Tattoos on Women

Most men dislike women with tattoos.

When she's still youthful, and presumably good looking; tattoos on a woman suggest she might be slightly easier to bed. Red flags travel in packs after all. So sure, she'll have no problem finding fuck buddies. But someone whose willing to wife her up is going to be much slimmer pickings, and probably not from her preferred pool of prospects. And once middle age sets in... Yikes!
Those men who find tattooed women attractive usually are themselves tatt'ed and ex felons... Bad girls always find bad boys...
Not really buying into the Felon angle. I'd wager they are the minority when it comes to all the guys who have tats. Typically, in the West it's more of a male, or masculine thing. Which probably lends to the disfavor men have in tattooed women. I'm positive I've seen more soldiers, former soldiers, and cops with tats, than I have felons. But then I don't work in a prison...

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