Tea Party GOP Loses Already! Public Says Health Plan Not Socialist Enough!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Repubublican Pledge plan calls for the repeal of the Health Care legislation recently going into effect. There is not much to replace it. Abraham Lincoln sent hundreds of thousands of white people to under-funded field hospitals in his time. GOP will now send hundreds of thousands of all kinds of people to under-funded local hospitals in their time. State and local governments will have to fund the current health care system as is usual. That is apparently thier plan!

Much of the public actually thinks that the national health care legislation did not go far enough!

AP Poll Repeal Many wish health law went further - Road Runner

The Republicans, on the other hand, want to go back--apparently to origins of Lincoln-level species. The Tea Party wants to go back further than that, even to leeches.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Medicine Man lead ghost dancers, in last days, to nowhere! Former White Eyes leader did major diagnostics from Senate Floor, even!)
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Well, if there's a poll, it must be true.

I sometimes wonder how many Americans actually have the ability to think for themselves. Many of us seem unable to discuss anything without producing some ridiculous 'evidence' from some nonsense source or cherry picking polls to back up a biased view. Sad really.... and our politicians love it.
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Then why are most Dems up for re-election not running on it and many Dems running on "I didn't vote for it"?

Nice try... keep dreaming... it's over buddy.
With that said, mos Americans know something needs to be done, just not what was done. How about addressing portability, tort reform, eliminating interstate restrictions, allowing employers to pool together, etc.? There was no thought that went into this other than the mantra of the farleft.

Nah, let's just systematically drive the insurance industry out of business.
Mostly, white people in the Civil War had a one in four chance of survival at all. The Tea Party knows this, and clearly the Abraham Lincoln Republicans knew this at the time. These are the kinds of people who drove out in carriages from Washington, D. C., to run away from the Battle of Bull Run twice.

Anyone recalls that Vice President Cheney was able to shoot a Republican lobbyist, even in the face, but was more inclined to let even Osama bin laden go free. The U. S. military was sent elsewhere, led on another wild goose chase of the Party of Abraham Lincoln!

Characteristically, the Republicans would further not ask of the newly freed, just they wanted to do next.

The Tea Party has not bothered to ask the majority of Americans: Just what they want to do next!

Civil War Medicine

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Tea Party Impersonators--Of Hate America GOP--want Rand Paul to make diagnosis from Senate Floor!)
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LOL, can you believe the crap lamestream Pravda media keeps dishing out. and SUM, as witnessed here, swallow it hook, line and sinker.:lol:
Then why are most Dems up for re-election not running on it and many Dems running on "I didn't vote for it"?

Nice try... keep dreaming... it's over buddy.

Indeed. And how many Congresscritters are 'Clamouring' [As Pelosi put it], to get Obama to campaign for them? This was his baby...and they've thown that baby out with their dirty bathwater.
portability, allowing employers to pool together

"Portability" usually implies removing employers from the equation. The alternative way to individualize insurance policies but also retain a role for employers while allowing them to enhance their clout by entering a single risk pool would be to construct some sort of health insurance exchange for small businesses that allows employees to select an individual plan that belongs to them and not the company (similar to what Utah is doing). But that's what is going to happen under the reform law, which creates "SHOP exchanges" for small businesses.

So what are you talking about?

tort reform

"Tort reform" is no more specific a suggestion than is "health reform." What are you asking for?

eliminating interstate restrictions,

What's interesting is that the people who are asking for a federal law to overturn state consumer protection laws are also often the same people criticizing the ACA as a dangerous overreach of federal authority.

That said, ACA allows for a few different kinds of interstate insurance purchasing. And by setting a uniform minimum set of standards for insurance exchanges it opens the door to unlimited interstate insurance purchasing in the future. But if what you're asking for is simply deregulation then no, it doesn't do that. Nor is it clear why that would be a good idea.
Stephanie Poster!

ABC Network, GMA, aired a discussion among teenagers on the matter of Moslem Tolerance. One finally piped up that in the Bible that he was trained in, that Mohammed is somehow a false prophet.

Mostly, Neither the Old nor the New Testaments are known to contain no such statement.

In newer versions, the New Testament does know about "evil-doers," even: And prophets. Anyone can see in Luke 13:25-30, about who get whats in the Christian religion.

USCCB - NAB - Luke 13

So if the prophets go to the Heaven of Jesus Christ: Then there is also the alternative presented.

There are lots of stories to be told

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Many Squaws come to new Heaven of Lands of Many Nations, even!!)
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Keep in mind that anything that helps business and the wealthy is CAPITALISM

Anything that helps the people is SOCIALISM
Yeah, the solution for problems caused by government is more government. People really do get the government they deserve, maybe we should just pattern the strongest,most prosperous nation in the history of mankind after Cuba or China and be done with it.
Then why are most Dems up for re-election not running on it and many Dems running on "I didn't vote for it"?

Nice try... keep dreaming... it's over buddy.

No. Those Dems that are running on "I didn't vote for it", are scared. Scared of the Tea Party, scared of the Republican party, scared to stand up and spread the right information about the bill. And although it doesn't go near far enough, it's a huge step in the right direction.
And this poll goes to further prove the points of Progressive groups such as FireDogLake, who've said all along that the majority of people wanted something more.. Not no bill at all. They wanted a Public Option.. We didn't get that, but hopefully in the near future, we will.
Also, what about strong Progressives like Alan Grayson -that fought so hard for real reform- slamming their Republican challengers in the polls?
It's because America wants Democrats to govern like the majority.. Not like a buncha pussy ass mother fuckers.. Scared of the minority party, and a group funded by billionare oil brothers.
Then why are most Dems up for re-election not running on it and many Dems running on "I didn't vote for it"?

Nice try... keep dreaming... it's over buddy.

American Pravda AP says it popular! Who are we to argue?

LOL....gotta love the wingers

Fox is "Fair and balanced"

Associated Press is "Pravda"

No wonder they have such a tilted view of the world
Keep smokin' that dope!!
Obamacare is actually pretty moderate. If you go back and look at the Health Care program the Bob Dole put forward, this one is actually very similar to it.

It's just that the right is not willing to compromise at all so it's very liberal apparently...
Dems need to run on their records:

Record Debt

Record Monthly Deficit

Record Annual Deficit

Record number of people living in poverty

Legislation running 2,000 pages that no one read or supports
Obamacare is actually pretty moderate. If you go back and look at the Health Care program the Bob Dole put forward, this one is actually very similar to it.

It's just that the right is not willing to compromise at all so it's very liberal apparently...

Actually you are right about it. it is not all that Left wing. It also FAILS to do pretty much everything we were told it would do.

Yet the left is so unwilling to compromise they ignore that what they passed is not what we needed.

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