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Tea Party Is Recycled John Birch Society Hate Rhetoric

Truth is Welch and the Birchers were largely right about communist influence in the USA Government of their time, in particular if you take a close look at those around FDR. Ike a commie????? Maybe, maybe not, BUT......he does appear to have cooperated with the NKVD in the murder of General Patton and he certainly did NOTHING to stop Operation Keelhaul.. Kennedy???? Actually one of our better Presidents. I think he was aware that the USSR was rapidly falling prey to its own economic contridictions and wished to avoid the USA squandering its economic advantages on overarming for a Cold War which would end soon anyway. Soon enough the masks would be dropped and the men behind the curtain would reveal themselves openly- The Zionists. Of course Beck being one of their more vile golems misses that part.

LOL wut.
Oh come on Madeline..... you cant really be serious.

Everything I have heard on his show can be backed up with facts.... I've checked. Sure he is over the top sometimes, but that is how you keep an audience interested. But I believe he is sincere in his approach and will be looked at as a man who woke up alot of folks who were in the dark.
If you dont like what he is saying just tune it out, and watch Chris Mathews or Anderson Cooper... they could really use an audience according to their ratings, or maybe tune into watch the Yentas on The View :lol:

I dont like old rancid kool-aid. Thats what the libs have been trotting out for a long time.

You need to go back and read up on American history and stop believing what you are being fed by the left.

I LIVED this period in American History, The Infidel. If you truely believe the John Birch Society had a inside track on the Truth, you are sorely misguided.

So you are over 100 years old? :eek:

This has been brewing for way over 1oo yrs here in America, and its about time someone started telling the truth about it.
Its not always pretty, as he points out alot, but it is our history.

Anyway, I dont want to argue, I just think you should maybe watch his show more often and judge it for yourself rather than read someone elses opinion.

Oh, and Im old enough to remember the way things "used to be", and we are going the wrong way right now... big gov't is going to be the death of this great nation if we are'nt careful.

The only thing going on is liberals have lost the debate of 2010, and so they want to return to the fantasy world in which they imagine they won the battle of the 1950s.

Only problem is, they didn't win that battle either. It was William F. Buckley that collectively ejected the Birchers from conservatism.

Liberals were too busy apologizing for Stalin and pretending they had a part in the Civil Rights movement to get involved. ;)

I get the feeling Madelbrain either has me on ignore or is afraid to debate me.

If she is such a Weiner, er I mean Winner, why is she running away?

McCarthy was if anything, vastly understating the extent to which Soviets ran the State Department.
Who is behind the Glen Beck Revision Of American History?


The John Birch Society was one of the decade’s most controversial right-wing organizations. Founded in 1958 by Robert Welch, a candy manufacturer from Massachusetts, the society took its name from a Baptist missionary and military-intelligence officer killed by Communist Chinese forces in 1945, whom Welch called the first American casualty of the Cold War. The group was founded at a propitious time. After Senator Joseph McCarthy’s fall, in 1954, many of McCarthy’s followers felt bereft of a voice, and Welch seemed to speak for them; by the mid-sixties, his society’s membership was estimated to be as high as a hundred thousand. Welch, exploiting fears of what McCarthy had called an “immense” domestic conspiracy, declared that the federal government had already fallen into the Communists’ clutches. In a tract titled “The Politician,” he attacked President Dwight D. Eisenhower as “a dedicated, conscious agent of the Communist conspiracy” who had been serving the plot “all of his adult life.” Late in 1961, after the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion, he accused the Kennedy Administration of “helping the Communists everywhere in the world while pretending to do the opposite.”

Wherever he looked, Welch saw Communist forces manipulating American economic and foreign policy on behalf of totalitarianism. But within the United States, he believed, the subversion had actually begun years before the Bolshevik Revolution. Conflating modern liberalism and totalitarianism, Welch described government as “always and inevitably an enemy of individual freedom.” Consequently, he charged, the Progressive era, which expanded the federal government’s role in curbing social and economic ills, was a dire period in our history, and Woodrow Wilson “more than any other one man started this nation on its present road to totalitarianism.”

In the nineteen-sixties, Welch became convinced that even the Communist movement was but “a tool of the total conspiracy.” This master conspiracy, he said, had forerunners in ancient Sparta, and sprang fully to life in the eighteenth century, in the “uniformly Satanic creed and program” of the Bavarian Illuminati. Run by those he called “the Insiders,” the conspiracy resided chiefly in international families of financiers, such as the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, government agencies like the Federal Reserve System and the Internal Revenue Service, and nongovernmental organizations like the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission. Since the early twentieth century, they had done a good deal of their evil work under the guise of humanitarian uplift. “One broad avenue down which these conspiratorial forces advance was known as progressive legislation,” Welch declared in 1966. “The very same collectivist theories and demagogic pretenses which had destroyed earlier civilizations were now paraded forth in the disguise of new and modern concepts.”

Still, the most outlandish of the era’s right-wing anti-Communists was not Welch but Willard Cleon Skousen. A transplanted Canadian who served as a Mormon missionary in his teens, Skousen was considered so radical in the early nineteen-sixties that even J. Edgar Hoover’s F.B.I. watched him closely; one 1962 memo in his extensive F.B.I. file noted that “during the past year or so, Skousen has affiliated himself with the extreme right-wing ‘professional communists’ who are promoting their own anticommunism for obvious financial purposes.” Skousen was himself employed by the F.B.I., from 1935 until 1951, much of that time as a special agent working chiefly in administration. These desk jobs, he claimed implausibly, gave him access to confidential domestic intelligence about Communism. Skousen also maintained that he had served as Hoover’s administrative assistant; Hoover informed inquirers that there was no such position.

Skousen taught for years in the speech and religion departments at Brigham Young University, interrupted by a stint, from 1956 to 1960, as the police chief of Salt Lake City. His time in office was contentious, and after he raided a friendly card game attended by the city’s right-wing mayor, J. Bracken Lee, he was promptly fired. Lee called Skousen “a master of half truths” and said that he ran the police department “like a Gestapo”; Skousen’s supporters placed burning crosses on the Mayor’s lawn.

After losing his police job, Skousen founded a group called the All-American Society, which Time described in 1961 as an exemplar of the far-right “ultras.” Although he did not join the Birch Society, Skousen worked with its American Opinion Speakers’ Bureau, and, in 1963, wrote a rousing tract titled “The Communist Attack on the John Birch Society,” which condemned the society’s critics for “promoting the official Communist Party line.” (This was a tic of Skousen’s; he later defended the Mormon policy of denying the priesthood to blacks with a pamphlet called “The Communist Attack on the Mormons.”)

By the time Skousen died, in 2006, he was little remembered outside the ranks of the furthest-right Mormons. Then, in 2009, Glenn Beck began touting his work: “The Naked Communist,” “The Naked Capitalist,” and, especially, “The 5,000 Year Leap,” which he called “essential to understanding why our Founders built this Republic the way they did.” After Beck put the book in the first spot on his required-reading list—and wrote an enthusiastic new introduction for its reissue—it shot to the top of the Amazon best-seller list. In the first half of 2009, it sold more than two hundred and fifty thousand copies. Local branches of the Tea Party Patriots, the United American Tea Party, and other groups across the country have since organized study groups around it. “It is time we learn and follow the FREEDOM principles of our Founding Fathers,” a United American Tea Party video declares, referring to the principles expounded by Skousen’s book. If Beck is the movement’s teacher, “The 5,000 Year Leap” has become its primer, with “The Making of America” as a kind of 102-level text.

Glenn Beck, the Tea Party, and the Republicans : The New Yorker

You Tea Party people are drinking some rancid -- but old -- kool aid. Wake the Fuck Up, people.

This works for me...

Core Principles

To bring about less government, more responsibility, and — with God’s help — a better world by providing leadership, education, and organized volunteer action in accordance with moral and Constitutional principles.

Preserving Individual Rights & National Independence
"These United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States … We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."
— Declaration of Independence, 1776
The Declaration of Independence established the independence of both the original 13 American colonies and the United States of America that they together formed a decade later.

The Declaration proclaimed that our personal rights come from God, not from government.

The John Birch Society endorses the timeless principles of the Declaration of Independence. The Society also labors to warn against and expose the forces that seek to abolish U.S. independence, build a world government, or otherwise undermine our personal liberties and national independence.

Restoring the Constitution
"That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed." — Declaration of Independence, 1776
The Constitution of the United States of America instituted the government that secures our God-given rights.

The John Birch Society endorses the U.S. Constitution as the foundation of our national government, and works toward educating and activating Americans to abide by the original intent of the Founding Fathers. We seek to awaken a sleeping and apathetic people concerning the designs of those who are working to destroy our constitutional Republic.
I get the feeling Madelbrain either has me on ignore or is afraid to debate me.

If she is such a Weiner, er I mean Winner, why is she running away?


What the fuck is wrong with you? This forum, and this thread, is not about you, you sniveling moronic twit. Your towering intellect is matched only by that of rdean.... In fact, perhaps you two could 'debate' each other. The two moronic superpowers of each side. Now that would be one to entertain the masses.

CNBC is the liberal media, now I'll post the that liberal media to show you where the idea for the republican tea party comes from. Republican ideas came from a liberal news org....And the Sky is Magenta!!

Isnt it Ironic....Dont you th...well


CNBC is the liberal media, now I'll post the that liberal media to show you where the idea for the republican tea party comes from. Republican ideas came from a liberal news org....And the Sky is Magenta!!

Isnt it Ironic....Dont you th...well

I agree with that, however the tea parties didn't begin with Santelli, either, just to inform teapartys.
To view the entire TEA PARTY as hateful and racist them you must view all Muslims as terrorist. A small minority of in group does not make the entire group.
I get the feeling Madelbrain either has me on ignore or is afraid to debate me.

If she is such a Weiner, er I mean Winner, why is she running away?


Her schtick is to flame and run.

Actually, it is SOP for TPS to whine that everyone she disagrees with is too 'scared' to 'debate' her.... In fact, it's that most of us are too busy laughing at her to bother.
I agree with that, however the tea parties didn't begin with Santelli, either, just to inform teapartys.

The "tea-party" movement has been brewing for several years IMO.

I have been screaming since oh, as long as I can remember, about how the gov't has gotten WAY out of contrlol.

When they ran McCain out as the GOP candidate to run in 2008, I knew my fight wasnt with the left, it was with the so-called conservatives on the right.

Obama was the best thing that could have happened in 2008 (given our choices), b/c I dont believe the right would've mobilized against McCain like they have against Obama and the left.... at least thats what I think.

Lets not be too hard on Madeline. She is one of the nicer folks on here who wont go all "name cally" on you.
Its her opinion and she is entitled to be wrong :tongue: (luv ya Maddie)
I get the feeling Madelbrain either has me on ignore or is afraid to debate me.

If she is such a Weiner, er I mean Winner, why is she running away?


Her schtick is to flame and run.

Actually, it is SOP for TPS to whine that everyone she disagrees with is too 'scared' to 'debate' her.... In fact, it's that most of us are too busy laughing at her to bother.

Hey be nice..... I like Madeline.


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