Tax cuts do not cost anything. Nor do they need to be "paid for"

distinctions without differences

you don't care about anything if a democrat did it

the debt when Obammy came into office 10T and change the debt when Obammy left office almost 20T

Think of Obama as the role played by Denzel Washington in the movie 'unstoppable' Where he was trying to stop a runaway train '777' moving at 70+ mph. Akin to Obama inheriting an unstoppable deficit moving at $1.5 trillion a year. Denzel Washington and Chris Pine managed to stop the runaway train, while Obama only slowed the debt by 2/3rds. But in the process the train / debt still traveled miles and miles, because as you know freight trains like deficits, can't be stopped very quickly, and even with the brakes on full, take a long time to bring them under control.

Republicans ignore what Obama inherited, and how slow the train is now going, and only concentrate on how far it traveled despite Obama putting the brakes on.
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Steal from the rich and give to the poor!! It worked in Robin Hood!! And Look how great it worked in Venezuela! It's a workers paradise there!!

All Democrats and LWNJ's should be forced to vacation in Caracas. Ya know, to live the dream!!

Venezuela is on the brink of a complete economic collapse
Venezuela Reaches the End of the Road to Serfdom

Taxes are not stealing and we are not Venezuela

Our wealthy pay at the lowest rate in 35 years

Ain't that great?!

Now taxes are going to be cut for all Americans. Nothing you can do about it either.

What was it Obama the clown said?

Oh yeah here it is..."Elections have consequences. If you don't like it, go out and win some elections".

Here's a straw.....


Suck it up snowflake.
Progressives believe that the government IS the economy, that's why they have a 100% Fail guarantee
The government is We the People

That's the way we wrote it
Meaningless tripe. Everyone views the government as something external to them and something hostile to them, and they are right.
Our Constitution is tripe?
It is the cornerstone of our civilization
Our Constitution is one thing. Our government is another. When did leftwingers ever respect the Constitution?
We wrote it
the WashingtonSlimes is hardly a credible source, which they prove by not telling the truth about what the GOP National Debt was at the end of Bush's last fiscal year, $12 trillion. Bush actually DID double the GOP National Debt from $6 trillion to $12 trillion.

yeah keep rationalizing

and FYI I'm no defender of Bush or Reagan I just tell the truth you should try it one day

the debt at the beginning of Obammy's tenure was 10 trillion and change at the end it was 19 trillion and change

so for all intents and purposes double
Who cares?

Americans do not care about debt. We want full services and low taxes.....politicians give us what we want

do you run your finances the same way because if you don't then it's not what you want
Debt does not matter

Look at it this way
Reagan paid 12 percent interest when he tripled our debt
Obama paid about 1 percent interest

A great time to borrow money

debt mattered in Greece
How does our economy compare to Greece?
yeah keep rationalizing

and FYI I'm no defender of Bush or Reagan I just tell the truth you should try it one day

the debt at the beginning of Obammy's tenure was 10 trillion and change at the end it was 19 trillion and change

so for all intents and purposes double
Who cares?

Americans do not care about debt. We want full services and low taxes.....politicians give us what we want

do you run your finances the same way because if you don't then it's not what you want
Debt does not matter

Look at it this way
Reagan paid 12 percent interest when he tripled our debt
Obama paid about 1 percent interest

A great time to borrow money

debt mattered in Greece
How does our economy compare to Greece?
Who cares?

Go win some elections. Until then.....STFU.
yeah keep rationalizing

and FYI I'm no defender of Bush or Reagan I just tell the truth you should try it one day

the debt at the beginning of Obammy's tenure was 10 trillion and change at the end it was 19 trillion and change

so for all intents and purposes double
Who cares?

Americans do not care about debt. We want full services and low taxes.....politicians give us what we want

do you run your finances the same way because if you don't then it's not what you want
Debt does not matter

Look at it this way
Reagan paid 12 percent interest when he tripled our debt
Obama paid about 1 percent interest

A great time to borrow money

debt mattered in Greece
How does our economy compare to Greece?

If Trump keeps up with the policies that he wants to institute, especially his tax cuts, we won't have any money to pay for stuff and we will end up like Greece.

Probably in something like 2 to 3 years.
Progressives believe that the government IS the economy, that's why they have a 100% Fail guarantee
The government is We the People

That's the way we wrote it
Meaningless tripe. Everyone views the government as something external to them and something hostile to them, and they are right.
Our Constitution is tripe?
It is the cornerstone of our civilization
Our Constitution is one thing. Our government is another. When did leftwingers ever respect the Constitution?
We wrote it

Who is "we," and so what?
Who cares?

Americans do not care about debt. We want full services and low taxes.....politicians give us what we want

do you run your finances the same way because if you don't then it's not what you want
Debt does not matter

Look at it this way
Reagan paid 12 percent interest when he tripled our debt
Obama paid about 1 percent interest

A great time to borrow money

debt mattered in Greece
How does our economy compare to Greece?

If Trump keeps up with the policies that he wants to institute, especially his tax cuts, we won't have any money to pay for stuff and we will end up like Greece.

Probably in something like 2 to 3 years.

He will after he abolishes the EPA and the Dept of Education.
Suddenly, after an 8 year Obama spending binge, after 8 years without passing a single fucking budget, NOW the LWNJ's are worried.

When your income fluctuates you are supposed to compensate by adjusting your spending accordingly.

The government receives money from working Americans. The government then spends that money on various shit. When the government decides to STEAL LESS FROM YOU it is supposed to adjust it's budget accordingly but it never does. The spending continues because they know they can STEAL more from you latter to compensate for their irresponsible behavior.

Ultimately they are giving you back what was yours all along so it is NOT spending that has to be accounted for but rather an opportunity for them to prove they can live within their means.

This is all true, and I agree. But, it isn't exactly cutting government. When Congress cuts taxes, and then refuses to cut government to match, they're just putting it on the credit card - pushing the bill off on future generations. So, their tax cuts end up as so much saccharin; a feel good statement that, while it might save some people a few bucks in the short term, only kicks the can.
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Every time I looked up Laffer, it would ask "do you mean LAUGHTER?"

The US economy is way, way on the left side of the Laffer curve. That's why cutting taxes cuts revenue. Only the most delusional supply-side cultists have faith that, contrary to all evidence, the economy is somehow magically on the right side of it.

Now, a major tax cut does bring in a quick surge of revenue, as rich people rush to cash in assets at the new reduced tax rate. Long term, tax cuts will cut revenue.
so what if it cuts revenue?

the government needs to be forced to downsize
First, the drug war, right winger.
That is the way it is supposed to be done

You don't go to your boss and ask him to cut your hours and then try to figure which bills will get paid

You cut your bills first and then decide you can work less hours

that works great when you are earning your own money but government doesn't earn its own money it TAKES money from us. If we say it has to take less then that's how it is going to be
First, the drug war, right wingers.
do you have a short and long term memory deficiency?

I have told you multiple times that I think all drugs should be legalized
then, stop complaining about taxes until we abolish the drug war.

so we just let the government keep taking our money until the drug war is abolished

well not your money because you're an unemployed masturbation addict still living in mama's basement
the right wing; all talk about fiscal responsibility and no action.

First, the drug war, right winger.
Except over the course of his regime St Ronnie RAISED taxes repeatedly, except the top marginal rate, on everything from gas to even social security benefits, that's right not only did Reagan raise payroll taxes he was the one who started taxing you when you collected your benefits, too. Only after he raised taxes did revenue and the partisan Right-wing demagoguery is leaving that fact out!!!
Where were taxes when Reagan entered office, where were they when he left?
Taxes on social security income were zero when Reagan entered office and up to 50% of SS was taxable at regular income tax rates starting 1984 after Reagan signed the bill initiating taxing SS in 1983 because revenue had dropped so much due to his cutting the top marginal rate so much.
Fifty percent of capital gains tax for the one percent, should be taxed at regular income rates.
All of it should be taxed at regular income rates

Why should someone earning income digging a ditch pay a higher rate than someone moving money from one place to another?
any income should only be taxed at one rate and everyone should pay that tax from dollar one of earnings
equality is a social concept, not a capital concept.

equality of outcome is not the same as equality of opportunity.

There is no reason for a tax preference without any "capital ethic" that results in Jobs Booms.
Bush's last deficit was the $1500 billion, up from $1 billion the year before, Bush's $500 billion deficit was 2007. Reagan jacked Carter's last deficit of $74 billion up to $221 billion in 1986.
hmmmm, wrong. That was Obama's first deficit.
Obama never had a $1.5 trillion deficit.
no it was only 1.4 trillion in 2009
And fiscal 2009 belongs to Bush!

it was also 1.3 trillion in 2010

and Obama managed to increase the debt more than any other president

so I really don't understand why you are defending his fiscal record
The rich got their bailout, not blacks.
Worst cast without Ronald Reagan. Paying 15% on $1 trillion. ($150 billion / year interest) Best case with Ronald Reagan and Bush. Paying 3% on $6 trillion. ($180 billion / year interest)

In addition to his own $10 Trillion in unpatriotic debt, Obama had the Fed rack up $4 Trillion to support his food stamp and unemployment check economy

Dude, the rich got their bailout, not blacks; that was, "trickle down".

In 2007, the top 20% wealthiest possessed 80% of all financial assets.[18] In 2007 the richest 1% of the American population owned 35% of the country's total wealth, and the next 19% owned 51%. Thus, the top 20% of Americans owned 85% of the country's wealth and the bottom 80% of the population owned 15%. In 2011, financial inequality was greater than inequality in total wealth, with the top 1% of the population owning 43%, the next 19% of Americans owning 50%, and the bottom 80% owning 7%.[19] However, after the Great Recession which started in 2007, the share of total wealth owned by the top 1% of the population grew from 35% to 37%, and that owned by the top 20% of Americans grew from 85% to 88%. The Great Recession also caused a drop of 36% in median household wealth but a drop of only 11% for the top 1%, further widening the gap between the top 1% and the bottom 99%.[17][19][20]

According to PolitiFact and others, in 2011 the 400 wealthiest Americans "have more wealth than half of all Americans combined."[21][22] Inherited wealth may help explain why many Americans who have become rich may have had a "substantial head start".[23][24] In September 2012, according to the Institute for Policy Studies, "over 60 percent" of the Forbes richest 400 Americans "grew up in substantial privilege".[25]--
Now taxes are going to be cut for all Americans.


We got a live one here! Zander actually believes Trump is lowering his taxes!

The amusing part will be after Trump jacks up his taxes, when Zander twists and squirms in a vain attempt to pretend it didn't happen. No, he won't dare criticize Trump for lying to him, because that would require a spine, and people with spines never became Trump-snowflakes in the first place.
Who cares?

Americans do not care about debt. We want full services and low taxes.....politicians give us what we want

do you run your finances the same way because if you don't then it's not what you want
Debt does not matter

Look at it this way
Reagan paid 12 percent interest when he tripled our debt
Obama paid about 1 percent interest

A great time to borrow money

debt mattered in Greece
How does our economy compare to Greece?
Who cares?

Go win some elections. Until then.....STFU.
So I ask how the Greece economy is any way comparable to our own and you reply......shut up, you lost the election
The government is We the People

That's the way we wrote it
Meaningless tripe. Everyone views the government as something external to them and something hostile to them, and they are right.
Our Constitution is tripe?
It is the cornerstone of our civilization
Our Constitution is one thing. Our government is another. When did leftwingers ever respect the Constitution?
We wrote it

Who is "we," and so what?
Liberals wrote the constitution with it

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