
Saved me just enough to buy a new muffler.

Thanks Trump!

LOL Ok. You lied to attack Trump. You should look inwards at your black soul and ask yourself why you do this. OR you are uneducated and do not know that the tax law went into effect in January and will be seen over the course of this year.
Trump is godlike..but he cant time travel. He cant go back in time and give you a tax cut before he got tax cuts passed. I wish he could fix the past but he deals in fixes for the future.
So where ever you got that new muffler take it back. You stole it because you did not get a Trump tax cut last year.
I think you are a little confused about this.
Whowever pays you the money does the withholding and then sends it to the filthy ass government.
The filthy ass government issues withholding guidelines based up the tax rates.
You can tell the company to withhold more or less by notifying them..

Nothing you are saying is what Conservatives promised us in December and January; that most Americans will see an increase in their take home pay immediately.

It's now April and the latest surveys show that most Americans aren't seeing any increase in their after-tax income, or the increase isn't close to what Conservatives were selling.

Most of the tax cut went right back into stock buybacks. Very little went to workers.
i can see why you are called the have made two generalizations about me in a row...i have realized that BOTH sides lie to us and have since before this century started....when did you wake up,last year?.....

It's not a both sides thing. One side, Conservatives, told you that you'd see larger paychecks thanks to the tax cut. The fact that you're not is proof that they lied to you. WE told you that this tax cut would be nothing special for you, and that most of it goes to the rich and corporations. But you all screamed that it would somehow magically trickle down. It didn't. Rather than accept responsibility for being duped by Conservatives, you try to shirk that by saying both sides lie, which isn't true. Both sides didn't lie about this tax cut, one side did. That they did has no bearing on anything else.
But you all screamed
why dont you prove that i am one of those you are mentioning here,or is this yet another generalization?..
you try to shirk that by saying both sides lie, which isn't true
the difference between me and you is i dont assume someone is what im not,and i dont have a party flag sticking out of my ass....both sides have lied plenty of times over the years to convince people like you, why you should support them,apparently with you its working.....
and they are having all kinds of social problems...and lets see that 6 billion pay for their unfunded pension liabilities...

Ah the ambiguous "unfunded liabilities". Tell me something; how long of a period are you looking at when you say they're unfunded? 1 year? 10 years? 50 years? Do you even know? No, because you're just repeating propaganda spoon fed to you by equally dishonest and unintelligent people.

Since these pensions are paid by tax revenues, and since you cannot accurately predict what tax revenues will be 10 years from now, let alone 10 months from now, you can't actually say that there's an "unfunded liabilities" problem because you can't say those liabilities are actually unfunded!

So you're throwing out a red herring for no other purpose than to make you personally feel better.

Get over yourself.
and of course the state newspapers and others are lying right? how long have you lived in Cal?.....
why dont you prove that i am one of those you are mentioning here,or is this yet another generalization?..

Jesus you're going to try and pretend that you didn't buy into the whole "trickle down" thing as one of your reasons for supporting this tax cut? I don't buy it.

the difference between me and you is i dont assume someone is what im not,and i dont have a party flag sticking out of my ass....both sides have lied plenty of times over the years to convince people like you, why you should support them,apparently with you its working.....

But you bought into false assumptions when you supported this stupid tax cut. So if you're now saying that you never did support it, then why are you defending it?

And when it comes to this tax cut, the one we are discussing, only one side lied about it. The side you find yourself defending here. Not sure why, if you're some kind of "I hate both sides blah blah" lazy person. Seems to me like you're laying the groundwork for a "No true Scotsman" attempt to disassociate yourself from the very thing you supported.
OK. Sweetheart. You wont see this until *next* year.

Conservatives said we'd see it in our paychecks by February this year.

It's now April and few are seeing any positive, noteworthy effects.

Wasn't the question you homosexual lying dishonest piece of anti American trash. This was the OP as typed by the lovely strollingbones. Which I answered and gently corrected.

"...effected your taxes this year as you settled? My taxes are being done and I cant wait to see the results...."

So whatever these "conservatives" said...start a thread on it. And the "few" who are seeing reported to you honestly and reliably by the lamestream media. They got the election projection so very correct I am sure they only rose in your estimation.
OK. Sweetheart. You wont see this until *next* year.

Conservatives said we'd see it in our paychecks by February this year.

It's now April and few are seeing any positive, noteworthy effects.

You are not doing it right Moon Bat.

Let me walk you through this.

Most people in the US will be taxed at a lesser rate. For instance, if you were in the 15% bracket now you will be in the 12% bracket.

Unless you itemize and have very high state and local taxes (more than $10K) your deductions will be less. Espically if you have children because of the child tax credit.

The reduced withholding tables will be based upon the lesser tax brackets. If your employer isn't adjusting the pay to reflect this then you need to request that he do so.

If you are like 75% of Americans and take the standard deduction then you will have quite a bit when you figure out your taxes for this year.

Stop acting like an idiot. It just makes you look like an fool when post this silly anti Trump shit.

If you don't have more spendable income this year because of Trump's tax cut then it is because you are not doing it right.

The fact of the matter is that you are getting a tax decrease but you are just too full of anti Trump hate to admit it.

Grow up!
and of course the state newspapers and others are lying right? how long have you lived in Cal?.....

Well, if you take careful look at the things you are posting, you'd see none of them are articles and are just boring, lame, old Op-Eds and opinions that matter little.

So I find it humorous that your defense of your positions is this. Do you not know enough about it to debate it? You're the one who claimed there's all these unfunded pensions, but when asked a follow-up question about the parameters you've set, you can't even speak to them.

So that means you're just repeating bullshit because it makes you feel better about yourself.

So whatever these "conservatives" said...start a thread on it. And the "few" who are seeing reported to you honestly and reliably by the lamestream media. They got the election projection so very correct I am sure they only rose in your estimation.

You don't get to scream FAKE NEWS because your entire economic ideology and fiscal belief system is a steaming pile of shit that never delivers on its promises.
Wasn't the question you homosexual lying dishonest piece of anti American trash.

You're the ones who were running around screaming about how the immediate effects of this tax cut you supported would be felt by workers as late as February. Now that it isn't, you don't want to talk about how you mislead people into supporting legislation that only accomplished blowing up the deficit to $1T again.
Since there are some people that seem to be confused then I will help them out.

Here is the best calculator I have seen to determine your tax decrease.

Go fill this out before you make claims that are false. That way you won't look like a fool.

Trump Tax Plan Calculator (Final GOP Bill)
Are you confused?

The taxes don't go into effect until this year.

You will be paying less taxes for 2018.

Compare 2017 tax bill to this years.

I will be paying about $2K less in Federal tax this year. I like having about $200 more spendable income each month. If you aren't paying less money then you aren't doing it right.

According to Conservatives, everyone was supposed to feel the benefits of the tax cut by now in their paychecks. Of course, that assumes that Conservatives were honest about the tax cut's effects, which they weren't.
my check looks like it did in December,except for the cost of living i got....otherwise...we got a tax break?........

So do mine but that is because the people doing the withholding did not make a change.

Try using this calculator to determine your tax decrease..

Trump Tax Plan Calculator (Final GOP Bill)
the people doing the withholding is the US Govt....

I think you are a little confused about this.

Whowever pays you the money does the withholding and then sends it to the filthy ass government.

The filthy ass government issues withholding guidelines based up the tax rates.

You can tell the company to withhold more or less by notifying them.

i am a retired federal far as i know the Civil Service Retirement System handles all this including cutting the checks....
Here is the best calculator I have seen to determine your tax decrease.

Most Americans have seen little-to-no change in their after-tax income despite Conservatives saying there would be a change that would be felt in their paychecks as late as February.

It's now April.
You know what I used to be concerned about the budget deficit and the federal debt but no more. As long as all politician are bought and paid for, they are going to need to pay for the support they received, republicans, democrats it doesn't matter they are all fighting for money to pay the people, entities that got them elected.

So the bottom line on my taxes are I paid over 18K and I still owe a couple hundred by 4/17/18. It sure looks like I will pay less that 16K for the 2018 tax year.
I'll just take my $2300+ saving and enjoy, I have lost interest in the rest of the tax bullshit I read here and on other sites.

My pay check grew and so it my wife's
why dont you prove that i am one of those you are mentioning here,or is this yet another generalization?..

Jesus you're going to try and pretend that you didn't buy into the whole "trickle down" thing as one of your reasons for supporting this tax cut? I don't buy it.

the difference between me and you is i dont assume someone is what im not,and i dont have a party flag sticking out of my ass....both sides have lied plenty of times over the years to convince people like you, why you should support them,apparently with you its working.....

But you bought into false assumptions when you supported this stupid tax cut. So if you're now saying that you never did support it, then why are you defending it?

And when it comes to this tax cut, the one we are discussing, only one side lied about it. The side you find yourself defending here. Not sure why, if you're some kind of "I hate both sides blah blah" lazy person. Seems to me like you're laying the groundwork for a "No true Scotsman" attempt to disassociate yourself from the very thing you supported.
you dont know me derpo....i have been in a few of these tax threads SAYING ill believe it when i see it on my check,which i just told you it aint stick it in your ass how i supposedly bought into this false assumptions when i "supposedly" supported this stupid tax cut.....the only one assuming anything here is you and your bullshit
The side you find yourself defending here ...
why dont you show me how i am defending the republicans here since i have said i got no tax cut....and if you believe the democrats have never lied to you than you sure are a derp....
The fact of the matter is that you are getting a tax decrease but you are just too full of anti Trump hate to admit it.

Grow up!

These people deserve to die lonely, in a box, eating cat food with no medical care. Since their masters in Washington dont want to give up power they are content to rail against keeping more of their money. They dont know what to do with it because they dont grasp investing and spend their time attacking the financial markets. And to top it off there is a new thread on USMB where liberals are whining Trump should come and fix their water company.
Good lord but serfdom came quickly. The third worlders the Democrats are importing as voters are a step up from these American slave least they have the initiative to move.
You know what I used to be concerned about the budget deficit and the federal debt but no more. As long as all politician are bought and paid for, they are going to need to pay for the support they received, republicans, democrats it doesn't matter they are all fighting for money to pay the people, entities that got them elected.

So the bottom line on my taxes are I paid over 18K and I still owe a couple hundred by 4/17/18. It sure looks like I will pay less that 16K for the 2018 tax year.
I'll just take my $2300+ saving and enjoy, I have lost interest in the rest of the tax bullshit I read here and on other sites.

My pay check grew and so it my wife's

If you're saying you are saving $2,300 this year in taxes, that means your monthly tax cut was less than $200. Which means if you are paid bi-weekly, you're only seeing about an extra $100 in your paycheck, and only about $25 if you're paid weekly.

Meanwhile, your insurance costs rose an extra 10% thanks to the mandate repeal, and beginning January next year, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will see cuts which will force costs to rise.

So for the person who claimed to be a retired Federal Worker, he'll have to pay much more for health care beginning January next year.
I work with 20 people and we will all bring home 2K more this year than last year due exclusively to the Tax Rate change.
Will this help us when our new Liberal “Sanctuary County” Executive fucks us up the ass supporting new and current Illegals?
I don’t know.
What I do know is that Democrats are honest because they say they care more about Illegals than citizens and they truly mean it.

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