregiously racist comments in this thread.
All I am saying is, when the report came in, there was no reason to move the thread. NONE. The OP did not violate any forum rules.

When I did a search for the story, it did not appear in any other media, anywhere.

It took a foreign search engine to find the NYPOST story. These are just the facts.

I don't see why you want to suppress a story.

I do agree, folks are acting like racists pieces of shit on this.

OTH, there can be no denial, that the woman in this story, is also acting like a mooching, entitled, brainwashed piece of shit herself. Her actions are CRIMINAL!!!

Trying to suppress a story, because it makes your side of the political spectrum look like dirt-bags, for pushing propaganda on ignorant folks, and making them militant, does you no favors either. :rolleyes:

IMO? It is you who has been exposed as the awful person, and if you want to name call, and throw out ad hom, you are only digging yourself a deeper hole.


All I am saying is, when the report came in, there was no reason to move the thread. NONE. The OP did not violate any forum rules.

When I did a search for the story, it did not appear in any other media, anywhere.

It took a foreign search engine to find the NYPOST story. These are just the facts.

I don't see why you want to suppress a story.

I do agree, folks are acting like racists pieces of shit on this.

OTH, there can be no denial, that the woman in this story, is also acting like a mooching, entitled, brainwashed piece of shit herself. Her actions are CRIMINAL!!!

Trying to suppress a story, because it makes your side of the political spectrum look like dirt-bags, for pushing propaganda on ignorant folks, and making them militant, does you no favors either. :rolleyes:

IMO? It is you who has been exposed as the awful person, and if you want to name call, and throw out ad hom, you are only digging yourself a deeper hole.


Hmmm...OK. LOL! I did not get that you were somehow alleging that the story was suppressed. I see zero evidence of that. Nice'd do better to find a few that fit the scenario. I agree that no forum rules were broken, and, in fact, am pleased that so many of our regulars chose to self-label in this way. Not that it was any great secret to most of us.

As for calling you a conspiracy theorist, I'd point out that it was you that alleged that the 'left' was spinning this and in fact, had delayed commenting on this until a spin was contrived. Given that there is no evidence of this, other than a time-lag easily explained by a first appearance in a foreign news source and normal editing processes, I think it smacks of conspiratorial thinking.
My side? LOL! I suspect you don't have a clue as what 'my side' is. That it's not YOUR side however, is most likely true.
Oh well, at least it's a better look than the ugly portrayed in this some of this board's most stalwart regulars~
Hmmm...OK. LOL! I did not get that you were somehow alleging that the story was suppressed. I see zero evidence of that. Nice'd do better to find a few that fit the scenario. I agree that no forum rules were broken, and, in fact, am pleased that so many of our regulars chose to self-label in this way. Not that it was any great secret to most of us.

As for calling you a conspiracy theorist, I'd point out that it was you that alleged that the 'left' was spinning this and in fact, had delayed commenting on this until a spin was contrived. Given that there is no evidence of this, other than a time-lag easily explained by a first appearance in a foreign news source and normal editing processes, I think it smacks of conspiratorial thinking.
My side? LOL! I suspect you don't have a clue as what 'my side' is. That it's not YOUR side however, is most likely true.
Oh well, at least it's a better look than the ugly portrayed in this some of this board's most stalwart regulars~
hmmm. . . interesting.

I thought you were a. ."stalwart regular."
hmmm. . . interesting.

I thought you were a. ."stalwart regular."
I'd like to think so..although there is no denying that my views are in the minority here.
But yeah, I enjoy USMB..which is, of course, why I'm so offended at the egregious racism displayed by others who have been here longer, have far better posting records and awards and yet choose to show their asses in such a fashion.

My contention is that this is the heart of MAGA. I'm sure many would contest that---I do think that they would have an uphill battle~
There was some concern reported from the ultra left on this site, because of the OP source, they pointed out that this forum, was turning in to "Stormfront Light," or, "The Daily Stormer."

Given the characterization of reply? It is hard to argue with that sort of logic, isn't? You really don't do yourself many favors.

I have to admit, I was sort of shocked, when I went to look for this story in the search engines, no local coverage could be found, nor was it found in any other MSM source. Very odd. . . :eusa_think:

I wanted to find some other source than the DailyMail, which does have a tendency to inflame that passions of the far right, and white nationalist groups.

I have to admit, there aren't any other MSM sources covering this, and the algorithms pushed down the NYPost coverage of this, in nearly every search engine.

I had to use Yandex, (A Russia search engine,) to find any other source, so I was sort of surprised that the Post was even covering this story.

Be honest, if a white person acted this way, would you call them a, "feral animal?" :dunno:

Not my job to make up fake narratives for feral animals and their assorted feral sub-cultures.

Be honest, if a white person acted this way, would you call them a, "feral animal?"

Be honest, you can't find anything that would point to me saying they weren't. Your strawmen never actually work. Next time TArget should call you and let you wrestle with the angry water buffalo.
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The punch looked mild to me. He didn‘t wind up for it and was definitely not full force. Just enough to stop her in her tracks.

Plus, he said that he tried to verbally de-escalate things. But this woman was so convinced by leftist nonsense that other people should pay for her $1000 grocery tab since….maybe….an ancestor she never knew might have been a slave.

We need to stop filling black people’s heads with the idea they deserve reparations. This is the result.
I'd like to think so..although there is no denying that my views are in the minority here.
But yeah, I enjoy USMB..which is, of course, why I'm so offended at the egregious racism displayed by others who have been here longer, have far better posting records and awards and yet choose to show their asses in such a fashion.

My contention is that this is the heart of MAGA. I'm sure many would contest that---I do think that they would have an uphill battle~
Just as MAGA attracts neo-nazis, white nationalists, etc., so too, does the left, attract, those that want to reconstruct, and re-write the nation's and the world's history, as outlined in Orwell and the application of critical theory praxis.

Both parties attract extremists, and the MSM caters to them, for that is what gets the clicks and the views.

"If it bleeds, it leads."

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"

I have no side. . . as you have seen from that attack by DudleySmith there. . . .


Just as MAGA attracts neo-nazis, white nationalists, etc., so too, does the left, attract, those that want to reconstruct, and re-write the nation's and the world's history, as outlined in Orwell and the application of critical theory praxis.

Both parties attract extremists, and the MSM caters to them, for that is what gets the clicks and the views.

"If it bleeds, it leads."

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"

I have no side. . . as you have seen from that attack by DudleySmith there. . . .


WAH!!! NATZEES!!! lol
Just as MAGA attracts neo-nazis, white nationalists, etc., so too, does the left, attract, those that want to reconstruct, and re-write the nation's and the world's history, as outlined in Orwell and the application of critical theory praxis.

Both parties attract extremists, and the MSM caters to them, for that is what gets the clicks and the views.

"If it bleeds, it leads."

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"

I have no side. . . as you have seen from that attack by DudleySmith there. . . .

You are correct, of course, as to your take on both sides...and who they attract.
You have a side---and you're not always wrong either.....but the whackos are not really into the political equation at's just the vehicle for their dysfunctions.
In part, maybe in large part, they're the ones that pay the bills here. Their antics and boorish behaviors attract the looky-loos..and they click on ads, good for the site.
As a Conservative member and must rankle to be conflated with some pretty toxic people and viewpoints?

Have you ever considered that your legitimate voice on issues---collectively, in the real world--is constantly being drowned out by the fringies..the tails wagging the dog, as it were?

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