Tea Partiers Rioting About Hillary not being indicted

Maybe it's time that those of us on the Conservative end of the spectrum take a page from the book of our philosophical opponents and START rioting and resisting violently when injustices like yesterday and the Benghazi Report occur.

Of course, we're a little better equipped and trained than our Liberal cousins, so the Government will have a little more trouble containing get us than the vermin from Occupy and the race rioters.
Maybe it's time that those of us on the Conservative end of the spectrum take a page from the book of our philosophical opponents and START rioting and resisting violently when injustices like yesterday and the Benghazi Report occur.

Of course, we're a little better equipped and trained than our Liberal cousins, so the Government will have a little more trouble containing get us than the vermin from Occupy and the race rioters.

Of course if Conservatives do that, they will get their finger wagged at by liberals about " the Law of The Land". The next time Liberals go after a Conservative for breaking the law, just say there was no intent. If it's good enough for Hillary, it's good enough for US.
HA HA!!!! Really? Tea Partiers don't riot.

No, they pout and make up silly conspiracy theories.

Ha.... Like Occupy and its notion that the 1 percent wealthy and cronyism is all done by Conservatives.

Nobody takes care of the 1% as well as the conservatives.

Oh palaese..... girt a news flash for you Sparky, the Clinton's are 1%'s.. as are the Obama's.

Lighten up. You've been duped.
HA HA!!!! Really? Tea Partiers don't riot.

No, they pout and make up silly conspiracy theories.

Ha.... Like Occupy and its notion that the 1 percent wealthy and cronyism is all done by Conservatives.

Nobody takes care of the 1% as well as the conservatives.

Oh palaese..... girt a news flash for you Sparky, the Clinton's are 1%'s.. as are the Obama's.

Lighten up. You've been duped.

All presidential candidates are. You saying T-rump isn't 1%? It's his only qualification.
HA HA!!!! Really? Tea Partiers don't riot.

No, they pout and make up silly conspiracy theories.
I really like the one where if Britain left the EU the world would come to an end.

There is a long list of right wing theories that they claim will end the world. People getting healthcare was supposed to end the world as we know it.
well it certainly ended the 40 hour work week
Republicans are very angry about the Clintons getting away with more crimes, but i doubt they'll riot over it. Rioting and looting is an ignorant Democrat thing. They're known for it.

Republicans will be angry, but they'll protest it peacefully and show up on Election Day. They'll be civil. That's the difference between Republicans and Democrats. There won't be any burning and looting over this.
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This is the right wings "Ferguson" moment....the shocking "no charges" moment.

And we aren't burning cities to the ground. Go figure.

So you are comparing an illegal server to killing someone
Man, maybe Republicans should start burning & looting like Democrats do? It would at least show the Party has some life left in it. But it's just not how Republicans protest injustices. They'll be civil and let their voices be heard on Election Day.
The real burning & looting is gonna come when the Moochers (Democrats) feel threatened that their Freebies might disappear. The Moochers have been content these last 8yrs, and feel pretty good about Clinton continuing the free ride.

But when the Republicans get back in there and they feel the free ride is ending, that's when the shit's gonna hit the fan. They'll be burning cities down. So, arm and protect yourselves people. Be prepared for when the real SHTF. Because it is gonna happen.

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