Tea Party Dead? Lugar Loses

Evidently the people aren't as freaked out with Mormons as you, they keep voting for the slime ball, Harry Reid.

In fact, Reid's religion isn't even a topic of discussion or interest amongst the Leftists.

nor do they like to discuss Papa Obama belonging 20 years
to a Marxist based black liberation theology church

Funny how that works

Looks like joey is selective in his moral outrage!

Obama had you from the moment he did that gay little wiggle dance on the Ellen DeGeneres Show.

But soon the adults will be back in charge.

Not with Romney... most people are about as creeped out about Mormons as I am. Or will be when they figure out he is one.

Romney is going to lose by an epic margin.

Evidently the people aren't as freaked out with Mormons as you, they keep voting for the slime ball, Harry Reid.

Harry lives in a state where a lot of those cultists live...

And again, I think a lot of people just don't know how Crazy MOrmon beliefs are... if they did, we'd fence off Utah and turn it into a cult deprogramming camp.
In fact, Reid's religion isn't even a topic of discussion or interest amongst the Leftists.

nor do they like to discuss Papa Obama belonging 20 years
to a Marxist based black liberation theology church

Funny how that works

Looks like joey is selective in his moral outrage!


Well, first, anyone who says "Marxist Black Liberation Theology" are up there with those who say Illuminati and Freemasons... They are folks who need bogeymen in their lives.

Second, the minute Obama didn't need Wright anymore, he threw Wright under the bus.

If I thought Obama really believed in Talking Snakes, I'd be worried about him.
He has gone to the 'Dark side"

Not that at all.

I just think Mitt Romney is a horrible person. And a Mormon. But I repeat myself.

Obama is kind of a boob, but he's a decent man.

That really blots out all the idealogical considerations.

Now, beyond that, the GOP has become a situation where instead of being the sensible things I used to support, has been taken over by fringe loons. How many people have they driven out or tried to drive out? Jesus, the Tea Party almost got John McCain pushed out of the Senate. they tried to push out Lisa Murkowski.

Unfortunately, 2010 only encouraged them.

McCain and Murkowski should have been gone years ago, IMNSHO.

But I agree, Obama is a 'decent' man in that he has a moral center, but I dont think he has much respect for the Constitution.

That still leaves him miles above Romney in almost every way one can measure.

I don't even see Obama as a decent person...He won't stand up to his own party who is shoving legislation on the people AGAINST their will (ObamaCare for instance)... so in my opinion, he puts Politics over the country and us..
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In fact, Reid's religion isn't even a topic of discussion or interest amongst the Leftists.

nor do they like to discuss Papa Obama belonging 20 years
to a Marxist based black liberation theology church

Funny how that works

Looks like joey is selective in his moral outrage!


Yes very
but did we expect any less

It is to be expected with the Left and their failed attempts
to paint Papa Obama as a "Centrist"

The only thing "center" on him is his pants crease
ask Brooks

Indeed, move the line left enough and Papa might seem
to be "Centrist"
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Not with Romney... most people are about as creeped out about Mormons as I am. Or will be when they figure out he is one.

Romney is going to lose by an epic margin.

Evidently the people aren't as freaked out with Mormons as you, they keep voting for the slime ball, Harry Reid.

if they did, we'd fence off Utah and turn it into a cult deprogramming camp.

Wouldn't we all be much safer if we did that in today's Liberal strongholds such as, oh, Detroit?
I don't even see Obama as a decent person...He won't stand up to his own party who is shoving legislation on the people AGAINST their will... so in my opinion, he puts Politics over the country and us..

Which legislation is that? Are you still whining about ObamaCare (or RomneyCare Mark II)

i'm always amused about people who say that they are against the ACA, and then when you ask them about what specificially offends them, they have a bit of drool dripping from their mouths.

You really want to go back to Insurance Company "Death Panels" deciding not to treat illnesses in children after their parents paid good money for insurance because they called it a "pre-existing condition"?
Evidently the people aren't as freaked out with Mormons as you, they keep voting for the slime ball, Harry Reid.

if they did, we'd fence off Utah and turn it into a cult deprogramming camp.

Wouldn't we all be much safer if we did that in today's Liberal strongholds such as, oh, Detroit?

You mean the places that are in bad shape because the people who run your party moved all the good jobs to third world countries to make a quick profit.

Those places.

I think we should put a fence around them. And then put all the CEO's who decided that was a good idea inside the fence with the people they impoverished.

That would be fucking hilarous.

Which legislation is that? Are you still whining about ObamaCare (or RomneyCare Mark II)

I see you ignorant to the constitutional precepts of State rights v. the powers of the Federal government.

Which is ok, but you really should not be offering opinion on topics of which you have no understanding.

It kinda makes you look like a dick.
good grief, I feel we should hold a funeral service for Lugar..

A CAREER politician

this is why this Government thinks it can walk all over us..
Yes very
but did we expect any less

It is to be expected with the Left and their failed attempts
to paint Papa Obama as a "Centrist"

The only thing "center" on him is his pants crease
ask Brooks

Indeed, move the line left enough and Papa might seem
to be "Centrist"

Ummm, I'm still trying to find out how he's not a centrist when he implemented ROmney's Health Care policy on a national level.

You know, the one that the Heritage Foundation couldn't say enough good things about, until Obama copied it.

The problem with "left" and "right" is that they are largely meaningless at this point when your standard is "Whatever Obama's for, I'm against."

Frankly, Obama's foreign policies really haven't strayed that far from Bush's policies on most issues. Except he manages to get it done without pissing the rest of the world off. So there's that.
Not sure why it's "the lefts" fault that big corporations moved all the manufacturing to third world countries.

Because you are the most reliable purchasers of import car labels, for starters.

Union Demand; taxes and regulations
as well

Yeah, the Left has no part in this

I always get a kick when I drive by a school and see the parking lot of those unionized teachers chock full of import car labels.

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