Tax cuts do not cost anything. Nor do they need to be "paid for"

do you run your finances the same way because if you don't then it's not what you want
Debt does not matter

Look at it this way
Reagan paid 12 percent interest when he tripled our debt
Obama paid about 1 percent interest

A great time to borrow money

debt mattered in Greece
How does our economy compare to Greece?
Who cares?

Go win some elections. Until then.....STFU.
So I ask how the Greece economy is any way comparable to our own and you reply......shut up, you lost the election

Yep. Shut up. You lost the election.
Now taxes are going to be cut for all Americans.


We got a live one here! Zander actually believes Trump is lowering his taxes!

The amusing part will be after Trump jacks up his taxes, when Zander twists and squirms in a vain attempt to pretend it didn't happen. No, he won't dare criticize Trump for lying to him, because that would require a spine, and people with spines never became Trump-snowflakes in the first place.

Shut up. You lost the election.

All you can do is whine like the Beta male faggot you are.
Debt does not matter

Look at it this way
Reagan paid 12 percent interest when he tripled our debt
Obama paid about 1 percent interest

A great time to borrow money

debt mattered in Greece
How does our economy compare to Greece?
Who cares?

Go win some elections. Until then.....STFU.
So I ask how the Greece economy is any way comparable to our own and you reply......shut up, you lost the election

Yep. Shut up. You lost the election.

You're not the boss of me
debt mattered in Greece
How does our economy compare to Greece?
Who cares?

Go win some elections. Until then.....STFU.
So I ask how the Greece economy is any way comparable to our own and you reply......shut up, you lost the election

Yep. Shut up. You lost the election.

You're not the boss of me

Of course not FalseWinger,, I would never hire you.
yeah keep rationalizing

and FYI I'm no defender of Bush or Reagan I just tell the truth you should try it one day

the debt at the beginning of Obammy's tenure was 10 trillion and change at the end it was 19 trillion and change

so for all intents and purposes double
Who cares?

Americans do not care about debt. We want full services and low taxes.....politicians give us what we want

do you run your finances the same way because if you don't then it's not what you want
Debt does not matter

Look at it this way
Reagan paid 12 percent interest when he tripled our debt
Obama paid about 1 percent interest

A great time to borrow money

debt mattered in Greece
How does our economy compare to Greece?

how does debt not matter
Every time I looked up Laffer, it would ask "do you mean LAUGHTER?"

The US economy is way, way on the left side of the Laffer curve. That's why cutting taxes cuts revenue. Only the most delusional supply-side cultists have faith that, contrary to all evidence, the economy is somehow magically on the right side of it.

Now, a major tax cut does bring in a quick surge of revenue, as rich people rush to cash in assets at the new reduced tax rate. Long term, tax cuts will cut revenue.
so what if it cuts revenue?

the government needs to be forced to downsize
First, the drug war, right winger.

first you get a job then you can talk to me
Every time I looked up Laffer, it would ask "do you mean LAUGHTER?"

The US economy is way, way on the left side of the Laffer curve. That's why cutting taxes cuts revenue. Only the most delusional supply-side cultists have faith that, contrary to all evidence, the economy is somehow magically on the right side of it.

Now, a major tax cut does bring in a quick surge of revenue, as rich people rush to cash in assets at the new reduced tax rate. Long term, tax cuts will cut revenue.
so what if it cuts revenue?

the government needs to be forced to downsize
First, the drug war, right winger.

first you get a job then you can talk to me
First, stop resorting to fallacy, then we can talk.
Shut up. You lost the election.

Strange. You Trump-snowflakes should be happy about winning, but instead you're constantly weeping. Things not going well, snowflake? I understand. You were told the liberals would stop laughing at you if you won, but instead everyone is laughing even harder. That must sting.

Trump isn't going to cut your taxes, snowflake. You were played for Useful Idiot. Yes, I know that triggers you, but you need to hear the truth.

All you can do is whine like the Beta male faggot you are.

Given the vast quantity of sand in their manginas, Trump-snowflakes don't even qualify as beta males, or even gammas or deltas. They're solidly down in epsilon male territory.
Shut up. You lost the election.

Strange. You Trump-snowflakes should be happy about winning, but instead you're constantly weeping. Things not going well, snowflake? I understand. You were told the liberals would stop laughing at you if you won, but instead everyone is laughing even harder. That must sting.

Trump isn't going to cut your taxes, snowflake. You were played for Useful Idiot. Yes, I know that triggers you, but you need to hear the truth.

All you can do is whine like the Beta male faggot you are.

Given the vast quantity of sand in their manginas, Trump-snowflakes don't even qualify as beta males, or even gammas or deltas. They're solidly down in epsilon male territory.

Weeping? Try again betafag. I've been celebrating since the day he won (so have my investments!)

Get in the back of the bus Catboy.
Meaningless tripe. Everyone views the government as something external to them and something hostile to them, and they are right.
Our Constitution is tripe?
It is the cornerstone of our civilization
Our Constitution is one thing. Our government is another. When did leftwingers ever respect the Constitution?
We wrote it

Who is "we," and so what?
Liberals wrote the constitution with it
You aren't a liberal. You're a Nazi leftist.
Then why don't we just get rid of taxes and make it 0% for individuals and corporations ?

Ah argumentum ad absurdum, the first and last refuge of the scoundrel.
Tax cuts cost nothing. Explain why bringing them down to zero would cost us anything. Nothing and anything are not the same.

The personal income tax should be eliminated.

A VAT style tax is preferable to me, however you know that after 20 or so years we will end up with a VAT AND and income tax if progressives continue to run government.

Agreed. Taxing labor is akin to paying protection money to the government. It's immoral.

The only issue I have with a VAT style tax is the chance they add the tax at too many layers, which may retard growth.

Still anything is better than an income tax.
Ah argumentum ad absurdum, the first and last refuge of the scoundrel.
Tax cuts cost nothing. Explain why bringing them down to zero would cost us anything. Nothing and anything are not the same.

The personal income tax should be eliminated.

A VAT style tax is preferable to me, however you know that after 20 or so years we will end up with a VAT AND and income tax if progressives continue to run government.

Agreed. Taxing labor is akin to paying protection money to the government. It's immoral.

All taxation is theft, period.

I disagree. Government does have a purpose, and it needs to be funded. What it doesn't need is the funding or scope it currently has.
Obama had him smoking three packs a day, moron. That would make your analogy more accurate.

Obama cut the deficit by more than 60%, Trump wants to start increasing the deficits again. Even though Trump promised to eliminate the deficits, and Trump even promised to pay off the national debt. Of course Trump reversed himself on any fiscal responsibility.

After republicans took control of congress...congress who had control of the purse. And debt still went up exponentially. And overall during his term he still spent at a higher ratio of GDP growth than Reagan bush Clinton and bush 2.
When your income fluctuates you are supposed to compensate by adjusting your spending accordingly.

That nice. Time for a reality check though:

"Income fluctuation" is not something that will simply "happen to us" it is a premeditated POLICY of collecting less taxes, getting less income.

And this is not in a context of balanced budget this ELECTED pay cut would come amidst growing deficits as far as the eye can see.


What kind of crazy person elects to take a pay cut in a fiscal situation like that?

So here is a crazy idea for you: You want tax cuts to "not cost anything?" How about you Republican cranks first manage to post a budget with a SURPLUS.
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When your income fluctuates you are supposed to compensate by adjusting your spending accordingly.

That nice. Time for a reality check though:

"Income fluctuation" is not something that will simply "happen to us" it is an premeditated POLICY of collecting less taxes, getting less income.

And this is not in a context of balanced budget this ELECTED pay cut would come amidst growing deficits as far as the eye can see.


What kind of crazy person elects to take a pay cut in a fiscal situation like that?

So here is a crazy idea for you: You want tax cuts to "not cost anything?" How about you Republican cranks first manage to post a budget with a SURPLUS.
There hasn't been a budget surplus since Jefferson. And not William Jefferson.
When your income fluctuates you are supposed to compensate by adjusting your spending accordingly.

That nice. Time for a reality check though:

"Income fluctuation" is not something that will simply "happen to us" it is an premeditated POLICY of collecting less taxes, getting less income.

And this is not in a context of balanced budget this ELECTED pay cut would come amidst growing deficits as far as the eye can see.


What kind of crazy person elects to take a pay cut in a fiscal situation like that?

So here is a crazy idea for you: You want tax cuts to "not cost anything?" How about you Republican cranks first manage to post a budget with a SURPLUS.
There hasn't been a budget surplus since Jefferson. And not William Jefferson.
It was, "close enough for government work".
Tax cuts cost nothing. Explain why bringing them down to zero would cost us anything. Nothing and anything are not the same.

The personal income tax should be eliminated.

A VAT style tax is preferable to me, however you know that after 20 or so years we will end up with a VAT AND and income tax if progressives continue to run government.

Agreed. Taxing labor is akin to paying protection money to the government. It's immoral.

All taxation is theft, period.

I disagree. Government does have a purpose, and it needs to be funded. What it doesn't need is the funding or scope it currently has.

Government is not fit to accomplish the task you would assign to it. It's like putting a burglar in charge of protecting your valuables.
The personal income tax should be eliminated.

A VAT style tax is preferable to me, however you know that after 20 or so years we will end up with a VAT AND and income tax if progressives continue to run government.

Agreed. Taxing labor is akin to paying protection money to the government. It's immoral.

All taxation is theft, period.

I disagree. Government does have a purpose, and it needs to be funded. What it doesn't need is the funding or scope it currently has.

Government is not fit to accomplish the task you would assign to it. It's like putting a burglar in charge of protecting your valuables.

Our current government, yes, but some government is needed. If the Constitution was followed we wouldn't be having this issue.
One must understand that language controls everything. If one controls the language they control the narrative. If one controls the narrative, they win. The Gov has appropriated the words "revenue" and "expenditure". Those two words are used to brainwash the generations, for them to have any meaning within the context that bureaucrats like to use them the premise MUST be that ALL monies belong to the Govt first and foremost, and only then can a tax break be an "expenditure" or collected taxes be understood as "revenue".

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