Tax cuts for the rich, why?

Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.
Why do Prog Dems refuse to give the working/middle class nice tax cuts? They talk about the rich all the time while increasing taxes on the middle classes. Repubs seem to give the middle classes a tax cut but it also includes the rich.

Poor people wish to stop being poor, while Bezos, Buffet, and Gates have more money than they know what to do with.
That makes sense?

A lot of research shows that once you're middle class, being wealthier doesn't really increase happiness.
Corporations, and the rich really suck at this rate, you'd have to be more than a bit of an idiot to not notice it.

- Facebook & Twitter censoring out the Right Wing opposition.
- MSNBC & CNN pushing the Liberal biased agenda.
- Amazon getting rid of store jobs, and treating their warehouse employees pretty poorly.
- Walmart started a lot of the job outsourcing.
- Ma & Pa firms hiring Illegal Immigrants in mass.

Lets not forget Hollywood, all the manufacturing pushed into China, Mexico, Vietnam, India, etc. by outsourcing.

They'd stop doing all those bad things if we taxed them more, eh?

So, giving Liberal business owners tax cuts, can't help them use their money to increase Liberalism?

You want to tax people, because you don't like what they'll do with their own money?


Civilization requires taxation.

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I see Brits as outliers of civilization, especially ones in the USA.

Basically a bunch of uncivilized coots, vagabonds, and social misfits traveled into Britain from mainland Europe as invading armies., and then those who were even too uncivilized, vagabond, and misfit for Great Britain traveled to the United States.

Civilization requires taxation.

Does it require taxation to prevent people from freely spending their money in ways that you dislike?

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I've seen some Polish idiots who don't grasp it.

As if Bezos needs more money, who Bezos has more money than he knows to do with, largely by ridding the country of many of his competitors & shops, which in return diminishes jobs because he took away a ton of jobs & consolidated them into his crappy Amazon warehouses, where he borderline oppresses his employees with watches which time & track his employees, (Something straight out of Orwell's 1984)

Lol, Poles get most things correct, Brits get most things incorrect.

Germans don't get much correct, either.

Western Europeans in general are racial scums, the disaster race.
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.
Why do Prog Dems refuse to give the working/middle class nice tax cuts? They talk about the rich all the time while increasing taxes on the middle classes. Repubs seem to give the middle classes a tax cut but it also includes the rich.

LOL, first off I'm not really a Democrat, or Republican.

Leave it to stupid West Euro Monkey f*cks to think Democrat & Republican are the only choices.

Obama did cut taxes for the middle class overall.
Barack Obama said he's cut taxes for 'middle-class families, small businesses'

The ignorance here is downright outrageous.
Debt is a serious concern.

How about taxing the rich to help bring it down?

Government spending: How rising federal debt, deficit impact Americans

As we’ve already mentioned, rising debt and deficits can lead to higher interest rates. Higher interest rates mean it will cost more to borrow money to buy a house or a car, and paying for college tuition or starting your own business will become more expensive.

Higher interest rates also affect credit card purchases, so expenses like buying gas or groceries or even going on vacation will cost more.
Didn't say it wasn't a serious concern...But you said thet we could merely soak the rich and that would pay it all off...You obviously know absolutely nothing about economics.

Know nothing about economics?

Like Trump?

He's calling for such an idiocy of a Negative interest rate.

Even famed Austrian LIBERTARIAN Nobel prize winning economist Friedrich Hayek, had warned of low interest rates causing boom, and busts, much like what happened under W. Bush.

Even famed Austrian LIBERTARIAN Nobel prize winning economist Friedrich Hayek, had warned of low interest rates causing boom, and busts, much like what happened under W. Bush.

Obama had a Fed Funds under 0.25% for his first 7 years in office, where was his boom?

The economy fell apart under Dumbya Bush.

No, it fell apart when the democrat party forced banks to make loans to people who couldn't pay them back........

So, Dumbya Bush had nothing to do with it?

Bush drive for home ownership fueled housing bubble
WASHINGTON — "We can put light where there's darkness, and hope where there's despondency in this country. And part of it is working together as a nation to encourage folks to own their own home."

- President George W. Bush, Oct. 15, 2002
They'd stop doing all those bad things if we taxed them more, eh?

So, giving Liberal business owners tax cuts, can't help them use their money to increase Liberalism?

You want to tax people, because you don't like what they'll do with their own money?


Civilization requires taxation.

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I see Brits as outliers of civilization, especially ones in the USA.

Basically a bunch of uncivilized coots, vagabonds, and social misfits traveled into Britain from mainland Europe as invading armies., and then those who were even too uncivilized, vagabond, and misfit for Great Britain traveled to the United States.

Civilization requires taxation.

Does it require taxation to prevent people from freely spending their money in ways that you dislike?

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I've seen some Polish idiots who don't grasp it.

As if Bezos needs more money, who Bezos has more money than he knows to do with, largely by ridding the country of many of his competitors & shops, which in return diminishes jobs because he took away a ton of jobs & consolidated them into his crappy Amazon warehouses, where he borderline oppresses his employees with watches which time & track his employees, (Something straight out of Orwell's 1984)

Lol, Poles get most things correct, Brits get most things incorrect.

Germans don't get much correct, either.

Western Europeans in general are racial scums, the disaster race.

As if Bezos needs more money,

We should tax him more, because YOU think he doesn't need more money?

Lol, Poles get most things correct,

Based on you, not so much.
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.
Why do Prog Dems refuse to give the working/middle class nice tax cuts? They talk about the rich all the time while increasing taxes on the middle classes. Repubs seem to give the middle classes a tax cut but it also includes the rich.

LOL, first off I'm not really a Democrat, or Republican.

Leave it to stupid West Euro Monkey f*cks to think Democrat & Republican are the only choices.

Obama did cut taxes for the middle class overall.
Barack Obama said he's cut taxes for 'middle-class families, small businesses'

The ignorance here is downright outrageous.

Obama did cut taxes for the middle class overall.

He said he did. So which ones did he cut? When? Be specific.

And you have access to the world via the Internet.

and all it's >>>

The Bad and the Ugly is only from you.
So, giving Liberal business owners tax cuts, can't help them use their money to increase Liberalism?

You want to tax people, because you don't like what they'll do with their own money?


Civilization requires taxation.

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I see Brits as outliers of civilization, especially ones in the USA.

Basically a bunch of uncivilized coots, vagabonds, and social misfits traveled into Britain from mainland Europe as invading armies., and then those who were even too uncivilized, vagabond, and misfit for Great Britain traveled to the United States.

Civilization requires taxation.

Does it require taxation to prevent people from freely spending their money in ways that you dislike?

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I've seen some Polish idiots who don't grasp it.

As if Bezos needs more money, who Bezos has more money than he knows to do with, largely by ridding the country of many of his competitors & shops, which in return diminishes jobs because he took away a ton of jobs & consolidated them into his crappy Amazon warehouses, where he borderline oppresses his employees with watches which time & track his employees, (Something straight out of Orwell's 1984)

Lol, Poles get most things correct, Brits get most things incorrect.

Germans don't get much correct, either.

Western Europeans in general are racial scums, the disaster race.

As if Bezos needs more money,

We should tax him more, because YOU think he doesn't need more money?

Lol, Poles get most things correct,

Based on you, not so much.

So, Bezos needs 109 billion, but the poor deserve nothing.
Especially considering that Bezos is a net job destroyer, not a real job creator.
Talk about a primitive, and idiotic view of the World.

Poles get almost everything correct, its you dubious Western Europeans who seem to severely struggle for rationale, or morals.
So, giving Liberal business owners tax cuts, can't help them use their money to increase Liberalism?

You want to tax people, because you don't like what they'll do with their own money?


Civilization requires taxation.

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I see Brits as outliers of civilization, especially ones in the USA.

Basically a bunch of uncivilized coots, vagabonds, and social misfits traveled into Britain from mainland Europe as invading armies., and then those who were even too uncivilized, vagabond, and misfit for Great Britain traveled to the United States.

Civilization requires taxation.

Does it require taxation to prevent people from freely spending their money in ways that you dislike?

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I've seen some Polish idiots who don't grasp it.

As if Bezos needs more money, who Bezos has more money than he knows to do with, largely by ridding the country of many of his competitors & shops, which in return diminishes jobs because he took away a ton of jobs & consolidated them into his crappy Amazon warehouses, where he borderline oppresses his employees with watches which time & track his employees, (Something straight out of Orwell's 1984)

Lol, Poles get most things correct, Brits get most things incorrect.

Germans don't get much correct, either.

Western Europeans in general are racial scums, the disaster race.

As if Bezos needs more money,

We should tax him more, because YOU think he doesn't need more money?

Lol, Poles get most things correct,

Based on you, not so much.

Obama's tax cut was bigger than what Trump is proposing
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.

This affects you or rather your parents since you're in the high tax commuter zone of Gotham
And it's on topic target ...something the left wingers have a real hard time with

Democrats try to restore a tax cut for the rich
by Washington Examiner
| December 15, 2019 12:00 AM

Some people may be surprised to see Democrats fighting to expand a tax deduction for the wealthy. We are not.

It makes perfect sense, if you think about it.
The House Ways and Means Committee voted nearly along party lines to repeal a part of the 2017 Republican tax cut. But it wasn’t the corporate-rate cut Democrats were targeting. It wasn’t some imagined tax cut for corporate jets. Rather, Democrats passed a bill to scrap the cap on very-high-income individuals’ ability to deduct their state and local taxes on their federal tax returns.

The deduction for state and local taxes, or SALT, still exists. Republicans merely capped the deduction at $10,000. Since Republicans also doubled the standard deduction, this cap really only affects the uberwealthy. To repeat, after more than a decade of campaigning against "tax cuts for the rich," Democrats are now fighting tooth and nail for a special interest deduction that helps only the wealthy.

Democrats call their bill the Restoring Tax Fairness for States and Localities Act, but it should be titled, “Expanding Tax Breaks for Wealthy White Suburban Democratic Voters Act.” Expanding the deduction won’t help most taxpayers in New York, California, or New Jersey. It will help only those whose incomes or property values are very high.

“It is too simple to say that the deduction only benefits high-tax states,” Nicole Kaeding at the Tax Foundation recently testified. “It is better understood as benefiting high-income individuals, many of whom reside in high-tax jurisdictions with high housing values.”
If the Democratic bill becomes law, it would not cut taxes for any families whose total deductible expenses, including state and local taxes, are below $24,000; those taxpayers will still take the standard deduction as current law allows. The Democratic bill would not cut taxes for anyone whose state and local income taxes add up to less than $10,000. In other words, this can in no way be mistaken for a middle-class tax cut.

Read the rest at the Washington Examiner
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.

This affects you or rather your parents since you're in the high tax commuter zone of Gotham
And it's on topic target ...something the left wingers have a real hard time with

Democrats try to restore a tax cut for the rich
by Washington Examiner
| December 15, 2019 12:00 AM

Some people may be surprised to see Democrats fighting to expand a tax deduction for the wealthy. We are not.

It makes perfect sense, if you think about it.
The House Ways and Means Committee voted nearly along party lines to repeal a part of the 2017 Republican tax cut. But it wasn’t the corporate-rate cut Democrats were targeting. It wasn’t some imagined tax cut for corporate jets. Rather, Democrats passed a bill to scrap the cap on very-high-income individuals’ ability to deduct their state and local taxes on their federal tax returns.

The deduction for state and local taxes, or SALT, still exists. Republicans merely capped the deduction at $10,000. Since Republicans also doubled the standard deduction, this cap really only affects the uberwealthy. To repeat, after more than a decade of campaigning against "tax cuts for the rich," Democrats are now fighting tooth and nail for a special interest deduction that helps only the wealthy.

Democrats call their bill the Restoring Tax Fairness for States and Localities Act, but it should be titled, “Expanding Tax Breaks for Wealthy White Suburban Democratic Voters Act.” Expanding the deduction won’t help most taxpayers in New York, California, or New Jersey. It will help only those whose incomes or property values are very high.

“It is too simple to say that the deduction only benefits high-tax states,” Nicole Kaeding at the Tax Foundation recently testified. “It is better understood as benefiting high-income individuals, many of whom reside in high-tax jurisdictions with high housing values.”
If the Democratic bill becomes law, it would not cut taxes for any families whose total deductible expenses, including state and local taxes, are below $24,000; those taxpayers will still take the standard deduction as current law allows. The Democratic bill would not cut taxes for anyone whose state and local income taxes add up to less than $10,000. In other words, this can in no way be mistaken for a middle-class tax cut.

Read the rest at the Washington Examiner

Democrats cut taxes = bad.
Republicans cut taxes = good.

Got it.
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.

This affects you or rather your parents since you're in the high tax commuter zone of Gotham
And it's on topic target ...something the left wingers have a real hard time with

Democrats try to restore a tax cut for the rich
by Washington Examiner
| December 15, 2019 12:00 AM

Some people may be surprised to see Democrats fighting to expand a tax deduction for the wealthy. We are not.

It makes perfect sense, if you think about it.
The House Ways and Means Committee voted nearly along party lines to repeal a part of the 2017 Republican tax cut. But it wasn’t the corporate-rate cut Democrats were targeting. It wasn’t some imagined tax cut for corporate jets. Rather, Democrats passed a bill to scrap the cap on very-high-income individuals’ ability to deduct their state and local taxes on their federal tax returns.

The deduction for state and local taxes, or SALT, still exists. Republicans merely capped the deduction at $10,000. Since Republicans also doubled the standard deduction, this cap really only affects the uberwealthy. To repeat, after more than a decade of campaigning against "tax cuts for the rich," Democrats are now fighting tooth and nail for a special interest deduction that helps only the wealthy.

Democrats call their bill the Restoring Tax Fairness for States and Localities Act, but it should be titled, “Expanding Tax Breaks for Wealthy White Suburban Democratic Voters Act.” Expanding the deduction won’t help most taxpayers in New York, California, or New Jersey. It will help only those whose incomes or property values are very high.

“It is too simple to say that the deduction only benefits high-tax states,” Nicole Kaeding at the Tax Foundation recently testified. “It is better understood as benefiting high-income individuals, many of whom reside in high-tax jurisdictions with high housing values.”
If the Democratic bill becomes law, it would not cut taxes for any families whose total deductible expenses, including state and local taxes, are below $24,000; those taxpayers will still take the standard deduction as current law allows. The Democratic bill would not cut taxes for anyone whose state and local income taxes add up to less than $10,000. In other words, this can in no way be mistaken for a middle-class tax cut.

Read the rest at the Washington Examiner

Democrats cut taxes = bad.
Republicans cut taxes = good.

Got it.

Wow way to spin and project like a leftard
That's a disappointment

You're bitching about tax cuts for the rich ....I gave you something you we're just bitching about ...

I'm a right wing capitalist pig

tax cuts , deregulation and hang john brennan at dawn for all
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.

This affects you or rather your parents since you're in the high tax commuter zone of Gotham
And it's on topic target ...something the left wingers have a real hard time with

Democrats try to restore a tax cut for the rich
by Washington Examiner
| December 15, 2019 12:00 AM

Some people may be surprised to see Democrats fighting to expand a tax deduction for the wealthy. We are not.

It makes perfect sense, if you think about it.
The House Ways and Means Committee voted nearly along party lines to repeal a part of the 2017 Republican tax cut. But it wasn’t the corporate-rate cut Democrats were targeting. It wasn’t some imagined tax cut for corporate jets. Rather, Democrats passed a bill to scrap the cap on very-high-income individuals’ ability to deduct their state and local taxes on their federal tax returns.

The deduction for state and local taxes, or SALT, still exists. Republicans merely capped the deduction at $10,000. Since Republicans also doubled the standard deduction, this cap really only affects the uberwealthy. To repeat, after more than a decade of campaigning against "tax cuts for the rich," Democrats are now fighting tooth and nail for a special interest deduction that helps only the wealthy.

Democrats call their bill the Restoring Tax Fairness for States and Localities Act, but it should be titled, “Expanding Tax Breaks for Wealthy White Suburban Democratic Voters Act.” Expanding the deduction won’t help most taxpayers in New York, California, or New Jersey. It will help only those whose incomes or property values are very high.

“It is too simple to say that the deduction only benefits high-tax states,” Nicole Kaeding at the Tax Foundation recently testified. “It is better understood as benefiting high-income individuals, many of whom reside in high-tax jurisdictions with high housing values.”
If the Democratic bill becomes law, it would not cut taxes for any families whose total deductible expenses, including state and local taxes, are below $24,000; those taxpayers will still take the standard deduction as current law allows. The Democratic bill would not cut taxes for anyone whose state and local income taxes add up to less than $10,000. In other words, this can in no way be mistaken for a middle-class tax cut.

Read the rest at the Washington Examiner

Democrats cut taxes = bad.
Republicans cut taxes = good.

Got it.

Wow way to spin and project like a leftard
That's a disappointment

You're bitching about tax cuts for the rich ....I gave you something you we're just bitching about ...

I'm a right wing capitalist pig

tax cuts , deregulation and hang john brennan at dawn for all

In the 1950's we had a top bracket tax rate of 91%.

1950's economy was good, infrastructure was good, and debt was far lower.

Presumably if we didn't budge that down to less than half of that, we wouldn't have all this debt.

We could use more taxes to pay off the debt, and build newer, and better infrastructure.
You want to tax people, because you don't like what they'll do with their own money?


Civilization requires taxation.

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I see Brits as outliers of civilization, especially ones in the USA.

Basically a bunch of uncivilized coots, vagabonds, and social misfits traveled into Britain from mainland Europe as invading armies., and then those who were even too uncivilized, vagabond, and misfit for Great Britain traveled to the United States.

Civilization requires taxation.

Does it require taxation to prevent people from freely spending their money in ways that you dislike?

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I've seen some Polish idiots who don't grasp it.

As if Bezos needs more money, who Bezos has more money than he knows to do with, largely by ridding the country of many of his competitors & shops, which in return diminishes jobs because he took away a ton of jobs & consolidated them into his crappy Amazon warehouses, where he borderline oppresses his employees with watches which time & track his employees, (Something straight out of Orwell's 1984)

Lol, Poles get most things correct, Brits get most things incorrect.

Germans don't get much correct, either.

Western Europeans in general are racial scums, the disaster race.

As if Bezos needs more money,

We should tax him more, because YOU think he doesn't need more money?

Lol, Poles get most things correct,

Based on you, not so much.

So, Bezos needs 109 billion, but the poor deserve nothing.
Especially considering that Bezos is a net job destroyer, not a real job creator.
Talk about a primitive, and idiotic view of the World.

Poles get almost everything correct, its you dubious Western Europeans who seem to severely struggle for rationale, or morals.

So, Bezos needs 109 billion,

Where did I say that?

but the poor deserve nothing.

Where did I say that?

Especially considering that Bezos is a net job destroyer

He's increased productivity and reduced prices. Bastard!!!

Talk about a primitive, and idiotic view of the World.

Don't be so hard on yourself. You're poorly educated.
You want to tax people, because you don't like what they'll do with their own money?


Civilization requires taxation.

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I see Brits as outliers of civilization, especially ones in the USA.

Basically a bunch of uncivilized coots, vagabonds, and social misfits traveled into Britain from mainland Europe as invading armies., and then those who were even too uncivilized, vagabond, and misfit for Great Britain traveled to the United States.

Civilization requires taxation.

Does it require taxation to prevent people from freely spending their money in ways that you dislike?

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I've seen some Polish idiots who don't grasp it.

As if Bezos needs more money, who Bezos has more money than he knows to do with, largely by ridding the country of many of his competitors & shops, which in return diminishes jobs because he took away a ton of jobs & consolidated them into his crappy Amazon warehouses, where he borderline oppresses his employees with watches which time & track his employees, (Something straight out of Orwell's 1984)

Lol, Poles get most things correct, Brits get most things incorrect.

Germans don't get much correct, either.

Western Europeans in general are racial scums, the disaster race.

As if Bezos needs more money,

We should tax him more, because YOU think he doesn't need more money?

Lol, Poles get most things correct,

Based on you, not so much.

Obama's tax cut was bigger than what Trump is proposing

But right after getting re-elected in 2012, Obama signed a law called the American Taxpayer Relief Act, which extended a bunch of tax cuts that were due to expire.

He kept some of the Bush tax rates the same, he didn't cut taxes.

I didn't know you liked the Bush tax cuts...….
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.

This affects you or rather your parents since you're in the high tax commuter zone of Gotham
And it's on topic target ...something the left wingers have a real hard time with

Democrats try to restore a tax cut for the rich
by Washington Examiner
| December 15, 2019 12:00 AM

Some people may be surprised to see Democrats fighting to expand a tax deduction for the wealthy. We are not.

It makes perfect sense, if you think about it.
The House Ways and Means Committee voted nearly along party lines to repeal a part of the 2017 Republican tax cut. But it wasn’t the corporate-rate cut Democrats were targeting. It wasn’t some imagined tax cut for corporate jets. Rather, Democrats passed a bill to scrap the cap on very-high-income individuals’ ability to deduct their state and local taxes on their federal tax returns.

The deduction for state and local taxes, or SALT, still exists. Republicans merely capped the deduction at $10,000. Since Republicans also doubled the standard deduction, this cap really only affects the uberwealthy. To repeat, after more than a decade of campaigning against "tax cuts for the rich," Democrats are now fighting tooth and nail for a special interest deduction that helps only the wealthy.

Democrats call their bill the Restoring Tax Fairness for States and Localities Act, but it should be titled, “Expanding Tax Breaks for Wealthy White Suburban Democratic Voters Act.” Expanding the deduction won’t help most taxpayers in New York, California, or New Jersey. It will help only those whose incomes or property values are very high.

“It is too simple to say that the deduction only benefits high-tax states,” Nicole Kaeding at the Tax Foundation recently testified. “It is better understood as benefiting high-income individuals, many of whom reside in high-tax jurisdictions with high housing values.”
If the Democratic bill becomes law, it would not cut taxes for any families whose total deductible expenses, including state and local taxes, are below $24,000; those taxpayers will still take the standard deduction as current law allows. The Democratic bill would not cut taxes for anyone whose state and local income taxes add up to less than $10,000. In other words, this can in no way be mistaken for a middle-class tax cut.

Read the rest at the Washington Examiner

Democrats cut taxes = bad.
Republicans cut taxes = good.

Got it.

Wow way to spin and project like a leftard
That's a disappointment

You're bitching about tax cuts for the rich ....I gave you something you we're just bitching about ...

I'm a right wing capitalist pig

tax cuts , deregulation and hang john brennan at dawn for all

In the 1950's we had a top bracket tax rate of 91%.

1950's economy was good, infrastructure was good, and debt was far lower.

Presumably if we didn't budge that down to less than half of that, we wouldn't have all this debt.

We could use more taxes to pay off the debt, and build newer, and better infrastructure.

In the 1950's we had a top bracket tax rate of 91%.

1950's economy was good, infrastructure was good, and debt was far lower.

Most of our economic competition had been bombed into rubble.

Presumably if we didn't budge that down to less than half of that, we wouldn't have all this debt.

Do tax rates impact behavior?
Civilization requires taxation.

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I see Brits as outliers of civilization, especially ones in the USA.

Basically a bunch of uncivilized coots, vagabonds, and social misfits traveled into Britain from mainland Europe as invading armies., and then those who were even too uncivilized, vagabond, and misfit for Great Britain traveled to the United States.

Civilization requires taxation.

Does it require taxation to prevent people from freely spending their money in ways that you dislike?

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I've seen some Polish idiots who don't grasp it.

As if Bezos needs more money, who Bezos has more money than he knows to do with, largely by ridding the country of many of his competitors & shops, which in return diminishes jobs because he took away a ton of jobs & consolidated them into his crappy Amazon warehouses, where he borderline oppresses his employees with watches which time & track his employees, (Something straight out of Orwell's 1984)

Lol, Poles get most things correct, Brits get most things incorrect.

Germans don't get much correct, either.

Western Europeans in general are racial scums, the disaster race.

As if Bezos needs more money,

We should tax him more, because YOU think he doesn't need more money?

Lol, Poles get most things correct,

Based on you, not so much.

So, Bezos needs 109 billion, but the poor deserve nothing.
Especially considering that Bezos is a net job destroyer, not a real job creator.
Talk about a primitive, and idiotic view of the World.

Poles get almost everything correct, its you dubious Western Europeans who seem to severely struggle for rationale, or morals.

So, Bezos needs 109 billion,

Where did I say that?

but the poor deserve nothing.

Where did I say that?

Especially considering that Bezos is a net job destroyer

He's increased productivity and reduced prices. Bastard!!!

Talk about a primitive, and idiotic view of the World.

Don't be so hard on yourself. You're poorly educated.

Lol, Bezos is like Rockerfeller.
We need another Teddy Roosevelt.

Bezos has taken away a ton of jobs.

Monopolies tend to undercut competition, and then jack up prices.

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