Tax cuts for the rich, why?

I know people who were going to lose their jobs but gave in to working with Amazon.
Do you believe that delivering boxes to and from a warehouse will not soon be automated?

Warehouse jobs are expected to soon be automated, so will a ton of other jobs, how will our society, middle class, and economy cope, without some kind of central planning?
Neighborhoods consisting of that current manual labor have high crime rates.
You know why?
Because they have minimum wage jobs.
The answer, as it has always been, is getting an education.

Not necessarily true.

First off, the collective job market will crumble with massive amounts of automation.
Simply because consumerism will fall flat.

Second off, My Pawling, NY is far more blue collar, and modest income than Scarsdale, NY, but we have slightly lower crime rates.
That is with us having a sizable Illegal Guatemalan / Illegal Ecuadorian population, and several Bars, and Taverns.

Its definitely without a doubt, largely more of a racial, and somewhat cultural issue.

Poverty might play some role, but I'm skeptical of what portion.
How many Black people (yes, let's be honest here about who is working moving those Amazon boxes) in your town lost their jobs due to Amazon?

Not a heck of a lot of Black people in Pawling, but a bunch over in Poughkeepsie, and Newburgh, and I'm certain some lost jobs due to retail jobs busted due to Amazon knocking out those retail employers.
I work in Uniondale and know people in Roosevelt and Hempstead.
They're working in all the restaurants opening up due to the Trump economy.
Warehouse jobs are expected to soon be automated, so will a ton of other jobs, how will our society, middle class, and economy cope, without some kind of central planning?
Neighborhoods consisting of that current manual labor have high crime rates.
You know why?
Because they have minimum wage jobs.
The answer, as it has always been, is getting an education.

Not necessarily true.

First off, the collective job market will crumble with massive amounts of automation.
Simply because consumerism will fall flat.

Second off, My Pawling, NY is far more blue collar, and modest income than Scarsdale, NY, but we have slightly lower crime rates.
That is with us having a sizable Illegal Guatemalan / Illegal Ecuadorian population, and several Bars, and Taverns.

Its definitely without a doubt, largely more of a racial, and somewhat cultural issue.

Poverty might play some role, but I'm skeptical of what portion.
How many Black people (yes, let's be honest here about who is working moving those Amazon boxes) in your town lost their jobs due to Amazon?

Not a heck of a lot of Black people in Pawling, but a bunch over in Poughkeepsie, and Newburgh, and I'm certain some lost jobs due to retail jobs busted due to Amazon knocking out those retail employers.
I work in Uniondale and know people in Roosevelt and Hempstead.
They're working in all the restaurants opening up due to the Trump economy.

Trump, and Obama, or any president don't have the end all be all over the economy.

Under Trump the job creation might be fairly good, but a lot of them appear to be low paying part time jobs.

Also there's a noticeable rise in the cost of prices in general.

Apparently, the murder rate in Prince George's County, Maryland is higher than Roosevelt, and even Brooklyn, and the Bronx, even though PG county is a majority Black, middle class county.

It appears that regardless of income, Blacks seem to struggle with murder issues in their community.
Why not sell the house your parents handed over to you and use the money to start a business?
I do not hold by wealth limitations, especially when Bezos and Jobs proved you can become obscenely wealthy without screwing anyone.[/QUOTE

Got it, you can't argue that 1 million lost retail jobs is a good thing for society?

Or people pumping their own gas? Or using ATMs?

This is on a much larger scale.

AI Expert Says Automation Could Replace 40% of Jobs in 15 Years

Yup. Pretty soon the guy who puts the horse shoes on all our plow horses is gonna be out of work.

Damn that Cyrus McCormick!!!

Individualists are a lot bigger idiots than I ever imagined.

If Automation causes a 40% unemployment rate, or 10X higher than our current unemployment rate.

Then consumerism will fall down significantly, and the economy will fall apart.

Economies are actually a collective, where we play a collective role, with consumers helping owners, and vice versa.

Individualists have no value, just a bunch of people too stupid, and lacking empathy in high amounts, that they can only grasp the self.

Truly a philosophy agenda which belongs in the trash bin

Individualists are a lot bigger idiots than I ever imagined.

Says the moron whining about people freely buying cheaper, more convenient goods from a more efficient provider.

Individualists have no value, just a bunch of people too stupid, and lacking empathy in high amounts

Da, comrade, and if we need to send them to the gulag to learn empathy, we can count on you.
The efficiency has not propelled forward Amazons wages to the extent of job losses caused directly by Amazon.

They're more efficient, they need fewer workers and can offer lower prices.

The only winner is Bezos & maybe a few of his executives.

And all their satisfied customers.

Individualist is codeword for someone who is mentally & emotionally detached & impaired.

Idiot is what you are, when it comes to economics. No code needed.

If we continue lose jobs how are we going to even afford those lower prices?

You as all Induvidualists are basically clueless savages.

If we continue lose jobs how are we going to even afford those lower prices?

Over 90% of Americans once worked on farms.
If we only have 2% working on farms today, how will Americans even be able to afford the cheaper food?

Productivity going up can be good, so long as the workers get higher wages.
That doesn't seem to happen all too much, anymore.

Since the 1970's productivity in the USA is way up, but wages aren't for the working class masses, ONLY CEO's have seen their wages sky rocket since the 1970's.

A mix of 3 things appear to be to blame, Manufacturing losses due to outsourcing, job competition with immigrants, and the loss of union paying jobs.

All 3 of those things are at least partially, sometimes even fully Capitalist related.

Basically, you're doing everything that lead us here.

The system is broken, we need new ideas, not much of the cr@piness that you've done for the past 40 years that lead us to stagnation, Liberalism, and Multiculturalism.

What we really need to do is ship your dumb ass off to North Korea so we'll all be happy. Maybe you won't starve to death in your collective utopia.

You should go to your Libertarian Utopia of Somalia.

I don't support Communism, there's actually a World of options besides just Libertarian vs Communism.

You Western Europeans are such a goofy race.

Shitforbrains! I'm USA born and bred.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, it's a duck and that makes you a stupid communist asshole.
If we continue lose jobs how are we going to even afford those lower prices?

You as all Induvidualists are basically clueless savages.

If we continue lose jobs how are we going to even afford those lower prices?

Over 90% of Americans once worked on farms.
If we only have 2% working on farms today, how will Americans even be able to afford the cheaper food?

Productivity going up can be good, so long as the workers get higher wages.
That doesn't seem to happen all too much, anymore.

Since the 1970's productivity in the USA is way up, but wages aren't for the working class masses, ONLY CEO's have seen their wages sky rocket since the 1970's.

A mix of 3 things appear to be to blame, Manufacturing losses due to outsourcing, job competition with immigrants, and the loss of union paying jobs.

All 3 of those things are at least partially, sometimes even fully Capitalist related.

Basically, you're doing everything that lead us here.

The system is broken, we need new ideas, not much of the cr@piness that you've done for the past 40 years that lead us to stagnation, Liberalism, and Multiculturalism.

What we really need to do is ship your dumb ass off to North Korea so we'll all be happy. Maybe you won't starve to death in your collective utopia.

You should go to your Libertarian Utopia of Somalia.

I don't support Communism, there's actually a World of options besides just Libertarian vs Communism.

You Western Europeans are such a goofy race.

Shitforbrains! I'm USA born and bred.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, it's a duck and that makes you a stupid communist asshole.

A.) The majority of Americans are of Western European ethnic heritages, particularly British ones.

B.) I'm actually anti-Communist.

C.) I support the Authoritarian Right, something more, or less like Fascism.

D.) You prove the idiocy of Western Europeans, that the whole political spectrum is just Libertarian vs Communist.
Or people pumping their own gas? Or using ATMs?

This is on a much larger scale.

AI Expert Says Automation Could Replace 40% of Jobs in 15 Years

Yup. Pretty soon the guy who puts the horse shoes on all our plow horses is gonna be out of work.

Damn that Cyrus McCormick!!!

Individualists are a lot bigger idiots than I ever imagined.

If Automation causes a 40% unemployment rate, or 10X higher than our current unemployment rate.

Then consumerism will fall down significantly, and the economy will fall apart.

Economies are actually a collective, where we play a collective role, with consumers helping owners, and vice versa.

Individualists have no value, just a bunch of people too stupid, and lacking empathy in high amounts, that they can only grasp the self.

Truly a philosophy agenda which belongs in the trash bin

Individualists are a lot bigger idiots than I ever imagined.

Says the moron whining about people freely buying cheaper, more convenient goods from a more efficient provider.

Individualists have no value, just a bunch of people too stupid, and lacking empathy in high amounts

Da, comrade, and if we need to send them to the gulag to learn empathy, we can count on you.

So, 1 million jobs lost is a good thing,?
You say I can't do math?
Lets see Amazon probably cut costs by like 5%, and cut jobs by about 900%.
Yeah, its completely even.

2 major famines caused by Soviet Communists, and 22 major famines caused by British Capitalists.

Yeah, its just Communism which is the issue. LOL

Yup. Pretty soon the guy who puts the horse shoes on all our plow horses is gonna be out of work.

Damn that Cyrus McCormick!!!

Individualists are a lot bigger idiots than I ever imagined.

If Automation causes a 40% unemployment rate, or 10X higher than our current unemployment rate.

Then consumerism will fall down significantly, and the economy will fall apart.

Economies are actually a collective, where we play a collective role, with consumers helping owners, and vice versa.

Individualists have no value, just a bunch of people too stupid, and lacking empathy in high amounts, that they can only grasp the self.

Truly a philosophy agenda which belongs in the trash bin

Individualists are a lot bigger idiots than I ever imagined.

Says the moron whining about people freely buying cheaper, more convenient goods from a more efficient provider.

Individualists have no value, just a bunch of people too stupid, and lacking empathy in high amounts

Da, comrade, and if we need to send them to the gulag to learn empathy, we can count on you.

So, 1 million jobs lost is a good thing,?
You say I can't do math?
Lets see Amazon probably cut costs by like 5%, and cut jobs by about 900%.
Yeah, its completely even.

2 major famines caused by Soviet Communists, and 22 major famines caused by British Capitalists.

Yeah, its just Communism which is the issue. LOL

So, 1 million jobs lost is a good thing,?

Stop the world, you wanna get off?

You say I can't do math?

Only based on your moronic posts.

Lets see Amazon probably cut costs by like 5%, and cut jobs by about 900%.

A 5% cut in costs eliminated 1 million jobs, or 900% of jobs <<<<<bad math.
Yup. Pretty soon the guy who puts the horse shoes on all our plow horses is gonna be out of work.

Damn that Cyrus McCormick!!!

Individualists are a lot bigger idiots than I ever imagined.

If Automation causes a 40% unemployment rate, or 10X higher than our current unemployment rate.

Then consumerism will fall down significantly, and the economy will fall apart.

Economies are actually a collective, where we play a collective role, with consumers helping owners, and vice versa.

Individualists have no value, just a bunch of people too stupid, and lacking empathy in high amounts, that they can only grasp the self.

Truly a philosophy agenda which belongs in the trash bin

Individualists are a lot bigger idiots than I ever imagined.

Says the moron whining about people freely buying cheaper, more convenient goods from a more efficient provider.

Individualists have no value, just a bunch of people too stupid, and lacking empathy in high amounts

Da, comrade, and if we need to send them to the gulag to learn empathy, we can count on you.

So, 1 million jobs lost is a good thing,?
You say I can't do math?
Lets see Amazon probably cut costs by like 5%, and cut jobs by about 900%.
Yeah, its completely even.

2 major famines caused by Soviet Communists, and 22 major famines caused by British Capitalists.

Yeah, its just Communism which is the issue. LOL

So, 1 million jobs lost is a good thing,?

Stop the world, you wanna get off?

You say I can't do math?

Only based on your moronic posts.

Lets see Amazon probably cut costs by like 5%, and cut jobs by about 900%.

A 5% cut in costs eliminated 1 million jobs, or 900% of jobs <<<<<bad math.

If you think a minor cost reduction, is worth 1 million jobs lost?

You can't do math.

Individualists are a lot bigger idiots than I ever imagined.

If Automation causes a 40% unemployment rate, or 10X higher than our current unemployment rate.

Then consumerism will fall down significantly, and the economy will fall apart.

Economies are actually a collective, where we play a collective role, with consumers helping owners, and vice versa.

Individualists have no value, just a bunch of people too stupid, and lacking empathy in high amounts, that they can only grasp the self.

Truly a philosophy agenda which belongs in the trash bin

Individualists are a lot bigger idiots than I ever imagined.

Says the moron whining about people freely buying cheaper, more convenient goods from a more efficient provider.

Individualists have no value, just a bunch of people too stupid, and lacking empathy in high amounts

Da, comrade, and if we need to send them to the gulag to learn empathy, we can count on you.

So, 1 million jobs lost is a good thing,?
You say I can't do math?
Lets see Amazon probably cut costs by like 5%, and cut jobs by about 900%.
Yeah, its completely even.

2 major famines caused by Soviet Communists, and 22 major famines caused by British Capitalists.

Yeah, its just Communism which is the issue. LOL

So, 1 million jobs lost is a good thing,?

Stop the world, you wanna get off?

You say I can't do math?

Only based on your moronic posts.

Lets see Amazon probably cut costs by like 5%, and cut jobs by about 900%.

A 5% cut in costs eliminated 1 million jobs, or 900% of jobs <<<<<bad math.

If you think a minor cost reduction, is worth 1 million jobs lost?

You can't do math.

Like I said, you shouldn't buy anything from Amazon....Or from any other efficient company.

Leave everyone else alone, you ignorant bastard.
Individualists are a lot bigger idiots than I ever imagined.

If Automation causes a 40% unemployment rate, or 10X higher than our current unemployment rate.

Then consumerism will fall down significantly, and the economy will fall apart.

Economies are actually a collective, where we play a collective role, with consumers helping owners, and vice versa.

Individualists have no value, just a bunch of people too stupid, and lacking empathy in high amounts, that they can only grasp the self.

Truly a philosophy agenda which belongs in the trash bin

Individualists are a lot bigger idiots than I ever imagined.

Says the moron whining about people freely buying cheaper, more convenient goods from a more efficient provider.

Individualists have no value, just a bunch of people too stupid, and lacking empathy in high amounts

Da, comrade, and if we need to send them to the gulag to learn empathy, we can count on you.

So, 1 million jobs lost is a good thing,?
You say I can't do math?
Lets see Amazon probably cut costs by like 5%, and cut jobs by about 900%.
Yeah, its completely even.

2 major famines caused by Soviet Communists, and 22 major famines caused by British Capitalists.

Yeah, its just Communism which is the issue. LOL

So, 1 million jobs lost is a good thing,?

Stop the world, you wanna get off?

You say I can't do math?

Only based on your moronic posts.

Lets see Amazon probably cut costs by like 5%, and cut jobs by about 900%.

A 5% cut in costs eliminated 1 million jobs, or 900% of jobs <<<<<bad math.

If you think a minor cost reduction, is worth 1 million jobs lost?

You can't do math.

Like I said, you shouldn't buy anything from Amazon....Or from any other efficient company.

Leave everyone else alone, you ignorant bastard.

The only ignorant bast@rd are Individualist savages, who don't grasp that 1 million lost jobs isn't worth a minor drop in prices.
Individualists are a lot bigger idiots than I ever imagined.

Says the moron whining about people freely buying cheaper, more convenient goods from a more efficient provider.

Individualists have no value, just a bunch of people too stupid, and lacking empathy in high amounts

Da, comrade, and if we need to send them to the gulag to learn empathy, we can count on you.

So, 1 million jobs lost is a good thing,?
You say I can't do math?
Lets see Amazon probably cut costs by like 5%, and cut jobs by about 900%.
Yeah, its completely even.

2 major famines caused by Soviet Communists, and 22 major famines caused by British Capitalists.

Yeah, its just Communism which is the issue. LOL

So, 1 million jobs lost is a good thing,?

Stop the world, you wanna get off?

You say I can't do math?

Only based on your moronic posts.

Lets see Amazon probably cut costs by like 5%, and cut jobs by about 900%.

A 5% cut in costs eliminated 1 million jobs, or 900% of jobs <<<<<bad math.

If you think a minor cost reduction, is worth 1 million jobs lost?

You can't do math.

Like I said, you shouldn't buy anything from Amazon....Or from any other efficient company.

Leave everyone else alone, you ignorant bastard.

The only ignorant bast@rd are Individualist savages, who don't grasp that 1 million lost jobs isn't worth a minor drop in prices.

People freely changed their buying habits. There ought to be a law, eh comrade?
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.

I agree. Tax them at a rate of 100% and then give it to me.


Undocumented immigrants?

How about fucking wetback illegals.
Individualists are a lot bigger idiots than I ever imagined.

Says the moron whining about people freely buying cheaper, more convenient goods from a more efficient provider.

Individualists have no value, just a bunch of people too stupid, and lacking empathy in high amounts

Da, comrade, and if we need to send them to the gulag to learn empathy, we can count on you.

So, 1 million jobs lost is a good thing,?
You say I can't do math?
Lets see Amazon probably cut costs by like 5%, and cut jobs by about 900%.
Yeah, its completely even.

2 major famines caused by Soviet Communists, and 22 major famines caused by British Capitalists.

Yeah, its just Communism which is the issue. LOL

So, 1 million jobs lost is a good thing,?

Stop the world, you wanna get off?

You say I can't do math?

Only based on your moronic posts.

Lets see Amazon probably cut costs by like 5%, and cut jobs by about 900%.

A 5% cut in costs eliminated 1 million jobs, or 900% of jobs <<<<<bad math.

If you think a minor cost reduction, is worth 1 million jobs lost?

You can't do math.

Like I said, you shouldn't buy anything from Amazon....Or from any other efficient company.

Leave everyone else alone, you ignorant bastard.

The only ignorant bast@rd are Individualist savages, who don't grasp that 1 million lost jobs isn't worth a minor drop in prices.

Like all socialists, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of economics and human nature.
So, 1 million jobs lost is a good thing,?
You say I can't do math?
Lets see Amazon probably cut costs by like 5%, and cut jobs by about 900%.
Yeah, its completely even.

2 major famines caused by Soviet Communists, and 22 major famines caused by British Capitalists.

Yeah, its just Communism which is the issue. LOL

So, 1 million jobs lost is a good thing,?

Stop the world, you wanna get off?

You say I can't do math?

Only based on your moronic posts.

Lets see Amazon probably cut costs by like 5%, and cut jobs by about 900%.

A 5% cut in costs eliminated 1 million jobs, or 900% of jobs <<<<<bad math.

If you think a minor cost reduction, is worth 1 million jobs lost?

You can't do math.

Like I said, you shouldn't buy anything from Amazon....Or from any other efficient company.

Leave everyone else alone, you ignorant bastard.

The only ignorant bast@rd are Individualist savages, who don't grasp that 1 million lost jobs isn't worth a minor drop in prices.

Like all socialists, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of economics and human nature.

So a minor price reduction is worth 1 million jobs lost?

It is you don't understand economics.

Among the fastest growing economic GDP, and fastest drops in poverty in the 20th Century USA history came from FDR & LBJ.
2 Democrats who pushed for social programs of all sorts.

Even though FDR a near Fascist had the #1 economic growth in 20th century USA history.

Nazi Germany & Monarchist / Fascistic Franco of Spain achieved far stronger economic growth than had even FDR.

Now China is the #1 in economic growth, and has a Socialist economy, in fact even Fascist like.

So, its pretty much bull, that some Socialism will tank the economy.

Quite the opposite, we understand the balance between Libertarianism & Communism works best.
So, 1 million jobs lost is a good thing,?
You say I can't do math?
Lets see Amazon probably cut costs by like 5%, and cut jobs by about 900%.
Yeah, its completely even.

2 major famines caused by Soviet Communists, and 22 major famines caused by British Capitalists.

Yeah, its just Communism which is the issue. LOL

So, 1 million jobs lost is a good thing,?

Stop the world, you wanna get off?

You say I can't do math?

Only based on your moronic posts.

Lets see Amazon probably cut costs by like 5%, and cut jobs by about 900%.

A 5% cut in costs eliminated 1 million jobs, or 900% of jobs <<<<<bad math.

If you think a minor cost reduction, is worth 1 million jobs lost?

You can't do math.

Like I said, you shouldn't buy anything from Amazon....Or from any other efficient company.

Leave everyone else alone, you ignorant bastard.

The only ignorant bast@rd are Individualist savages, who don't grasp that 1 million lost jobs isn't worth a minor drop in prices.

People freely changed their buying habits. There ought to be a law, eh comrade?

People don't necessarily do what's right.

This is why we're flooded with Illegal Immigrants, and outsourced jobs, because of peoples freedoms.

Typical Liberal CRAPitalist mayhem.
So, 1 million jobs lost is a good thing,?

Stop the world, you wanna get off?

You say I can't do math?

Only based on your moronic posts.

Lets see Amazon probably cut costs by like 5%, and cut jobs by about 900%.

A 5% cut in costs eliminated 1 million jobs, or 900% of jobs <<<<<bad math.

If you think a minor cost reduction, is worth 1 million jobs lost?

You can't do math.

Like I said, you shouldn't buy anything from Amazon....Or from any other efficient company.

Leave everyone else alone, you ignorant bastard.

The only ignorant bast@rd are Individualist savages, who don't grasp that 1 million lost jobs isn't worth a minor drop in prices.

Like all socialists, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of economics and human nature.

So a minor price reduction is worth 1 million jobs lost?

It is you don't understand economics.

Among the fastest growing economic GDP, and fastest drops in poverty in the 20th Century USA history came from FDR & LBJ.
2 Democrats who pushed for social programs of all sorts.

Even though FDR a near Fascist had the #1 economic growth in 20th century USA history.

Nazi Germany & Monarchist / Fascistic Franco of Spain achieved far stronger economic growth than had even FDR.

Now China is the #1 in economic growth, and has a Socialist economy, in fact even Fascist like.

So, its pretty much bull, that some Socialism will tank the economy.

Quite the opposite, we understand the balance between Libertarianism & Communism works best.

So a minor price reduction is worth 1 million jobs lost?

I must pay higher prices.....because efficiency must not be allowed!!!!

So, 1 million jobs lost is a good thing,?

Stop the world, you wanna get off?

You say I can't do math?

Only based on your moronic posts.

Lets see Amazon probably cut costs by like 5%, and cut jobs by about 900%.

A 5% cut in costs eliminated 1 million jobs, or 900% of jobs <<<<<bad math.

If you think a minor cost reduction, is worth 1 million jobs lost?

You can't do math.

Like I said, you shouldn't buy anything from Amazon....Or from any other efficient company.

Leave everyone else alone, you ignorant bastard.

The only ignorant bast@rd are Individualist savages, who don't grasp that 1 million lost jobs isn't worth a minor drop in prices.

People freely changed their buying habits. There ought to be a law, eh comrade?

People don't necessarily do what's right.

This is why we're flooded with Illegal Immigrants, and outsourced jobs, because of peoples freedoms.

Typical Liberal CRAPitalist mayhem.

People don't necessarily do what's right.

If I want to save money for my kid's college fund, I'm a bad person because I should be spending
my own money the way you think is right.

Have you always been an asshole? Or is this a recent thing?
If you think a minor cost reduction, is worth 1 million jobs lost?

You can't do math.

Like I said, you shouldn't buy anything from Amazon....Or from any other efficient company.

Leave everyone else alone, you ignorant bastard.

The only ignorant bast@rd are Individualist savages, who don't grasp that 1 million lost jobs isn't worth a minor drop in prices.

Like all socialists, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of economics and human nature.

So a minor price reduction is worth 1 million jobs lost?

It is you don't understand economics.

Among the fastest growing economic GDP, and fastest drops in poverty in the 20th Century USA history came from FDR & LBJ.
2 Democrats who pushed for social programs of all sorts.

Even though FDR a near Fascist had the #1 economic growth in 20th century USA history.

Nazi Germany & Monarchist / Fascistic Franco of Spain achieved far stronger economic growth than had even FDR.

Now China is the #1 in economic growth, and has a Socialist economy, in fact even Fascist like.

So, its pretty much bull, that some Socialism will tank the economy.

Quite the opposite, we understand the balance between Libertarianism & Communism works best.

So a minor price reduction is worth 1 million jobs lost?

I must pay higher prices.....because efficiency must not be allowed!!!!


So, a small drop in prices, is worth a massive drop in jobs in retail?
Yay or Nay?
Like I said, you shouldn't buy anything from Amazon....Or from any other efficient company.

Leave everyone else alone, you ignorant bastard.

The only ignorant bast@rd are Individualist savages, who don't grasp that 1 million lost jobs isn't worth a minor drop in prices.

Like all socialists, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of economics and human nature.

So a minor price reduction is worth 1 million jobs lost?

It is you don't understand economics.

Among the fastest growing economic GDP, and fastest drops in poverty in the 20th Century USA history came from FDR & LBJ.
2 Democrats who pushed for social programs of all sorts.

Even though FDR a near Fascist had the #1 economic growth in 20th century USA history.

Nazi Germany & Monarchist / Fascistic Franco of Spain achieved far stronger economic growth than had even FDR.

Now China is the #1 in economic growth, and has a Socialist economy, in fact even Fascist like.

So, its pretty much bull, that some Socialism will tank the economy.

Quite the opposite, we understand the balance between Libertarianism & Communism works best.

So a minor price reduction is worth 1 million jobs lost?

I must pay higher prices.....because efficiency must not be allowed!!!!


So, a small drop in prices, is worth a massive drop in jobs in retail?
Yay or Nay?

Let the free market decide. It's better that way.

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