Tea Partiers Rioting About Hillary not being indicted


This is the right wings "Ferguson" moment....the shocking "no charges" moment.

And we aren't burning cities to the ground. Go figure.
I have been yelling MF'r and n-word for last couple years, more each month. Gloves off. I can't seem to stop it? I will probably use NAPA in posting also? Filthy maggot liberal commie cheatin cirrupt puke......be fore-warned.

No more mr. Nice guy.
HA HA!!!! Really? Tea Partiers don't riot.
No, they just whine about how ‘the system’ is ‘rigged,’ and other ignorant, moronic nonsense.
Clayton is another dem dick sucker that never opposes or disagrees with the central committee....er the democratic party.

He and his leftwing friends, talk about a rigged system like with Citizen's United, but unlike that case, this is someone getting off that is certainly guilty, more like OJ.

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