
Tax cuts arent intended to reduce the deficit.

Correct...they're intended to increase the deficit so that you can Chicken Little about it. Tax cuts are fiscal terrorism.

Call your congressman and demand spending cuts if you are concerned about the deficit.

If you go and tell your boss that you want to take a pay cut, doesn't that mean you negatively affected your household budget? Why would you do that?
The bottom line is that it doesn’t bother you that our taxes support Illegals.
And yes, Republicans and Democrats suck equally.
Unless you love Democrats because you have Illegals in your family.
The bottom line is that it doesn’t bother you that our taxes support Illegals.

NO! The bottom line is that you manufacture deficits with tax cuts, then scream about those manufactured deficits. The problem isn't spending or illegals, the problem is simply that Conservatives can't do math, are ideologically opposed to the institution of government, and that you listen to them.

And yes, Republicans and Democrats suck equally. Unless you love Democrats because you have Illegals in your family.

No, they don't. Not even close. It's lazy to say that. Lazy and entitled.
The bottom line is that it doesn’t bother you that our taxes support Illegals.

NO! The bottom line is that you manufacture deficits with tax cuts, then scream about those manufactured deficits. The problem isn't spending or illegals, the problem is simply that Conservatives can't do math, are ideologically opposed to the institution of government, and that you listen to them.

And yes, Republicans and Democrats suck equally. Unless you love Democrats because you have Illegals in your family.

No, they don't. Not even close. It's lazy to say that. Lazy and entitled.
Dems run on screwing citizens and aborting babies.
Yes, partisans bitch about issues until their guy gets in. Then it switches.

No, no, no.

Conservatives have always screamed about the deficit and debt for at least the last 40 years. Democrats don't share their concerns over the deficit and debt, and don't peacock on it. Bringing up the fact that Conservatives have been ideologically inconsistent on the debt doesn't mean we share their position on it.

I think you're just too lazy to notice the difference.

The criminal conspiracy, also known as the Democrat party, recognizes and appreciates the economic ignorance that has allowed it to prosper for over a hundred years. Greed and envy are alive and well in the good ole USA, and the Democrat party can rightly claim much credit for that.

Anyone with any common sense should be highly concerned about the continuous run of deficits and the consequent rise in the national debt. When your out go continually exceeds your income, you are headed for economic disaster. So, once we can agree on that, what can we do about it?

Raising taxes in the progressive solution, and that will do little beyond starving the cow that constitutes the tax base. Growing the tax base by feeding the cow is the conservative solution. Meanwhile, back at the scene of the crime, politicians are spending like there is no tomorrow, and that is ensuring that there will be no tomorrow.
you did not answer my long have you lived in California?....or are you just another person who lives on the other side of the country and reads other opinion pieces about California?.......and if so prove those opinion pieces wrong....

I lived in Los Angeles from 2006 through 2013 and loved it. In that time, the state weathered and emerged from the Bush Financial Collapse stronger than before it went in. I voted for both the tax increase in 2012, and the independent redistricting in 2010.
until i moved 2 years ago i lived there for 50 years and this unfounded liabilities thing has been brought up many a time over the last few years....i find it hard to believe you who claim you lived here dont think its a said i am going by opinion pieces by California papers,yet you sighted the wall street journal,all mine were california at least....
The criminal conspiracy, also known as the Democrat party, recognizes and appreciates the economic ignorance that has allowed it to prosper for over a hundred years. Greed and envy are alive and well in the good ole USA, and the Democrat party can rightly claim much credit for that.

It's the Democratic Party, not the Democrat Party.

Anyone with any common sense should be highly concerned about the continuous run of deficits and the consequent rise in the national debt. When your out go continually exceeds your income, you are headed for economic disaster. So, once we can agree on that, what can we do about it?

Untrue. Economic disaster doesn't come from the federal budget, it comes from a contraction of demand in the economy. Spending = demand. When you cut spending you're cutting demand...which results in an economy that contracts. Cutting spending and not replacing that spending with anything will always result in economic catastrophe.

And no, trickle-down doesn't there's no corresponding increase in spending to make up for the spending lost by cuts.

Raising taxes in the progressive solution, and that will do little beyond starving the cow that constitutes the tax base. Growing the tax base by feeding the cow is the conservative solution. Meanwhile, back at the scene of the crime, politicians are spending like there is no tomorrow, and that is ensuring that there will be no tomorrow.

They raised taxes in California in 2012 (I know because I voted for it), and now CA has a budget surplus, one of the fastest growing economies in the country, and the fastest when it comes to job creation.
The criminal conspiracy, also known as the Democrat party, recognizes and appreciates the economic ignorance that has allowed it to prosper for over a hundred years. Greed and envy are alive and well in the good ole USA, and the Democrat party can rightly claim much credit for that.

It's the Democratic Party, not the Democrat Party.

Anyone with any common sense should be highly concerned about the continuous run of deficits and the consequent rise in the national debt. When your out go continually exceeds your income, you are headed for economic disaster. So, once we can agree on that, what can we do about it?

Untrue. Economic disaster doesn't come from the federal budget, it comes from a contraction of demand in the economy. Spending = demand. When you cut spending you're cutting demand...which results in an economy that contracts. Cutting spending and not replacing that spending with anything will always result in economic catastrophe.

And no, trickle-down doesn't there's no corresponding increase in spending to make up for the spending lost by cuts.

Raising taxes in the progressive solution, and that will do little beyond starving the cow that constitutes the tax base. Growing the tax base by feeding the cow is the conservative solution. Meanwhile, back at the scene of the crime, politicians are spending like there is no tomorrow, and that is ensuring that there will be no tomorrow.

They raised taxes in California in 2012 (I know because I voted for it), and now CA has a budget surplus, one of the fastest growing economies in the country, and the fastest when it comes to job creation.
I never, ever said I agreed with the typical Republican Platform.
I think both Parties are extremely dangerous.
You suck Democratic dick.
Ok Serf. Listen up. Income or lack of income doesnt cause or fix deficits.

Sure it does. If you went to your boss and said you wanted a pay cut, that would throw your current finances out of whack, would it not?
Ok Serf. Listen up. Income or lack of income doesnt cause or fix deficits.

Sure it does. If you went to your boss and said you wanted a pay cut, that would throw your current finances out of whack, would it not?

I am not a Democrat serf. I would never ask my boss or Congress for a paycut.
until i moved 2 years ago i lived there for 50 years and this unfounded liabilities thing has been brought up many a time over the last few years

It's only been brought up by the people who used to say that raising taxes would kill the economy there. They raised taxes in 2012 and it didn't kill the economy at all. In fact, since that tax increase was put into effect in 2013, CA is among the leaders when it comes to job, business, and economic growth. So the talking point about tax increases disappeared and was replaced by the new talking point of "unfunded liabilities"

Let me ask you a question about far out do the liabilities cease being unfunded? Since pensions and the like are funded by tax revenues, and tax revenues can't be predicted 10 months, let alone 10 years out with any accuracy, you are just lobbing out a red herring without knowing about it at all. You say they're far out are they unfunded? A year? 10 years? 20 years? 100 years? What are the parameters in which you're operating, because I think you purposefully left those out either because a) you're just repeating propaganda or b) you know what the parameters are and are withholding them (which would be a lie by omission).

And more importantly, what baseline revenue are you using to make this assumption? I bet it's baseline from 2008, 2009, or 2010, when the economy was shrinking as a result of the Bush Financial Collapse, and thus the revenue projections painted the worst case scenario.

By the way, I don't expect you to be able to articulate these points yourself. Instead what I expect is you to blindly vomit up a few outdated links about CA's pensions that are merely just Op-Eds or your standard idiocy that comes from right-wing propagandists.

CA has a budget surplus now, also.
I never, ever said I agreed with the typical Republican Platform.
I think both Parties are extremely dangerous.
You suck Democratic dick.

To me, this reads like laziness. You can't be expected to know the details and because you're so lazy and self-indulgent, presenting yourself as someone who blames "both sides equally" just wreaks of sloppiness and apathy.
i can see why you are called the have made two generalizations about me in a row...i have realized that BOTH sides lie to us and have since before this century started....when did you wake up,last year?.....

It's not a both sides thing. One side, Conservatives, told you that you'd see larger paychecks thanks to the tax cut. The fact that you're not is proof that they lied to you. WE told you that this tax cut would be nothing special for you, and that most of it goes to the rich and corporations. But you all screamed that it would somehow magically trickle down. It didn't. Rather than accept responsibility for being duped by Conservatives, you try to shirk that by saying both sides lie, which isn't true. Both sides didn't lie about this tax cut, one side did. That they did has no bearing on anything else.

Tax rates have decreased for every income level. It ought to be obvious, even to you that people will pay less taxes on 2018 income than they are paying for 2017 income. If you draw a paycheck, that should be reflected in reduced withholding for income taxes.

The part that seems to twist your knickers, is the simple fact that the people and businesses that pay more taxes are getting larger tax cuts than those who pay little or no tax. That is nothing more than the manifestation of the greed and envy that has been ingrained into your soul by a bad economic education.
I am not a Democrat serf. I would never ask my boss or Congress for a paycut.

But that's what you do when you argue for tax cuts. It's the same stupid principle; you're voluntarily reducing the amount of income you bring in. Now, you gotta ask why anyone would want to do that? The answer for why Conservatives do is startingly overt and obvious; they want to manufacture a deficit/debt crisis to then use as an excuse to cut the spending they are ideologically opposed to, yet lack the courage, support, and will to do through conventional legislation. Tax cuts are fiscal terrorism.
Tax rates have decreased for every income level.

No they didn't. You raised the lowest bracket from 10% to 12%. That affects up to 20,000,000 people. So right away, you raised taxes on 20 million people, out of the gate.

Secondly, the tax rate "decreases" aren't showing up in anyone's paycheck, largely, and those who are seeing it are seeing diminished returns, not like what the GOP was promising back in December and January.

It ought to be obvious, even to you that people will pay less taxes on 2018 income than they are paying for 2017 income. If you draw a paycheck, that should be reflected in reduced withholding for income taxes.

Conservatives were selling the tax cut as an immediate impact on paychecks. Even Heritage came out in January and said that people will expect to see higher after-tax pay as late as February. It is now April and most people haven't seen any increase in their after-tax pay. It was pitched in December and January by Conservatives, some of whom on these very boards, that it would show up by February.

Conor Lamb ran against the GOP Tax Scam in PA and won because of it. He came right out and attacked it, thus taking it off the table as something you can try to use in November. I believe that we will be in a recession by November anyway, so it will have the double impact of not only creating a trillion dollar deficit, but resulting in economic contraction.

If that highly likely scenario is in the cards, the GOP can not only bid their House majority goodbye, but potentially their Senate majority too.

The part that seems to twist your knickers, is the simple fact that the people and businesses that pay more taxes are getting larger tax cuts than those who pay little or no tax. That is nothing more than the manifestation of the greed and envy that has been ingrained into your soul by a bad economic education.

LOL! Corporations got a tax cut that we were promised would trickle-down and it hasn't. Most of the tax cut has gone to stock buybacks with less than 3.5 million workers seeing any kind of nominal benefit from the cut. That's less than 3% of all workers, yet 100% of businesses got a tax cut. So your math isn't working out there.

Secondly, I saw a few Conservative trolls on this thread try to pretend like they're saving $2K a year when the reality is that amounts to less than $25 a paycheck, which isn't going to help the economy grow at all. In fact, because of your tax cut, you're going to force millions of Americans to pay more for their health care when the PayGo cuts to Medicare and Social Security take effect in January 2019.

It would have taken effect in 2018, but you guys waived your own PayGo rule in order to grow the deficit to $1T.
until i moved 2 years ago i lived there for 50 years and this unfounded liabilities thing has been brought up many a time over the last few years

It's only been brought up by the people who used to say that raising taxes would kill the economy there. They raised taxes in 2012 and it didn't kill the economy at all. In fact, since that tax increase was put into effect in 2013, CA is among the leaders when it comes to job, business, and economic growth. So the talking point about tax increases disappeared and was replaced by the new talking point of "unfunded liabilities"

Let me ask you a question about far out do the liabilities cease being unfunded? Since pensions and the like are funded by tax revenues, and tax revenues can't be predicted 10 months, let alone 10 years out with any accuracy, you are just lobbing out a red herring without knowing about it at all. You say they're far out are they unfunded? A year? 10 years? 20 years? 100 years? What are the parameters in which you're operating, because I think you purposefully left those out either because a) you're just repeating propaganda or b) you know what the parameters are and are withholding them (which would be a lie by omission).

And more importantly, what baseline revenue are you using to make this assumption? I bet it's baseline from 2008, 2009, or 2010, when the economy was shrinking as a result of the Bush Financial Collapse, and thus the revenue projections painted the worst case scenario.

By the way, I don't expect you to be able to articulate these points yourself. Instead what I expect is you to blindly vomit up a few outdated links about CA's pensions that are merely just Op-Eds or your standard idiocy that comes from right-wing propagandists.

CA has a budget surplus now, also.

Economic fact #1. A budget is nothing more than a planning document and is only as valuable as the information included is accurate.

Economic fact #2. An unfunded liability is a known future cost that is being currently ignored. Future pensions for current employees is a very hefty unfunded liability, if that cost is not being currently funded.
Economic fact #1. A budget is nothing more than a planning document and is only as valuable as the information included is accurate.

What does this have to do with your screeching about unfunded liabilities? Exactly nothing. CA's in better fiscal shape than pretty much every red state out there, and CA has the strong economy and job growth to back it up. Your red states don't have that consistency because they're all a bunch of moocher welfare states that use welfare to literally pay for trickle down schemes.

Economic fact #2. An unfunded liability is a known future cost that is being currently ignored. Future pensions for current employees is a very hefty unfunded liability, if that cost is not being currently funded.

So in your bullshit here you didn't bother to articulate what future costs with regard to CA's liabilities you're talking about and how far out you're looking, not to mention what baseline you're using to determine whether or not they're unfunded. Since liabilities are paid by tax revenue, and tax revenue isn't something that can be accurately predicted 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 years down the line, you're merely spouting off propaganda in order to make yourself feel better about being suckered into believe in the GOP's twisted economic view.

So you did even less than I expected. You just chewed out some word salad and hoped that your crackerjack understanding of economics will paper over the massive factual deficits that exist in your shitty argument.

Do better next time. Put in some effort for once.
Tax rates have decreased for every income level.

No they didn't. You raised the lowest bracket from 10% to 12%. That affects up to 20,000,000 people. So right away, you raised taxes on 20 million people, out of the gate.

Secondly, the tax rate "decreases" aren't showing up in anyone's paycheck, largely, and those who are seeing it are seeing diminished returns, not like what the GOP was promising back in December and January.

It ought to be obvious, even to you that people will pay less taxes on 2018 income than they are paying for 2017 income. If you draw a paycheck, that should be reflected in reduced withholding for income taxes.

Conservatives were selling the tax cut as an immediate impact on paychecks. Even Heritage came out in January and said that people will expect to see higher after-tax pay as late as February. It is now April and most people haven't seen any increase in their after-tax pay. It was pitched in December and January by Conservatives, some of whom on these very boards, that it would show up by February.

Conor Lamb ran against the GOP Tax Scam in PA and won because of it. He came right out and attacked it, thus taking it off the table as something you can try to use in November. I believe that we will be in a recession by November anyway, so it will have the double impact of not only creating a trillion dollar deficit, but resulting in economic contraction.

If that highly likely scenario is in the cards, the GOP can not only bid their House majority goodbye, but potentially their Senate majority too.

The part that seems to twist your knickers, is the simple fact that the people and businesses that pay more taxes are getting larger tax cuts than those who pay little or no tax. That is nothing more than the manifestation of the greed and envy that has been ingrained into your soul by a bad economic education.

LOL! Corporations got a tax cut that we were promised would trickle-down and it hasn't. Most of the tax cut has gone to stock buybacks with less than 3.5 million workers seeing any kind of nominal benefit from the cut. That's less than 3% of all workers, yet 100% of businesses got a tax cut. So your math isn't working out there.

Secondly, I saw a few Conservative trolls on this thread try to pretend like they're saving $2K a year when the reality is that amounts to less than $25 a paycheck, which isn't going to help the economy grow at all. In fact, because of your tax cut, you're going to force millions of Americans to pay more for their health care when the PayGo cuts to Medicare and Social Security take effect in January 2019.

It would have taken effect in 2018, but you guys waived your own PayGo rule in order to grow the deficit to $1T.

Strange, but I still see a 10% bracket on the new tax brackets.



Economic fact #1. A budget is nothing more than a planning document and is only as valuable as the information included is accurate.

What does this have to do with your screeching about unfunded liabilities? Exactly nothing. CA's in better fiscal shape than pretty much every red state out there, and CA has the strong economy and job growth to back it up. Your red states don't have that consistency because they're all a bunch of moocher welfare states that use welfare to literally pay for trickle down schemes.

Economic fact #2. An unfunded liability is a known future cost that is being currently ignored. Future pensions for current employees is a very hefty unfunded liability, if that cost is not being currently funded.

So in your bullshit here you didn't bother to articulate what future costs with regard to CA's liabilities you're talking about and how far out you're looking, not to mention what baseline you're using to determine whether or not they're unfunded. Since liabilities are paid by tax revenue, and tax revenue isn't something that can be accurately predicted 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 years down the line, you're merely spouting off propaganda in order to make yourself feel better about being suckered into believe in the GOP's twisted economic view.

So you did even less than I expected. You just chewed out some word salad and hoped that your crackerjack understanding of economics will paper over the massive factual deficits that exist in your shitty argument.

Do better next time. Put in some effort for once.

Who in the hell are you yelling at? If you have a comment on what I posted, then by all means say so. I don't speak for other posters, and they don't speak for me.

California is a shitholes on its way to bankruptcy, and I really don't give a shit since I don't live there, and haven't for many years.
how is it confusing when i said...I DID NOT SEE ANY DIFFERENCE in my check?...

It isn't that which is confusing to me; I'm confused by your support for cutting taxes and how that doesn't square with the circle created by the Trump Tax Cut.

Unless, you're now saying you don't support tax cuts at all. Are you saying that?

.i was referring to both sides lying to us when it benefits them

What both sides may or may not do has no impact on what one side specifically said about this tax cut. We are talking about this tax cut and this tax cut only. By pretending this is a "both sides" thing, you are letting one side off the hook right now.


.like at election time,were they both will lie and exaggerate

The GOP Tax Scam wasn't passed before the election, it was passed after the election. So you're doing that thing again where you try to draw an equivalence which effectively lets the current perpetrators off the hook for lying about their tax scam after the election.
all you are telling me are a die hard democrat,you have claimed i said stuff i didnt.....which is typical of everyone of you party people,only see what you want to see....
Who in the hell are you yelling at? If you have a comment on what I posted, then by all means say so. I don't speak for other posters, and they don't speak for me.

See, the problem with you running multiple troll accounts is that people as disorganized and sloppy as you tend to forget what you say from post to post, which is why I quoted you directly.

California is a shitholes on its way to bankruptcy, and I really don't give a shit since I don't live there, and haven't for many years.

So you don't live there, so you can't speak with any authority on the subject. You can't speak to any of the things you post here, so you can't speak with any authority on the subject there either. So what fucking good are you?

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