Target stocks lose 10 billion

Look..I had a ladies boutique store. I had a pervy creepy dude that always came in and wanted to try on shorts, dresses, shoes but he never bought anything. I let it slide a couple of times but the last time he came in (fat fuck, and he smelled sour where I had to either have the clothing cleaned after he tried them on or spritz them and hang them outside), I checked the pantset he tried on. Inside the crotch area was semen. THAT did it. Next time he came in I told him to GET THE FUCK OUT. He was trying on women's clothing just to jerk off in them. I never knew because he was careful I guess. That last time...he wasn't so careful.

Fuckin' gross. And what if I had a daughter in her teens or younger or older that wanted to try on clothes but MEN were allowed in the same area in a dressing room next to her? Oh fucking HELL no. Call me bigoted, I don't care, but that is NOT going to happen.

I dont go shopping at Target or JC Penny or anywhere else for that matter...but I damn sure will warn anyone that does. I thought it was just bathroom wars!!! I truly did! But now Target is saying DRESSING ROOMS too? WTF is wrong with them?
You know what the saddest and most disturbing part of your story was? You literally just turned on every libtard on USMB. Stuff like this gets them foaming at the mouth with sexual excitement. It made me want to vomit. I could barely read it (not even kidding). But that right there is exactly why they want the government to force society into shared bathrooms.

I was just baffled by all of this. Felt like I was losing my mind that society would even consider something this sick, this dangerous, this disturbing. Then I had a very bright female friend (a nurse who has seen a lot in that field) explain it to me. All of us conservatives get off in the normal way - standard intercourse with the opposite sex. The majority of the libtards can't get off from that. They need something more extreme and disturbing. Pretty soon, even that is no longer enough and it continues to escalate. They need to spy on people. They need to cross-dress. They need to "shock" society with sick stuff. Part of it is sexual dysfunction, part of it is the result of being desensitized from the pornographic world that libtards have built. They've pushed pornography in our face from the time we could walk. After years of being bombarded with naked women on tv, in movies, on the internet, in magazines, etc. - it's simply not enough for them anymore. The really scary part is - where does this end? Once all of this stuff (masturbating in public while wearing clothing of the opposite sex, watching women poop, etc.) is no longer enough, the next step becomes even more horrific. Rape. Violence. Murder/snuff-films. And of course, the whole time libtards will be screaming "what is the big deal with raping and then murdering a woman?!?! She's going to die someday anyway. Nobody lives forever, so what difference does it make"?" You can always count on them to come up with the most absurd excuse for their position.
I don't even like trying on clothes in little closets with other women in the one next to me..much less a MAN.
You buy your selections. Take them home for the tryon. Return what you don't want and get your money back.
So people should suffer serious inconveniences of making extra trips, extra time they don't have, extra money on gas, etc. all because you get off on the idea of watching women going to the bathroom? Libtard "logic" at its finest.
Thankfully, the majority of Americans aren't as pent up, stuck up and emotionally fucked up as our resident USMB nutbags.

Target scoffs at you weirdos.
Thankfully, Target appears to be headed for going out of business because they are as deviant, disturbed, extreme, and unhinged as all of our resident libtard USMB wing-nuts.
If ya gotta pee...then pee. Regardless of which can yer using. BUT...dressing rooms? Oh hell no.

I believe it covers showers as well...... especially in schools where our children are.
It does. But not in the school district I live in. Because the first time a male attempts to enter any facility (restroom, locker room, etc.) with either of my daughters, I beat him into a coma. It won't be an issue once he's unconscious and laying in a hospital bed. As a father, it is my job to protect my children and I will do just that with any extreme measure necessary. I suspect you're going to see a lot of this in the future. The 0.03% and their 20% sick sexual deviant fans do not get to dictate to the other 80% of us that basic decency and privacy no longer exists.
I don't even like trying on clothes in little closets with other women in the one next to me..much less a MAN.
You buy your selections. Take them home for the tryon. Return what you don't want and get your money back.
So people should suffer serious inconveniences of making extra trips, extra time they don't have, extra money on gas, etc. all because you get off on the idea of watching women going to the bathroom? Libtard "logic" at its finest.

That's exactly what it is, liberal logic.

Okay, so some flake feels uncomfortable going to a rest room of his gender, therefore he now has the legal ability to go to a restroom where he is comfortable, but making everybody else uncomfortable in the process.

For some mental reason, liberals have this obsession of the minority ruling over the majority. Their vision of America is that of a freak show at a 60's carnival.
Yep. The transgendered whiny asses cried about having anxiety when usi g the mens changing rooms a few years ago. Macy's was the first to cave and let them in the womens changing rooms.
If the guy has no pecker...fine. i would not have a problem with them using the womens changing room. If he still has his pecker...NO. It's really as simple as that. Just claiming one FEELS female but still have male parts ain't good enough.
If ya gotta pee...then pee. Regardless of which can yer using. BUT...dressing rooms? Oh hell no.

I believe it covers showers as well...... especially in schools where our children are.
It does. But not in the school district I live in. Because the first time a male attempts to enter any facility (restroom, locker room, etc.) with either of my daughters, I beat him into a coma. It won't be an issue once he's unconscious and laying in a hospital bed. As a father, it is my job to protect my children and I will do just that with any extreme measure necessary. I suspect you're going to see a lot of this in the future. The 0.03% and their 20% sick sexual deviant fans do not get to dictate to the other 80% of us that basic decency and privacy no longer exists.

Makes you wonder how DumBama would feel if some creep is in his daughters shower room while they are showering in school? I bet you will never see that happen. These Democrats are Fn hypocrites.
Target Stock Drops in Wake of Transgender Bathroom Policy

17 days ago. I am sure we can find even farther back.

April 19 -stock 83.98

Continuing to Stand for Inclusivity

Continuing to Stand for Inclusivity

April 19, 2016

Recent debate around proposed laws in several states has reignited a national conversation around inclusivity. So earlier this week, we reiterated with our team members where Target stands and how our beliefs are brought to life in how we serve our guests.

Inclusivity is a core belief at Target. It’s something we celebrate. We stand for equality and equity, and strive to make our guests and team members feel accepted, respected and welcomed in our stores and workplaces every day.

We believe that everyone—every team member, every guest, and every community—deserves to be protected from discrimination, and treated equally. Consistent with this belief,

May 20 -stock 68.66


If ya gotta pee...then pee. Regardless of which can yer using. BUT...dressing rooms? Oh hell no.

I believe it covers showers as well...... especially in schools where our children are.
It does. But not in the school district I live in. Because the first time a male attempts to enter any facility (restroom, locker room, etc.) with either of my daughters, I beat him into a coma. It won't be an issue once he's unconscious and laying in a hospital bed. As a father, it is my job to protect my children and I will do just that with any extreme measure necessary. I suspect you're going to see a lot of this in the future. The 0.03% and their 20% sick sexual deviant fans do not get to dictate to the other 80% of us that basic decency and privacy no longer exists.

Makes you wonder how DumBama would feel if some creep is in his daughters shower room while they are showering in school? I bet you will never see that happen. These Democrats are Fn hypocrites.
Oh yeah. Just like all of them (Obama, idiot Hollywood liberals like Matt Damon, etc.) are against school choice and go on massive campaigns to convince the American people how "amazing" public schools are - only to put their own children in inclusive private schools.

And lets not forget how all of these dirtbags (Obama, Pelosi, Clinton, etc.) will tell you how dangerous guns are and how they need to be outlawed, meanwhile, they are surrounded by half a dozen body guards armed to the teeth with an arsenal of FULLY automatic weapons. Typical.... that's what dictators do.
Target Stock Drops in Wake of Transgender Bathroom Policy

17 days ago. I am sure we can find even farther back.

April 19 -stock 83.98

Continuing to Stand for Inclusivity

Continuing to Stand for Inclusivity

April 19, 2016

Recent debate around proposed laws in several states has reignited a national conversation around inclusivity. So earlier this week, we reiterated with our team members where Target stands and how our beliefs are brought to life in how we serve our guests.

Inclusivity is a core belief at Target. It’s something we celebrate. We stand for equality and equity, and strive to make our guests and team members feel accepted, respected and welcomed in our stores and workplaces every day.

We believe that everyone—every team member, every guest, and every community—deserves to be protected from discrimination, and treated equally. Consistent with this belief,

May 20 -stock 68.66

Again, this is typical libtard disingenuous nonsense. How is it not "inclusive" to simply demand that a male use the mens room and a woman use the ladies room? How?!?!

By the way - notice how Target said "everyone" and then followed that up by being even more specific and more emphatic - "every team member, every guest, every community"? Well - rapists want you be "inclusive" too Target. Are you going to provide a press release stating your immediate policy not to discriminate rape in your stores and that all rapists are welcome to rape women inside Target stores?

Because that is literally as stupid as what this most recent press release said. There is nothing "discriminatory" about saying "hey - you're a man, you don't belong in the women's restroom". Nothing. That's not saying these mentally disturbed individuals aren't welcomed in the store. That's not saying these mentally disturbed individuals aren't welcome to shop. Hell, that's not saying that these mentally disturbed individuals aren't welcome to use the restrooms. All that is saying is that like all of society, they have to use the correct restroom.
Target Stock Drops in Wake of Transgender Bathroom Policy

17 days ago. I am sure we can find even farther back.

April 19 -stock 83.98

Continuing to Stand for Inclusivity

Continuing to Stand for Inclusivity

April 19, 2016

Recent debate around proposed laws in several states has reignited a national conversation around inclusivity. So earlier this week, we reiterated with our team members where Target stands and how our beliefs are brought to life in how we serve our guests.

Inclusivity is a core belief at Target. It’s something we celebrate. We stand for equality and equity, and strive to make our guests and team members feel accepted, respected and welcomed in our stores and workplaces every day.

We believe that everyone—every team member, every guest, and every community—deserves to be protected from discrimination, and treated equally. Consistent with this belief,

May 20 -stock 68.66

Again, this is typical libtard disingenuous nonsense. How is it not "inclusive" to simply demand that a male use the mens room and a woman use the ladies room? How?!?!

By the way - notice how Target said "everyone" and then followed that up by being even more specific and more emphatic - "every team member, every guest, every community"? Well - rapists want you be "inclusive" too Target. Are you going to provide a press release stating your immediate policy not to discriminate rape in your stores and that all rapists are welcome to rape women inside Target stores?

Because that is literally as stupid as what this most recent press release said. There is nothing "discriminatory" about saying "hey - you're a man, you don't belong in the women's restroom". Nothing. That's not saying these mentally disturbed individuals aren't welcomed in the store. That's not saying these mentally disturbed individuals aren't welcome to shop. Hell, that's not saying that these mentally disturbed individuals aren't welcome to use the restrooms. All that is saying is that like all of society, they have to use the correct restroom.

since that notice their stock has never made it back to that high
Well...we know what kind of person switches from Target to Walmart: People Of Walmart - Funny Pictures of People Shopping at Walmart

it is cool to make fun of the poor
When push comes to shove - you always see the true color of the modern-day libtard. What happened when the talented, bright, beautiful Mia Love became a big name in the Republican party 4 years ago? Liberals were screaming n*gger at her 24x7. Same with Allen West. Condoleza Rice. And even Collin Powell before he started turning a little more liberal. They do that with anyone who steps off of the government plantation, refuses to "know their place", and stops serving the party as "useful idiots" (and yes - that's really how the party refer to them).

You saw it with Bodecea right there. Demeaning people. Showing how snobby she is. Anyone at Walmart is beneath her and anyone dressed like these people are to be ridiculed and ostracized at all costs. So much for being "inclusive" - uh?
Target Stock Drops in Wake of Transgender Bathroom Policy

17 days ago. I am sure we can find even farther back.

April 19 -stock 83.98

Continuing to Stand for Inclusivity

Continuing to Stand for Inclusivity

April 19, 2016

Recent debate around proposed laws in several states has reignited a national conversation around inclusivity. So earlier this week, we reiterated with our team members where Target stands and how our beliefs are brought to life in how we serve our guests.

Inclusivity is a core belief at Target. It’s something we celebrate. We stand for equality and equity, and strive to make our guests and team members feel accepted, respected and welcomed in our stores and workplaces every day.

We believe that everyone—every team member, every guest, and every community—deserves to be protected from discrimination, and treated equally. Consistent with this belief,

May 20 -stock 68.66

Again, this is typical libtard disingenuous nonsense. How is it not "inclusive" to simply demand that a male use the mens room and a woman use the ladies room? How?!?!

By the way - notice how Target said "everyone" and then followed that up by being even more specific and more emphatic - "every team member, every guest, every community"? Well - rapists want you be "inclusive" too Target. Are you going to provide a press release stating your immediate policy not to discriminate rape in your stores and that all rapists are welcome to rape women inside Target stores?

Because that is literally as stupid as what this most recent press release said. There is nothing "discriminatory" about saying "hey - you're a man, you don't belong in the women's restroom". Nothing. That's not saying these mentally disturbed individuals aren't welcomed in the store. That's not saying these mentally disturbed individuals aren't welcome to shop. Hell, that's not saying that these mentally disturbed individuals aren't welcome to use the restrooms. All that is saying is that like all of society, they have to use the correct restroom.

since that notice their stock has never made it back to that high
Thank God. Lets hope it permanently puts them out of business.
Did Target REALLY pull blues and pinks out of departments??? Or is that just a rumor?
Well...we know what kind of person switches from Target to Walmart: People Of Walmart - Funny Pictures of People Shopping at Walmart

it is cool to make fun of the poor
When push comes to shove - you always see the true color of the modern-day libtard. What happened when the talented, bright, beautiful Mia Love became a big name in the Republican party 4 years ago? Liberals were screaming n*gger at her 24x7. Same with Allen West. Condoleza Rice. And even Collin Powell before he started turning a little more liberal. They do that with anyone who steps off of the government plantation, refuses to "know their place", and stops serving the party as "useful idiots" (and yes - that's really how the party refer to them).

You saw it with Bodecea right there. Demeaning people. Showing how snobby she is. Anyone at Walmart is beneath her and anyone dressed like these people are to be ridiculed and ostracized at all costs. So much for being "inclusive" - uh?

yes because leftards can not and will not tolerate any view point different from theirs

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