Tax cuts for the rich, why?

Too bad the greedy, Capitalist, Individualists believe its their right to profit off of Illegal Immigrants cheaper labor.

Boot the illegal aliens.

Now, back to your moronic claim that raising prices 5% will create 1 million jobs.

So, its easier to deport 14 - 29 million Illegals, or perhaps more like 140 - 290 thousand employers?

Who said Repugecvnts were good at math?

or perhaps more like 140 - 290 thousand employers?

You want to deport Amazon's employees? WTF are you mumbling about now?

Who said Repugecvnts were good at math?

If your IQ was doubled you'd still only be in the double digits.

Those who hire Illegals should be jailed, or fined.

No illegals should get benefits either.

Without income, they'll self deport.

Duh, why are Protestants such thoughtless brutes?

Those who hire Illegals should be jailed, or fined.

Sounds good. Do that and boot 20 million illegal aliens.

Duh, why are Protestants such thoughtless brutes?

Feel free to ask one. Why are Poles such morons?

Booting 20 million Illegals will cost a ton, and many will sneak back in.

Its far more easy to just let them self deport, after tackling employers & making sure they get no benefits.
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.
What country are you talking about? In America, you couldn't retire the debt by taking all the wealth from the wealthy, much less only income. That's stupid. Tell you what, since you'll get all upset that I pointed that out, post the numbers proving yourself correct.

Going to a 91% top tax bracket on billionaires, cutting military spending in half, and raising taxes on tobacco, and gasoline, as well as legalizing & taxing heavily Marijuana could easily help erase the debt.
Post the actual numbers. How much additional revenue would that raise, how much spending would that cut, and what impact would it have on the deficit, and finally the debt? Here are some real numbers to get you started:

Annual US military budget - 600B. Cut that in half and you save 300B. The current US deficit is about 1T. Cut the military budget in half and you still are ADDING 600B to the debt every year. Do you see where I'm going with this?

Now, we haven't dealt with the 91% top tax bracket you want, because that's bogus. No one ever paid that rate and no one ever will, because the declared income will vanish overnight. The wealthy are not stupid. But for chuckles and to keep it simple, calculate the income US billionaires declare every year, multiply it by 91% and post that number here. We'll pretend we'd actually get it. Next, calculate how much money you're going to get from taxing poor people who want to smoke tobacco, again pretending that many won't just quit because they can't afford it any more, then add in how much you'd get from Marijuana, realizing that if you exceed the current street price, the illegal trade will continue, robbing you of revenue. See if all that adds up to more than 600B/year. That's your target. Any less that that and you're not only not reducing the debt, you're still ADDING to it.

After you do all that, come back here and admit that the only way the US is going to seriously reduce the debt is by severely cutting spending, because you're coming at this from an emotional, not rational, perspective.
Boot the illegal aliens.

Now, back to your moronic claim that raising prices 5% will create 1 million jobs.

So, its easier to deport 14 - 29 million Illegals, or perhaps more like 140 - 290 thousand employers?

Who said Repugecvnts were good at math?

or perhaps more like 140 - 290 thousand employers?

You want to deport Amazon's employees? WTF are you mumbling about now?

Who said Repugecvnts were good at math?

If your IQ was doubled you'd still only be in the double digits.

Those who hire Illegals should be jailed, or fined.

No illegals should get benefits either.

Without income, they'll self deport.

Duh, why are Protestants such thoughtless brutes?

Those who hire Illegals should be jailed, or fined.

Sounds good. Do that and boot 20 million illegal aliens.

Duh, why are Protestants such thoughtless brutes?

Feel free to ask one. Why are Poles such morons?

Booting 20 million Illegals will cost a ton, and many will sneak back in.

Its far more easy to just let them self deport, after tackling employers & making sure they get no benefits.

Booting 20 million Illegals will cost a ton

Yeah, catching criminals ain't cheap.

and many will sneak back in

I agree, we need to build a wall.
Jail repeat offenders.

Its far more easy to just let them self deport

You can do both at the same time.
Anytime you pull over a drunk illegal alien, deport him.
Anytime they interact with government, give them the boot.
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.
What country are you talking about? In America, you couldn't retire the debt by taking all the wealth from the wealthy, much less only income. That's stupid. Tell you what, since you'll get all upset that I pointed that out, post the numbers proving yourself correct.

Going to a 91% top tax bracket on billionaires, cutting military spending in half, and raising taxes on tobacco, and gasoline, as well as legalizing & taxing heavily Marijuana could easily help erase the debt.
Post the actual numbers. How much additional revenue would that raise, how much spending would that cut, and what impact would it have on the deficit, and finally the debt? Here are some real numbers to get you started:

Annual US military budget - 600B. Cut that in half and you save 300B. The current US deficit is about 1T. Cut the military budget in half and you still are ADDING 600B to the debt every year. Do you see where I'm going with this?

Now, we haven't dealt with the 91% top tax bracket you want, because that's bogus. No one ever paid that rate and no one ever will, because the declared income will vanish overnight. The wealthy are not stupid. But for chuckles and to keep it simple, calculate the income US billionaires declare every year, multiply it by 91% and post that number here. We'll pretend we'd actually get it. Next, calculate how much money you're going to get from taxing poor people who want to smoke tobacco, again pretending that many won't just quit because they can't afford it any more, then add in how much you'd get from Marijuana, realizing that if you exceed the current street price, the illegal trade will continue, robbing you of revenue. See if all that adds up to more than 600B/year. That's your target. Any less that that and you're not only not reducing the debt, you're still ADDING to it.

After you do all that, come back here and admit that the only way the US is going to seriously reduce the debt is by severely cutting spending, because you're coming at this from an emotional, not rational, perspective.

The net worth of the 400 richest Americans is 2.9 trillion.

That could pay say 10% of the budget just there, if we tackled 91% of that net worth.

They'd still be outrageously rich, but that's a problem?

Only to Individualist simpletons.

That doesn't begin to speak of the amounts generated by also increasing taxes on millionaires. (Although not to that extent)

Then that doesn't factor in the potential increases in taxation on Marijuana, Gasoline, or Tobacco products.

Not to mention cutting the military spending in half.

I'm coming from both a rational & an empathetic approach.

Individualists seem to be severe savages, they don't seem to have normal intellectual abstract reasoning, nor empathetic responses.

The Individualist serves no purpose, and its best purpose is to eliminate its self.

Which Individualism is leading to the extinction of the Individualist Western Europeans in the form of mass immigration, that they judge hostile intruders as just "Individuals"

You can't make up such a senseless bunch of nonsense.

Individualists = Primates.
Twenty million at 100 per bus load is like 200,000 buses.

You people had better get going with your deportation plan.
So, its easier to deport 14 - 29 million Illegals, or perhaps more like 140 - 290 thousand employers?

Who said Repugecvnts were good at math?

or perhaps more like 140 - 290 thousand employers?

You want to deport Amazon's employees? WTF are you mumbling about now?

Who said Repugecvnts were good at math?

If your IQ was doubled you'd still only be in the double digits.

Those who hire Illegals should be jailed, or fined.

No illegals should get benefits either.

Without income, they'll self deport.

Duh, why are Protestants such thoughtless brutes?

Those who hire Illegals should be jailed, or fined.

Sounds good. Do that and boot 20 million illegal aliens.

Duh, why are Protestants such thoughtless brutes?

Feel free to ask one. Why are Poles such morons?

Booting 20 million Illegals will cost a ton, and many will sneak back in.

Its far more easy to just let them self deport, after tackling employers & making sure they get no benefits.

Booting 20 million Illegals will cost a ton

Yeah, catching criminals ain't cheap.

and many will sneak back in

I agree, we need to build a wall.
Jail repeat offenders.

Its far more easy to just let them self deport

You can do both at the same time.
Anytime you pull over a drunk illegal alien, deport him.
Anytime they interact with government, give them the boot.

LMFAO, so your solution is to spend money on mass deportations,spending on jailing repeat offenders who cross back into the USA, and spending on building a wall.


Yeah, fiscally responsible, what ever you Protestant idiots say.
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.
What country are you talking about? In America, you couldn't retire the debt by taking all the wealth from the wealthy, much less only income. That's stupid. Tell you what, since you'll get all upset that I pointed that out, post the numbers proving yourself correct.

Going to a 91% top tax bracket on billionaires, cutting military spending in half, and raising taxes on tobacco, and gasoline, as well as legalizing & taxing heavily Marijuana could easily help erase the debt.
Post the actual numbers. How much additional revenue would that raise, how much spending would that cut, and what impact would it have on the deficit, and finally the debt? Here are some real numbers to get you started:

Annual US military budget - 600B. Cut that in half and you save 300B. The current US deficit is about 1T. Cut the military budget in half and you still are ADDING 600B to the debt every year. Do you see where I'm going with this?

Now, we haven't dealt with the 91% top tax bracket you want, because that's bogus. No one ever paid that rate and no one ever will, because the declared income will vanish overnight. The wealthy are not stupid. But for chuckles and to keep it simple, calculate the income US billionaires declare every year, multiply it by 91% and post that number here. We'll pretend we'd actually get it. Next, calculate how much money you're going to get from taxing poor people who want to smoke tobacco, again pretending that many won't just quit because they can't afford it any more, then add in how much you'd get from Marijuana, realizing that if you exceed the current street price, the illegal trade will continue, robbing you of revenue. See if all that adds up to more than 600B/year. That's your target. Any less that that and you're not only not reducing the debt, you're still ADDING to it.

After you do all that, come back here and admit that the only way the US is going to seriously reduce the debt is by severely cutting spending, because you're coming at this from an emotional, not rational, perspective.

The net worth of the 400 richest Americans is 2.9 trillion.

That could pay say 10% of the budget just there, if we tackled 91% of that net worth.

They'd still be outrageously rich, but that's a problem?

Only to Individualist simpletons.

That doesn't begin to speak of the amounts generated by also increasing taxes on millionaires. (Although not to that extent)

Then that doesn't factor in the potential increases in taxation on Marijuana, Gasoline, or Tobacco products.

Not to mention cutting the military spending in half.

I'm coming from both a rational & an empathetic approach.

Individualists seem to be severe savages, they don't seem to have normal intellectual abstract reasoning, nor empathetic responses.

The Individualist serves no purpose, and its best purpose is to eliminate its self.

Which Individualism is leading to the extinction of the Individualist Western Europeans in the form of mass immigration, that they judge hostile intruders as just "Individuals"

You can't make up such a senseless bunch of nonsense.

Individualists = Primates.

The net worth of the 400 richest Americans is 2.9 trillion.

That could pay say 10% of the budget just there, if we tackled 91% of that net worth.

You probably meant 10% of the debt.
We don't have a tax on wealth in America. And that only works once.
That tax rate was on income.
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.
What country are you talking about? In America, you couldn't retire the debt by taking all the wealth from the wealthy, much less only income. That's stupid. Tell you what, since you'll get all upset that I pointed that out, post the numbers proving yourself correct.

Going to a 91% top tax bracket on billionaires, cutting military spending in half, and raising taxes on tobacco, and gasoline, as well as legalizing & taxing heavily Marijuana could easily help erase the debt.
Post the actual numbers. How much additional revenue would that raise, how much spending would that cut, and what impact would it have on the deficit, and finally the debt? Here are some real numbers to get you started:

Annual US military budget - 600B. Cut that in half and you save 300B. The current US deficit is about 1T. Cut the military budget in half and you still are ADDING 600B to the debt every year. Do you see where I'm going with this?

Now, we haven't dealt with the 91% top tax bracket you want, because that's bogus. No one ever paid that rate and no one ever will, because the declared income will vanish overnight. The wealthy are not stupid. But for chuckles and to keep it simple, calculate the income US billionaires declare every year, multiply it by 91% and post that number here. We'll pretend we'd actually get it. Next, calculate how much money you're going to get from taxing poor people who want to smoke tobacco, again pretending that many won't just quit because they can't afford it any more, then add in how much you'd get from Marijuana, realizing that if you exceed the current street price, the illegal trade will continue, robbing you of revenue. See if all that adds up to more than 600B/year. That's your target. Any less that that and you're not only not reducing the debt, you're still ADDING to it.

After you do all that, come back here and admit that the only way the US is going to seriously reduce the debt is by severely cutting spending, because you're coming at this from an emotional, not rational, perspective.

The net worth of the 400 richest Americans is 2.9 trillion.

That could pay say 10% of the budget just there, if we tackled 91% of that net worth.

They'd still be outrageously rich, but that's a problem?

Only to Individualist simpletons.

That doesn't begin to speak of the amounts generated by also increasing taxes on millionaires. (Although not to that extent)

Then that doesn't factor in the potential increases in taxation on Marijuana, Gasoline, or Tobacco products.

Not to mention cutting the military spending in half.

I'm coming from both a rational & an empathetic approach.

Individualists seem to be severe savages, they don't seem to have normal intellectual abstract reasoning, nor empathetic responses.

The Individualist serves no purpose, and its best purpose is to eliminate its self.

Which Individualism is leading to the extinction of the Individualist Western Europeans in the form of mass immigration, that they judge hostile intruders as just "Individuals"

You can't make up such a senseless bunch of nonsense.

Individualists = Primates.
Okay, now you're talking about a wealth tax, not an income tax. Here's your problem. You can take that 2.7T ONE time, just once, and you still have 20T left in the debt, but now you've lost all your wealthy people, because they've packed up and left the country, along with their companies and wealth generation. You just killed the goose the laid the golden egg and you still have 20T to pay off and less to pay it off with. Now, I cut the military budget in half for you and told you to get real numbers on raising taxes on the poor through pot, gas, and tobacco. Go for it and post real numbers.
or perhaps more like 140 - 290 thousand employers?

You want to deport Amazon's employees? WTF are you mumbling about now?

Who said Repugecvnts were good at math?

If your IQ was doubled you'd still only be in the double digits.

Those who hire Illegals should be jailed, or fined.

No illegals should get benefits either.

Without income, they'll self deport.

Duh, why are Protestants such thoughtless brutes?

Those who hire Illegals should be jailed, or fined.

Sounds good. Do that and boot 20 million illegal aliens.

Duh, why are Protestants such thoughtless brutes?

Feel free to ask one. Why are Poles such morons?

Booting 20 million Illegals will cost a ton, and many will sneak back in.

Its far more easy to just let them self deport, after tackling employers & making sure they get no benefits.

Booting 20 million Illegals will cost a ton

Yeah, catching criminals ain't cheap.

and many will sneak back in

I agree, we need to build a wall.
Jail repeat offenders.

Its far more easy to just let them self deport

You can do both at the same time.
Anytime you pull over a drunk illegal alien, deport him.
Anytime they interact with government, give them the boot.

LMFAO, so your solution is to spend money on mass deportations,spending on jailing repeat offenders who cross back into the USA, and spending on building a wall.


Yeah, fiscally responsible, what ever you Protestant idiots say.

LMFAO, so your solution is to spend money on mass deportations,

Do you want to help low-skilled Americans, like yourself, or not?

and spending on building a wall.

You could probably help with the construction.
You're cheap, unskilled labor, right?

what ever you Protestant idiots say

I'm not a Protestant and you're the only idiot here.
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.
What country are you talking about? In America, you couldn't retire the debt by taking all the wealth from the wealthy, much less only income. That's stupid. Tell you what, since you'll get all upset that I pointed that out, post the numbers proving yourself correct.

Going to a 91% top tax bracket on billionaires, cutting military spending in half, and raising taxes on tobacco, and gasoline, as well as legalizing & taxing heavily Marijuana could easily help erase the debt.
Post the actual numbers. How much additional revenue would that raise, how much spending would that cut, and what impact would it have on the deficit, and finally the debt? Here are some real numbers to get you started:

Annual US military budget - 600B. Cut that in half and you save 300B. The current US deficit is about 1T. Cut the military budget in half and you still are ADDING 600B to the debt every year. Do you see where I'm going with this?

Now, we haven't dealt with the 91% top tax bracket you want, because that's bogus. No one ever paid that rate and no one ever will, because the declared income will vanish overnight. The wealthy are not stupid. But for chuckles and to keep it simple, calculate the income US billionaires declare every year, multiply it by 91% and post that number here. We'll pretend we'd actually get it. Next, calculate how much money you're going to get from taxing poor people who want to smoke tobacco, again pretending that many won't just quit because they can't afford it any more, then add in how much you'd get from Marijuana, realizing that if you exceed the current street price, the illegal trade will continue, robbing you of revenue. See if all that adds up to more than 600B/year. That's your target. Any less that that and you're not only not reducing the debt, you're still ADDING to it.

After you do all that, come back here and admit that the only way the US is going to seriously reduce the debt is by severely cutting spending, because you're coming at this from an emotional, not rational, perspective.

The net worth of the 400 richest Americans is 2.9 trillion.

That could pay say 10% of the budget just there, if we tackled 91% of that net worth.

They'd still be outrageously rich, but that's a problem?

Only to Individualist simpletons.

That doesn't begin to speak of the amounts generated by also increasing taxes on millionaires. (Although not to that extent)

Then that doesn't factor in the potential increases in taxation on Marijuana, Gasoline, or Tobacco products.

Not to mention cutting the military spending in half.

I'm coming from both a rational & an empathetic approach.

Individualists seem to be severe savages, they don't seem to have normal intellectual abstract reasoning, nor empathetic responses.

The Individualist serves no purpose, and its best purpose is to eliminate its self.

Which Individualism is leading to the extinction of the Individualist Western Europeans in the form of mass immigration, that they judge hostile intruders as just "Individuals"

You can't make up such a senseless bunch of nonsense.

Individualists = Primates.
Okay, now you're talking about a wealth tax, not an income tax. Here's your problem. You can take that 2.7T ONE time, just once, and you still have 20T left in the debt, but now you've lost all your wealthy people, because they've packed up and left the country, along with their companies and wealth generation. You just killed the goose the laid the golden egg and you still have 20T to pay off and less to pay it off with. Now, I cut the military budget in half for you and told you to get real numbers on raising taxes on the poor through pot, gas, and tobacco. Go for it and post real numbers.[/QUOTE

I don't support Capitalist rights.
Capitalist rights are basically for simpletons.

I would just jail anyone outsourcing, or hiring Illegals.

Problem easily solved

In fact, that would solve just about all of America's problems very easily.
SobieskiSavedEurope expects you to pay more for goods and services in order to benefit another, but he is himself unwilling to do so.

You expect us to settle for less pay & less in goods.

Just like in 3rd World countries. LMFAO.

Why are you Protestant filth such irrational, and emotionally detached cretins?

Yeah, Venezuela's problem is their goods are too cheap.

Were lead paint chips the only thing you ate as a child?
You still do, because you like the taste, right?
Those who hire Illegals should be jailed, or fined.

No illegals should get benefits either.

Without income, they'll self deport.

Duh, why are Protestants such thoughtless brutes?

Those who hire Illegals should be jailed, or fined.

Sounds good. Do that and boot 20 million illegal aliens.

Duh, why are Protestants such thoughtless brutes?

Feel free to ask one. Why are Poles such morons?

Booting 20 million Illegals will cost a ton, and many will sneak back in.

Its far more easy to just let them self deport, after tackling employers & making sure they get no benefits.

Booting 20 million Illegals will cost a ton

Yeah, catching criminals ain't cheap.

and many will sneak back in

I agree, we need to build a wall.
Jail repeat offenders.

Its far more easy to just let them self deport

You can do both at the same time.
Anytime you pull over a drunk illegal alien, deport him.
Anytime they interact with government, give them the boot.

LMFAO, so your solution is to spend money on mass deportations,spending on jailing repeat offenders who cross back into the USA, and spending on building a wall.


Yeah, fiscally responsible, what ever you Protestant idiots say.

LMFAO, so your solution is to spend money on mass deportations,

Do you want to help low-skilled Americans, like yourself, or not?

and spending on building a wall.

You could probably help with the construction.
You're cheap, unskilled labor, right?

what ever you Protestant idiots say

I'm not a Protestant and you're the only idiot here.

Whatever is one word. LMAO. Sobie is so dumb.
What country are you talking about? In America, you couldn't retire the debt by taking all the wealth from the wealthy, much less only income. That's stupid. Tell you what, since you'll get all upset that I pointed that out, post the numbers proving yourself correct.

Going to a 91% top tax bracket on billionaires, cutting military spending in half, and raising taxes on tobacco, and gasoline, as well as legalizing & taxing heavily Marijuana could easily help erase the debt.
Post the actual numbers. How much additional revenue would that raise, how much spending would that cut, and what impact would it have on the deficit, and finally the debt? Here are some real numbers to get you started:

Annual US military budget - 600B. Cut that in half and you save 300B. The current US deficit is about 1T. Cut the military budget in half and you still are ADDING 600B to the debt every year. Do you see where I'm going with this?

Now, we haven't dealt with the 91% top tax bracket you want, because that's bogus. No one ever paid that rate and no one ever will, because the declared income will vanish overnight. The wealthy are not stupid. But for chuckles and to keep it simple, calculate the income US billionaires declare every year, multiply it by 91% and post that number here. We'll pretend we'd actually get it. Next, calculate how much money you're going to get from taxing poor people who want to smoke tobacco, again pretending that many won't just quit because they can't afford it any more, then add in how much you'd get from Marijuana, realizing that if you exceed the current street price, the illegal trade will continue, robbing you of revenue. See if all that adds up to more than 600B/year. That's your target. Any less that that and you're not only not reducing the debt, you're still ADDING to it.

After you do all that, come back here and admit that the only way the US is going to seriously reduce the debt is by severely cutting spending, because you're coming at this from an emotional, not rational, perspective.

The net worth of the 400 richest Americans is 2.9 trillion.

That could pay say 10% of the budget just there, if we tackled 91% of that net worth.

They'd still be outrageously rich, but that's a problem?

Only to Individualist simpletons.

That doesn't begin to speak of the amounts generated by also increasing taxes on millionaires. (Although not to that extent)

Then that doesn't factor in the potential increases in taxation on Marijuana, Gasoline, or Tobacco products.

Not to mention cutting the military spending in half.

I'm coming from both a rational & an empathetic approach.

Individualists seem to be severe savages, they don't seem to have normal intellectual abstract reasoning, nor empathetic responses.

The Individualist serves no purpose, and its best purpose is to eliminate its self.

Which Individualism is leading to the extinction of the Individualist Western Europeans in the form of mass immigration, that they judge hostile intruders as just "Individuals"

You can't make up such a senseless bunch of nonsense.

Individualists = Primates.
Okay, now you're talking about a wealth tax, not an income tax. Here's your problem. You can take that 2.7T ONE time, just once, and you still have 20T left in the debt, but now you've lost all your wealthy people, because they've packed up and left the country, along with their companies and wealth generation. You just killed the goose the laid the golden egg and you still have 20T to pay off and less to pay it off with. Now, I cut the military budget in half for you and told you to get real numbers on raising taxes on the poor through pot, gas, and tobacco. Go for it and post real numbers.[/QUOTE

I don't support Capitalist rights.
Capitalist rights are basically for simpletons.

I would just jail anyone outsourcing, or hiring Illegals.

Problem easily solved

In fact, that would solve just about all of America's problems very easily.
Have you managed to come up with 600B/year to overcome the existing deficit? If you have not, you haven't even started on the debt. This is why I said you're coming at this from an emotional standpoint, because you won't post real numbers, you just keep saying it will work. Sorry, but it DOESN'T work like that in the real world.
Those who hire Illegals should be jailed, or fined.

Sounds good. Do that and boot 20 million illegal aliens.

Duh, why are Protestants such thoughtless brutes?

Feel free to ask one. Why are Poles such morons?

Booting 20 million Illegals will cost a ton, and many will sneak back in.

Its far more easy to just let them self deport, after tackling employers & making sure they get no benefits.

Booting 20 million Illegals will cost a ton

Yeah, catching criminals ain't cheap.

and many will sneak back in

I agree, we need to build a wall.
Jail repeat offenders.

Its far more easy to just let them self deport

You can do both at the same time.
Anytime you pull over a drunk illegal alien, deport him.
Anytime they interact with government, give them the boot.

LMFAO, so your solution is to spend money on mass deportations,spending on jailing repeat offenders who cross back into the USA, and spending on building a wall.


Yeah, fiscally responsible, what ever you Protestant idiots say.

LMFAO, so your solution is to spend money on mass deportations,

Do you want to help low-skilled Americans, like yourself, or not?

and spending on building a wall.

You could probably help with the construction.
You're cheap, unskilled labor, right?

what ever you Protestant idiots say

I'm not a Protestant and you're the only idiot here.

Whatever is one word. LMAO. Sobie is so dumb.

All OCD, and no logic.

Typical of the very inbred, pale Sand Negroes OCD panic filled dopey Western Europeans + Chosen Hook Nosen.

Ever see a pale Sand Negro they look like your ilk & the Western European.
SobieskiSavedEurope expects you to pay more for goods and services in order to benefit another, but he is himself unwilling to do so.

You expect us to settle for less pay & less in goods.

Just like in 3rd World countries. LMFAO.

Why are you Protestant filth such irrational, and emotionally detached cretins?

You fucking idiot. My position is to let free people negotiate their own transactions. You're a government, boot-licking moron that wants bureaucrats to determine prices, pay, etc. You sound like a fascist.
Going to a 91% top tax bracket on billionaires, cutting military spending in half, and raising taxes on tobacco, and gasoline, as well as legalizing & taxing heavily Marijuana could easily help erase the debt.
Post the actual numbers. How much additional revenue would that raise, how much spending would that cut, and what impact would it have on the deficit, and finally the debt? Here are some real numbers to get you started:

Annual US military budget - 600B. Cut that in half and you save 300B. The current US deficit is about 1T. Cut the military budget in half and you still are ADDING 600B to the debt every year. Do you see where I'm going with this?

Now, we haven't dealt with the 91% top tax bracket you want, because that's bogus. No one ever paid that rate and no one ever will, because the declared income will vanish overnight. The wealthy are not stupid. But for chuckles and to keep it simple, calculate the income US billionaires declare every year, multiply it by 91% and post that number here. We'll pretend we'd actually get it. Next, calculate how much money you're going to get from taxing poor people who want to smoke tobacco, again pretending that many won't just quit because they can't afford it any more, then add in how much you'd get from Marijuana, realizing that if you exceed the current street price, the illegal trade will continue, robbing you of revenue. See if all that adds up to more than 600B/year. That's your target. Any less that that and you're not only not reducing the debt, you're still ADDING to it.

After you do all that, come back here and admit that the only way the US is going to seriously reduce the debt is by severely cutting spending, because you're coming at this from an emotional, not rational, perspective.

The net worth of the 400 richest Americans is 2.9 trillion.

That could pay say 10% of the budget just there, if we tackled 91% of that net worth.

They'd still be outrageously rich, but that's a problem?

Only to Individualist simpletons.

That doesn't begin to speak of the amounts generated by also increasing taxes on millionaires. (Although not to that extent)

Then that doesn't factor in the potential increases in taxation on Marijuana, Gasoline, or Tobacco products.

Not to mention cutting the military spending in half.

I'm coming from both a rational & an empathetic approach.

Individualists seem to be severe savages, they don't seem to have normal intellectual abstract reasoning, nor empathetic responses.

The Individualist serves no purpose, and its best purpose is to eliminate its self.

Which Individualism is leading to the extinction of the Individualist Western Europeans in the form of mass immigration, that they judge hostile intruders as just "Individuals"

You can't make up such a senseless bunch of nonsense.

Individualists = Primates.
Okay, now you're talking about a wealth tax, not an income tax. Here's your problem. You can take that 2.7T ONE time, just once, and you still have 20T left in the debt, but now you've lost all your wealthy people, because they've packed up and left the country, along with their companies and wealth generation. You just killed the goose the laid the golden egg and you still have 20T to pay off and less to pay it off with. Now, I cut the military budget in half for you and told you to get real numbers on raising taxes on the poor through pot, gas, and tobacco. Go for it and post real numbers.[/QUOTE

I don't support Capitalist rights.
Capitalist rights are basically for simpletons.

I would just jail anyone outsourcing, or hiring Illegals.

Problem easily solved

In fact, that would solve just about all of America's problems very easily.
Have you managed to come up with 600B/year to overcome the existing deficit? If you have not, you haven't even started on the debt. This is why I said you're coming at this from an emotional standpoint, because you won't post real numbers, you just keep saying it will work. Sorry, but it DOESN'T work like that in the real world.

Your Baby boomers have left my generation with a colossal amount of debt, loss of manufacturing, influx of illegals, influx of the Islamists.

You have effectively destroyed this country.

The ONLY ideas you come up with are the same old nonsense that got us here.

Talk about idiots, pointblank.
Booting 20 million Illegals will cost a ton, and many will sneak back in.

Its far more easy to just let them self deport, after tackling employers & making sure they get no benefits.

Booting 20 million Illegals will cost a ton

Yeah, catching criminals ain't cheap.

and many will sneak back in

I agree, we need to build a wall.
Jail repeat offenders.

Its far more easy to just let them self deport

You can do both at the same time.
Anytime you pull over a drunk illegal alien, deport him.
Anytime they interact with government, give them the boot.

LMFAO, so your solution is to spend money on mass deportations,spending on jailing repeat offenders who cross back into the USA, and spending on building a wall.


Yeah, fiscally responsible, what ever you Protestant idiots say.

LMFAO, so your solution is to spend money on mass deportations,

Do you want to help low-skilled Americans, like yourself, or not?

and spending on building a wall.

You could probably help with the construction.
You're cheap, unskilled labor, right?

what ever you Protestant idiots say

I'm not a Protestant and you're the only idiot here.

Whatever is one word. LMAO. Sobie is so dumb.

All OCD, and no logic.

Typical of the very inbred, pale Sand Negroes OCD panic filled dopey Western Europeans + Chosen Hook Nosen.

Ever see a pale Sand Negro they look like your ilk & the Western European.

What was wrong with me correcting you that whatever is one word? Not my fault you're fat, stupid and ugly. Learn English and then you we can debate like men. My nose is smaller than yours. Fatty.
Post the actual numbers. How much additional revenue would that raise, how much spending would that cut, and what impact would it have on the deficit, and finally the debt? Here are some real numbers to get you started:

Annual US military budget - 600B. Cut that in half and you save 300B. The current US deficit is about 1T. Cut the military budget in half and you still are ADDING 600B to the debt every year. Do you see where I'm going with this?

Now, we haven't dealt with the 91% top tax bracket you want, because that's bogus. No one ever paid that rate and no one ever will, because the declared income will vanish overnight. The wealthy are not stupid. But for chuckles and to keep it simple, calculate the income US billionaires declare every year, multiply it by 91% and post that number here. We'll pretend we'd actually get it. Next, calculate how much money you're going to get from taxing poor people who want to smoke tobacco, again pretending that many won't just quit because they can't afford it any more, then add in how much you'd get from Marijuana, realizing that if you exceed the current street price, the illegal trade will continue, robbing you of revenue. See if all that adds up to more than 600B/year. That's your target. Any less that that and you're not only not reducing the debt, you're still ADDING to it.

After you do all that, come back here and admit that the only way the US is going to seriously reduce the debt is by severely cutting spending, because you're coming at this from an emotional, not rational, perspective.

The net worth of the 400 richest Americans is 2.9 trillion.

That could pay say 10% of the budget just there, if we tackled 91% of that net worth.

They'd still be outrageously rich, but that's a problem?

Only to Individualist simpletons.

That doesn't begin to speak of the amounts generated by also increasing taxes on millionaires. (Although not to that extent)

Then that doesn't factor in the potential increases in taxation on Marijuana, Gasoline, or Tobacco products.

Not to mention cutting the military spending in half.

I'm coming from both a rational & an empathetic approach.

Individualists seem to be severe savages, they don't seem to have normal intellectual abstract reasoning, nor empathetic responses.

The Individualist serves no purpose, and its best purpose is to eliminate its self.

Which Individualism is leading to the extinction of the Individualist Western Europeans in the form of mass immigration, that they judge hostile intruders as just "Individuals"

You can't make up such a senseless bunch of nonsense.

Individualists = Primates.
Okay, now you're talking about a wealth tax, not an income tax. Here's your problem. You can take that 2.7T ONE time, just once, and you still have 20T left in the debt, but now you've lost all your wealthy people, because they've packed up and left the country, along with their companies and wealth generation. You just killed the goose the laid the golden egg and you still have 20T to pay off and less to pay it off with. Now, I cut the military budget in half for you and told you to get real numbers on raising taxes on the poor through pot, gas, and tobacco. Go for it and post real numbers.[/QUOTE

I don't support Capitalist rights.
Capitalist rights are basically for simpletons.

I would just jail anyone outsourcing, or hiring Illegals.

Problem easily solved

In fact, that would solve just about all of America's problems very easily.
Have you managed to come up with 600B/year to overcome the existing deficit? If you have not, you haven't even started on the debt. This is why I said you're coming at this from an emotional standpoint, because you won't post real numbers, you just keep saying it will work. Sorry, but it DOESN'T work like that in the real world.

Your Baby boomers have left my generation with a colossal amount of debt, loss of manufacturing, influx of illegals, influx of the Islamists.

You have effectively destroyed this country.

The ONLY ideas you come up with are the same old nonsense that got us here.

Talk about idiots, pointblank.

You don't work but vilify the rich. This is priceless. Eat another burger. Fatty.

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