TAX CUTS FOR THE WEALTHY is really the only issue Republicans care about?

Try posting when you have a 61 year old liberal bending your ear. It makes me wonder though, Anderson Cooper received a serious death threat for just using the word "Teabagger." It is in Wiki. I just don't get it. If my avatar changes you'll know I'm not posting Stainmaster.

Yep, Just what I figured. You're uh pervert. ~BH

You know with all the noise in this thread, and the attacks on me as an independent voter, no one has ever followed up to find out what Republicans I thought were great Presidents. Does anyone care? I am losing interest because of all this Teabagger talk.

How to Spot a Poseur in 1 Easy Lesson:

"Hey Teabagger, I'm an Independent!"

Oh, since you don't have one of your own, here's one for you

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Can one person sound any more ignorant than you do? The party of jackasses don't care about the American people and what we want. If they did, they wouldn't have shoved that joke of a healthcare bill down our throats. But they did. We didn't want them to nationalize the auto industry but they did. We didn't want the banks to get bail outs but they did. The head jackass is in bed with the big powerful unions, community organizations who have been on the government tit for way too long, etc. The party of jackasses has an agenda of liberal, progressive, socialism. They don't give a tinker's damn about our military. If they did, the boy wonder in the White House wouldn't have sat on his do nothing while soldiers died in Afghanistan. He cannot lead. He and his fellow jackasses want to make America look like Europe. Here's a thought: for all of you liberal, progressive socialist jackasses if you love how Europe looks like then pack your bags and get out.

My money is on the American people who are part of the tea party movement who are fed up with the jackasses in Washington both democrats and Republicans. Any one who voted for all of the bull crap is on my list and will be voted against. I will remember in November and I will do everything within my power as a mother and grandmother to take my country back for my children and grandchildren. My daddy was a Vietnam vet in the Air Force who was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, my brother and sister both Iraqi war vets and I'll be damned if I will sit by and watch what they and countless others fought and died for without a fight.

Ole Miss Rebel
Tea Party Patriot

When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat.
Ronald Reagan

We used to have Ronald Reagan, Bob Hope, and Johnny Cash. Now we have obama, no hope, and no cash!
Notice which side tends to get nasty very fast instead of debate and communicate?

Try posting when you have a 61 year old liberal bending your ear. It makes me wonder though, Anderson Cooper received a serious death threat for just using the word "Teabagger." It is in Wiki. I just don't get it. If my avatar changes you'll know I'm not posting Stainmaster.

Yep, Just what I figured. You're uh pervert. ~BH

You know with all the noise in this thread, and the attacks on me as an independent voter, no one has ever followed up to find out what Republicans I thought were great Presidents. Does anyone care? I am losing interest because of all this Teabagger talk.


Hey, I'm guilty too, the topic of this thread is:

TAX CUTS FOR THE WEALTHY is really the only issue Republicans care about?
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Oh, I am going to catch hell for this post, but a SENIOR CITIZEN who was irritated by my post on Woodstock and Teabaggers is insistent.


Personally, I think it is a bit of an overstatement, but I owe this post. One member of USMB per computer, which for us is per family. I am an independent voter.

TAX CUTS FOR THE WEALTHY is really the only issue Republicans care about?​

That is an absolute lie and a misstatement.

There are lots of things Republicans care about.

They care about cheap labor.

They care about business profits.

They care about ending Medicare and giving the elderly a nice place to sleep on street corners and park benches.

They care about ending the myth that education leads to better jobs.

They care about giving big business better access to natural resources without burdening them with profit crushing regulations for clean air and water.

They care about frivolous lawsuits from people who have been injured from working under unsafe conditions.

They care about saving the American family from the attack of the gays and pray that we can round them up and send them back to where ever it is they came from.

They care about restoring the rule of the church.

They care about the profit war brings.

They care about bringing down the best president the US has had in many years.

You see? The Republican Party is the party of care. They care about so much. Look at the long list of accomplishments from the last Republican president. The list is so long, it leaves them unable to choose just a single accomplishment.

Republicans, you the man: :udaman:

And you wonder why you have no concept of reality.
Oh, I am going to catch hell for this post, but a SENIOR CITIZEN who was irritated by my post on Woodstock and Teabaggers is insistent.


Personally, I think it is a bit of an overstatement, but I owe this post. One member of USMB per computer, which for us is per family. I am an independent voter.

TAX CUTS FOR THE WEALTHY is really the only issue Republicans care about?​

That is an absolute lie and a misstatement.

There are lots of things Republicans care about.

They care about cheap labor.

They care about business profits.

They care about ending Medicare and giving the elderly a nice place to sleep on street corners and park benches.

They care about ending the myth that education leads to better jobs.

They care about giving big business better access to natural resources without burdening them with profit crushing regulations for clean air and water.

They care about frivolous lawsuits from people who have been injured from working under unsafe conditions.

They care about saving the American family from the attack of the gays and pray that we can round them up and send them back to where ever it is they came from.

They care about restoring the rule of the church.

They care about the profit war brings.

They care about bringing down the best president the US has had in many years.

You see? The Republican Party is the party of care. They care about so much. Look at the long list of accomplishments from the last Republican president. The list is so long, it leaves them unable to choose just a single accomplishment.

Republicans, you the man: :udaman:

And you wonder why you have no concept of reality.

At least you didn't disagree. Or couldn't?
Can one person sound any more ignorant than you do? The party of jackasses don't care about the American people and what we want. If they did, they wouldn't have shoved that joke of a healthcare bill down our throats. But they did. We didn't want them to nationalize the auto industry but they did. We didn't want the banks to get bail outs but they did. The head jackass is in bed with the big powerful unions, community organizations who have been on the government tit for way too long, etc. The party of jackasses has an agenda of liberal, progressive, socialism. They don't give a tinker's damn about our military. If they did, the boy wonder in the White House wouldn't have sat on his do nothing while soldiers died in Afghanistan. He cannot lead. He and his fellow jackasses want to make America look like Europe. Here's a thought: for all of you liberal, progressive socialist jackasses if you love how Europe looks like then pack your bags and get out.

My money is on the American people who are part of the tea party movement who are fed up with the jackasses in Washington both democrats and Republicans. Any one who voted for all of the bull crap is on my list and will be voted against. I will remember in November and I will do everything within my power as a mother and grandmother to take my country back for my children and grandchildren. My daddy was a Vietnam vet in the Air Force who was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, my brother and sister both Iraqi war vets and I'll be damned if I will sit by and watch what they and countless others fought and died for without a fight.

Ole Miss Rebel
Tea Party Patriot

When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat.
Ronald Reagan

We used to have Ronald Reagan, Bob Hope, and Johnny Cash. Now we have obama, no hope, and no cash!

Every single action you named was to repair a Republican fuck up. You might as well point that gun towards your own empty head.

Hey, are you a "teabagger"? Are you on Medicare?
Try posting when you have a 61 year old liberal bending your ear. It makes me wonder though, Anderson Cooper received a serious death threat for just using the word "Teabagger." It is in Wiki. I just don't get it. If my avatar changes you'll know I'm not posting Stainmaster.

Yep, Just what I figured. You're uh pervert. ~BH

You know with all the noise in this thread, and the attacks on me as an independent voter, no one has ever followed up to find out what Republicans I thought were great Presidents. Does anyone care? I am losing interest because of all this Teabagger talk.

Hey, I'm guilty too, the topic of this thread is:

TAX CUTS FOR THE WEALTHY is really the only issue Republicans care about?

Then stop with the insults and talk.
Every single action you named was to repair a Republican fuck up. You might as well point that gun towards your own empty head.

Hey, are you a "teabagger"? Are you on Medicare?

First of all, you are eat up with the D A and I am not talking district attorney here. Your momma did a bang up job teaching you manners. Maybe you are her screw up. The difference between me and you is I DO know where to point a gun and it won't be at my head.

No I believe the only tea bagger here is you and no I am not on Medicare I work and pay for my own insurance which is probably something you wouldn't know anything about. Are you on Medicaid?

A coward is much more exposed to quarrels than a man of spirit.
Thomas Jefferson
Can one person sound any more ignorant than you do? The party of jackasses don't care about the American people and what we want. If they did, they wouldn't have shoved that joke of a healthcare bill down our throats. But they did. We didn't want them to nationalize the auto industry but they did. We didn't want the banks to get bail outs but they did. The head jackass is in bed with the big powerful unions, community organizations who have been on the government tit for way too long, etc. The party of jackasses has an agenda of liberal, progressive, socialism. They don't give a tinker's damn about our military. If they did, the boy wonder in the White House wouldn't have sat on his do nothing while soldiers died in Afghanistan. He cannot lead. He and his fellow jackasses want to make America look like Europe. Here's a thought: for all of you liberal, progressive socialist jackasses if you love how Europe looks like then pack your bags and get out.

My money is on the American people who are part of the tea party movement who are fed up with the jackasses in Washington both democrats and Republicans. Any one who voted for all of the bull crap is on my list and will be voted against. I will remember in November and I will do everything within my power as a mother and grandmother to take my country back for my children and grandchildren. My daddy was a Vietnam vet in the Air Force who was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, my brother and sister both Iraqi war vets and I'll be damned if I will sit by and watch what they and countless others fought and died for without a fight.

Ole Miss Rebel
Tea Party Patriot

When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat.
Ronald Reagan

We used to have Ronald Reagan, Bob Hope, and Johnny Cash. Now we have obama, no hope, and no cash!

My, what a dumb chick you are. You never had Johnny Cash.

Why Hollywood Loves Johnny Cash—and not Merle Haggard, A Review by Howard Husock

By recording it, Cash embodied what the musical Left always sought: a “man of the people” who is also politically correct. Cash’s song sounded all the themes of 1960s protest politics, including opposition to the Vietnam War.

I wear black for the poor and beaten down,
Livin’ in the hopeless, hungry side of town,
I wear it for the prisoner who has long paid for his crimes
But is there because he’s a victim of the times.
Well, we’re doin’ mighty fine, I do suppose,
In our streak of lightnin’ cars and fancy clothes,
But jut so we’re reminded of the ones who are held back
Up front there ought ’a be a Man in Black.
I wear it for the sick and lonely old,
For the reckless ones whose bad trip left them cold,
I wear the black in mournin’ for the lives that could have been,
Each week we lose a hundred fine young men

Sure, you teabaggers are not violent. That is why so many of you openly display guns.

Think Progress Tea Party sign threatens gun violence if health care passes.
Only issue? no. But then why do we want to prevent poor people from working hard and pulling themselves out of poverty?

That makes no sense. The bottom half of incomes pays very little in income taxes. So there is no hindrance of the poor working to get to the upper half of incomes that actually do pay taxes.

Cut the taxes for the rich and they sock it away in Swiss bank accounts, or use it to move more jobs off-shore. Better to cut taxes for jobs created than just for income.

DEFINE WEALTHY: Only 5% of the entire population of this nation make 250K. Less than 1% of the entire population of this country make more than 300K per year.

Listening to the rhetoric out of the democrat party--in their constant pitting of the poor/middle class against the rich--one would have to believe that there are multi-millionaires on every corner--in every city--in every town--in every state across this nation--:lol::lol:

BTW--I have never met a poor person that has employed another poor person. And the bottom half of this nation pays NO INCOME tax what-so-ever--which equals 45% of the population of this country.
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That is an absolute lie and a misstatement.

There are lots of things Republicans care about.

They care about cheap labor.

They care about business profits.

They care about ending Medicare and giving the elderly a nice place to sleep on street corners and park benches.

They care about ending the myth that education leads to better jobs.

They care about giving big business better access to natural resources without burdening them with profit crushing regulations for clean air and water.

They care about frivolous lawsuits from people who have been injured from working under unsafe conditions.

They care about saving the American family from the attack of the gays and pray that we can round them up and send them back to where ever it is they came from.

They care about restoring the rule of the church.

They care about the profit war brings.

They care about bringing down the best president the US has had in many years.

You see? The Republican Party is the party of care. They care about so much. Look at the long list of accomplishments from the last Republican president. The list is so long, it leaves them unable to choose just a single accomplishment.

Republicans, you the man: :udaman:

this is the reason Dean why many people here....including a few "liberals".... think you are....out and your fellow asshole FAR-leftist are just as detrimental to this country as ANY FAR-right winger is....if anyone should be deported in this country it should be you and your fellow fringers on Both assholes cause more problems then what you are worth....every major problem this country has faced in the last 10-15 years has been brought about by either the Far Right or Far Left.....when the "middle" of this Country finally wakes up and destroys or at least bottles up the Fringe,like it used to be,then this country will lead the world again....
Let's cut the federal government's size and budget to the bone, put all programs on the chopping block!
Republican agenda:

1. Cut taxes - but since we've been hearing the right of late complain about lower income Americans paying little or no income taxes, by simple mathematics if Republicans are talking about tax cuts they're talking about cutting taxes for wealthier Americans.

2. Cut spending - but they won't, if their record is any indicator.

3. Increase military spending - because spending as much or more than the rest of the world combined, dang it, just isn't enough.

4. Ban abortion - oops...just kidding.

5. Balance the budget - while keeping SS, Medicare, and defense off the table. But first, watch them juggle a chainsaw, a pineapple, and a dead badger!!! All while riding a unicycle!!!

well, I'm sure there's more...
Republican agenda:

1. Cut taxes - but since we've been hearing the right of late complain about lower income Americans paying little or no income taxes, by simple mathematics if Republicans are talking about tax cuts they're talking about cutting taxes for wealthier Americans.

2. Cut spending - but they won't, if their record is any indicator.

3. Increase military spending - because spending as much or more than the rest of the world combined, dang it, just isn't enough.

4. Ban abortion - oops...just kidding.

5. Balance the budget - while keeping SS, Medicare, and defense off the table. But first, watch them juggle a chainsaw, a pineapple, and a dead badger!!! All while riding a unicycle!!!

well, I'm sure there's more...

Democrat agenda:

1) Increase spending, call anyone who opposes it 'racist'

2) Pander to latinos in the hope they will vote democrat by calling anyone who wants to enfore immigration law 'racist'

3) Increase control of federal government through direct control of banks and wall street. Call anyone who opposes this 'racist.'

4) Pass climate change legislation that will make Democratic cronies and supporters rich and hamstring most americans, call anyone who opposes this 'racist.'

5) Raise taxes accross the board. Call anyone who opposes this 'racist.'

And the beat goes on...
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The economy collapsed under an 8 year Republican Administration.
If you want to get technical, the democrats controlled both the House and the Senate from 2007 on, which is when the economy really started to tank. So if you're going to blame one, then blame the other.
Republican agenda:

1. Cut taxes - but since we've been hearing the right of late complain about lower income Americans paying little or no income taxes, by simple mathematics if Republicans are talking about tax cuts they're talking about cutting taxes for wealthier Americans.

2. Cut spending - but they won't, if their record is any indicator.

3. Increase military spending - because spending as much or more than the rest of the world combined, dang it, just isn't enough.

4. Ban abortion - oops...just kidding.

5. Balance the budget - while keeping SS, Medicare, and defense off the table. But first, watch them juggle a chainsaw, a pineapple, and a dead badger!!! All while riding a unicycle!!!

well, I'm sure there's more...

Democrat agenda:

1) Increase spending, call anyone who opposes it 'racist'

2) Pander to latinos in the hope they will vote democrat by calling anyone who wants to enfore immigration law 'racist'

3) Increase control of federal government through direct control of banks and wall street. Call anyone who opposes this 'racist.'

4) Pass climate change legislation that will make Democratic cronies and supporters rich and hamstring most americans, call anyone who opposes this 'racist.'

5) Raise taxes accross the board. Call anyone who opposes this 'racist.'

And the beat goes on...

Exactly what we need, a conservative telling the Democrats what their agenda is. Now that is persuasive. Tell me, Xenophon, can you look into your crystal ball, and tell me what the independent agenda is?

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