Target stocks lose 10 billion

I clearly stated Target was the liar. Even you should be able to comprehend that simple Engrish.
Around here, all the Target commercials are in Spanish on every network. They have nothing to say to me and obviously don't want my business.
I understand what they are saying, no diff than in English...
There is no difference between Spanish and English. Good, then these Spanish speakers can stop pretending they don't understand.

If a company does not speak English to me, they are discouraging my patronage.
Ah, too bad...try getting edumacated and learning new things, or just sit and grumble..
Yeah right. They show all kinds of commercials in Mexico in English.
Even Target Isn't Immune to Spending Slowdown Rippling Through Retail
The discount retailer reported first-quarter earnings of $1.29 a share on Wednesday, handily beating Wall Street estimates, but total revenue didn't match analysts' expectations.
Even Target isn't immune to spending slowdown rippling through retail

This info is from the source Breitbart used and here is the story from Breitbart also, I guess you missed the story in a rush to be a bitch....
Retail giant Target is losing sales and may be on track for another major stock-drop in the second quarter.

Notice the word may?
Around here, all the Target commercials are in Spanish on every network. They have nothing to say to me and obviously don't want my business.
I understand what they are saying, no diff than in English...
There is no difference between Spanish and English. Good, then these Spanish speakers can stop pretending they don't understand.

If a company does not speak English to me, they are discouraging my patronage.
Ah, too bad...try getting edumacated and learning new things, or just sit and grumble..
Or use money as a weapon.
Around here, all the Target commercials are in Spanish on every network. They have nothing to say to me and obviously don't want my business.
I understand what they are saying, no diff than in English...
There is no difference between Spanish and English. Good, then these Spanish speakers can stop pretending they don't understand.

If a company does not speak English to me, they are discouraging my patronage.
Ah, too bad...try getting edumacated and learning new things, or just sit and grumble..
Or use money as a weapon.
Name any corporation that doesn't...
Like to be a fly on the wall at the next stockholders mtg.
It's very simple. Regular people (99.999% of Target shoppers) know that the store will lose business because they understand that their womenfolk will not want to go to a store where men are lurking in the bathroom with them.

It's just plain, common sense. And that's how the stock market runs. Target decided to commit suicide on behalf of the Church of LGBT.
Hatred is so easy for some, Breitbart since it is a right wing journal would celebrate anything intolerant of others. So un-American and yet hate always finds the weak who require it to pump up their emptiness and feelings of inadequacy. See the ignorance in replies above.

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves." Eric Hoffer

We help those by curing their illnesses. Ignoring the illness destroys them.

But the left doesn't care
Target just pegged the idiot meter.....

Target Suing Man Who Saved Teen Girl from Stabbing in Its Store

In 2013, everyone agreed that Michael Turner saved the life of a teenaged girl who was attacked in a Pennsylvania Target store. Now, Target is suing him.

When she was sixteen, Allison Meadows was shopping in an East Liberty, Pennsylvania, Target store when Leon Walls rushed into the outlet and stabbed her.

With the assistance of surveillance video, Walls was convicted of attempted homicide for his attack on the girl.

The only reason the girl did not suffer more injuries is because Michael Turner interceded and, along with several other men, confronted Walls. Turner himself chased Walls out the store with a baseball bat.

Unsurprisingly, Meadows was extremely thankful for Turner’s efforts.

“I thank him,” Meadows has said. “I thank him every time I see him.”

But Meadows launched a lawsuit against Target, saying the store’s lack of security put all shoppers, not just her, in danger.

Target, however, is less grateful for Mr. Turner’s heroics. And now the retailer is suing him for “endangering” the store’s customers.

Target Suing Man Who Saved Teen Girl from Stabbing in Its Store - Breitbart
Target needs to go down hard. THis is what the liberal scum support.
No, my mommy doesn't let me go there anymore because one day I went pee pee and mommy caught a democrat pulling his weiner.
Good thing you didn't go in Trump Tower because Bruce Jenner would've been pulling his weiner next to you too. Trump is fully for men using women's bathrooms in Trump Tower.

You'd like to pull Trumps weiner, wouldn't you?

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