Tea Party aka Rino/Establishment groupies never do History-Math or Reading


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
It is astounding to me--that a party that I have been a part of all of my life (Republican) no longer represents me. I have donated to Republicans and have been on political boards promoting Republican candidates, but I can no longer do that. I used to be a member of the Tea Party back in the 2009/2010 era very concerned about our exploding deficits and government spending. I dropped out when the far right of this group made their 2012 platform about abortion, who's going to pay for birth control pills, and what is "legitimate" rape questions which was always answered by an old white Republican male. In 2012 Women went running from the party by double digits, we lost younger women by a whopping 36 points, which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama. Anti immigration reform was also a topic back then, & Romney only collected 27% of Hispanic group, when historically the GOP needs at least 40% of this group to win the White House.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Not learning anything from the loss in 2016, they put up several candidates that could in no way capture the woman vote, that they lost in 2012 because of extreme abortion stances. Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindhal, Rick Santorum, & (Ben Carson & Marco Rubio-who continually flip-flop on this issue depending on what right wing group they're in front of.) You see women do believe that their lives are worth saving, and they aren't going to vote for anyone that doesn't believe the same. All of the above candidates are swimming upstream against a 91% population that does believe in giving exceptions on abortion to the life of the mother, rape and incest.
A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights
Rand Paul’s Personhood Problem - The New Yorker

Today they have done it again this year by chasing away 17% of population (Hispanics). I live in Colorado where we depend on Hispanics to get Republicans elected. They were extremely beneficial in getting our new Senator Cory Gardner elected in 2014. They have now moved back into the Democrat column insuring that Hillary Clinton will win this state in 2016, due the activity and the hateful rhetoric coming from Donald Trump & his supporters.
GOP gains traction among Hispanic voters with aggressive outreach campaigns

Republicans are the minority party at 41 million. Democrats are the stronger party at 46 million, and the largest voting block today are independents who make up for 40% of the entire electorate. While the rino-establishment groupies have been busy attacking their own party, they never noticed that the Republican party continues to shrink.

Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman POTUS in 200 years.'
Women are the majority voters in this country representing 54%, and they outvote men by 10 points.

Donald Trump and his supporters have successfully run off the Latino vote, and he is currently polling at a Negative 75% within the 17% Hispanic voting population. Again we needed at least 40% of this group to win the White House. This will roll over on any GOP candidate chosen.
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

After being on political boards for 15 years--it is very discouraging to see this happen to the Republican party. It's out of ignorance & hate toward large voting blocks. The Tea Party member lives in a world of right wing talk radio and Fox News-& that's all they know. Their world is going to come crashing down on them on election night when they witness the unadulterated POWER of women and Latino voters on election night. It wouldn't surprise me to see us lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the House. Clearly we have lost the Hispanic vote for decades to come.

I anticipate this election is going to remind us of one long ago. You can change the states around but the electoral vote will be about the same. Just switch Reagan's name to Clinton, & Carter's name to any candidate the Republican nominee will be.

yawn......your credibility in political punditry strains credulity.

Weren't you the one practically guaranteeing that "Carly" would be the nominee a few weeks ago? She's at what? 2 or 3% now?

Women do not vote in blocs and neither do "hispanics".
yawn......your credibility in political punditry strains credulity.

Weren't you the one practically guaranteeing that "Carly" would be the nominee a few weeks ago? She's at what? 2 or 3% now?

Women do not vote in blocs and neither do "hispanics".

With those numbers it's impossible for anyone to win in 2016, including Carly Fiorina. She could get women--but with Latino's changing their party status from Republican to Democrat in mass, and many who have never voted in their lives registering to vote, it's going to be impossible to overcome for any Republican regardless of who the nominee is.

It's not rocket science--just math.

Hispanic Vote Won't Come Easy for Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz
At this point I do not see the majority of women relating to Carley Fiornia .
She lacks the warmth and approachability needed to capture the average woman who is not a CEO.
At this point I do not see the majority of women relating to Carley Fiornia .
She lacks the warmth and approachability needed to capture the average woman who is not a CEO.

Again, the point of this thread is no Republican candidate is capable of winning the White House with these numbers. Until the right wing of this party aka Tea Party aka Rino/Establishment groupies finally realize that Republicans are the minority party, and it's not a good idea to chase off large voting blocks (women & Hispanics) in this county, they will continue to lose National elections.

Until these same people realize that this nation is a center nation, and they vote for moderate candidates, not far right social conservatives, they will continue to lose National elections.

The Ballooning Importance Of The 'Latino Vote,' In 3 Charts

Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
yawn......your credibility in political punditry strains credulity.

Weren't you the one practically guaranteeing that "Carly" would be the nominee a few weeks ago? She's at what? 2 or 3% now?

Women do not vote in blocs and neither do "hispanics".

With those numbers it's impossible for anyone to win in 2016, including Carly Fiorina. She could get women--but with Latino's changing their party status from Republican to Democrat in mass, and many who have never voted in their lives registering to vote, it's going to be impossible to overcome for any Republican regardless of who the nominee is.

It's not rocket science--just math.

Hispanic Vote Won't Come Easy for Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz

No. It's not math. it's conjecture.
yawn......your credibility in political punditry strains credulity.

Weren't you the one practically guaranteeing that "Carly" would be the nominee a few weeks ago? She's at what? 2 or 3% now?

Women do not vote in blocs and neither do "hispanics".

With those numbers it's impossible for anyone to win in 2016, including Carly Fiorina. She could get women--but with Latino's changing their party status from Republican to Democrat in mass, and many who have never voted in their lives registering to vote, it's going to be impossible to overcome for any Republican regardless of who the nominee is.

It's not rocket science--just math.

Hispanic Vote Won't Come Easy for Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz

No. It's not math. it's conjecture.

You can't defy the laws of gravity, or math. I doubt most will realize it until the Republican party is steam rolled and buried on election night. Even then, since they appear to be vacant of knowledge as to why they lost in 2012, it may take another several Presidential election cycles to understand why they lose.

Women are the majority voters in this country & they will be voting heavily for the 1st woman POTUS in 200 years. Since the Tea Party has chased off 17% of the population (Hispanics) there will be no other result than a landslide victory for Hillary Clinton.
yawn......your credibility in political punditry strains credulity.

Weren't you the one practically guaranteeing that "Carly" would be the nominee a few weeks ago? She's at what? 2 or 3% now?

Women do not vote in blocs and neither do "hispanics".

With those numbers it's impossible for anyone to win in 2016, including Carly Fiorina. She could get women--but with Latino's changing their party status from Republican to Democrat in mass, and many who have never voted in their lives registering to vote, it's going to be impossible to overcome for any Republican regardless of who the nominee is.

It's not rocket science--just math.

Hispanic Vote Won't Come Easy for Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz

No. It's not math. it's conjecture.

You can't defy the laws of gravity, or math. I doubt most will realize it until the Republican party is steam rolled and buried on election night. Even then, since they appear to be vacant of knowledge as to why they lost in 2012, it may take another several Presidential election cycles to understand why they lose.

Women are the majority voters in this country & they will be voting heavily for the 1st woman POTUS in 200 years. Since the Tea Party has chased off 17% of the population (Hispanics) there will be no other result than a landslide victory for Hillary Clinton.

The same "math" had Republicans losing the house and senate in 2014. How'd that work out?

You're just mad because Carly shit the bed. It's OK, you can admit it.
It is astounding to me--that a party that I have been a part of all of my life (Republican) no longer represents me. I have donated to Republicans and have been on political boards promoting Republican candidates, but I can no longer do that. I used to be a member of the Tea Party back in the 2009/2010 era very concerned about our exploding deficits and government spending. I dropped out when the far right of this group made their 2012 platform about abortion, who's going to pay for birth control pills, and what is "legitimate" rape questions which was always answered by an old white Republican male. In 2012 Women went running from the party by double digits, we lost younger women by a whopping 36 points, which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama. Anti immigration reform was also a topic back then, & Romney only collected 27% of Hispanic group, when historically the GOP needs at least 40% of this group to win the White House.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Not learning anything from the loss in 2016, they put up several candidates that could in no way capture the woman vote, that they lost in 2012 because of extreme abortion stances. Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindhal, Rick Santorum, & (Ben Carson & Marco Rubio-who continually flip-flop on this issue depending on what right wing group they're in front of.) You see women do believe that their lives are worth saving, and they aren't going to vote for anyone that doesn't believe the same. All of the above candidates are swimming upstream against a 91% population that does believe in giving exceptions on abortion to the life of the mother, rape and incest.
A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights
Rand Paul’s Personhood Problem - The New Yorker

Today they have done it again this year by chasing away 17% of population (Hispanics). I live in Colorado where we depend on Hispanics to get Republicans elected. They were extremely beneficial in getting our new Senator Cory Gardner elected in 2014. They have now moved back into the Democrat column insuring that Hillary Clinton will win this state in 2016, due the activity and the hateful rhetoric coming from Donald Trump & his supporters.
GOP gains traction among Hispanic voters with aggressive outreach campaigns

Republicans are the minority party at 41 million. Democrats are the stronger party at 46 million, and the largest voting block today are independents who make up for 40% of the entire electorate. While the rino-establishment groupies have been busy attacking their own party, they never noticed that the Republican party continues to shrink.

Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman POTUS in 200 years.'
Women are the majority voters in this country representing 54%, and they outvote men by 10 points.

Donald Trump and his supporters have successfully run off the Latino vote, and he is currently polling at a Negative 75% within the 17% Hispanic voting population. Again we needed at least 40% of this group to win the White House. This will roll over on any GOP candidate chosen.
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

After being on political boards for 15 years--it is very discouraging to see this happen to the Republican party. It's out of ignorance & hate toward large voting blocks. The Tea Party member lives in a world of right wing talk radio and Fox News-& that's all they know. Their world is going to come crashing down on them on election night when they witness the unadulterated POWER of women and Latino voters on election night. It wouldn't surprise me to see us lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the House. Clearly we have lost the Hispanic vote for decades to come.

I anticipate this election is going to remind us of one long ago. You can change the states around but the electoral vote will be about the same. Just switch Reagan's name to Clinton, & Carter's name to any candidate the Republican nominee will be.


Good analysis and the links to back it up.

The very people that are part of the teabagger cohort who only follow faux news and con-talk-radio will now do their best to deny this reality in posts here. It is denial of fact though. The first real glimpse of this was the reaction of Romney followers and conservatives everywhere when Barack Obama won another term. Karl Rove absolutely could not accept it. The meltdown on faux news was priceless.

Donald Trump is a screaming drowning man that represents hard right conservatism just before it goes under. This process has been decades in the making and in the next 2-3 elections it will be more than obvious to conservatives as well.

The Republican party will have to shed its 'white', 'evangelical', 'anti-immigrant', 'anti-woman' agenda in favor of more moderate stances.

There is no choice. The flailers will continue flailing for a while, but the writing is on the wall.
yawn......your credibility in political punditry strains credulity.

Weren't you the one practically guaranteeing that "Carly" would be the nominee a few weeks ago? She's at what? 2 or 3% now?

Women do not vote in blocs and neither do "hispanics".

With those numbers it's impossible for anyone to win in 2016, including Carly Fiorina. She could get women--but with Latino's changing their party status from Republican to Democrat in mass, and many who have never voted in their lives registering to vote, it's going to be impossible to overcome for any Republican regardless of who the nominee is.

It's not rocket science--just math.

Hispanic Vote Won't Come Easy for Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz

No. It's not math. it's conjecture.

You can't defy the laws of gravity, or math. I doubt most will realize it until the Republican party is steam rolled and buried on election night. Even then, since they appear to be vacant of knowledge as to why they lost in 2012, it may take another several Presidential election cycles to understand why they lose.

Women are the majority voters in this country & they will be voting heavily for the 1st woman POTUS in 200 years. Since the Tea Party has chased off 17% of the population (Hispanics) there will be no other result than a landslide victory for Hillary Clinton.

The same "math" had Republicans losing the house and senate in 2014. How'd that work out?

You're just mad because Carly shit the bed. It's OK, you can admit it.

Apparently you don't understand the difference between a state-wide election for U.S. Senator and a National Election for POTUS. What or who your state votes for, is in no way indicative of what the National constituency will vote for.

This election is already over.
You have chased off 17% of the population in this country before the voting ever got started. There is no Republican candidate that will be able to overcome this deficit. Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS due to you & your like minded Tea Party--rino/establishment groupies support of Donald Trump.

Furthermore, and because of your actions, the gains you mentioned in the Senate that were made in 2014, will more than likely be erased in 2016. For Instance, the Latino's in my state of Colorado that were very instrumental in getting Republican senator Cory Gardner elected in 2014, have now moved back into the Democrat column and will be voting to re-elect our Democrat Senator Michael Bennet in 2016. There is no chance of defeating him now.
Cory Gardner defeats Mark Udall in critical Colorado Senate race

Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance
Last edited:
yawn......your credibility in political punditry strains credulity.

Weren't you the one practically guaranteeing that "Carly" would be the nominee a few weeks ago? She's at what? 2 or 3% now?

Women do not vote in blocs and neither do "hispanics".

With those numbers it's impossible for anyone to win in 2016, including Carly Fiorina. She could get women--but with Latino's changing their party status from Republican to Democrat in mass, and many who have never voted in their lives registering to vote, it's going to be impossible to overcome for any Republican regardless of who the nominee is.

It's not rocket science--just math.

Hispanic Vote Won't Come Easy for Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz

No. It's not math. it's conjecture.

You can't defy the laws of gravity, or math. I doubt most will realize it until the Republican party is steam rolled and buried on election night. Even then, since they appear to be vacant of knowledge as to why they lost in 2012, it may take another several Presidential election cycles to understand why they lose.

Women are the majority voters in this country & they will be voting heavily for the 1st woman POTUS in 200 years. Since the Tea Party has chased off 17% of the population (Hispanics) there will be no other result than a landslide victory for Hillary Clinton.

The same "math" had Republicans losing the house and senate in 2014. How'd that work out?

You're just mad because Carly shit the bed. It's OK, you can admit it.

Apparently you don't understand the difference between a state-wide election for U.S. Senator and a National Election for POTUS. What or who your state votes for, is in no way indicative of what the National constituency will vote for.

This election is already over.
You have chased off 17% of the population in this country before the voting ever got started. There is no Republican candidate that will be able to overcome this deficit. Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS due to you & your like minded Tea Party--rino/establishment groupies support of Donald Trump.

Furthermore, and because of your actions, the gains you mentioned in the Senate that were made in 2014, will more than likely be erased in 2016. For Instance, the Latino's in my state of Colorado that were very instrumental in getting Republican senator Cory Gardner elected in 2014, have now moved back into the Democrat column and will be voting to re-elect our Democrat Senator Michael Bennet in 2016. There is no chance of defeating him now.
Cory Gardner defeats Mark Udall in critical Colorado Senate race

Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

My actions did all that!? :rofl: Wow, I didn't know I was that powerful. :thup:

Apparently you do not understand how we elect the President. We do not hold a "national" election. We have 50 state elections. You also suffer from some delusional thinking that women vote as a group. They don't. Nor do Hispanics.

Anyway, we all know that your favorite candidate "Carly" shit the bed, badly. So now you're looking for someone, anyone to blame. My suggestion- blame Carly. She's simply not a very good candidate or campaigner.
With those numbers it's impossible for anyone to win in 2016, including Carly Fiorina. She could get women--but with Latino's changing their party status from Republican to Democrat in mass, and many who have never voted in their lives registering to vote, it's going to be impossible to overcome for any Republican regardless of who the nominee is.

It's not rocket science--just math.

Hispanic Vote Won't Come Easy for Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz

No. It's not math. it's conjecture.

You can't defy the laws of gravity, or math. I doubt most will realize it until the Republican party is steam rolled and buried on election night. Even then, since they appear to be vacant of knowledge as to why they lost in 2012, it may take another several Presidential election cycles to understand why they lose.

Women are the majority voters in this country & they will be voting heavily for the 1st woman POTUS in 200 years. Since the Tea Party has chased off 17% of the population (Hispanics) there will be no other result than a landslide victory for Hillary Clinton.

The same "math" had Republicans losing the house and senate in 2014. How'd that work out?

You're just mad because Carly shit the bed. It's OK, you can admit it.

Apparently you don't understand the difference between a state-wide election for U.S. Senator and a National Election for POTUS. What or who your state votes for, is in no way indicative of what the National constituency will vote for.

This election is already over.
You have chased off 17% of the population in this country before the voting ever got started. There is no Republican candidate that will be able to overcome this deficit. Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS due to you & your like minded Tea Party--rino/establishment groupies support of Donald Trump.

Furthermore, and because of your actions, the gains you mentioned in the Senate that were made in 2014, will more than likely be erased in 2016. For Instance, the Latino's in my state of Colorado that were very instrumental in getting Republican senator Cory Gardner elected in 2014, have now moved back into the Democrat column and will be voting to re-elect our Democrat Senator Michael Bennet in 2016. There is no chance of defeating him now.
Cory Gardner defeats Mark Udall in critical Colorado Senate race

Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

My actions did all that!? :rofl: Wow, I didn't know I was that powerful. :thup:

Apparently you do not understand how we elect the President. We do not hold a "national" election. We have 50 state elections. You also suffer from some delusional thinking that women vote as a group. They don't. Nor do Hispanics.

Anyway, we all know that your favorite candidate "Carly" shit the bed, badly. So now you're looking for someone, anyone to blame. My suggestion- blame Carly. She's simply not a very good candidate or campaigner.

You know, if you have reading comprehension problems, there are classes that you can take.

The Republican Party is going to get steam rolled and buried on election night, because of the far right of the party.

If the tea party/rino/establishment groupies keep chasing off large voting blocks with their too far right rhetoric on social issues, or hateful rhetoric against Hispanics, they will continue to LOSE Presidential elections from here to eternity.

This election is already over, you have delivered it into Hillary Clinton's lap by chasing off 17% of the population. We needed at least 40% of this group to win the White House, and they're GONE.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

Last edited:
Always like ruining a subversives rant!

New Poll: Trump Wins, Gets 30% of Hispanic Vote, 25 ...
Even more fantastical, Trump gets 25% of the black vote and 30% of the Hispanic vote. Trump has said he will get the Hispanic vote. If this is ..

That's horseshit--

Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Always like ruining a subversives rant!

New Poll: Trump Wins, Gets 30% of Hispanic Vote, 25 ...
Even more fantastical, Trump gets 25% of the black vote and 30% of the Hispanic vote. Trump has said he will get the Hispanic vote. If this is ..

That's horseshit--

Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Well now, we have competing links... I believe mine as it's a NEWER link!
Always like ruining a subversives rant!

New Poll: Trump Wins, Gets 30% of Hispanic Vote, 25 ...
Even more fantastical, Trump gets 25% of the black vote and 30% of the Hispanic vote. Trump has said he will get the Hispanic vote. If this is ..

That's horseshit--

Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Well now, we have competing links... I believe mine as it's a NEWER link!

LOL-Yeah it's probably one of T
Always like ruining a subversives rant!

New Poll: Trump Wins, Gets 30% of Hispanic Vote, 25 ...
Even more fantastical, Trump gets 25% of the black vote and 30% of the Hispanic vote. Trump has said he will get the Hispanic vote. If this is ..

That's horseshit--

Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

Well now, we have competing links... I believe mine as it's a NEWER link!

Well you might want to check YOUR poll again.

If you actually LOOK at the make up of YOUR poll Hispanics & Blacks poll considerably higher for Hillary Clinton than they do Trump.

Trump at a negative 75% with Hispanics would mean that he would have to capture at least 95% of the white vote to win the White House. There's not a snow balls chance in hell of that happening.

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