
you dont know me derpo....i have been in a few of these tax threads SAYING ill believe it when i see it on my check,which i just told you it aint stick it in your ass how i supposedly bought into this false assumptions when i "supposedly" supported this stupid tax cut.....the only one assuming anything here is you and your bullshit

OK. Fair enough. I find your position confusing because you seem to be trying to lay the groundwork for you to "No true Scotsman" your way outta the rhetorical pickle Conservatives put you in.

why dont you show me how i am defending the republicans here since i have said i got no tax cut....and if you believe the democrats have never lied to you than you sure are a derp....

You're defending them by trying to pretend that all sides are equal when it comes to things. They're not. You searching for an equivalence lets the perpetrators of this lie off the hook.
I work with 20 people and we will all bring home 2K more this year than last year due exclusively to the Tax Rate change.

Just to note:

$2K savings is less than $200/month, which is less than $25/check.

You're not getting that $2K all at once where you can go and spend it in the economy.

You're getting it incrementally over 52 weeks, which doesn't make you go out and spend it in the economy.

On top of that, you're paying on average 10% more each month in health insurance premiums because your tax cut removed the individual mandate.

So the reality is that you're most likely finding yourself farther behind than prior to the tax cut. That's the case for most Americans, not the made-up ones you create from your own imagination on a message board to make you feel better about yourself.
and of course the state newspapers and others are lying right? how long have you lived in Cal?.....

Well, if you take careful look at the things you are posting, you'd see none of them are articles and are just boring, lame, old Op-Eds and opinions that matter little.

So I find it humorous that your defense of your positions is this. Do you not know enough about it to debate it? You're the one who claimed there's all these unfunded pensions, but when asked a follow-up question about the parameters you've set, you can't even speak to them.

So that means you're just repeating bullshit because it makes you feel better about yourself.

you did not answer my long have you lived in California?....or are you just another person who lives on the other side of the country and reads other opinion pieces about California?.......and if so prove those opinion pieces wrong....
Wasn't the question you homosexual lying dishonest piece of anti American trash.

You're the ones who were running around screaming about how the immediate effects of this tax cut you supported would be felt by workers as late as February. Now that it isn't, you don't want to talk about how you mislead people into supporting legislation that only accomplished blowing up the deficit to $1T again.

Ok Serf. Listen up. Income or lack of income doesnt cause or fix deficits. Spending does. If the deficit is rising then spending should be cut. Your food stamps would be a good start as far as I am concerned. I have been listening to you marxists scream "crisis" all my life. The budget is trillions now. And still not enough. Always they need more of other peoples money to save this group or that group who are in a "crisis".

I was never one of the "ones" screaming about anything. I think you are confused from listening to the (((media))). Instant gratification is not my way. My tax cut has already gone to increased investment using the numbers my CPA gave me and I dont care what withholding is used. Whatever withholding your employer chooses is something you should take up with them. But ultimately they cant stop your tax cut. If they are under withholding then you will get it in a refund.

Math doesn't lie. You lie but math doesn't. Your tax bracket dropped. Your standard deduction doubled. You ignorant liberals think you have repealed the laws of genetics and human nature and economics. Do you now think you have repealed the laws of mathematics too? In what world does taxing you less not equal a tax cut.
Would you like me to post 2017 tax tables vs 2018 tax table? I will be happy to humiliate you that way if you like. Then you can stutter and rail and explain how a lower tax rate isn't a tax cut. I think I will. Stay tuned.
According to Conservatives, everyone was supposed to feel the benefits of the tax cut by now in their paychecks. Of course, that assumes that Conservatives were honest about the tax cut's effects, which they weren't.
my check looks like it did in December,except for the cost of living i got....otherwise...we got a tax break?........

So do mine but that is because the people doing the withholding did not make a change.

Try using this calculator to determine your tax decrease..

Trump Tax Plan Calculator (Final GOP Bill)
the people doing the withholding is the US Govt....

I think you are a little confused about this.

Whowever pays you the money does the withholding and then sends it to the filthy ass government.

The filthy ass government issues withholding guidelines based up the tax rates.

You can tell the company to withhold more or less by notifying them.

i am a retired federal far as i know the Civil Service Retirement System handles all this including cutting the checks....

I guess you are in the group of people where the government handles everything.

Most businesses will withhold taxes based upon IRS withholding tables. Some will update their software and some won't for awhile.

The people issuing my checks did not make update their withholding rates. The people issuing my wife's checks did update theirs. .

It will all wash out at the end of the year.

I am being taxed at a lesser rate and I have a bigger standard deduction. For me that equates to about $2K less in taxes for this year, which just about covers the tax burden on the additional income I am getting this year.

My sons are both making out very well with the tax decrease.

If you aren't paying lesser taxes then it probably because you have a very high income or not making enough money to pay in much taxes. Everybody in between will be doing better.

God bless Trump! MAGA Baby!
you dont know me derpo....i have been in a few of these tax threads SAYING ill believe it when i see it on my check,which i just told you it aint stick it in your ass how i supposedly bought into this false assumptions when i "supposedly" supported this stupid tax cut.....the only one assuming anything here is you and your bullshit

OK. Fair enough. I find your position confusing because you seem to be trying to lay the groundwork for you to "No true Scotsman" your way outta the rhetorical pickle Conservatives put you in.

why dont you show me how i am defending the republicans here since i have said i got no tax cut....and if you believe the democrats have never lied to you than you sure are a derp....

You're defending them by trying to pretend that all sides are equal when it comes to things. They're not. You searching for an equivalence lets the perpetrators of this lie off the hook.

OK. Fair enough. I find your position confusing because you seem to be trying to lay the groundwork for you to "No true Scotsman" your way outta the rhetorical pickle Conservatives put you in.

how is it confusing when i said...I DID NOT SEE ANY DIFFERENCE in my check?...
You're defending them by trying to pretend that all sides are equal when it comes to things.
.i was referring to both sides lying to us when it benefits them, like at election time,were they both will lie and exaggerate...i realize they operate differently and will throw us a bone and then act like they are actually doing something until the next election.....republicans tell you to your face you are a piece of shit,democrats tell you to your face what you want to hear,and when you walk away will say "yea right,you stupid ass"...and then the laughing starts....
You know what I used to be concerned about the budget deficit and the federal debt but no more. As long as all politician are bought and paid for, they are going to need to pay for the support they received, republicans, democrats it doesn't matter they are all fighting for money to pay the people, entities that got them elected.

So the bottom line on my taxes are I paid over 18K and I still owe a couple hundred by 4/17/18. It sure looks like I will pay less that 16K for the 2018 tax year.
I'll just take my $2300+ saving and enjoy, I have lost interest in the rest of the tax bullshit I read here and on other sites.

My pay check grew and so it my wife's

If you're saying you are saving $2,300 this year in taxes, that means your monthly tax cut was less than $200. Which means if you are paid bi-weekly, you're only seeing about an extra $100 in your paycheck, and only about $25 if you're paid weekly.

Meanwhile, your insurance costs rose an extra 10% thanks to the mandate repeal, and beginning January next year, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will see cuts which will force costs to rise.

So for the person who claimed to be a retired Federal Worker, he'll have to pay much more for health care beginning January next year.

My insurance didn't go up. If yours did then you can thank Obamacare for fucking everything up.

By the way Moon Bat. You are once again confused. Must be because you are getting all your information from Rachael Maddow, Democratunderground and Comedy Central. In this tax bill was money to subside the insurance losses so you are still getting a free ride. You can thank Trump and the Republicans for that.
my check looks like it did in December,except for the cost of living i got....otherwise...we got a tax break?........

So do mine but that is because the people doing the withholding did not make a change.

Try using this calculator to determine your tax decrease..

Trump Tax Plan Calculator (Final GOP Bill)
the people doing the withholding is the US Govt....

I think you are a little confused about this.

Whowever pays you the money does the withholding and then sends it to the filthy ass government.

The filthy ass government issues withholding guidelines based up the tax rates.

You can tell the company to withhold more or less by notifying them.

i am a retired federal far as i know the Civil Service Retirement System handles all this including cutting the checks....

I guess you are in the group of people where the government handles everything.

Most businesses will withhold taxes based upon IRS withholding tables. Some will update their software and some won't for awhile.

The people issuing my checks did not make update their withholding rates. The people issuing my wife's checks did update theirs. .

It will all wash out at the end of the year.

I am being taxed at a lesser rate and I have a bigger standard deduction. For me that equates to about $2K less in taxes for this year, which just about covers the tax burden on the additional income I am getting this year.

My sons are both making out very well with the tax decrease.

If you aren't paying lesser taxes then it probably because you have a very high income or not making enough money to pay in much taxes. Everybody in between will be doing better.

God bless Trump! MAGA Baby!
It will all wash out at the end of the year.
thats what i figure too.....
Here you go The Derp the serf. Start with the standard deduction going from 12700 to 24000. Then observe your new tax tables as compared to the old.

I warn you that if you claim 12,700 is not less than 24000 I will just laugh at you. If you claim that 12% is more than 15% I will laugh at you. If you try to convince me that 22% is a larger number than 25% I wont even feel sorry for you. I will just laugh and point.

standard deduction.png

tax cut23.png
What I do know is that Democrats are honest because they say they care more about Illegals than citizens and they truly mean it.

There is another recent thread on this here. How the democrats arent hiding so much now and have come out openly as the party of foreign nationals. It isn't really a change but is simply they dont feel they have to hide anymore. They believe they will win the off year elections and do as they like in fleecing Americans.
These people dont learn. They only recently shut the government down and cut off American military pay in support of Mexican citizens and had to capitulate three days later like beaten dogs.
And that is the only way to deal with them..beat them like a drum and let them slink off like dogs. Well there is another way...but we arent quite there yet.
I work with 20 people and we will all bring home 2K more this year than last year due exclusively to the Tax Rate change.

Just to note:

$2K savings is less than $200/month, which is less than $25/check.

You're not getting that $2K all at once where you can go and spend it in the economy.

You're getting it incrementally over 52 weeks, which doesn't make you go out and spend it in the economy.

On top of that, you're paying on average 10% more each month in health insurance premiums because your tax cut removed the individual mandate.

So the reality is that you're most likely finding yourself farther behind than prior to the tax cut. That's the case for most Americans, not the made-up ones you create from your own imagination on a message board to make you feel better about yourself.
You’re not absorbing too well.
Dems love Illegals and aren’t afraid to admit it.
how is a tax cut going to reduce the deficit ?

Tax cuts arent intended to reduce the deficit. That would be spending cuts. Call your congressman and demand spending cuts if you are concerned about the deficit.
you did not answer my long have you lived in California?....or are you just another person who lives on the other side of the country and reads other opinion pieces about California?.......and if so prove those opinion pieces wrong....

I lived in Los Angeles from 2006 through 2013 and loved it. In that time, the state weathered and emerged from the Bush Financial Collapse stronger than before it went in. I voted for both the tax increase in 2012, and the independent redistricting in 2010.
Ok Serf. Listen up. Income or lack of income doesnt cause or fix deficits.

Sure it does. If you went to your boss and said you wanted a pay cut, that would throw your current finances out of whack, would it not?
how is it confusing when i said...I DID NOT SEE ANY DIFFERENCE in my check?...

It isn't that which is confusing to me; I'm confused by your support for cutting taxes and how that doesn't square with the circle created by the Trump Tax Cut.

Unless, you're now saying you don't support tax cuts at all. Are you saying that?

.i was referring to both sides lying to us when it benefits them

What both sides may or may not do has no impact on what one side specifically said about this tax cut. We are talking about this tax cut and this tax cut only. By pretending this is a "both sides" thing, you are letting one side off the hook right now.


.like at election time,were they both will lie and exaggerate

The GOP Tax Scam wasn't passed before the election, it was passed after the election. So you're doing that thing again where you try to draw an equivalence which effectively lets the current perpetrators off the hook for lying about their tax scam after the election.
My insurance didn't go up.

Not at all!? Your premiums stayed the same? Well, that's unheard of but not unremarkable because Obamacare has controlled some insurance costs. Do you get subsidies? Chances are your premiums rose, but your subsidy also rose which resulted in no net increase in costs to you.

By the way Moon Bat. You are once again confused. Must be because you are getting all your information from Rachael Maddow, Democratunderground and Comedy Central. In this tax bill was money to subside the insurance losses so you are still getting a free ride. You can thank Trump and the Republicans for that.

The GOP Tax Scam contained no provision to bail out the insurers. That was what Collins wanted in exchange for voting for this scam. Of course McConnell and Ryan broke that promise by refusing to pass any legislation that would shore up the Obamacare exchanges and subsidies.
Here you go The Derp the serf. Start with the standard deduction going from 12700 to 24000. Then observe your new tax tables as compared to the old.

I warn you that if you claim 12,700 is not less than 24000 I will just laugh at you. If you claim that 12% is more than 15% I will laugh at you. If you try to convince me that 22% is a larger number than 25% I wont even feel sorry for you. I will just laugh and point.

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You can vomit up anything you'd like to convince yourself that the GOP Tax Scam was a good thing. We both know it wasn't, and that the miraculous $2K a year you claim you're saving comes through your paychecks incrementally, which means it adds no benefit to the economy and doesn't result in increased spending or growth.

You say you saved about $2K a year.

That comes to less than $25 a paycheck (less than $50 a check if you're paid bi-weekly).

So what are you doing with your extra $25 a paycheck? Not much. There's not much you can do for that little. That barely covers the cost of two movie tickets (but no popcorn or soda).
Tax cuts arent intended to reduce the deficit.

Correct...they're intended to increase the deficit so that you can Chicken Little about it. Tax cuts are fiscal terrorism.

Call your congressman and demand spending cuts if you are concerned about the deficit.

If you go and tell your boss that you want to take a pay cut, doesn't that mean you negatively affected your household budget? Why would you do that?
That would be spending cuts.

OK, some math for those who have been struck with a curious case of debt amnesia;

Trump's proposed budget is $4T
The tax cuts created a $1T deficit.
Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid make up about 65-70% of the budget
Defense spending is another $15-20%
That leaves about $400M in total for all discretionary spending.

Even if you cut all discretionary spending, you are still seeing a deficit of $600B, which was $100B larger than the last deficit Obama had ($500B). And you've removed the demand that spending creates in the economy and haven't replaced it with anything, which would further expand the deficit because you contracted the economy.

So what spending in Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and Defense do you want to cut?

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