Taxpayers bail out Tom Brady

Surprise the banks want to loan out money to people who can pay it back? lol
Banks were given that money to be loaned out, so they only deal with people who they already know about.
Banks were given that money to be loaned out, so they only deal with people who they already know about. Like TB12 and his business, they have a relationship,
Get real people. Banks are not on the hook for these loans. The GOVERNMENT is.

Banks are only SERVICING the loans. They are managing them and taking a cut. And newsflash...they get a cut on the total amount.

They make the same amount on one loan for a million as they do on 50 loans that total a million. Guess what? It's a lot easier and cheaper to process one loan than it is 50, so who do you think they are more likely to loan money to?

Yea..Tom Brady. And they LIKE rich folks a lot more than they like you and me. Yea that matters too

All in all, that was why $500 billion got loaned out to rich folks so quickly
The "money" they use is not theirs. It's money provided by the government. Nowhere in capitalism do you find that.
That's a weird claim.

The Fed "creates money out of thin air". That sounds strange and scary but it's true. It's also completely necessary.

They "create" this money as needed and then LOAN it at very low rates to other banks. As that money is paid back it revert to being "thin air" again. That "reversion" (if you will) is what keeps us from having hyperinflation.

If the economy slows down...more money is created and loaned at lower rates to stimulate borrowing and the economy.

If the economy begins to overheat the Fed raises rates and slows down the creation of money .

All this time loans are being paid off and money is "reverting" to "thin air" again.

That is a simplistic explanation but it is essentially accurate. That is a managed economy and it is the antithesis of "pure capitalism". Some would call it socialism

Regardless, it WORKS

Right. Socialism. There is nothing capitalistic about it.
Tom Brady gets an almost 1 million dollar bail out from the taxpayers. The guy that gets 25 million a year to play football has to be saved by the taxpayers.

Tom Brady's Company TB12 Received More Than $960,000 PPP Loan

All while the working class took pay cuts.
So Brady was approved for a (nearly) million dollar low interest loan (forgivable if it went to pay employees and possibly other business related expenses).get and requires a lot of justification.

It's unclear how many employees he has or what their salaries are but having gotten two PPE myself I know that for MOST businesses it is hard to qualify.

My (very) small business has 5 employees and a gross of $ 800,000. I was only able to get $40,000. That was largely based on my payroll. I'd be interested in seeing the details of his loans

When do you propose you'll pay your back?
Surprise the banks want to loan out money to people who can pay it back? lol
Banks were given that money to be loaned out, so they only deal with people who they already know about.
Banks were given that money to be loaned out, so they only deal with people who they already know about. Like TB12 and his business, they have a relationship,
Get real people. Banks are not on the hook for these loans. The GOVERNMENT is.

Banks are only SERVICING the loans. They are managing them and taking a cut. And newsflash...they get a cut on the total amount.

They make the same amount on one loan for a million as they do on 50 loans that total a million. Guess what? It's a lot easier and cheaper to process one loan than it is 50, so who do you think they are more likely to loan money to?

Yea..Tom Brady. And they LIKE rich folks a lot more than they like you and me. Yea that matters too

All in all, that was why $500 billion got loaned out to rich folks so quickly

So they do want the books closed


they already got their cut

how that eludes people idk, servicing the loan costs money. That's skin the game.
Trump bent over stop making excuses

The whole shutdown was absurd unless you were going to run out of hospital beds, which was never going to happen
trump could not and did not order a national shutdown

Blame that on Dr Fauci and mostly democrat baby hitlers in the cities and states who were influenced by the panic

and yes, republican governors engaged in shutdown to a lessor extent and some still are
When do you propose you'll pay your back?
The terms state payment begins early 2021 if not forgiven

Do you imagine you'll be paying it back?
Hard to say. Some went for wages but not much. My employees preferred unemployment for the most part. We continued on a skeleton crew.

Some went for lease payments and infrastructure costs. It is unclear if that will be forgiven. In fact half of the money is sitting in the bank unspent in case things go really south
Tom Brady gets an almost 1 million dollar bail out from the taxpayers. The guy that gets 25 million a year to play football has to be saved by the taxpayers.

Tom Brady's Company TB12 Received More Than $960,000 PPP Loan

All while the working class took pay cuts.
“Tom Brady gets an almost 1 million dollar bail out from the taxpayers.”
Tom Brady is not TB12. You honestly didn’t know that?
When the Magic Kenyan bailed out big banks, General Motors and the like he wasn’t bailing out the founders and CEO’s. Let me know if you need further explanation on this elementary matter.
So they do want the books closed


they already got their cut

how that eludes people idk, servicing the loan costs money. That's skin the game.
Wow. What a weird take. They "got their cut" based on servicing a loan in FULL.

Sure they'd like to do less work for the same money.

If a loan goes belly up they MAKE money because they no longer service it.

Phew. Weird
Which largely accounts for the mess we have now
There is plenty of blame to go around

and the longer the shutdown continues the more blame there will be
You just admitted that red states did NOT shut down effectively.

And note...half measures provide bad results.

We have a bad result that is extending the issues you claim to care about
You just admitted that red states did NOT shut down effectively.
Did I?

most of the shutdowns in red states were ordered by democrat mayors and county officials in the deep blue big cities

but I concede that even republican governors participated in the shutdown craze also

just not to the extent of wacko lib states like california or new york
most of the shutdowns in red states were ordered by democrat mayors and county officials in the deep blue big cities
So by definition they were haphazard and uncoordinated.

Half measures yield poor results
So by definition they were haphazard and uncoordinated.
I assure you the baby hitlers in deep blue cities were very draconian in their mandated lockdowns

in dallas the democrat county dictator even put a hair salon lady in jail for defying his orders
Tom Brady gets an almost 1 million dollar bail out from the taxpayers. The guy that gets 25 million a year to play football has to be saved by the taxpayers.

Tom Brady's Company TB12 Received More Than $960,000 PPP Loan

All while the working class took pay cuts.
“Tom Brady gets an almost 1 million dollar bail out from the taxpayers.”
Tom Brady is not TB12. You honestly didn’t know that?
When the Magic Kenyan bailed out big banks, General Motors and the like he wasn’t bailing out the founders and CEO’s. Let me know if you need further explanation on this elementary matter.

Yeah, I do. Yes we bailed out the CEO's.
Tom Brady gets an almost 1 million dollar bail out from the taxpayers. The guy that gets 25 million a year to play football has to be saved by the taxpayers.

Tom Brady's Company TB12 Received More Than $960,000 PPP Loan

All while the working class took pay cuts.
“Tom Brady gets an almost 1 million dollar bail out from the taxpayers.”
Tom Brady is not TB12. You honestly didn’t know that?
When the Magic Kenyan bailed out big banks, General Motors and the like he wasn’t bailing out the founders and CEO’s. Let me know if you need further explanation on this elementary matter.

Yeah, I do. Yes we bailed out the CEO's.

I honestly thought you were more intelligent. Sorry for that.
Just so I know where you need help; are you saying you think the CEO of Ignorant Democrats Inc. and the entity Ignorant Democrats Inc. are one and the same entity?
Do you think Gustavo Martinez, the dude cleaning the shitters at Ignorant Democrats Inc. is one and the same with the entity Ignorant Democrats Inc.?
Tom Brady gets an almost 1 million dollar bail out from the taxpayers. The guy that gets 25 million a year to play football has to be saved by the taxpayers.

Tom Brady's Company TB12 Received More Than $960,000 PPP Loan

All while the working class took pay cuts.
“Tom Brady gets an almost 1 million dollar bail out from the taxpayers.”
Tom Brady is not TB12. You honestly didn’t know that?
When the Magic Kenyan bailed out big banks, General Motors and the like he wasn’t bailing out the founders and CEO’s. Let me know if you need further explanation on this elementary matter.

Yeah, I do. Yes we bailed out the CEO's.

I honestly thought you were more intelligent. Sorry for that.
Just so I know where you need help; are you saying you think the CEO of Ignorant Democrats Inc. and the entity Ignorant Democrats Inc. are one and the same entity?
Do you think Gustavo Martinez, the dude cleaning the shitters at Ignorant Democrats Inc. is one and the same with the entity Ignorant Democrats Inc.?

Well you ranted about something. No clue what, but enjoy.
Tom Brady gets an almost 1 million dollar bail out from the taxpayers. The guy that gets 25 million a year to play football has to be saved by the taxpayers.

Tom Brady's Company TB12 Received More Than $960,000 PPP Loan

All while the working class took pay cuts.
“Tom Brady gets an almost 1 million dollar bail out from the taxpayers.”
Tom Brady is not TB12. You honestly didn’t know that?
When the Magic Kenyan bailed out big banks, General Motors and the like he wasn’t bailing out the founders and CEO’s. Let me know if you need further explanation on this elementary matter.

Yeah, I do. Yes we bailed out the CEO's.

I honestly thought you were more intelligent. Sorry for that.
Just so I know where you need help; are you saying you think the CEO of Ignorant Democrats Inc. and the entity Ignorant Democrats Inc. are one and the same entity?
Do you think Gustavo Martinez, the dude cleaning the shitters at Ignorant Democrats Inc. is one and the same with the entity Ignorant Democrats Inc.?

Well you ranted about something. No clue what, but enjoy.

Haha..just say it, don’t be ashamed of yourself.
“BrokeLoser made too much sense, made me look and feel retarded so now I’ll engage my defense mechanism, play stupid and pretend I don’t know what just happened.”

Classic play from you ‘kinda’ Lefties.

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