Tax China..forget class warfare

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Okay sure, lets go with tariffs...

With a 273 billion dollar trade imbalance, boot legged products and America's manufacturing jobs ending up over their.... What the Hell ?
Okay sure, lets go with tariffs...

With a 273 billion dollar trade imbalance, boot legged products and America's manufacturing jobs ending up over their.... What the Hell ?

You would be raising taxes.

You would be raising prices during a weak economy. Bad idea.

You would be in violation of international trade treaties signed by the US government into law.

You would invite retaliation against US exports.

You would be hurting US corporations.

You would be favoring one group of Americans over another.

Interest rates would rise as demand for US government bonds would fall.

You would be denying liberty of Americans by forcing the government to redistribute wealth within the economy.

You would invite a serious retaliation by China, entailing China dumping US government bonds onto the market, causing a spike in interest rates and a serious dislocation to the economy, and possibly a currency crisis.

Tariffs by wealthy countries result in a deadweight loss to the economy as the costs outweigh the gains. Economists are near unanimous in this.
Okay sure, lets go with tariffs...

With a 273 billion dollar trade imbalance, boot legged products and America's manufacturing jobs ending up over their.... What the Hell ?

You would be raising taxes.

You would be raising prices during a weak economy. Bad idea.

You would be in violation of international trade treaties signed by the US government into law.

You would invite retaliation against US exports.

You would be hurting US corporations.

You would be favoring one group of Americans over another.

Interest rates would rise as demand for US government bonds would fall.

You would be denying liberty of Americans by forcing the government to redistribute wealth within the economy.

You would invite a serious retaliation by China, entailing China dumping US government bonds onto the market, causing a spike in interest rates and a serious dislocation to the economy, and possibly a currency crisis.

Tariffs by wealthy countries result in a deadweight loss to the economy as the costs outweigh the gains. Economists are near unanimous in this.

Gads Man.. that's quite a list.. I'm impressed...Let's see if it holds up..

I'll admit..:redface:.. sometimes I post an OP just to learn because I'm to lazy to do the research. What little research I have done bounces back and forth from Yes & No's...
I'm not too worried about China boycotting our Products, because we buy far more of theirs than they do of ours anyway, so we would actually come out ahead. For once.

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