Tax cuts for the rich, why?


And you have access to the world via the Internet.

and all it's >>>

A) You've obviously not done the math on this one.

B) Only because they have too much power, not too much money.

C) Bubbles have been caused all over the economy, in places like tech, college lending, etcetera...They're caused by easy money landing practices by the the Fed.

You're way out of your element here...Best button it.

Debt is a serious concern.

How about taxing the rich to help bring it down?

Government spending: How rising federal debt, deficit impact Americans

As we’ve already mentioned, rising debt and deficits can lead to higher interest rates. Higher interest rates mean it will cost more to borrow money to buy a house or a car, and paying for college tuition or starting your own business will become more expensive.

Higher interest rates also affect credit card purchases, so expenses like buying gas or groceries or even going on vacation will cost more.
Didn't say it wasn't a serious concern...But you said thet we could merely soak the rich and that would pay it all off...You obviously know absolutely nothing about economics.

Know nothing about economics?

Like Trump?

He's calling for such an idiocy of a Negative interest rate.

Even famed Austrian LIBERTARIAN Nobel prize winning economist Friedrich Hayek, had warned of low interest rates causing boom, and busts, much like what happened under W. Bush.

Even famed Austrian LIBERTARIAN Nobel prize winning economist Friedrich Hayek, had warned of low interest rates causing boom, and busts, much like what happened under W. Bush.

Obama had a Fed Funds under 0.25% for his first 7 years in office, where was his boom?

The economy fell apart under Dumbya Bush.

What does that have to do with your idiotic claims?
Who increased the debt more is irrelevant to the fact that no spending was ever cut.

Reagan publicly lamented big gub'mit , while legislating it's growth Odd one

Reagan got sandbagged by Tip O'Neill and was too much of a chickenshit to shut the gubmint down.

Fact remains that the second part of his plan never got implemented.
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.
I got a tax cut and I'm not rich
Do lefties really think America can tax itself out of the "national debit"? Do lefties really think they can convince the majority of Americans that punishing the rich will lead to prosperity for everyone else? Are you going to blame the rich for hiring criminal illegals and continue to elect democrat politicians who neglect to enforce the laws that prohibit hiring illegals? The rich ain't your enemy, the democrat party and socialism is.
Do lefties really think America can tax itself out of the "national debit"? Do lefties really think they can convince the majority of Americans that punishing the rich will lead to prosperity for everyone else? Are you going to blame the rich for hiring criminal illegals and continue to elect democrat politicians who neglect to enforce the laws that prohibit hiring illegals? The rich ain't your enemy, the democrat party and socialism is.

Taxing the rich less is actually Liberalism, Classical Liberalism, or Neo Liberalism.

You are an actual Leftist, the first Leftists were Capitalists during the French Revolution.

So, what measures have Republicans done to combat those who hire Illegals? Lol yeah not much, if anything.
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.
Why do Prog Dems refuse to give the working/middle class nice tax cuts? They talk about the rich all the time while increasing taxes on the middle classes. Repubs seem to give the middle classes a tax cut but it also includes the rich.
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.

That's just stupid...

Tax cuts for the rich, why?

1) it is their money, they earned it.

2) why should we give more money to a government that already wastes almost all of the money they currently get.

3) money in the hands of the people who actually made it creates more wealth for everyone else.

4) is their money, they earned it....politicians shouldn't get one penny more than we can keep from them.

Corporations, and the rich really suck at this rate, you'd have to be more than a bit of an idiot to not notice it.

- Facebook & Twitter censoring out the Right Wing opposition.
- MSNBC & CNN pushing the Liberal biased agenda.
- Amazon getting rid of store jobs, and treating their warehouse employees pretty poorly.
- Walmart started a lot of the job outsourcing.
- Ma & Pa firms hiring Illegal Immigrants in mass.

Lets not forget Hollywood, all the manufacturing pushed into China, Mexico, Vietnam, India, etc. by outsourcing.

They'd stop doing all those bad things if we taxed them more, eh?

So, giving Liberal business owners tax cuts, can't help them use their money to increase Liberalism?

You want to tax people, because you don't like what they'll do with their own money?


Civilization requires taxation.

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I see Brits as outliers of civilization, especially ones in the USA.

Basically a bunch of uncivilized coots, vagabonds, and social misfits traveled into Britain from mainland Europe as invading armies., and then those who were even too uncivilized, vagabond, and misfit for Great Britain traveled to the United States.
That's just stupid...

Tax cuts for the rich, why?

1) it is their money, they earned it.

2) why should we give more money to a government that already wastes almost all of the money they currently get.

3) money in the hands of the people who actually made it creates more wealth for everyone else.

4) is their money, they earned it....politicians shouldn't get one penny more than we can keep from them.

Corporations, and the rich really suck at this rate, you'd have to be more than a bit of an idiot to not notice it.

- Facebook & Twitter censoring out the Right Wing opposition.
- MSNBC & CNN pushing the Liberal biased agenda.
- Amazon getting rid of store jobs, and treating their warehouse employees pretty poorly.
- Walmart started a lot of the job outsourcing.
- Ma & Pa firms hiring Illegal Immigrants in mass.

Lets not forget Hollywood, all the manufacturing pushed into China, Mexico, Vietnam, India, etc. by outsourcing.

They'd stop doing all those bad things if we taxed them more, eh?

So, giving Liberal business owners tax cuts, can't help them use their money to increase Liberalism?

You want to tax people, because you don't like what they'll do with their own money?


Civilization requires taxation.

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I see Brits as outliers of civilization, especially ones in the USA.

Basically a bunch of uncivilized coots, vagabonds, and social misfits traveled into Britain from mainland Europe as invading armies., and then those who were even too uncivilized, vagabond, and misfit for Great Britain traveled to the United States.

Civilization requires taxation.

Does it require taxation to prevent people from freely spending their money in ways that you dislike?

Mostly just British idiots don't grasp it.

I've seen some Polish idiots who don't grasp it.

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