Target stocks lose 10 billion

Yeah something that happened YESTERDAY caused their stocks to drop WEEKS ago. Try again deviant lover.

Target's profits dropped in the first quarter as a result of those actions leading to the lawsuit.

The first quarter runs from January into April.

The bathroom gender identity laws passed late in April, FAR too late to significantly affect 1st quarter sales reports.

You're stupid, a liar, and a fool, Odious.
Keep lying its the demoncrap I hate women and young girls way!
I don't even like trying on clothes in little closets with other women in the one next to me..much less a MAN.
Look..I had a ladies boutique store. I had a pervy creepy dude that always came in and wanted to try on shorts, dresses, shoes but he never bought anything. I let it slide a couple of times but the last time he came in (fat fuck, and he smelled sour where I had to either have the clothing cleaned after he tried them on or spritz them and hang them outside), I checked the pantset he tried on. Inside the crotch area was semen. THAT did it. Next time he came in I told him to GET THE FUCK OUT. He was trying on women's clothing just to jerk off in them. I never knew because he was careful I guess. That last time...he wasn't so careful.

Fuckin' gross. And what if I had a daughter in her teens or younger or older that wanted to try on clothes but MEN were allowed in the same area in a dressing room next to her? Oh fucking HELL no. Call me bigoted, I don't care, but that is NOT going to happen.

I dont go shopping at Target or JC Penny or anywhere else for that matter...but I damn sure will warn anyone that does. I thought it was just bathroom wars!!! I truly did! But now Target is saying DRESSING ROOMS too? WTF is wrong with them?
I don't even like trying on clothes in little closets with other women in the one next to me..much less a MAN.
You buy your selections. Take them home for the tryon. Return what you don't want and get your money back.
Look..I had a ladies boutique store. I had a pervy creepy dude that always came in and wanted to try on shorts, dresses, shoes but he never bought anything. I let it slide a couple of times but the last time he came in (fat fuck, and he smelled sour where I had to either have the clothing cleaned after he tried them on or spritz them and hang them outside), I checked the pantset he tried on. Inside the crotch area was semen. THAT did it. Next time he came in I told him to GET THE FUCK OUT. He was trying on women's clothing just to jerk off in them. I never knew because he was careful I guess. That last time...he wasn't so careful.

Fuckin' gross. And what if I had a daughter in her teens or younger or older that wanted to try on clothes but MEN were allowed in the same area in a dressing room next to her? Oh fucking HELL no. Call me bigoted, I don't care, but that is NOT going to happen.

I do go shopping at Target or JC Penny or anywhere else for that matter...but I damn sure will warn anyone that does. I thought it was just bathroom wars!!! I truly did! But now Target is saying DRESSING ROOMS too? WTF is wrong with them?
In the best high end stores, they always let men into dressing rooms if they were accompanied by a female customer.

I don't get clothing from target anyway. It's good for housewares.
I never try anything on anyway. And I always go to thrift stores now. Why pay huge prices for new stuff when someone else did it and only wore it a few times and I get it dirt cheap? Plus, once I buy the item, it goes straight in the washing machine before I even put it on.
Thankfully, the majority of Americans aren't as pent up, stuck up and emotionally fucked up as our resident USMB nutbags.

Target scoffs at you weirdos.
Funny how off-topic this thread went after I pointed out what was really going on.

You guys... I feel sorry for you. Sometimes, anyway.

Bless your hearts, you can't deal with the real world.

You lying fool. Target's problems have absolutely nothing to do with the rightwing reactionaries' bathroom issues.

Bwahahahaha! Yeah....keep telling yourself that junior. All one big "coincidence" :lmao:
I thought it was just the bathrooms. But its the CHANGING rooms too????
Yeah...the left is that sick. Remember, these are the people who asked a pedophile to pen an article on trying to get sympathy for being a pedophile and trying to normalize it. And what did the left do? They all cheered.
Funny how off-topic this thread went after I pointed out what was really going on.

You guys... I feel sorry for you. Sometimes, anyway.

Bless your hearts, you can't deal with the real world.

Not funny how you can't deal with reality. Not funny at all. In fact, it's down right sad. And it explains why you're a liberal. That requires one to eschew all facts and reality in favor of the ideology.
That's the free market way, vote with your wallet. My wife, who isn't political at all, said she won't set foot in a Target as long as this policy is in place.
I love to hear that! My wife, my mother, and my sister-in-law....all the same thing. And here is what Target didn't account for: for every person who signed the boycott (which was way over one million) there are at least 5 more who will boycott but could care less about taking the time to sign anything and make a statement. I did sign the boycott. Nobody else in my family did but all of them refuse to step foot in there (I refused a year or so ago when those idiots said they were taking the color blue out of the boys section and the color pink out of the girls section).

So glad to see this awful store going down in flames. I sincerely hope that it ends with them permanently going out of business and that the idiots behind it have a very hard time finding new jobs so that they aren't running other companies into the ground. Good luck pandering to the extreme radicalized left Target. Most of those people are in poverty and live off of government handouts. Tough to compete in the free market when that is who you are catering to.
That's the free market way, vote with your wallet. My wife, who isn't political at all, said she won't set foot in a Target as long as this policy is in place.
I love to hear that! My wife, my mother, and my sister-in-law....all the same thing. And here is what Target didn't account for: for every person who signed the boycott (which was way over one million) there are at least 5 more who will boycott but could care less about taking the time to sign anything and make a statement. I did sign the boycott. Nobody else in my family did but all of them refuse to step foot in there (I refused a year or so ago when those idiots said they were taking the color blue out of the boys section and the color pink out of the girls section).

So glad to see this awful store going down in flames. I sincerely hope that it ends with them permanently going out of business and that the idiots behind it have a very hard time finding new jobs so that they aren't running other companies into the ground. Good luck pandering to the extreme radicalized left Target. Most of those people are in poverty and live off of government handouts. Tough to compete in the free market when that is who you are catering to.

I didn't normally shop there anyway, my wife did more than I, now neither of us will. And I'm with you, I hope they go broke if they don't step away form the madness.
Yep. The transgendered whiny asses cried about having anxiety when usi g the mens changing rooms a few years ago. Macy's was the first to cave and let them in the womens changing rooms.
Here's the deal. The liberal media is desperate to keep the ridiculous democrat agenda alive and Target fell for it. Target actually thought that Americans really cared about freakazoid men in the ladies room just because the liberal media pretended the issue was valid. It seems that Americans (including no doubt the Target corporation) really care more about protecting women and girls from embarrassment and possible harm than promoting the agenda of 1/2 of 1% of mentally impaired sexual deviates. The issue is backfiring on the democrat party big time even though the liberal media is desperate to keep it alive and Target corporate stock might be the unintended victim.

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