Target stocks lose 10 billion

Hatred is so easy for some, Breitbart since it is a right wing journal would celebrate anything intolerant of others. So un-American and yet hate always finds the weak who require it to pump up their emptiness and feelings of inadequacy. See the ignorance in replies above.

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves." Eric Hoffer

Except that your argument is sorely misguided. There is absolutely nothing hateful about asking someone with a package between their legs to use the men's room. I don't care if you have lipstick and a dress on, you're welcome to use the same restroom as me if you have a package hanging. The bathroom will fit your parts better and there's nothing you will need in the women's room. Now if I told this person you can't use any of the restrooms, that would be hateful. But sharing the restroom with other biological men is just common sense. Now if he chops it off and makes the change... yea sure go ahead in the women's room.
It is interesting to say the least.
This is the largest drop in such a short time in the companies entire history, with the exception of the crash of 08.
After the market crash, Target has done a great job maintaining growth amid a very sluggish retail market.
The past month has been brutal. In April their stock value was at it's 2nd highest in the companies history. They were on track to another great year like 2014/15.
Not now.
I've been watching the market on this since the announcement was made. For a few weeks it seemed to be usual market fluctuations. This is an incredible drop.

The thing is, will this blow over or will it be a lasting effect?
I believe you could measure the CEO's time left in his career in days.
They will have no choice if this continues. The one thing they cannot do is backtrack, that will look disingenuous and the media would be all over it; doing more harm than good.
Letting the CEO go, right or wrong, is really the only option they have.
The question is. Will the customer base return?
Hatred is so easy for some, Breitbart since it is a right wing journal would celebrate anything intolerant of others. So un-American and yet hate always finds the weak who require it to pump up their emptiness and feelings of inadequacy. See the ignorance in replies above.

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves." Eric Hoffer

Hatred and intolerance you say. What right do you and Obama have in trying to change societal norms that have been in place for thousands of years?
I believe you could measure the CEO's time left in his career in days.
They will have no choice if this continues. The one thing they cannot do is backtrack, that will look disingenuous and the media would be all over it; doing more harm than good.
Letting the CEO go, right or wrong, is really the only option they have.
The question is. Will the customer base return?
Watch Christmas time....that's pretty much the indicator and since we know that RWNJs have a very short attention will be....what Target boycott?
Like to be a fly on the wall at the next stockholders mtg.
I'd rather be the fly on the wall of the Board of Directors' meeting prior to the stockholders meeting. In their meeting the Board tries to anticipate what positive/negative questions, complaints, threats, suggestons, etc. are likely to come from shareholders and strategize about how they'll respond.
I believe you could measure the CEO's time left in his career in days.
They will have no choice if this continues. The one thing they cannot do is backtrack, that will look disingenuous and the media would be all over it; doing more harm than good.
Letting the CEO go, right or wrong, is really the only option they have.
The question is. Will the customer base return?
Watch Christmas time....that's pretty much the indicator and since we know that RWNJs have a very short attention will be....what Target boycott?
That is what I'm referring to. We know the attention span of the average American. We won't know for sure till then.
Attention span, huh? I'll never shop there again. How's that?
Target's stock is up to $68.03 and rising
gross sales compared to last 4 years
Gross Income Growth (2013) - 3.58%(2014) -4.37%(2015) -0.17% (2016)1.89%
They do have a negative Income Tax - Deferred Domestic amount of (322M)
With a 26.53% gross profit margin..

Target Corp.
Around here, all the Target commercials are in Spanish on every network. They have nothing to say to me and obviously don't want my business.
I passes by Target yesterday afternoon in Fayetteville, Ar. when going and leaving the VA, the parking lot was full at 2pm..
Target's stock is up to $68.03 and rising
gross sales compared to last 4 years
Gross Income Growth (2013) - 3.58%(2014) -4.37%(2015) -0.17% (2016)1.89%
They do have a negative Income Tax - Deferred Domestic amount of (322M)
With a 26.53% gross profit margin..

Target Corp.

Target is lying.
Target's stock is up to $68.03 and rising
gross sales compared to last 4 years
Gross Income Growth (2013) - 3.58%(2014) -4.37%(2015) -0.17% (2016)1.89%
They do have a negative Income Tax - Deferred Domestic amount of (322M)
With a 26.53% gross profit margin..

Target Corp.

Target is lying.
That info is from Market Watch and Target stock went up to $63.19 just since my last post...So you are calling Wall Street a liar?
Around here, all the Target commercials are in Spanish on every network. They have nothing to say to me and obviously don't want my business.
I understand what they are saying, no diff than in English...
There is no difference between Spanish and English. Good, then these Spanish speakers can stop pretending they don't understand.

If a company does not speak English to me, they are discouraging my patronage.
Tell all the trannies to pick up the slack and shop at target before it's too
About 12 miles up the road is a Target store surrounded by a flock of smaller enterprises. Target isn't saying much but some of the independent shops are closing and blaming it on the lack of traffic. A somewhat recent development.

I don't often try to buy anything at Target - on the few occasions I've had tried I find they either don't carry what I want or, if they do, they're out of it. But I drive by there a couple of times a week and HAVE noticed that anybody wanting to shop would have no trouble at all finding a parking spot.....not like it was a year or so ago where one almost had to park in the next county and walk to the door.

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