Tea Party Dead? Lugar Loses


The left can never take blame for their failures
like Detroit or the Great Society

Not sure why it's "the lefts" fault that big corporations moved all the manufacturing to third world countries.

Because you are the most reliable purchasers of import car labels, for starters.

Ummm... not really.

My four cars I've owned since 1985...

'84 Chevy Chevette
'88 Ford Escort
'95 Ford Escort
'03 Ford Focus

Of course, I found out after the fact my Focus was assembled in Mexico while a lot of Nissans are assembled in the US.

But let's look at why other people who aren't me buy foreign labels?

Well, you have the Ford Pinto, the Barbaque that seats four. Some rich guys that you admire decided it would be cheaper to pay off the folks who burned to death than do a recall to do an $11.00 repair on millions of units.

Wasn't the fault of the unions or the Democrats or the left, that kind of mentality was just plain greed.
Because you are the most reliable purchasers of import car labels, for starters.

Ummm... not really.

I am speaking generically about you hypocritical Liberals, of course.

Actually, I know a lot of conservatives who drive imports and a lot of liberals who drive American.

But yeah, a lot of liberals who care about the environment drive imports because they are more fuel efficient.

And then the conservatives with their big SUV's found out that SUV wasn't nearly as cool any more when gas went up to $4.00 a gallon.

But the real problem. While Ford and GM were doing the same thing, the Japanese and Germans were innovating.

And today, manufacturing is adopting Japanese methods for manufacturing because they think everything is cooler if you say it in Japanese. So you get Kaizan and Muda and 5-S and other Japanese methods... that we originally taught them after WWII.
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The left can never take blame for their failures
like Detroit or the Great Society

Not sure why it's "the lefts" fault that big corporations moved all the manufacturing to third world countries.

Free Trade was a right wing idea.. and a pretty crappy one.

I agree, and so was the EPA , both are pretty crappy.
I don't know why the left says Repubs are for businesses when both of these ideas have harmed our businesses greatly.
Well that is where the problem for the
left starts with...

They can't see the problems they have created

But they insis that you look at the intent...NOT the mess they created.

And so does the right.

Well the neocons do, but the traditional conservatives and the libertarians are more objective, IMO. I dont agree with all that either of them assert, but I do appreciate the honesty of their movement.

With Romney taking over the GOP that will come to an end very soon as they purge those who are not 'team players'.

And both parties are very bad about not admitting they MADE a mistake and going in another direction.

True, that is why we need a new party ASAP.
Well that is where the problem for the
left starts with...

They can't see the problems they have created

But they insis that you look at the intent...NOT the mess they created.

To them the intent is all that really matters, like a Don Quixote form of governance.

Sort of like Papa Obama's energy policies

But you support Owebama.


NO, I oppose Romney.

Distinction without a difference when you vote, again, for your Leftist manchild.

Again, better than a creepy evil cultist.

I look at it this way. Obama will be hemmed in by a GOP congress (unless Romney blows that) and he'll be a lame duck the minute he wins.

Romney, on the other hand, is pure evil. He's someone who likes to brag about liking to fire people, and doesn't care about the poor, and can't have illegals here, he's running for office.

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