Tax cuts do not cost anything. Nor do they need to be "paid for"

One must understand that language controls everything. If one controls the language they control the narrative. If one controls the narrative, they win. The Gov has appropriated the words "revenue" and "expenditure". Those two words are used to brainwash the generations, for them to have any meaning within the context that bureaucrats like to use them the premise MUST be that ALL monies belong to the Govt first and foremost, and only then can a tax break be an "expenditure" or collected taxes be understood as "revenue".

The point is to make keeping your money look like something bad. It's bad for the looters, but not for the people who earned it.
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You know, around 5 years ago, I managed to get my taxes that I paid in to be almost exactly the amount I owed in tax. It's been that way for the past 5 years. Some years, the government owes me two or three dollars, other years, I owe them a dollar or two.

I'm waiting to see what my taxes do next year. If they go down, then great for Trump. If they go up, or go up significantly like I fear, then it's gonna the opposite.

I'm betting that most of America is going to see their taxes go up a bit next year.
You know, around 5 years ago, I managed to get my taxes that I paid in to be almost exactly the amount I owed in tax. It's been that way for the past 5 years. Some years, the government owes me two or three dollars, other years, I owe them a dollar or two.

I'm waiting to see what my taxes do next year. If they go down, then great for Trump. If they go up, or go up significantly like I fear, then it's gonna the opposite.

I'm betting that most of America is going to see their taxes go up a bit next year.

He is doing his damndest to get us into another shooting war. This time though its with big dogs, Russia and China. He works for the Banks.
One must understand that language controls everything. If one controls the language they control the narrative. If one controls the narrative, they win. The Gov has appropriated the words "revenue" and "expenditure". Those two words are used to brainwash the generations, for them to have any meaning within the context that bureaucrats like to use them the premise MUST be that ALL monies belong to the Govt first and foremost, and only then can a tax break be an "expenditure" or collected taxes be understood as "revenue".

The point is to make keeping your money look like something bad. It's bad for the looters, but not for the people who earned it.

The Orwellian brainfucks do grow tiresome. But the question remains,, is cutting taxes without cutting government a good idea?
Ah, a supply-side True Believer.

Supply side policies always fail, of course, because they're fantasy-based. In their mythical world, cutting taxes on rich people and leaving less for the middle class means rich people will create jobs, and eventually it will trickle back down on everyone else.

Not what happens, of course. The rich people just pocket the money, so the middle class pays more and gets nothing.

First, there's no shortage of investment capital, so having more investment capital available doesn't do anything.

Second, cutting taxes on the rich doesn't actually create make more capital. Tax cuts have to be paid for by selling T-bills, which take the money that the rich saved in tax cuts right back out of the economy.

And third, economies are demand driven, not supply driven. If there's demand for products from the middle class, then the supply will follow. Someone will want to make money satisfying that demand. That's capitalism. It builds up from the bottom.
Define rich. I found most liberals say one thing and do another. You had many years to "punish" the "evil rich", yet all your bullshit tax plans failed to do so. Obama did what his rich masters told him to do and now he is cashing in. $400,000 from Wall Street this week alone.
Ah, a supply-side True Believer.

Supply side policies always fail, of course, because they're fantasy-based. In their mythical world, cutting taxes on rich people and leaving less for the middle class means rich people will create jobs, and eventually it will trickle back down on everyone else.

Not what happens, of course. The rich people just pocket the money, so the middle class pays more and gets nothing.

First, there's no shortage of investment capital, so having more investment capital available doesn't do anything.

Second, cutting taxes on the rich doesn't actually create make more capital. Tax cuts have to be paid for by selling T-bills, which take the money that the rich saved in tax cuts right back out of the economy.

And third, economies are demand driven, not supply driven. If there's demand for products from the middle class, then the supply will follow. Someone will want to make money satisfying that demand. That's capitalism. It builds up from the bottom.
Define rich. I found most liberals say one thing and do another. You had many years to "punish" the "evil rich", yet all your bullshit tax plans failed to do so. Obama did what his rich masters told him to do and now he is cashing in. $400,000 from Wall Street this week alone.

Well, Obama was just being a good capitalist and charging the most that the market would bear, and apparently, there is a demand for him at speaking engagements.

Why are you against capitalism?
You know, around 5 years ago, I managed to get my taxes that I paid in to be almost exactly the amount I owed in tax. It's been that way for the past 5 years. Some years, the government owes me two or three dollars, other years, I owe them a dollar or two.

I'm waiting to see what my taxes do next year. If they go down, then great for Trump. If they go up, or go up significantly like I fear, then it's gonna the opposite.

I'm betting that most of America is going to see their taxes go up a bit next year.

He is doing his damndest to get us into another shooting war. This time though its with big dogs, Russia and China. He works for the Banks.
Wait just a damn minute. Last week he was a Russian agent but this week he's trying to Start a war with Russia?

What's on next week's agenda? Area 51 conspiracy?
You know, around 5 years ago, I managed to get my taxes that I paid in to be almost exactly the amount I owed in tax. It's been that way for the past 5 years. Some years, the government owes me two or three dollars, other years, I owe them a dollar or two.

I'm waiting to see what my taxes do next year. If they go down, then great for Trump. If they go up, or go up significantly like I fear, then it's gonna the opposite.

I'm betting that most of America is going to see their taxes go up a bit next year.

He is doing his damndest to get us into another shooting war. This time though its with big dogs, Russia and China. He works for the Banks.
Wait just a damn minute. Last week he was a Russian agent but this week he's trying to Start a war with Russia?

What's on next week's agenda? Area 51 conspiracy?

What??? Trump's really an alien? LOL.
Ah, a supply-side True Believer.

Supply side policies always fail, of course, because they're fantasy-based. In their mythical world, cutting taxes on rich people and leaving less for the middle class means rich people will create jobs, and eventually it will trickle back down on everyone else.

Not what happens, of course. The rich people just pocket the money, so the middle class pays more and gets nothing.

First, there's no shortage of investment capital, so having more investment capital available doesn't do anything.

Second, cutting taxes on the rich doesn't actually create make more capital. Tax cuts have to be paid for by selling T-bills, which take the money that the rich saved in tax cuts right back out of the economy.

And third, economies are demand driven, not supply driven. If there's demand for products from the middle class, then the supply will follow. Someone will want to make money satisfying that demand. That's capitalism. It builds up from the bottom.
Define rich. I found most liberals say one thing and do another. You had many years to "punish" the "evil rich", yet all your bullshit tax plans failed to do so. Obama did what his rich masters told him to do and now he is cashing in. $400,000 from Wall Street this week alone.

Well, Obama was just being a good capitalist and charging the most that the market would bear, and apparently, there is a demand for him at speaking engagements.

Why are you against capitalism?
Really? This is the best defense you could come up with? Obama is just another lying little bitch that demonized anyone that was successful and liberal morons lapped it up. Now he is reaping the rewards from his banker buddies after following the marching orders from his owners. Liberals voted for a complete hypocrite and liar multiple times.
Obama is just another lying little bitch that demonized anyone that was successful and liberal morons lapped it up.

Your victimhood cult really brainwashed you into saying the most hilariously insane things.

Try to get over your butthurt, eh? Crying about Obama won't make the spanking he gave you hurt any less.
Obama is just another lying little bitch that demonized anyone that was successful and liberal morons lapped it up.

Your victimhood cult really brainwashed you into saying the most hilariously insane things.

Try to get over your butthurt, eh? Crying about Obama won't make the spanking he gave you hurt any less.
Victimhood? So you are another liberal douche bag that is cool with obama sucking the Wall Street tit. Got it. Move along child.
Politicians who claim tax cuts cost them / the government believe the money you have is THEIRS but is money they let you keep.

The only thing it costs is more self/party-serving pork they would otherwise pack into bills.
The fact remains tax cuts hurt no one and they don't cost nothing.
Federal government needs to be like... 1000 times more accountable in every way…
If the goal is reducing government, tax cuts are a mistake. We should raise taxes, across the board, until the budget balances. Then we can have an honest discussion about how much government we really want.
One must understand that language controls everything. If one controls the language they control the narrative. If one controls the narrative, they win. The Gov has appropriated the words "revenue" and "expenditure". Those two words are used to brainwash the generations, for them to have any meaning within the context that bureaucrats like to use them the premise MUST be that ALL monies belong to the Govt first and foremost, and only then can a tax break be an "expenditure" or collected taxes be understood as "revenue".

The point is to make keeping your money look like something bad. It's bad for the looters, but not for the people who earned it.

The Orwellian brainfucks do grow tiresome. But the question remains,, is cutting taxes without cutting government a good idea?

Depends, but economics dictate spending reform in conjunction with tax cuts.
One must understand that language controls everything. If one controls the language they control the narrative. If one controls the narrative, they win. The Gov has appropriated the words "revenue" and "expenditure". Those two words are used to brainwash the generations, for them to have any meaning within the context that bureaucrats like to use them the premise MUST be that ALL monies belong to the Govt first and foremost, and only then can a tax break be an "expenditure" or collected taxes be understood as "revenue".

The point is to make keeping your money look like something bad. It's bad for the looters, but not for the people who earned it.

The Orwellian brainfucks do grow tiresome. But the question remains,, is cutting taxes without cutting government a good idea?
No; Only lousy management does that.

We need war time Tax rates to prosecute any alleged War, on any Thing.
Obama is just another lying little bitch that demonized anyone that was successful and liberal morons lapped it up.

Your victimhood cult really brainwashed you into saying the most hilariously insane things.

Try to get over your butthurt, eh? Crying about Obama won't make the spanking he gave you hurt any less.
Victimhood? So you are another liberal douche bag that is cool with obama sucking the Wall Street tit. Got it. Move along child.

He's been sucking the wall st tit since too big to fail and Dodd frank...that just happen to highly benefit his biggest donors.
If the goal is reducing government, tax cuts are a mistake. We should raise taxes, across the board, until the budget balances. Then we can have an honest discussion about how much government we really want.

So to reduce government...the citizens should pay extra for governments inability to balance a budget, and not wildly spend outside of its means, which is about a quarter of our GDP. So every time government fails, it's always the citizens who are footing the bill...for governments irresponsibility... yup sounds just like leftist logic. To reduce something throw money at it.
If the goal is reducing government, tax cuts are a mistake. We should raise taxes, across the board, until the budget balances. Then we can have an honest discussion about how much government we really want.

True. When government says you can have big bennies without paying for them, as Bush did and as Trump is doing, people demand more of those freebies. When you make it clear that freebies aren't free, people want less of them.
If the goal is reducing government, tax cuts are a mistake. We should raise taxes, across the board, until the budget balances. Then we can have an honest discussion about how much government we really want.

True. When government says you can have big bennies without paying for them, as Bush did and as Trump is doing, people demand more of those freebies. When you make it clear that freebies aren't free, people want less of them.
There is not enough money in the United States if you taxed 100% of everything everyone owns, you would not even put a dent in the debt. shit for brains
It's far too large to be able to pay back

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