Tax burdens lighter in RTW states

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Go figure..along with a lower cost of living, great scenery, great weather, less people a no brainer.

In 2015, “Americans will pay $3.3 trillion in federal taxes and $1.5 trillion in state and local taxes, for a total tax bill of $4.8 trillion, or 31 percent of the nation’s income.”

Not surprisingly, this burden is not borne equally by all Americans, and several factors play a significant role in determining when TFD comes for individual taxpayers and households.

The Tax Foundation highlighted two: “The total tax burden borne by residents of different states varies considerably due to differing state tax policies and because of the progressivity of the federal tax system.”

A couple of days after the Tax Foundation issued its report on TFD 2015, the National Institute for Labor Relations Research calculated average TFD’s for the 25 Right to Work states and the 25 forced-unionism states.

To derive average TFD’s for states where compulsory union dues are either permitted or banned, the Institute took aggregate state personal income data for 2014 as reported by the U.S. Commerce Department and the estimated 2015 TFD’s for the 50 states as reported by the Tax Foundation.

The Institute estimates that this year residents of forced-unionism states will have to fork over 32.9% of their total personal income in taxes, a 5.1% higher share than the national average, and a 12.3% higher share than the Right to Work state average.
Tax Burdens Lighter in Right to Work States - National Right to Work Committee
"Right to work" legislation isn't driven by a groundswell of disgruntled union members chafing under union oppression. Workers who don't want a union can disband their union at any time.

"Right to work" legislation is invariably driven by employers, industry associations and lobbyists. Employers love "right to work," because it really means "right to work for less."

It doesn't take an MBA to figure out the "right to work" financials. The three states with union membership rates of 4 percent or less? North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia. Median hourly wages: $15.16, $14.45, $15.25.

The three states with union membership rates of 20 percent or more? New York, Alaska, Hawaii. Median wages: $19.02, $20.65, $17.44.

Bear, I am so glad that you love living in a right to work for less state.
When will your state become a "right to live" without having to pay any state taxes. Won't that be great. No taxes and lower wages. Sounds like a nirvana to me. How about you?

And is that true what they say about the workers? That it is not the workers demanding right to work laws? Instead it's the employers and lobbyists. You think the lobbyists get paid less in your state than other lobbyists get paid in union states. I bet they do. Cause those lobbyists are really looking out for YOU and YOUR right to work for less money. Good of them to do that. LMAO.
For the liberals that don't know math, 12 % of 75 grand year is $8,250 dollars I am saving a year, combine that with with my $600 property tax of $600 a year compared to $5,000 a year in the Chicago area when I owned a condo, compare that with my $1.19 smokes a pack to $10 bucks in Chicago

I personally saved my ass over $25,000 a year

You guys are fools
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Zeke, again I have lived down here for 10 years, again I might not be great in spelling and grammar, but I know math and economics. I vote my wallet always did
"Right to work" legislation isn't driven by a groundswell of disgruntled union members chafing under union oppression. Workers who don't want a union can disband their union at any time.”

Only true if a majority of workers vote to disband. RTW legislation is to protect the minority of workers in a union shop. It doesn't disallow unions, it only stops unions from forcing employees to join them or collecting dues from those that don't. RTW legislation is driven by a groundswell of disgruntled non-union members forced to participate in an organization they want no part of.
For the liberals that don't know math, 12 % of 75 grand year is $8,250 dollars I am saving a year, combine that with with my $600 property tax of $600 a year compared to $5,000 a year in the Chicago area when I owned a condo, compare that with my $1.19 smokes a pack to $10 bucks in Chicago

I personally saved my ass over $25,000 a year

You guys are fools
You suck at math, spelling and grammar. There is absolutely no way anyone as stupid as you makes $75k. Your state is sucking tax money from other states. You are not saving that much on taxes & are earning less than others.
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Zeke also again I care about my workers, yea I know I am one of the few, who will bitch, Fight and fuck with management to get them to see my way, but if more people were like me, there would be no need at all for Unions.

But most workers with skills like me don't give a fuck, they are as greedy as the ones they complain about.
"Right to work" legislation isn't driven by a groundswell of disgruntled union members chafing under union oppression. Workers who don't want a union can disband their union at any time.

"Right to work" legislation is invariably driven by employers, industry associations and lobbyists. Employers love "right to work," because it really means "right to work for less."

It doesn't take an MBA to figure out the "right to work" financials. The three states with union membership rates of 4 percent or less? North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia. Median hourly wages: $15.16, $14.45, $15.25.

The three states with union membership rates of 20 percent or more? New York, Alaska, Hawaii. Median wages: $19.02, $20.65, $17.44.

Bear, I am so glad that you love living in a right to work for less state.
When will your state become a "right to live" without having to pay any state taxes. Won't that be great. No taxes and lower wages. Sounds like a nirvana to me. How about you?

And is that true what they say about the workers? That it is not the workers demanding right to work laws? Instead it's the employers and lobbyists. You think the lobbyists get paid less in your state than other lobbyists get paid in union states. I bet they do. Cause those lobbyists are really looking out for YOU and YOUR right to work for less money. Good of them to do that. LMAO.

For the liberals that don't know math, 12 % of 75 grand year is $8,250 dollars I am saving a year, combine that with with my $600 property tax of $600 a year compared to $5,000 a year in the Chicago area when I owned a condo, compare that with my $1.19 smokes a pack to $10 bucks in Chicago

I personally saved my ass over $25,000 a year

You guys are fools
You suck at math, spelling and grammar. There is absolutely no way anyone as stupid as you makes $75k. You are not saving much on taxes & are earning less than others.
I was surprised also but I did work a lot of overtime last year. Highest I ever got in Illinois was $56,900 (looking at my IRS form in 2003)

Btw dumb fuck you Couldn't even hold my tool belt at work, I Wouldn't let you, been doing this crap for 30 years, I am the one every one calls to fix a problem.
Side note, I only take off 2 days a month, I love to work.

It's not about the money, don't really care, I get a rush out of fixing machines, problems, that's what I am great at, that's what makes me come alive, when they can't fix it, they call me because they know I will get it done

Sorry to say thanks to liberals my type is a dying breed
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:lol: I would never want to touch your nasty tool belt. I can always troubleshoot circles around idiot's like you. I made over $80k back in the 90's without overtime. I am the one that flies into cities to fix problems idiots like you can't figure out. Your 30 years of repetitive task training can't compare to my skills. I read schematics, principles of operations & software to repair equipment I have never even seen before. I watch tool jockey idiots like you change $20k engines because they couldn't figure out a temp sensor or ground wire was bad.
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For the liberals that don't know math, 12 % of 75 grand year is $8,250 dollars I am saving a year, combine that with with my $600 property tax of $600 a year compared to $5,000 a year in the Chicago area when I owned a condo, compare that with my $1.19 smokes a pack to $10 bucks in Chicago

I personally saved my ass over $25,000 a year

You guys are fools
You suck at math, spelling and grammar. There is absolutely no way anyone as stupid as you makes $75k. Your state is sucking tax money from other states. You are not saving that much on taxes & are earning less than others.

I saved at least a mill and a half when I purchased my home.
Not to mention no state income tax.
"Right to work" legislation isn't driven by a groundswell of disgruntled union members chafing under union oppression. Workers who don't want a union can disband their union at any time.

"Right to work" legislation is invariably driven by employers, industry associations and lobbyists. Employers love "right to work," because it really means "right to work for less."

It doesn't take an MBA to figure out the "right to work" financials. The three states with union membership rates of 4 percent or less? North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia. Median hourly wages: $15.16, $14.45, $15.25.

The three states with union membership rates of 20 percent or more? New York, Alaska, Hawaii. Median wages: $19.02, $20.65, $17.44.

Bear, I am so glad that you love living in a right to work for less state.
When will your state become a "right to live" without having to pay any state taxes. Won't that be great. No taxes and lower wages. Sounds like a nirvana to me. How about you?

And is that true what they say about the workers? That it is not the workers demanding right to work laws? Instead it's the employers and lobbyists. You think the lobbyists get paid less in your state than other lobbyists get paid in union states. I bet they do. Cause those lobbyists are really looking out for YOU and YOUR right to work for less money. Good of them to do that. LMAO.

Standard Democrats talking points really suck. The main reason employers want right to work laws is because they can fire anyone they hire that is a slacker and won't work.
:lol: I would never want to touch your nasty tool belt. I can always troubleshoot circles around idiot's like you. I made over $80k back in the 90's without overtime. I am the one that flies into cities to fix problems idiots like you can't figure out. Your 30 years of repetitive task training can't compare to my skills. I read schematics, principals of operations & software to repair equipment I have never even seen before. I watch tool jockey idiots like you change $20k engines because they couldn't figure out a temp sensor or ground wire was bad.

:lol: I would never want to touch your nasty tool belt. I can always troubleshoot circles around idiot's like you. I made over $80k back in the 90's without overtime. I am the one that flies into cities to fix problems idiots like you can't figure out. Your 30 years of repetitive task training can't compare to my skills. & software to repair equipment I have never even seen before. I watch tool jockey idiots like you change $20k engines because they couldn't figure out a temp sensor or ground wire was bad.

I read schematics, principals of operations

its principle you dumbass..
For the liberals that don't know math, 12 % of 75 grand year is $8,250 dollars I am saving a year, combine that with with my $600 property tax of $600 a year compared to $5,000 a year in the Chicago area when I owned a condo, compare that with my $1.19 smokes a pack to $10 bucks in Chicago

I personally saved my ass over $25,000 a year

You guys are fools
Note the influx of Yankees into NC, SC, and GA.

Not much more to say on the subject, except that one can buy a house in Detroit for 5 cents on the dollar compared to what it was once worth.
For the liberals that don't know math, 12 % of 75 grand year is $8,250 dollars I am saving a year, combine that with with my $600 property tax of $600 a year compared to $5,000 a year in the Chicago area when I owned a condo, compare that with my $1.19 smokes a pack to $10 bucks in Chicago

I personally saved my ass over $25,000 a year

You guys are fools
Note the influx of Yankees into NC, SC, and GA.

Not much more to say on the subject, except that one can buy a house in Detroit for 5 cents on the dollar compared to what it was once worth.

That's how it works. You make the big bucks in the North and when you retire, you cash out and go live somewhere cheaper and warmer.

And that begs the question: Where do people who live and work in someplace cheap and warm go when they retire? Maybe they don't retire. Maybe they work until they drop. After all, they do live in Right to Work states.
For the liberals that don't know math, 12 % of 75 grand year is $8,250 dollars I am saving a year, combine that with with my $600 property tax of $600 a year compared to $5,000 a year in the Chicago area when I owned a condo, compare that with my $1.19 smokes a pack to $10 bucks in Chicago

I personally saved my ass over $25,000 a year

You guys are fools
Note the influx of Yankees into NC, SC, and GA.

Not much more to say on the subject, except that one can buy a house in Detroit for 5 cents on the dollar compared to what it was once worth.

That's how it works. You make the big bucks in the North and when you retire, you cash out and go live somewhere cheaper and warmer.

And that begs the question: Where do people who live and work in someplace cheap and warm go when they retire? Maybe they don't retire. Maybe they work until they drop. After all, they do live in Right to Work states.

I retired at 46 in a right to work state. And the pay is great for those that apply themselves...slackers need not apply. So you lazy yankees need to stay up north,because you wont find the work environment to your liking.
I live in a small rural community that saw a burst of activity when a large Northern based corporation moved a new facility into a major metropolitan area near us.
The management and supervisory staff didn't want to live in the metro area (crime, taxes, Democrat controlled) ... So they built subdivisions out here.

They imported all their garbage with them ... Homeowner's associations, higher taxes, bloated law enforcement requirements and artificial moral superiority.

They tried to sell the idea of homeowners associations by stating they moved to the area because of our strong family values and wanted to ensure it stayed that way.
What a bunch of dumbasses ... We had the values before they came and didn't need their stupid nanny state homeowners crap.

They pressed for new taxes to improve the local school ... Yet they got pissed when they found out the schools are Parish wide here.
Their tax dollars went to the other schools in the Parish that were trying to squeeze blood out of a turnip.

They demanded an increase in law enforcement presence and capabilities.
Now they complain about getting tickets for speeding on the one highway that leads through town.
We barely have an operational Public Library ... And we have a police department with an urban combat vehicle and a SWAT team.

This shit is hilarious and provides for a great deal of chuckles over coffee at the Texaco.
The farmers and ranchers talking about feed and seed prices while watching 30 something moms running in and out of the new Fitness Center in yoga pants is priceless.
But hey ... We have a Pizza Hut and Sonic now ... That ought to help out our family values.


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