Tax cuts for the rich, why?

The only ignorant bast@rd are Individualist savages, who don't grasp that 1 million lost jobs isn't worth a minor drop in prices.

Like all socialists, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of economics and human nature.

So a minor price reduction is worth 1 million jobs lost?

It is you don't understand economics.

Among the fastest growing economic GDP, and fastest drops in poverty in the 20th Century USA history came from FDR & LBJ.
2 Democrats who pushed for social programs of all sorts.

Even though FDR a near Fascist had the #1 economic growth in 20th century USA history.

Nazi Germany & Monarchist / Fascistic Franco of Spain achieved far stronger economic growth than had even FDR.

Now China is the #1 in economic growth, and has a Socialist economy, in fact even Fascist like.

So, its pretty much bull, that some Socialism will tank the economy.

Quite the opposite, we understand the balance between Libertarianism & Communism works best.

So a minor price reduction is worth 1 million jobs lost?

I must pay higher prices.....because efficiency must not be allowed!!!!


So, a small drop in prices, is worth a massive drop in jobs in retail?
Yay or Nay?

Let the free market decide. It's better that way.

Better how?
So, its better to lose 1 million retail jobs?

LMFAO, wow, just wow.
Like all socialists, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of economics and human nature.

So a minor price reduction is worth 1 million jobs lost?

It is you don't understand economics.

Among the fastest growing economic GDP, and fastest drops in poverty in the 20th Century USA history came from FDR & LBJ.
2 Democrats who pushed for social programs of all sorts.

Even though FDR a near Fascist had the #1 economic growth in 20th century USA history.

Nazi Germany & Monarchist / Fascistic Franco of Spain achieved far stronger economic growth than had even FDR.

Now China is the #1 in economic growth, and has a Socialist economy, in fact even Fascist like.

So, its pretty much bull, that some Socialism will tank the economy.

Quite the opposite, we understand the balance between Libertarianism & Communism works best.

So a minor price reduction is worth 1 million jobs lost?

I must pay higher prices.....because efficiency must not be allowed!!!!


So, a small drop in prices, is worth a massive drop in jobs in retail?
Yay or Nay?

Let the free market decide. It's better that way.

Better how?
So, its better to lose 1 million retail jobs?

LMFAO, wow, just wow.

Societies do better when people have economic freedom. Your idea of controlling and manipulating the economy damages the economy and ends up hurting people.
If we continue lose jobs how are we going to even afford those lower prices?

Over 90% of Americans once worked on farms.
If we only have 2% working on farms today, how will Americans even be able to afford the cheaper food?

Productivity going up can be good, so long as the workers get higher wages.
That doesn't seem to happen all too much, anymore.

Since the 1970's productivity in the USA is way up, but wages aren't for the working class masses, ONLY CEO's have seen their wages sky rocket since the 1970's.

A mix of 3 things appear to be to blame, Manufacturing losses due to outsourcing, job competition with immigrants, and the loss of union paying jobs.

All 3 of those things are at least partially, sometimes even fully Capitalist related.

Basically, you're doing everything that lead us here.

The system is broken, we need new ideas, not much of the cr@piness that you've done for the past 40 years that lead us to stagnation, Liberalism, and Multiculturalism.

What we really need to do is ship your dumb ass off to North Korea so we'll all be happy. Maybe you won't starve to death in your collective utopia.

You should go to your Libertarian Utopia of Somalia.

I don't support Communism, there's actually a World of options besides just Libertarian vs Communism.

You Western Europeans are such a goofy race.

Shitforbrains! I'm USA born and bred.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, it's a duck and that makes you a stupid communist asshole.

A.) The majority of Americans are of Western European ethnic heritages, particularly British ones.

B.) I'm actually anti-Communist.

C.) I support the Authoritarian Right, something more, or less like Fascism.

D.) You prove the idiocy of Western Europeans, that the whole political spectrum is just Libertarian vs Communist.

And you prove that all leftist/communist assholes have shit for brains.
So a minor price reduction is worth 1 million jobs lost?

It is you don't understand economics.

Among the fastest growing economic GDP, and fastest drops in poverty in the 20th Century USA history came from FDR & LBJ.
2 Democrats who pushed for social programs of all sorts.

Even though FDR a near Fascist had the #1 economic growth in 20th century USA history.

Nazi Germany & Monarchist / Fascistic Franco of Spain achieved far stronger economic growth than had even FDR.

Now China is the #1 in economic growth, and has a Socialist economy, in fact even Fascist like.

So, its pretty much bull, that some Socialism will tank the economy.

Quite the opposite, we understand the balance between Libertarianism & Communism works best.

So a minor price reduction is worth 1 million jobs lost?

I must pay higher prices.....because efficiency must not be allowed!!!!


So, a small drop in prices, is worth a massive drop in jobs in retail?
Yay or Nay?

Let the free market decide. It's better that way.

Better how?
So, its better to lose 1 million retail jobs?

LMFAO, wow, just wow.

Societies do better when people have economic freedom. Your idea of controlling and manipulating the economy damages the economy and ends up hurting people.

LOL, Liberty, Capitalist, Individualism has flooded the country with Illegals undermining wages, and paying less taxes, and outsourcing of jobs, pushing manufacturing jobs, and taxes of facilities into China.

Good work, idiots.

Actually, its the hybrid system which works best.

FDR & LBJ had seen 2 of the biggest economic growth periods of 20th century USA history, having implemented social programs.

Franco's Spain & Hitler's Germany had even faster economic growth than that, as have modern China, examples of hybrid systems that fall closest to Fascism, a socialist mixed economy.
Productivity going up can be good, so long as the workers get higher wages.
That doesn't seem to happen all too much, anymore.

Since the 1970's productivity in the USA is way up, but wages aren't for the working class masses, ONLY CEO's have seen their wages sky rocket since the 1970's.

A mix of 3 things appear to be to blame, Manufacturing losses due to outsourcing, job competition with immigrants, and the loss of union paying jobs.

All 3 of those things are at least partially, sometimes even fully Capitalist related.

Basically, you're doing everything that lead us here.

The system is broken, we need new ideas, not much of the cr@piness that you've done for the past 40 years that lead us to stagnation, Liberalism, and Multiculturalism.

What we really need to do is ship your dumb ass off to North Korea so we'll all be happy. Maybe you won't starve to death in your collective utopia.

You should go to your Libertarian Utopia of Somalia.

I don't support Communism, there's actually a World of options besides just Libertarian vs Communism.

You Western Europeans are such a goofy race.

Shitforbrains! I'm USA born and bred.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, it's a duck and that makes you a stupid communist asshole.

A.) The majority of Americans are of Western European ethnic heritages, particularly British ones.

B.) I'm actually anti-Communist.

C.) I support the Authoritarian Right, something more, or less like Fascism.

D.) You prove the idiocy of Western Europeans, that the whole political spectrum is just Libertarian vs Communist.

And you prove that all leftist/communist assholes have shit for brains.

LMFAO, the retard is you.'

I'm NOT a Communist, nor a Leftist.

I support a mixed economy, and social Conservatism, and Nationalism.

That's NOT Communist, nor Leftist.

You British Protestant Chimp chumps are truly prehistoric idiots.
LMFAO, the retard is you.'

I'm NOT a Communist, nor a Leftist.

I support a mixed economy, and social Conservatism, and Nationalism.

That's NOT Communist, nor Leftist.

You British Protestant Chimp chumps are truly prehistoric idiots.

I see you don't quite understand the conservative mindset. Let me help:

If you are not a staunch right wing conservative, then the only other option is that you're a communist. There is no middle ground or grey areas with those people.
Like I said, you shouldn't buy anything from Amazon....Or from any other efficient company.

Leave everyone else alone, you ignorant bastard.

The only ignorant bast@rd are Individualist savages, who don't grasp that 1 million lost jobs isn't worth a minor drop in prices.

Like all socialists, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of economics and human nature.

So a minor price reduction is worth 1 million jobs lost?

It is you don't understand economics.

Among the fastest growing economic GDP, and fastest drops in poverty in the 20th Century USA history came from FDR & LBJ.
2 Democrats who pushed for social programs of all sorts.

Even though FDR a near Fascist had the #1 economic growth in 20th century USA history.

Nazi Germany & Monarchist / Fascistic Franco of Spain achieved far stronger economic growth than had even FDR.

Now China is the #1 in economic growth, and has a Socialist economy, in fact even Fascist like.

So, its pretty much bull, that some Socialism will tank the economy.

Quite the opposite, we understand the balance between Libertarianism & Communism works best.

So a minor price reduction is worth 1 million jobs lost?

I must pay higher prices.....because efficiency must not be allowed!!!!


So, a small drop in prices, is worth a massive drop in jobs in retail?
Yay or Nay?

If you think a small rise in prices will bring back 1 million jobs, get crackin'!!

So a minor price reduction is worth 1 million jobs lost?

I must pay higher prices.....because efficiency must not be allowed!!!!


So, a small drop in prices, is worth a massive drop in jobs in retail?
Yay or Nay?

Let the free market decide. It's better that way.

Better how?
So, its better to lose 1 million retail jobs?

LMFAO, wow, just wow.

Societies do better when people have economic freedom. Your idea of controlling and manipulating the economy damages the economy and ends up hurting people.

LOL, Liberty, Capitalist, Individualism has flooded the country with Illegals undermining wages, and paying less taxes, and outsourcing of jobs, pushing manufacturing jobs, and taxes of facilities into China.

Good work, idiots.

Actually, its the hybrid system which works best.

FDR & LBJ had seen 2 of the biggest economic growth periods of 20th century USA history, having implemented social programs.

Franco's Spain & Hitler's Germany had even faster economic growth than that, as have modern China, examples of hybrid systems that fall closest to Fascism, a socialist mixed economy.

I want to boot 20 million illegal aliens.
If you are not a staunch right wing conservative, then the only other option is that you're a communist. There is no middle ground or grey areas with those people.

I'm for letting free people decide for themselves what they want to purchase and allowing them to negotiate the best price that they can get. Does that make me a "staunch right wing conservative" or something else?
So, a small drop in prices, is worth a massive drop in jobs in retail?
Yay or Nay?

Let the free market decide. It's better that way.

Better how?
So, its better to lose 1 million retail jobs?

LMFAO, wow, just wow.

Societies do better when people have economic freedom. Your idea of controlling and manipulating the economy damages the economy and ends up hurting people.

LOL, Liberty, Capitalist, Individualism has flooded the country with Illegals undermining wages, and paying less taxes, and outsourcing of jobs, pushing manufacturing jobs, and taxes of facilities into China.

Good work, idiots.

Actually, its the hybrid system which works best.

FDR & LBJ had seen 2 of the biggest economic growth periods of 20th century USA history, having implemented social programs.

Franco's Spain & Hitler's Germany had even faster economic growth than that, as have modern China, examples of hybrid systems that fall closest to Fascism, a socialist mixed economy.

I want to boot 20 million illegal aliens.

Too bad the greedy, Capitalist, Individualists believe its their right to profit off of Illegal Immigrants cheaper labor.
Too bad the greedy, Capitalist, Individualists believe its their right to profit off of Illegal Immigrants cheaper labor.

The illegal immigrant VOLUNTARILY enters into the agreement.

Let me ask you a question. When you're looking to buy something, do you buy the more expensive or less expensive of the two?
Too bad the greedy, Capitalist, Individualists believe its their right to profit off of Illegal Immigrants cheaper labor.

The illegal immigrant VOLUNTARILY enters into the agreement.

Let me ask you a question. When you're looking to buy something, do you buy the more expensive or less expensive of the two?

Amnesty Reagan started a lot of the Illegal Immigrant problem in the first place.

Hmm, so we should settle for less pay, and lower prices?

Sounds just like the 2nd & 3rd World.

Welcome to Republicans sh1topia, the turning of America into a cesspool, with the aid of Democrats too, of course.
Let the free market decide. It's better that way.

Better how?
So, its better to lose 1 million retail jobs?

LMFAO, wow, just wow.

Societies do better when people have economic freedom. Your idea of controlling and manipulating the economy damages the economy and ends up hurting people.

LOL, Liberty, Capitalist, Individualism has flooded the country with Illegals undermining wages, and paying less taxes, and outsourcing of jobs, pushing manufacturing jobs, and taxes of facilities into China.

Good work, idiots.

Actually, its the hybrid system which works best.

FDR & LBJ had seen 2 of the biggest economic growth periods of 20th century USA history, having implemented social programs.

Franco's Spain & Hitler's Germany had even faster economic growth than that, as have modern China, examples of hybrid systems that fall closest to Fascism, a socialist mixed economy.

I want to boot 20 million illegal aliens.

Too bad the greedy, Capitalist, Individualists believe its their right to profit off of Illegal Immigrants cheaper labor.

Boot the illegal aliens.

Now, back to your moronic claim that raising prices 5% will create 1 million jobs.
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.
What country are you talking about? In America, you couldn't retire the debt by taking all the wealth from the wealthy, much less only income. That's stupid. Tell you what, since you'll get all upset that I pointed that out, post the numbers proving yourself correct.
Better how?
So, its better to lose 1 million retail jobs?

LMFAO, wow, just wow.

Societies do better when people have economic freedom. Your idea of controlling and manipulating the economy damages the economy and ends up hurting people.

LOL, Liberty, Capitalist, Individualism has flooded the country with Illegals undermining wages, and paying less taxes, and outsourcing of jobs, pushing manufacturing jobs, and taxes of facilities into China.

Good work, idiots.

Actually, its the hybrid system which works best.

FDR & LBJ had seen 2 of the biggest economic growth periods of 20th century USA history, having implemented social programs.

Franco's Spain & Hitler's Germany had even faster economic growth than that, as have modern China, examples of hybrid systems that fall closest to Fascism, a socialist mixed economy.

I want to boot 20 million illegal aliens.

Too bad the greedy, Capitalist, Individualists believe its their right to profit off of Illegal Immigrants cheaper labor.

Boot the illegal aliens.

Now, back to your moronic claim that raising prices 5% will create 1 million jobs.

So, its easier to deport 14 - 29 million Illegals, or perhaps more like 140 - 290 thousand employers?

Who said Repugencvnts were good at math?
Most Americans should be united here.

Even Republicans.


A.) By taxing huge portions of the richest individuals pockets, could completely get rid of the debt.

B.) The rich are the ones largely, if not entirely responsible for Liberal decay, like Illegals being hired, Jobs outsourced, Porn industry, Illicit drug dealer kingpins, Hollywood, Media, Facebook, Google, and yada, yada.

C.) The rich investment in housing, tends to cause bubbles, like which happened W. Bush. It actually hurts the middle class, when rich compete & up the bids on properties.
What country are you talking about? In America, you couldn't retire the debt by taking all the wealth from the wealthy, much less only income. That's stupid. Tell you what, since you'll get all upset that I pointed that out, post the numbers proving yourself correct.

Going to a 91% top tax bracket on billionaires, cutting military spending in half, and raising taxes on tobacco, and gasoline, as well as legalizing & taxing heavily Marijuana could easily help erase the debt.
Societies do better when people have economic freedom. Your idea of controlling and manipulating the economy damages the economy and ends up hurting people.

LOL, Liberty, Capitalist, Individualism has flooded the country with Illegals undermining wages, and paying less taxes, and outsourcing of jobs, pushing manufacturing jobs, and taxes of facilities into China.

Good work, idiots.

Actually, its the hybrid system which works best.

FDR & LBJ had seen 2 of the biggest economic growth periods of 20th century USA history, having implemented social programs.

Franco's Spain & Hitler's Germany had even faster economic growth than that, as have modern China, examples of hybrid systems that fall closest to Fascism, a socialist mixed economy.

I want to boot 20 million illegal aliens.

Too bad the greedy, Capitalist, Individualists believe its their right to profit off of Illegal Immigrants cheaper labor.

Boot the illegal aliens.

Now, back to your moronic claim that raising prices 5% will create 1 million jobs.

So, its easier to deport 14 - 29 million Illegals, or perhaps more like 140 - 290 thousand employers?

Who said Repugecvnts were good at math?

or perhaps more like 140 - 290 thousand employers?

You want to deport Amazon's employees? WTF are you mumbling about now?
Who said Repugecvnts were good at math?

If your IQ was doubled you'd still only be in the double digits.
LOL, Liberty, Capitalist, Individualism has flooded the country with Illegals undermining wages, and paying less taxes, and outsourcing of jobs, pushing manufacturing jobs, and taxes of facilities into China.

Good work, idiots.

Actually, its the hybrid system which works best.

FDR & LBJ had seen 2 of the biggest economic growth periods of 20th century USA history, having implemented social programs.

Franco's Spain & Hitler's Germany had even faster economic growth than that, as have modern China, examples of hybrid systems that fall closest to Fascism, a socialist mixed economy.

I want to boot 20 million illegal aliens.

Too bad the greedy, Capitalist, Individualists believe its their right to profit off of Illegal Immigrants cheaper labor.

Boot the illegal aliens.

Now, back to your moronic claim that raising prices 5% will create 1 million jobs.

So, its easier to deport 14 - 29 million Illegals, or perhaps more like 140 - 290 thousand employers?

Who said Repugecvnts were good at math?

or perhaps more like 140 - 290 thousand employers?

You want to deport Amazon's employees? WTF are you mumbling about now?

Who said Repugecvnts were good at math?

If your IQ was doubled you'd still only be in the double digits.

Those who hire Illegals should be jailed, or fined.

No illegals should get benefits either.

Without income, they'll self deport.

Duh, why are Protestants such thoughtless brutes?
I want to boot 20 million illegal aliens.

Too bad the greedy, Capitalist, Individualists believe its their right to profit off of Illegal Immigrants cheaper labor.

Boot the illegal aliens.

Now, back to your moronic claim that raising prices 5% will create 1 million jobs.

So, its easier to deport 14 - 29 million Illegals, or perhaps more like 140 - 290 thousand employers?

Who said Repugecvnts were good at math?

or perhaps more like 140 - 290 thousand employers?

You want to deport Amazon's employees? WTF are you mumbling about now?

Who said Repugecvnts were good at math?

If your IQ was doubled you'd still only be in the double digits.

Those who hire Illegals should be jailed, or fined.

No illegals should get benefits either.

Without income, they'll self deport.

Duh, why are Protestants such thoughtless brutes?

Those who hire Illegals should be jailed, or fined.

Sounds good. Do that and boot 20 million illegal aliens.

Duh, why are Protestants such thoughtless brutes?

Feel free to ask one. Why are Poles such morons?
Too bad the greedy, Capitalist, Individualists believe its their right to profit off of Illegal Immigrants cheaper labor.

The illegal immigrant VOLUNTARILY enters into the agreement.

Let me ask you a question. When you're looking to buy something, do you buy the more expensive or less expensive of the two?

Amnesty Reagan started a lot of the Illegal Immigrant problem in the first place.

Hmm, so we should settle for less pay, and lower prices?

Sounds just like the 2nd & 3rd World.

Welcome to Republicans sh1topia, the turning of America into a cesspool, with the aid of Democrats too, of course.

So you dodged my question. Typical.

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