
The budget was balanced and produced surpluses before you Conservatives came along in 2001 and turned those budget surpluses into record deficits. Then, when Obama cut the last deficit you all handed to him by 2/3, you went and passed a massive tax cut that ballooned the deficit back up to $1T.

The budget is a planning document, nothing more and nothing less. It is only as accurate as the data and assumptions that were put into it. Actual expenditures are a different story.

When Bill Clinton left office, the economy was dead flat, had been for some months, and went into recession two months later. The projected surpluses were pure fantasy, since the rosy economic future they were based on had already died.
Who in the hell are you yelling at? If you have a comment on what I posted, then by all means say so. I don't speak for other posters, and they don't speak for me.

See, the problem with you running multiple troll accounts is that people as disorganized and sloppy as you tend to forget what you say from post to post, which is why I quoted you directly.

California is a shitholes on its way to bankruptcy, and I really don't give a shit since I don't live there, and haven't for many years.

So you don't live there, so you can't speak with any authority on the subject. You can't speak to any of the things you post here, so you can't speak with any authority on the subject there either. So what fucking good are you?

I have one account, and that is the one I post under. I imagine a whole lot of intelligent people respond to your ignorance, but that doesn't make us clones.

If you desire to live in a shithole, more power to you. Pay your friggin taxes and bay to the moon right along with that idiot governor that you probably voted for.
I saw a small increase in my biweekly check
But will receive far fewer deductions next year

But at least the billionaires are taken care of
I never, ever said I agreed with the typical Republican Platform.
I think both Parties are extremely dangerous.
You suck Democratic dick.

To me, this reads like laziness. You can't be expected to know the details and because you're so lazy and self-indulgent, presenting yourself as someone who blames "both sides equally" just wreaks of sloppiness and apathy.
What details?
Debt is meaningless when GDP is healthy and not soley in the hands of the top 2%.
It is actually the Communist party, but who gives a crap what you want to call it. It is still a criminal conspiracy.

The only criminal conspiracy involving Russia seems to be among Conservatives, Republicans, the NRA, and Trump who are all being revealed as having conspiratorial ties to Russia.

In fact, how many Trump people have been indicted for conspiracy charges? At least two that we know of...

So this seems like an instance of you using the Active Measure of projecting your own shittiness on those you perceive as your enemy.

Too much abject ignorance, and so little time. BTW,I have no enemies.
everyone was all about trump's tax cuts.....and yet there has been total silence on how this effected your taxes this year as you settled? My taxes are being done and I cant wait to see the results....

so did your taxes compare to last year?

Well technically you won't see the changes until you file your 2018 taxes in 2019

I am going to pick up my taxes from my accountant today

I am actually looking forward to them this year not only because the new tax laws lowered our tax bracket but because of the huge tax break given to people who own S corps, LLCs or are self employed as a sole proprietor.

My quarterly payments for 2018 should be much lower than last year
And it expands the deficit to $1T which automatically triggers cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security...which was the real goal of these tax cuts. Conservatives fly planes of tax cuts into the budget, then scream about the fallout being why spending has to be cut. Conservatives are fiscal terrorists.

Shows the lies you spout. Arent SS and Medicare paid from FICA ? Social security taxes were not cut. Not a dime. AND IT IS A SEPERATE TAX.
everyone was all about trump's tax cuts.....and yet there has been total silence on how this effected your taxes this year as you settled? My taxes are being done and I cant wait to see the results....

so did your taxes compare to last year?
Still waiting to see how good this BS 2017 Tax Cut serves the better 90% of Americans.

Farmers owning under 1000 Acres seems to get nothang.
1%ers seem to get everythang so far.
Yep! We need to vote for more MAGA Solutions!

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