Taxation in the bible


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

People in the bible paid more taxes than we do now and even if they were paying taxes were a burden, GOD advised the pay it. Many had to borrow money to pay their taxes.
Forms of taxes; tithe, tribute, toll, head and poll tax, imports and exports and taxes paid by merchants moving goods. War booty shared with the priest. Yearly census tax even doing years when census were not taken. Sacred tax of Moses. A tenth of the flock and produce imposed to support the King and his household and various government officials and servants. Tribute taxes. 2 Kings 23; Taxes levied on houses, lands and persons. Taxations were a burden 6 thousand years ago and rebellion against corrupt tax collectors and is for many today but it was still commanded by Jesus to be paid. We have many more forms of taxation today because we enjoy more things that the Government provides now and is needed now because man decided to advance things because they wanted more.

Romans 13:5-7:
Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor

Millionaires use loopholes and tax havens to avoid paying their share of taxes. Not paying to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and is lying and cheating. Similar to what Ananais and his wife Sapphira did and it pissed God off so much that he killed them to set an example. Businesses that hire cheap labor, paying the under the table to avoid paying taxes. Illegal Aliens are Ananaises. The nation of Israel disobeyed God and the destroyed Jerusalem twice and finally gave up on them and disbursed them through the earth and took their land away from them and gave it to another people. They still refuse to accept Christ as our savior. We have become much like ancient Israel, immoral, rebellious and disobedient and he is withholding his blessing. “no, no, no, not God bless America, but God damns America.”
10% of your earnings were tithing for GOD plus the other taxation could amount to over half of what you owned. Many had to borrow money to pay their taxes. Ananais was not about taxes but about lying and cheating.
The sad story of Ananias and Sapphira is not some obscure incident from the Old Testament regarding a violation of the Mosaic Law. This occurred in the first-century church to professing believers in Jesus Christ. They sat under powerful preaching and teaching by those who had been with Jesus for three years and who were filled with the Spirit. But they proved to be tares among the wheat, and their story is a reminder to us today that God looks at our hearts, not our outward professions (1 Samuel 16:7), that He hates sin and will punish it, and that He is concerned for the purity of His church (1 Corinthians 11; 1 John 5).
Why did God kill Ananias and Sapphira for lying?
It would be nice if people paid attention to taxation in the Bible. It was overtaxation that split Israel into the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah.

Had Solomon's son eased the burden on the people rather than not, he could have had a united Israelite Nation. Instead, he was the first in a line of kings that lead both Israel and Judah into bondage and exile.

Government shouldnt bring the people into bondage. Ben Franklin said being taxed at 10% was a heavy load. Instead, we have a tax rate close to 1/3.

My thought: If God only asks for 10%, why should the government have the right to ask for anything more?
Government steals liberty thru taxation. Laborers deserve their wages. Government strays from the Bill of Rights when I refuses to live within it's means. When it gets to the point that government has a better standard of living than the tax-payer you have bloated abusive government. It's like a paster driving Caddys when his parish is driving rusty old pintos. It's not setting a good example.
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