Tattoos, tattoos and more tattoos.


VIP Member
Jul 16, 2013
Back when I was a teenager, most people would not consider having a tattoo. Oh how times have changed. Being old school, I question the wisdom/taste of some of the tattoos I see on people.

This morning I saw a middle aged woman wearing a spaghetti strap dress with an open back. She had many faded blue-green tattoos, many of which I was unsure what they were tattoos of. Needless to say, I think she would have looked much better in the dress without the tattoos.

At church last Sunday I saw a young single mom with a tattoo of her baby's face on her shoulder. I can just imagine that she continues this practice over the years when she becomes a grandma. Just imagine two grandmothers showing pictures of their children and grandchildren......."on my ankle is my youngest grand baby ......". I'm not sure, but I think it might be embarrassing for the kids if mom has their faces tattooed to her body.

I guess I should end this post with a question.

Why get a tattoo? What is good taste? What is not good taste?
I saw a woman a few weeks ago who had tattoos all over herself and when she had anything to say, you could see as clear as glass that she was in serious need of a ton of dental work. That right there is what got to me. If she had the money to get what she had added to herself, she has the money for what should be considered more important and that is getting her mouth taken care of.

God bless you always!!!! :) :) :)


P.S. That right there has always been the thing with me where tattoos are concerned. It amazes me how much money people are willing to thrown down just to have a picture, name, message, etc. permanently placed on their body.
I saw a woman a few weeks ago who had tattoos all over herself and when she had anything to say, you could see as clear as glass that she was in serious need of a ton of dental work. That right there is what got to me. If she had the money to get what she had added to herself, she has the money for what should be considered more important and that is getting her mouth taken care of.

God bless you always!!!! :) :) :)


P.S. That right there has always been the thing with me where tattoos are concerned. It amazes me how much money people are willing to thrown down just to have a picture, name, message, etc. permanently placed on their body.

But a tattoo is a work of art........priceless.
Tattoos ARE a work of art - when done by the right person. Getting an entire scene from Twilight tattooed on your back (and a middle aged woman actually did this) is just nuts.

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