Target security guard slugs female shopper in the face after she demanded her $1,000 bill be paid by 'reparations'

Punching or physically hurting a person, especially a female - unless in self-defense, is a clear sign of asocial behavior and upbringing - totally independent from which political direction the punch comes from, and the political background of a target it hits.

The security guard needs to be charged via the respective existing laws for assault/battery - the woman needs to be charged via the respective existing laws - in regards to causing a civil commotion/obstruction, stating "illegal" racist remarks/statements, and for refusing to pay for acquired goods.
Crime rates thru the roof
Democrats defunding the police
shoplifters not prosecuted
mass shootings where the shooter is now the poor set upon victim
a senile president
the worst most dumbest VP in US history
an intensely partisan and anti-America Democratic Party who want to pit each American against their neighbor
getting fired for not getting an experimental and useless vax,
getting fired for not agreeing to modify my speech to use made up pronouns
school kids being told en mass that they are all likely born in the wrong sex body
marriage and birth rates at an historic low
open borders with millions of new illegals every few months
cities forced to accept thousands of illegals, shipped by our own government
rising inflation and a government that only seeks to make it worse
rampant homelessness
no cash bails
social media censoring speech with the assistance of the FBI and CIA

And the list goes on, and you think it's never been so good
So..and when was it better? BTW..I view most of your allegations as 'fluff'. You actually referenced the VP? As though anyone has ever given a shit abut the VP. Senile President? Maybe getting there. Not the a long shot. Hell, Nancy ran the country for years while Ronnie vegged out.
Inflation? So what? Remember the '70's?
social media censoring speech? Who gives a fuck and why? no likee Social media..stay off of it.
Shoplifters not prosecuted? Wow..western civilization trembles~

I could list the egregious inequities of the past..but I know that it would be wasted here.

Yes, taking in the entire population of the US, across the board, and things are pretty good..could they be better? Of course, but a lot of that is just going to have to wait until the main impediments to real progress age out.

Back to the original premise..MAGA means White empowerment--or re-empowerment. I'd love to read a cogent post as to how that's just not true.
But I sure don't expect one.
Fair enough..but I would submit to you this little logic chain--Blacks have more acceptance and rights now than they ever have..thus..any move implied by Make America Greater Again--axiomatically means worse for Black folk. Again implies that America was once great, yes? So, pick that mythical time, if you will...1957? 1947? 1859? LOL!
Now compare White and Non-white in this country. Now and then.
I cannot see how anyone cannot see why MAGA is perceived as racist and reactionary...especially by Non-whites and women.

It's called brainwashing by the MSM.

People voted for the candidate that said the most racist things about blacks than any other candidate in our lifetime last presidential election. Now he's forcing schools to let weirdos in dresses compete in female school athletics robbing real girls of their rightly deserved trophies and possible college scholarships.

If people can't see who the anti-women racists are, it's due to political ignorance and brainwashing.
It's called brainwashing by the MSM.

People voted for the candidate that said the most racist things about blacks than any other candidate in our lifetime last presidential election. Now he's forcing schools to let weirdos in dresses compete in female school athletics robbing real girls of their rightly deserved trophies and possible college scholarships.

If people can't see who the anti-women racists are, it's due to political ignorance and brainwashing.
Completely spot on. Also those girls dignity are being robbed by these transgenders.
Have you read this thread?

BTW..would you like to tell me when..exactly..and I'd love a date....that this was a prosperous and safe country to live in? Especially if you were non-white? After all, 'great again' does imply that there was a time when this was so, right? When was that?

Bet you won't give me a simply cannot.. and not have me rip it to literal shreds.
A Thug Who Got Lynched Was Even More of a Threat to His Own Race
Yes, the feral animal was agressive and bullying the employees. Your point?
There was some concern reported from the ultra left on this site, because of the OP source, they pointed out that this forum, was turning in to "Stormfront Light," or, "The Daily Stormer."

Given the characterization of reply? It is hard to argue with that sort of logic, isn't? You really don't do yourself many favors.

I have to admit, I was sort of shocked, when I went to look for this story in the search engines, no local coverage could be found, nor was it found in any other MSM source. Very odd. . . :eusa_think:

I wanted to find some other source than the DailyMail, which does have a tendency to inflame that passions of the far right, and white nationalist groups.

I have to admit, there aren't any other MSM sources covering this, and the algorithms pushed down the NYPost coverage of this, in nearly every search engine.

I had to use Yandex, (A Russia search engine,) to find any other source, so I was sort of surprised that the Post was even covering this story.

Be honest, if a white person acted this way, would you call them a, "feral animal?" :dunno:
There was some concern reported from the ultra left on this site, because of the OP source, they pointed out that this forum, was turning in to "Stormfront Light," or, "The Daily Stormer."

Given the characterization of reply? It is hard to argue with that sort of logic, isn't? You really don't do yourself many favors.

I have to admit, I was sort of shocked, when I went to look for this story in the search engines, no local coverage could be found, nor was it found in any other MSM source. Very odd. . . :eusa_think:

I wanted to find some other source than the DailyMail, which does have a tendency to inflame that passions of the far right, and white nationalist groups.

I have to admit, there aren't any other MSM sources covering this, and the algorithms pushed down the NYPost coverage of this, in nearly every search engine.

I had to use Yandex, (A Russia search engine,) to find any other source, so I was sort of surprised that the Post was even covering this story.

Be honest, if a white person acted this way, would you call them a, "feral animal?" :dunno:
I had no problem finding multiple MSM sources--I will point out that the incident happened in Oct. 2022--the surveillance footage was just released--BTW..pretty sure that it was not only the..errr..ultra left... that expressed concern--and if it was, that, in itself, is a bit telling:

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I had no problem finding multiple MSM sources--I will point out that the incident happened in Oct. 2022--the bodycam footage was just released--BTW..pretty sure that it was not only the..errr..ultra left... that expressed concern--and if it was, that, in itself, is a bit telling:

Yes. . . but you will notice the date on mine?

April 11.

The date on the OP article? April 11.

The date on all of your articles?

April 12

April 13

April 13


None of those articles were around when I searched. The left has to catch up, and put their spin on it, once it was out there, and we refused to manipulate the news for you.
Liberal Karen demands 'reparations' from Target security guard - gets punched in her face.

No matter what anyone says to you it does not give you the right to physically assault them...

...but this was funny as hell.

You know how when your computer goes on the fritz you sometimes smack it to try to get it to reset and work right?

Maybe the security guard thought her brain was on the fritz and was trying to reset it...


She was already guilty of trespass, and then she forced her way through the door into the office. He had plenty of reasons to resort to physical force,
Yes. . . but you will notice the date on mine?

April 11.

The date on the OP article? April 11.

The date on all of your articles?

April 12

April 13

April 13


None of those articles were around when I searched. The left has to catch up, and put their spin on it, once it was out there, and we refused to manipulate the news for you.
Uh..OK. If it comforts you to find refuge in some 'leftist' conspiracy. However, I note with amusement-that FOX, Gateway Pundit and Breitbart were leading the charge.
Hardly Leftist sources..but hey, I guess you could argue that that is the beauty of the conspiracy?
I suspect that the story had no 'legs' until the graphic video was released a few days ago.

I imagine that it's a better spin for you..than musing on the ugly truth of MAGA revealed by the multiple, egregiously racist comments in this thread.

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