Tax cuts for the rich, why?

This affects you or rather your parents since you're in the high tax commuter zone of Gotham
And it's on topic target ...something the left wingers have a real hard time with

Democrats try to restore a tax cut for the rich
by Washington Examiner
| December 15, 2019 12:00 AM

Some people may be surprised to see Democrats fighting to expand a tax deduction for the wealthy. We are not.

It makes perfect sense, if you think about it.
The House Ways and Means Committee voted nearly along party lines to repeal a part of the 2017 Republican tax cut. But it wasn’t the corporate-rate cut Democrats were targeting. It wasn’t some imagined tax cut for corporate jets. Rather, Democrats passed a bill to scrap the cap on very-high-income individuals’ ability to deduct their state and local taxes on their federal tax returns.

The deduction for state and local taxes, or SALT, still exists. Republicans merely capped the deduction at $10,000. Since Republicans also doubled the standard deduction, this cap really only affects the uberwealthy. To repeat, after more than a decade of campaigning against "tax cuts for the rich," Democrats are now fighting tooth and nail for a special interest deduction that helps only the wealthy.

Democrats call their bill the Restoring Tax Fairness for States and Localities Act, but it should be titled, “Expanding Tax Breaks for Wealthy White Suburban Democratic Voters Act.” Expanding the deduction won’t help most taxpayers in New York, California, or New Jersey. It will help only those whose incomes or property values are very high.

“It is too simple to say that the deduction only benefits high-tax states,” Nicole Kaeding at the Tax Foundation recently testified. “It is better understood as benefiting high-income individuals, many of whom reside in high-tax jurisdictions with high housing values.”
If the Democratic bill becomes law, it would not cut taxes for any families whose total deductible expenses, including state and local taxes, are below $24,000; those taxpayers will still take the standard deduction as current law allows. The Democratic bill would not cut taxes for anyone whose state and local income taxes add up to less than $10,000. In other words, this can in no way be mistaken for a middle-class tax cut.

Read the rest at the Washington Examiner

Democrats cut taxes = bad.
Republicans cut taxes = good.

Got it.

Wow way to spin and project like a leftard
That's a disappointment

You're bitching about tax cuts for the rich ....I gave you something you we're just bitching about ...

I'm a right wing capitalist pig

tax cuts , deregulation and hang john brennan at dawn for all

In the 1950's we had a top bracket tax rate of 91%.

1950's economy was good, infrastructure was good, and debt was far lower.

Presumably if we didn't budge that down to less than half of that, we wouldn't have all this debt.

We could use more taxes to pay off the debt, and build newer, and better infrastructure.

The only reason that didn't wreck our economy is the industrial base of every other European and Asian country had been blown up during World War 2............and our rebuilding their industries allowed us to make lots of money.
No, not really.

We are talking about taxing rich civilians more, Corporate tax rates are a different story. the 1950s the industrial base of the civilized world was gone......bombed into rubble during the war....we helped rebuild Europe and Japan, and that allowed us to survive those insane, moronic tax rates.
Math is tough subject for a Germ-Man Individualist savage, or any Individualist.

Approx 1 million retail jobs lost.
Amazon is definitely a large culprit.

Significant Retail Job Losses At Private-Equity Backed Companies Should Worry Us

Approx 1 million retail jobs lost.
Amazon is definitely a large culprit.

Efficiency does that.

Have you taken any econ classes?

The efficiency has not propelled forward Amazons wages to the extent of job losses caused directly by Amazon.

The only winner is Bezos & maybe a few of his executives.

Individualist is codeword for someone who is mentally & emotionally detached & impaired.

The efficiency has not propelled forward Amazons wages to the extent of job losses caused directly by Amazon.

They're more efficient, they need fewer workers and can offer lower prices.

The only winner is Bezos & maybe a few of his executives.

And all their satisfied customers.

Individualist is codeword for someone who is mentally & emotionally detached & impaired.

Idiot is what you are, when it comes to economics. No code needed.

If we continue lose jobs how are we going to even afford those lower prices?

You as all Induvidualists are basically clueless savages.

If we continue lose jobs how are we going to even afford those lower prices?

Over 90% of Americans once worked on farms.
If we only have 2% working on farms today, how will Americans even be able to afford the cheaper food?

Productivity going up can be good, so long as the workers get higher wages.
That doesn't seem to happen all too much, anymore.

Since the 1970's productivity in the USA is way up, but real wages aren't for the working class masses, ONLY CEO's have seen their wages sky rocket since the 1970's.

A mix of 3 things appear to be to blame, Manufacturing losses due to outsourcing, job competition with immigrants, and the loss of union paying jobs.

All 3 of those things are at least partially, sometimes even fully Capitalist related.

Basically, you're doing everything that lead us here.

The system is broken, we need new ideas, not much of the cr@piness that you've done for the past 40 years that lead us to stagnation, Liberalism, and Multiculturalism.
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Civilization requires taxation.

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I see Brits as outliers of civilization, especially ones in the USA.

Basically a bunch of uncivilized coots, vagabonds, and social misfits traveled into Britain from mainland Europe as invading armies., and then those who were even too uncivilized, vagabond, and misfit for Great Britain traveled to the United States.

Civilization requires taxation.

Does it require taxation to prevent people from freely spending their money in ways that you dislike?

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I've seen some Polish idiots who don't grasp it.

As if Bezos needs more money, who Bezos has more money than he knows to do with, largely by ridding the country of many of his competitors & shops, which in return diminishes jobs because he took away a ton of jobs & consolidated them into his crappy Amazon warehouses, where he borderline oppresses his employees with watches which time & track his employees, (Something straight out of Orwell's 1984)

Lol, Poles get most things correct, Brits get most things incorrect.

Germans don't get much correct, either.

Western Europeans in general are racial scums, the disaster race.

As if Bezos needs more money,

We should tax him more, because YOU think he doesn't need more money?

Lol, Poles get most things correct,

Based on you, not so much.

So, Bezos needs 109 billion, but the poor deserve nothing.
Especially considering that Bezos is a net job destroyer, not a real job creator.
Talk about a primitive, and idiotic view of the World.

Poles get almost everything correct, its you dubious Western Europeans who seem to severely struggle for rationale, or morals.

Shitforbrains here's a tip, Bezos made his money giving people what they wanted. That's how capitalism works. It works by earning money not by confiscating or sealing it.

What individuals, or even the masses of people want isn't always what's best for society.

The masses are shortsighted, and ignorant, and therefor aren't necessarily correct for societal gain.

Libertarianism much like Communism both tend to fail.

People point to Communist failures, indeed,
and just in the same way there's no Libertarian success, either.

Big corporations (Monopolies) do the same things as Communists, they cut corners to save costs, to maximize profits, they jack up prices.

Both Libertarianism, and Communism lead to an extreme unchallenged elite, for different reasons.
They rid the competition & muscle their way to the top.

Although, I find Libertarianism perhaps even more idiotic, the idea of Private Military's protecting the country is absurd.

Libertarianism blows & sucks, because it would have no borders, or military, and would probably just get run over by a bunch of foreign invaders.

In our case, of course Capitalists encourage this nonsense of Illegal & H2B Visa people to work cheaper.
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Civilization requires taxation.

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I see Brits as outliers of civilization, especially ones in the USA.

Basically a bunch of uncivilized coots, vagabonds, and social misfits traveled into Britain from mainland Europe as invading armies., and then those who were even too uncivilized, vagabond, and misfit for Great Britain traveled to the United States.

Civilization requires taxation.

Does it require taxation to prevent people from freely spending their money in ways that you dislike?

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I've seen some Polish idiots who don't grasp it.

As if Bezos needs more money, who Bezos has more money than he knows to do with, largely by ridding the country of many of his competitors & shops, which in return diminishes jobs because he took away a ton of jobs & consolidated them into his crappy Amazon warehouses, where he borderline oppresses his employees with watches which time & track his employees, (Something straight out of Orwell's 1984)

Lol, Poles get most things correct, Brits get most things incorrect.

Germans don't get much correct, either.

Western Europeans in general are racial scums, the disaster race.

As if Bezos needs more money,

We should tax him more, because YOU think he doesn't need more money?

Lol, Poles get most things correct,

Based on you, not so much.

So, Bezos needs 109 billion, but the poor deserve nothing.
Especially considering that Bezos is a net job destroyer, not a real job creator.
Talk about a primitive, and idiotic view of the World.

Poles get almost everything correct, its you dubious Western Europeans who seem to severely struggle for rationale, or morals.
Bezos started around 1998, busted his ass and, unlike Gates and the rest of the Silicon Valley scum, never testified before Congress that anyone not from India is retarded.
Amazon almost went bust a few years ago and I personally know several dozen people who run their businesses on Amazon and they own very nice homes.

So, basically we cut out 1 million American jobs, to sustain the 109 billion dollar net worth of Bezos, and a few of his lackeys living in "Very Nice Homes"??????

Brilliant, simply brilliant. (Rolls eyes)
Approx 1 million retail jobs lost.
Amazon is definitely a large culprit.

Efficiency does that.

Have you taken any econ classes?

The efficiency has not propelled forward Amazons wages to the extent of job losses caused directly by Amazon.

The only winner is Bezos & maybe a few of his executives.

Individualist is codeword for someone who is mentally & emotionally detached & impaired.

The efficiency has not propelled forward Amazons wages to the extent of job losses caused directly by Amazon.

They're more efficient, they need fewer workers and can offer lower prices.

The only winner is Bezos & maybe a few of his executives.

And all their satisfied customers.

Individualist is codeword for someone who is mentally & emotionally detached & impaired.

Idiot is what you are, when it comes to economics. No code needed.

If we continue lose jobs how are we going to even afford those lower prices?

You as all Induvidualists are basically clueless savages.

If we continue lose jobs how are we going to even afford those lower prices?

Over 90% of Americans once worked on farms.
If we only have 2% working on farms today, how will Americans even be able to afford the cheaper food?

Productivity going up can be good, so long as the workers get higher wages.
That doesn't seem to happen all too much, anymore.

Since the 1970's productivity in the USA is way up, but wages aren't for the working class masses, ONLY CEO's have seen their wages sky rocket since the 1970's.

A mix of 3 things appear to be to blame, Manufacturing losses due to outsourcing, job competition with immigrants, and the loss of union paying jobs.

All 3 of those things are at least partially, sometimes even fully Capitalist related.

Basically, you're doing everything that lead us here.

The system is broken, we need new ideas, not much of the cr@piness that you've done for the past 40 years that lead us to stagnation, Liberalism, and Multiculturalism.

What we really need to do is ship your dumb ass off to North Korea so we'll all be happy. Maybe you won't starve to death in your collective utopia.
The efficiency has not propelled forward Amazons wages to the extent of job losses caused directly by Amazon.

The only winner is Bezos & maybe a few of his executives.

Individualist is codeword for someone who is mentally & emotionally detached & impaired.

The efficiency has not propelled forward Amazons wages to the extent of job losses caused directly by Amazon.

They're more efficient, they need fewer workers and can offer lower prices.

The only winner is Bezos & maybe a few of his executives.

And all their satisfied customers.

Individualist is codeword for someone who is mentally & emotionally detached & impaired.

Idiot is what you are, when it comes to economics. No code needed.

If we continue lose jobs how are we going to even afford those lower prices?

You as all Induvidualists are basically clueless savages.

If we continue lose jobs how are we going to even afford those lower prices?

Over 90% of Americans once worked on farms.
If we only have 2% working on farms today, how will Americans even be able to afford the cheaper food?

Productivity going up can be good, so long as the workers get higher wages.
That doesn't seem to happen all too much, anymore.

Since the 1970's productivity in the USA is way up, but wages aren't for the working class masses, ONLY CEO's have seen their wages sky rocket since the 1970's.

A mix of 3 things appear to be to blame, Manufacturing losses due to outsourcing, job competition with immigrants, and the loss of union paying jobs.

All 3 of those things are at least partially, sometimes even fully Capitalist related.

Basically, you're doing everything that lead us here.

The system is broken, we need new ideas, not much of the cr@piness that you've done for the past 40 years that lead us to stagnation, Liberalism, and Multiculturalism.

What we really need to do is ship your dumb ass off to North Korea so we'll all be happy. Maybe you won't starve to death in your collective utopia.

You should go to your Libertarian Utopia of Somalia.

I don't support Communism, there's actually a World of options besides just Libertarian vs Communism.

You Western Europeans are such a goofy race.
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.

Rich people work for a living. You'd be better saying "wealthy."
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.

You are confused.

We need to quit spending so much money for the cost of government and stop taxing everybody so much.

This filthy ass combined US Federal, State and local government is about 40% of the GDP and that is despicable.

Don't be envious and greedy and advocate taxing other people more than you. Man up and advocate reducing all taxation. That is the right thing to do.
Approx 1 million retail jobs lost.
Amazon is definitely a large culprit.

Efficiency does that.

Have you taken any econ classes?

The efficiency has not propelled forward Amazons wages to the extent of job losses caused directly by Amazon.

The only winner is Bezos & maybe a few of his executives.

Individualist is codeword for someone who is mentally & emotionally detached & impaired.

The efficiency has not propelled forward Amazons wages to the extent of job losses caused directly by Amazon.

They're more efficient, they need fewer workers and can offer lower prices.

The only winner is Bezos & maybe a few of his executives.

And all their satisfied customers.

Individualist is codeword for someone who is mentally & emotionally detached & impaired.

Idiot is what you are, when it comes to economics. No code needed.

If we continue lose jobs how are we going to even afford those lower prices?

You as all Induvidualists are basically clueless savages.

If we continue lose jobs how are we going to even afford those lower prices?

Over 90% of Americans once worked on farms.
If we only have 2% working on farms today, how will Americans even be able to afford the cheaper food?

Productivity going up can be good, so long as the workers get higher wages.
That doesn't seem to happen all too much, anymore.

Since the 1970's productivity in the USA is way up, but real wages aren't for the working class masses, ONLY CEO's have seen their wages sky rocket since the 1970's.

A mix of 3 things appear to be to blame, Manufacturing losses due to outsourcing, job competition with immigrants, and the loss of union paying jobs.

All 3 of those things are at least partially, sometimes even fully Capitalist related.

Basically, you're doing everything that lead us here.

The system is broken, we need new ideas, not much of the cr@piness that you've done for the past 40 years that lead us to stagnation, Liberalism, and Multiculturalism.

Productivity going up can be good, so long as the workers get higher wages.

Productivity going up is also good when it gives consumers lower prices.

but real wages aren't for the working class masses,

You're lying.

All 3 of those things are at least partially, sometimes even fully Capitalist related.

Is that why wages are up in Venezuela? No capitalism.
Civilization requires taxation.

Does it require taxation to prevent people from freely spending their money in ways that you dislike?

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I've seen some Polish idiots who don't grasp it.

As if Bezos needs more money, who Bezos has more money than he knows to do with, largely by ridding the country of many of his competitors & shops, which in return diminishes jobs because he took away a ton of jobs & consolidated them into his crappy Amazon warehouses, where he borderline oppresses his employees with watches which time & track his employees, (Something straight out of Orwell's 1984)

Lol, Poles get most things correct, Brits get most things incorrect.

Germans don't get much correct, either.

Western Europeans in general are racial scums, the disaster race.

As if Bezos needs more money,

We should tax him more, because YOU think he doesn't need more money?

Lol, Poles get most things correct,

Based on you, not so much.

So, Bezos needs 109 billion, but the poor deserve nothing.
Especially considering that Bezos is a net job destroyer, not a real job creator.
Talk about a primitive, and idiotic view of the World.

Poles get almost everything correct, its you dubious Western Europeans who seem to severely struggle for rationale, or morals.
Bezos started around 1998, busted his ass and, unlike Gates and the rest of the Silicon Valley scum, never testified before Congress that anyone not from India is retarded.
Amazon almost went bust a few years ago and I personally know several dozen people who run their businesses on Amazon and they own very nice homes.

So, basically we cut out 1 million American jobs, to sustain the 109 billion dollar net worth of Bezos, and a few of his lackeys living in "Very Nice Homes"??????

Brilliant, simply brilliant. (Rolls eyes)

So, basically we cut out 1 million American jobs, to sustain the 109 billion dollar net worth of Bezos,

You think taking his $109 billion would bring back 1 million jobs? Why?
Lol, Bezos is like Rockerfeller.

So what?

Bezos has taken away a ton of jobs.

Higher efficiency tends to do that.

Monopolies tend to undercut competition,

Amazon is a monopoly? What do they monopolize? Be specific.

Considering that Amazon warehouse workers don't make much more or less than the numerous stores Bezos has collapsed.

We are losing out as a society.

Societal thinking is a bit complex for an Individualist savage.

Considering that Amazon warehouse workers don't make much more or less than the numerous stores Bezos has collapsed.

Wow! Your specific statistics are very convincing.

Societal thinking is a bit complex for an Individualist savage.

Math and economics is tough for a stupid Pole.

Math is tough subject for a Germ-Man Individualist savage, or any Individualist.

Approx 1 million retail jobs lost.
Amazon is definitely a large culprit.

Significant Retail Job Losses At Private-Equity Backed Companies Should Worry Us

Approx 1 million retail jobs lost.
Amazon is definitely a large culprit.

Efficiency does that.

Have you taken any econ classes?

People said the same thing about ice delivery men. One cannot stop progress. How many jobs has the internet killed? Carriage makers were really angry at car manufacturers and candle makers must have hated electricity. Evolution and progress suck.

So, when automation (Robotics / Artificial Intelligence) replaces the majority of jobs, how will the middle class, consumerism, and economy survive without people having the jobs to spend back into the economy?

Central Planning will be necessary, either we tax robots to give the masses welfare in return, or eliminate automation.
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.

Rich people work for a living. You'd be better saying "wealthy."

Not necessarily, they can live off of investments alone, like property, stock, mutual fund investments can generate a large income, and retirement, that is if you can afford to save that much, most people can't save enough to generate enough money like that.
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.

You are confused.

We need to quit spending so much money for the cost of government and stop taxing everybody so much.

This filthy ass combined US Federal, State and local government is about 40% of the GDP and that is despicable.

Don't be envious and greedy and advocate taxing other people more than you. Man up and advocate reducing all taxation. That is the right thing to do.

A lot of money they tax & take actually go to pay for the elderly, their medical care, their social security, government job pensions etc.

A lot of money goes to children's education, so they can learn, and be more productive citizens.

A lot of money goes to those with disabilities too, who can't work, the majority of people living in long term poverty have disabilities.

Leave it to Republicans to pick on the elderly, children, and the disabled.
As if Bezos needs more money, who Bezos has more money than he knows to do with, largely by ridding the country of many of his competitors & shops, which in return diminishes jobs because he took away a ton of jobs & consolidated them into his crappy Amazon warehouses, where he borderline oppresses his employees with watches which time & track his employees, (Something straight out of Orwell's 1984)

Lol, Poles get most things correct, Brits get most things incorrect.

Germans don't get much correct, either.

Western Europeans in general are racial scums, the disaster race.

As if Bezos needs more money,

We should tax him more, because YOU think he doesn't need more money?

Lol, Poles get most things correct,

Based on you, not so much.

So, Bezos needs 109 billion, but the poor deserve nothing.
Especially considering that Bezos is a net job destroyer, not a real job creator.
Talk about a primitive, and idiotic view of the World.

Poles get almost everything correct, its you dubious Western Europeans who seem to severely struggle for rationale, or morals.
Bezos started around 1998, busted his ass and, unlike Gates and the rest of the Silicon Valley scum, never testified before Congress that anyone not from India is retarded.
Amazon almost went bust a few years ago and I personally know several dozen people who run their businesses on Amazon and they own very nice homes.

So, basically we cut out 1 million American jobs, to sustain the 109 billion dollar net worth of Bezos, and a few of his lackeys living in "Very Nice Homes"??????

Brilliant, simply brilliant. (Rolls eyes)

So, basically we cut out 1 million American jobs, to sustain the 109 billion dollar net worth of Bezos,

You think taking his $109 billion would bring back 1 million jobs? Why?

Hmm, if we're not going to disable Amazon, then the right thing would be to tax Bezos more to help pay for the debt, or infrastructure, 2 things that are falling apart in this country.
As if Bezos needs more money,

We should tax him more, because YOU think he doesn't need more money?

Lol, Poles get most things correct,

Based on you, not so much.

So, Bezos needs 109 billion, but the poor deserve nothing.
Especially considering that Bezos is a net job destroyer, not a real job creator.
Talk about a primitive, and idiotic view of the World.

Poles get almost everything correct, its you dubious Western Europeans who seem to severely struggle for rationale, or morals.
Bezos started around 1998, busted his ass and, unlike Gates and the rest of the Silicon Valley scum, never testified before Congress that anyone not from India is retarded.
Amazon almost went bust a few years ago and I personally know several dozen people who run their businesses on Amazon and they own very nice homes.

So, basically we cut out 1 million American jobs, to sustain the 109 billion dollar net worth of Bezos, and a few of his lackeys living in "Very Nice Homes"??????

Brilliant, simply brilliant. (Rolls eyes)

So, basically we cut out 1 million American jobs, to sustain the 109 billion dollar net worth of Bezos,

You think taking his $109 billion would bring back 1 million jobs? Why?

Hmm, if we're not going to disable Amazon, then the right thing would be to tax Bezos more to help pay for the debt, or infrastructure, 2 things that are falling apart in this country.

Hmm, if we're not going to disable Amazon,

Why would we want disable Amazon?
The efficiency has not propelled forward Amazons wages to the extent of job losses caused directly by Amazon.

The only winner is Bezos & maybe a few of his executives.

Individualist is codeword for someone who is mentally & emotionally detached & impaired.

The efficiency has not propelled forward Amazons wages to the extent of job losses caused directly by Amazon.

They're more efficient, they need fewer workers and can offer lower prices.

The only winner is Bezos & maybe a few of his executives.

And all their satisfied customers.

Individualist is codeword for someone who is mentally & emotionally detached & impaired.

Idiot is what you are, when it comes to economics. No code needed.

If we continue lose jobs how are we going to even afford those lower prices?

You as all Induvidualists are basically clueless savages.

If we continue lose jobs how are we going to even afford those lower prices?

Over 90% of Americans once worked on farms.
If we only have 2% working on farms today, how will Americans even be able to afford the cheaper food?

Productivity going up can be good, so long as the workers get higher wages.
That doesn't seem to happen all too much, anymore.

Since the 1970's productivity in the USA is way up, but real wages aren't for the working class masses, ONLY CEO's have seen their wages sky rocket since the 1970's.

A mix of 3 things appear to be to blame, Manufacturing losses due to outsourcing, job competition with immigrants, and the loss of union paying jobs.

All 3 of those things are at least partially, sometimes even fully Capitalist related.

Basically, you're doing everything that lead us here.

The system is broken, we need new ideas, not much of the cr@piness that you've done for the past 40 years that lead us to stagnation, Liberalism, and Multiculturalism.

Productivity going up can be good, so long as the workers get higher wages.

Productivity going up is also good when it gives consumers lower prices.

but real wages aren't for the working class masses,

You're lying.

All 3 of those things are at least partially, sometimes even fully Capitalist related.

Is that why wages are up in Venezuela? No capitalism.

Real wages have pretty much stagnated since the 1970's.

Its pretty visible.
Take 1970 where the average house price was just over $23,000 vs an average income of a family being just under $10,000.

In 2018 the average house price was $240,000 , and the average income of a family was $63,000.

Basically, in 1970 the average price of a house was 2.3X higher than the average income per year, of family, as opposed to the average price of a house in 2018 being more like 3.8X higher than the average income per year of a family.
So, Bezos needs 109 billion, but the poor deserve nothing.
Especially considering that Bezos is a net job destroyer, not a real job creator.
Talk about a primitive, and idiotic view of the World.

Poles get almost everything correct, its you dubious Western Europeans who seem to severely struggle for rationale, or morals.
Bezos started around 1998, busted his ass and, unlike Gates and the rest of the Silicon Valley scum, never testified before Congress that anyone not from India is retarded.
Amazon almost went bust a few years ago and I personally know several dozen people who run their businesses on Amazon and they own very nice homes.

So, basically we cut out 1 million American jobs, to sustain the 109 billion dollar net worth of Bezos, and a few of his lackeys living in "Very Nice Homes"??????

Brilliant, simply brilliant. (Rolls eyes)

So, basically we cut out 1 million American jobs, to sustain the 109 billion dollar net worth of Bezos,

You think taking his $109 billion would bring back 1 million jobs? Why?

Hmm, if we're not going to disable Amazon, then the right thing would be to tax Bezos more to help pay for the debt, or infrastructure, 2 things that are falling apart in this country.

Hmm, if we're not going to disable Amazon,

Why would we want disable Amazon?

I support job creation, and results.
Why should we support a company that helped destroy 1 million jobs in retail?
The efficiency has not propelled forward Amazons wages to the extent of job losses caused directly by Amazon.

The only winner is Bezos & maybe a few of his executives.

Individualist is codeword for someone who is mentally & emotionally detached & impaired.

The efficiency has not propelled forward Amazons wages to the extent of job losses caused directly by Amazon.

They're more efficient, they need fewer workers and can offer lower prices.

The only winner is Bezos & maybe a few of his executives.

And all their satisfied customers.

Individualist is codeword for someone who is mentally & emotionally detached & impaired.

Idiot is what you are, when it comes to economics. No code needed.

If we continue lose jobs how are we going to even afford those lower prices?

You as all Induvidualists are basically clueless savages.

If we continue lose jobs how are we going to even afford those lower prices?

Over 90% of Americans once worked on farms.
If we only have 2% working on farms today, how will Americans even be able to afford the cheaper food?

Productivity going up can be good, so long as the workers get higher wages.
That doesn't seem to happen all too much, anymore.

Since the 1970's productivity in the USA is way up, but real wages aren't for the working class masses, ONLY CEO's have seen their wages sky rocket since the 1970's.

A mix of 3 things appear to be to blame, Manufacturing losses due to outsourcing, job competition with immigrants, and the loss of union paying jobs.

All 3 of those things are at least partially, sometimes even fully Capitalist related.

Basically, you're doing everything that lead us here.

The system is broken, we need new ideas, not much of the cr@piness that you've done for the past 40 years that lead us to stagnation, Liberalism, and Multiculturalism.

All 3 of those things are at least partially, sometimes even fully Capitalist related.

Is that why wages are up in Venezuela? No capitalism.

Cuba, and Venezuela aren't particularly poor by Latino standards.

Guatemala, Bolivia, Honduras, Peru , and El Salvador are far more Capitalist, and have much lower standards of living.

It seems Latinos are damned no matter what system they chose.

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